Posts Tagged ‘happy life’

Neothink is awesome and the way most Americans feel, but are afraid to…

Neothink is awesome and the way most Americans feel, but are afraid to say it, or cannot quite put it into words. It’s about total honesty and love for all that want to live a free and happy life and be in control of their future.

I found in your books TRUTH and HONESTY!

Dear Mark Hamilton:
I have to Thank you and Neothink from the bottom of my heart! I was down in the dumps and had about given up on everything last January because my health was not good and although I was improving health wise I had nothing to do with the rest of my life. Then I received your books and everything changed, I found in your books TRUTH and HONESTY! I also found my Friday Night Essence which is photography and it is even better now with the new digital systems (I hated the dark rooms and chemicals.). I have restarted my photography career and company because of the understanding and confidence your books have helped me acquire and I already found a client and did a photo shoot for them and got paid. So I am now a professional photographer. And I am looking for more people to do photo shoots for. I also want to be even better at photography so I enrolled in the New York Institute of Photography to improve my skills. Because of you Mark I have a new lease on life and a Reason to live! I also discovered through you The Twelve Visions Party an Neothink that it will be the best thing that could happen to this country and the world for that matter. The love and honesty the Twelve Visions Party represent is wonderful and amazing. Everyone I have talked to in the Party is wonderful and very friendly. They even help me with my business. I have read the books all the way through and have started rereading them and am getting more from the 4 books I have every time I read them. I have found that one reading is not enough I have to read them over and over to understand everything they have to offer. Through you Mark and now it is our Neothink I have a vision of a happy life and the ability to make it happen. I can not thank you enough! I am usually not this verbose but you, Mark and Neothink are so fantastic I can’t help it! Oh I am also improving my diet so that maybe I can live longer. So with all the love in my heart I say again Thank You!
Sincerely: Your Friend Forever!
Martin A Randolph
DeLand Fl.

I probably wouldn’t be alive today if not for Neothink

I probably wouldn’t be alive today if not for Neothink. Before I was introduced to the Neothink concepts and Mark Hamilton I was deathly miserable. Back in those days I didn’t care if I lived or died. Death threats didn’t bother me all that much and sometimes I thanked the issuer of the threat and mentioned how much better off I’d be after it was carried out. I was never really suicidal but I never went out of my way to avoid death.
After reading Neothink stuff, I wanted to live. I want to live a long healthy happy life. That’s what the Neothink concepts and Mark Hamilton’s writings are really about. Long happy healthy life and pure love. The love I feel extends beyond just my life. It extends to my friends. Their lives mean so much to me. I can’t communicate how precious their lives are to me I love them so much. And I love Mark Hamilton for sharing his knowledge with me that allowed me to see how beautiful life can be and how irreplaceable and special human life is. His books illustrate love clearer than anything I have ever known.
A. Gipson

Neothink has helped me…


By Member

Hello my (PM) Prime Mentor                                                                                  
The prime question for level 12:What has Neothink done for me: When I look back over the past
twelve months, I know and I feel, a great surge of confidence, has unfolded within me. This
unfolding of confidence, is really a shifting, and as you my Mentor has so properly stated a…
“jump” in my mentality, from that following mode to the leader mode or role.          

All my life I never went with the crowds, I have always been “my own person” meaning I
was not a “total sheep”. After studying under the most awesome, human being I have ever
encountered in my life,(you my PM).It has taught me I can create that world, that I have …
always dreamed of and I could do it by creating values, that in turn bringing and producing
a happy life, of course, this being achieved through puzzle building, adding piece by piece.

Early on from the letters ,the word mind blowing would come up, what was mind blowing
to me was, when I started to make this shift, in my mind, in my thoughts, it was then that I
started to feel the “power” you have always talked about. Once man breaks, or shifts from
mysticism, and gets a taste of the freedom, the creativity, the “power”, the happiest, and
think and know where this shift is and where it will take him, it is mind blowing. Neothink
has helped me to simply dismiss the neocheaters, which only had a shallow impact on me,
before I feel. The mere fact of being able to think for oneself, and control oneself, and all
of his or her actions, again brings that feeling of unexplained joy. Personally when I heard
the most profound words I have ever heard in my life, in level 3 when you my Mentor said
“Welcome Home” I felt something I have never felt in my entire life, as I speak about it now
my eyes well up, my mind, my body,  my whole being went through a sudden peace, a…
calmness I never felt before, for me it was like the opening of a door, and a cool breeze
flowed in, the very thing that sparked a slight “flash” a shifting for me I feel. Once I understood
what I had to do, and how to do it, the grip of mysticism, was loosed, and each day I feel
myself breaking it’s hold in all aspects. Neothink the hammer that smashes the veil of …
mysticism. Neothink that springboard to the Twelve Visions World the only road to the Twelve Visions World.

Roy Metcalf

Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Society

Hello Mark,
I would love to shout this testimonial from the rooftops, but as it is, use it as how you see fit and please know that it is heartfelt and sincere.
I no longer question how I became a member of the wonderful Neothink Society, but appreciate that I am a part of this wonderful society.
Please understand that my background is very interesting yet common. I was, what you call, a product of my environment. I ran with crowds and got into what most kids got into … Trouble. Fortunately, for me those troubles were overcome by what we call “fortunate chances,” or maybe “conscious interferences” in life.
However, I attribute those “fortunate chances” to my will of, not necessarily wanting more, but to know more.
Life had to be more that just the short flash of time of our stay here on earth, and the never-ending hurt that we endure.
I remembered asking myself during the loss of my father, “why?” I don’t know if i ever answered that question mentally during those adolescent years, but no one else’s explanation sufficed … That’s for certain. Even after all these years I’ve come to realize that it was inevitable at that time, but that he died too soon.
There are and were questions to many occurrences that couldn’t or can’t be answered at the moment in question, but being a part of the Neothink Society allows me to seek answers from a real-life perspective … Not just an “anti-civilization” perspective where the hurt is compounded because those misfortunes are explained away by priest, parents and friends as a way to ease the pain only … Forgive them. For they know not what they say.
They explaining that he or she lived a happy life and it was “their time”. They never never explain that they did nothing to contribute to society … left no existing value to anything (not even their kids in some cases) … otherwise, in these cases we would have prayed that “their souls” are not lost forever due to their lack to pursue true knowledge.
During the death of a love one, priest, parents and friends appease us by comparing the common loser and non-achiever with the great achiever and compassionate person … confirming to us that their destinations in life were far different, but in the inevitability of death (the end), they are alike. This is their ultimate reasoning (or teachings) in life … That everyone is equal.
Well, being a part of the Neothink Society, reaffirms a sensation that has dwelt in the pit of my stomach as a child … the gut feelings that I had throughout my adolescent years … and remains in the consciousness of my being as an adult … That I am not only a part of the “here-and-now”, but that I am also a part of a much larger picture. I am a part of a Conscious Universe.
“No man is wholly free in the anti-civilization. He is a slave to the man-made laws of the land and their wealth and fortune … Else the people restrain him from acting according to his will alone.” Euripides (485 B.C.)
Larry D. S

Mark Hamilton has shown me how to unlock …

Ever since I was a little child, all i wanted was to feel exhilarated forever. I remember so clearly playing and loving life. And then, “reality” started to set in for me and my family. These beautiful moments would soon begin to fade. People close to me and others far away through the media and television began to pile drive my mind with beliefs and opinions. And the world around me began to suppress and start to cripple my progress and comprehension of life and the world around me. The endless labyrinths of politics and religion. The two things in this life that are said to help us all, actually started to corrupt me and the people around me. I lost the desire to live. Mentally and emotionally compressed, I could not function to and through reality… And then I was invited by Mark Hamilton to join the NEOTHINK SOCIETY I must say now with a great sigh of relief, that I feel the purity, love and beauty of a child. The kind you feel for a very short time when you are child. Before the pollution of this world begins to wither our beautiful childhood. Mark Hamilton and the S.O.S have shown me the keys to a true and happy life, they have given them to me and have shown me how to use them! Mark Hamilton has shown me how to unlock the greatest potential in myself with true honesty that benefits everyone and everything around me! I have found my purpose in life as a creative person. Thanks to the NEOTHINK SOCIETY, i have discovered an abundance of talent and intellect. I have uncovered abilities as a musician and have taken them to greater levels with ease, confidence and power. My abilities as a painter and sculpture have excelled dramatically. I can see opportunity where ever i go because I can see ever so clearly now. I can honestly say that as I awake every day I feel beautiful. And most importantly I feel a tremendous love for everyone around me. Without the naiveté of a hopeless optimist. The S.O.S, to me… simply reinstates the phrase “think for yourself, and question authority”. A powerful weapon against any person, religion or political agenda with a false and corrupt agenda. honesty always makes its way to the front row. No matter what.
My heart overflows beyond words. I am deeply grateful and thankful to Mark Hamilton and the NEOTHINK SOCIETY
Aside from all the corruption, lies and illusions of this world, I have reconnected with the child within. the beauty that should have never been lost or even faded.
I will share a lyric by A Perfect Circle.

Dear Mark Hamilton


Dear Mark Hamilton:

I have always been a searcher trying to better myself and be able to give my children a good education and a healthy happy life.  I have many talents, self-educated and plenty of motivation.  I wanted a change from the everyday struggle in life and working two full time jobs for many years.  Life was not getting any easier.

After losing all of my family and caring for them during their illnesses, I myself became ill.  I decided to relocate closer to my grown children at this point and time.  I changed jobs and worked in a wonderful job environment that was very different than I was use to.  This alone changed my life forever, but not until I read your books Mark, did I have any idea that this had been a Neothink® job.  It was the most organized position I ever had in my life, but I never knew why.   Regretfully I left the job and moved to another state.  I missed that job so much, that I had a very hard time adjusting to the way the world was today.  This is when I truly realized the dishonesties, illusions, religious beliefs, broken promises and anything else anyone could get away with, had taken over America.  The hurt and pain was so bad that it almost destroyed my life.  I was literally thrown out of a secretarial job in a church and six months later laid off on a stagnated, false promise job with no integrity.  A few months later I received your literature and decided things couldn’t get much worst.  I still missed the Neothink® job I had quit and knew I had made a big mistake leaving, especially being exposed to an all together different broken world.

As I studied the Multigenerational manuscripts, learned about integrations, Neothink® and the business plan I then really began to see what I had and left when I quit that special job.  I was back in the anti-civilization.   Mark you gave me a second chance to get out of the stagnated traps, especially the huge illusions of the church. All of the Heirloom books are absolutely phenomenal and I read every day.  What is so amazing to me is that when you wrote about Israel originally thinking about settling in Grand Island, NY and then choosing Israel instead.  This was another place I lived as a child.  I lived on Grand Island and went to Junior High School there.

I never in my life heard of Neothink® or the Neothink Society yet I sense when I am around the Neothink® people.  Thank you, Mark Hamilton for giving me a second chance to become what I was meant to be.  What a ten second miracle! Now I have the opportunity to become my own Value Creator and with my Friday Night Essences I can move forward with all of my visions, common denominators and my picture puzzles snapping into place. I realize I am being given a wonderful opportunity, and I will become what I was meant to be by creating my own value in life.  The Multigenerational manuscripts gave me the honest truth on how to advance my life and it was the Neothink® job that I had previously that I was still searching for when you found me.  I thank you Mark Hamilton for finding me and changing my life forever. You have brought me back into the wonderful life of Civilization.  This is where I want to stay.  It is the Multigenerational manuscripts, Mark that enlightened my life and removed all of the illusions and dishonesties that were imbedded in me during my life.  My deep motivational roots and the education that I have learned from all of the self-leaders of the society is what has enabled me to move forward and become the person I am today. What wonderful human beings in the Neothink Society…

I am advancing very rapidly now and my visions are forthcoming every day.  My Friday Night Essence for the first six months was working on my self using the common denominators of Neothink®. This is my first value creation.  Now I am proud to say I am creating a few Friday Night Essences with common denominators and the picture puzzles are snapping in place one by one.  My life has changed forever with no illusions or dishonesties.  What a Wonderful World! Everyone in the Universe can have this great opportunity. The happiness and self satisfaction without the dishonesties is available to all people willing to advance to the Twelve Visions World.

Mark Hamilton you are certainly a genius and a phenomenal writer and teacher.  I am really proud to have you as my mentor.  I would not be here if it were not for you and the many hardworking self-leaders devoting their time and knowledge to advance the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions World. The new Friday Night Essence I am creating will be for you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.  “My Greatest Value Creation Is Forthcoming!” I admire and appreciate all of you.  It’s now my time to give back to the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions World so we can all enjoy and prosper in the beautiful world of Mark Hamilton-America including the poor and the elderly.

From the bottom of my heart I thank you Mark for giving me the chance to live again and mentoring me to become a true value creator.  I honor and love you and I am here to help bring about the Twelve Visions World to the wonderful world of Mark Hamilton-America.





While reading the Heirloom’s by Mark Hamilton the ice melted. The truth was right in front of me, I had been frozen by the mysticism and I had used it to govern my choices. Today, I am grateful for The Twelve Visions Party and everyone who challenges me to think a little deeper, notice a little more, and give back what I can. If America had a government that loved us in the way that Mark Hamilton and the TVP, a government that wasn’t afraid of empowering people, nothing would stand in the way of everyone being the most successful, healthiest and happiest people alive.

Personal responsibility is a natural law and makes pointing the finger, or laying the blame an exercise in futility. World peace, happiness, and success for everyone starts with individuals living their lives responsibly, dreaming their dreams, creating values, and emanating thoughts that harmonize with the wonders of life and the universe.

Simple truths, simple ideas, keep it simple! People don’t need more handouts, they need empowerment. Individual people who love themselves, love their life and follow natural law don’t interact in other peoples lives without extending love to them. It is my hope that the Twelve Visions Party is able to further extend the hope that Mark Hamilton has presented in his ideas and publications.

I have seen the current politician…political system, and as things spiral out of control it becomes very apparent that all this is happening because of a lack of, said control. “The Prime Law” presented by, Mark Hamilton, and the TVP returns control to “We the people…”, and takes it out of the hands of the politicians who no longer respect natural law. Freedom is a born right for every human being and it affords opportunities that lead, through honest effort, to a healthy, successful,and happy life. “The Prime Law” is a strong return to the original intent of our government and its constitution.

A Heartfelt Thank You goes out to all of you who are involved with Mark Hamilton and his efforts to empower individuals and involve them in a life of personal responsibility and a honest relationship with the world around them.

Rhonda Tiller

I joined Mark Hamilton Neothink society and his…


My name is Gino G came from Italy to this country as an immigrant as my great grandfather before me, my goals was and still is to live happy and live a long and prosperous life. I joined Mark Hamilton Neothink society and his twelve vision party  because one of his vision is to leads American out of this depression. In his vision, he will implement the prime law to our constitution. The purpose of the prime law is: for the human life to prosper and live a happy life. The function of the government is to provide the condition to let us fulfill our purpose. I thank you Mark Hamilton to create a value for all of us to follow and become who we want to be. All my dreams will be fulfilled with the secret society of Neothink Thank you again Mark Hamilton from the bottom of my heart.  Gino G

The Neothink literature by Mark Hamilton has enlightened and inspired me.

From Carl Jess Okeson, Fond du Lac, WI

It was the spring of the year 2008.  I was in good health and determined to live to be at least 100 yrs. old.  While I was tilling the garden I contemplated that I would like to someday dig the grave that I would eventually be buried in.  Perhaps even design my own headstone.  Here lies Carl Jess Okeson “He lived a long happy life”  Since I thought there was no way to avoid the ultimate fate.

Now that I am part of the Neothink society the concept of living an unimaginably long life fills my mind everyday.

I look forward to becomming a millionaire.  I have a vision of a dream house I would like to live in.  These are aspirations I have gotten only after becomming a Neothink society member.  Before I was settling on just getting by.

I have broadened my horiZons and expierienced value enhancement just by commingling with members on the Neothink website.

The Neothink literature by Mark Hamilton has enlightened and inspired me.

When I first became a member on the website and I joined a clubhouse, I wanted to know what steps I could take to bring about the positive changes that Mark Hamilton wrote about in his literature.  I was happy to find out a political party had been started called the Twelve Visions Party or TVP for short.

The sucess of the TVP would bring about many positive changes for me and all members of my family and the world.

Businesses would be more productive unleashed from heavy tax burdens.  Technology would soar as more money could be put into research and development.

Employers would compete for vauable workers and a worker could pick and choose the job he or she wanted according to the benefits desired.  Rather than now unable to find a job and taking whatever is available.

The value of our money would increase as competition for our dollars would increase by business, not to mention no taxes for us either.

As we become a working model for the rest of the world, other countries will reduce their governments to a protection only government and competative businesses will handle the needs of the people, their valuable workforce.

We aren’t doing anything illegal by electing the President and political party the majority of the people want.

We live in the worlds greatest country that will allow this to happen.  We should take advantage and put ourselves first rather than the organizations that control us.           Thank you.

February 2025