Posts Tagged ‘happiness’

A chance to be heard!

How often have you wanted a chance to be heard? How little do you find that opportunity throughout your lifetime? When you were little and you were scolded or shunned for asking too many questions, did you just give up trying? Not so with the Neothink Society, founded by Mark Hamilton.

Come join us, be heard, show how smart you are and learn some more. Remember that pride you experienced when you “Just knew”? Feel it again! Come feel love, pride, and happiness once again! Then be part of the grass roots movement to ensure the success of the Twelve Visions Party as it brings The Most Ambitious Get-Rich Program For the Masses In the History of Mankind!

Jill Reed

me and the Neothink Society

hello all
being in the Neothink Society founded by the Mark Hamilton the author of the greatest heirloom ever written and being among the Twelve visions Party all of this made me wanting everybody out there to be involve to experience the peace of mine,the happiness and the new integrated stage we’re in , just for people to understand what I’m talking about,please you people out there don’t assume that you know it all. allow your self to discover the path to the happy,healthy and wealthy life you deserve the new you.
without Mark Hamilton’s dedications to the Neothink Society and the twelve Visions Party we wont be here serve the humanity.
Thank you Mark

You will realize your true potential and the happiness…

Hello everyone.
My name is Brenda. For many years I have played as a hairstylist. I love the actual work, but the nonsense rules designed by the authorities on how I should act, what I should say and what I should wear made it less than fun. The business was appealing for me because of the creativity and flexibility of time, but somehow I still felt stuck.

Reading the literature from the Neothink Society was a validation to what I suspected all along and gave me the stepping stones necessary to achieve my dreams. This is what I was searching for my whole life. The tools you receive help to restructure your life and turn you into a value creator.

As I implemented some of these ideas, I found resistance from some of the people I surrounded myself with. Be aware….. be ready…… for “the shift in yourself” and do not concern yourself with other peoples negative ideas or influences. You will realize your true potential and the happiness you can achieve when you discover the person you were meant to be!

Land of the Free

This country was founded on Freedom! I support Neothink for it’s honest values and courage to expose the frauds that have ravaged our country and the free world. I realize the nessessity for government, but it should be small with it’s only purpose is to defend and protect it’s citizens rights to freedom and happiness. It takes taxes to run an efficient government, but it should be based on consumption only. We should only be taxed on what we spend, not what we earn. If Mark Hamilton and Neothink is silenced his and our right to freedom of speech is being violated by the very same members of government sworn to protect it!

I’m here to share with you and everybody out there to share the feeling of happiness and exhilaration

Hello everybody .

My name’s Issa F

I have been holding this for almost 10 months ,thinking that tomorrow I’ll gain deferent knowledge and integration and so on, the fact is true every day I’ll gain a new knowledge and integration , but that will never stop it’s on going integration.
I’m here to share with you and everybody out there to share the feeling of happiness and exhilaration   to life I have gained since I got exposed to the multigenerational manuscripts and the society, I really started to enjoy life more than before and every act I do, I started  playing making  my living, truly words are not enough to describe what I’m going thru from happiness , peace of mind,finding my true me (the child of the past) and really really healthier  knowing where I’m at and knowing  where I’m /  we’re going, knowing that we’re moving thru to a life where we can but we will be hundreds but thousands of times happier  and wealthier  and healthier  than what we’re right now.
It all starts with finding your self and who you are and who you meant to be , finding the child of the past ,start feeling Love to life and to everybody who’s a life,  to be and have  all of this will be gained by being  with this society and become knowledgeable with the multigenerational manuscripts.
I can say this, I really feel lucky to be among this society, in the other hand I feel that I did make my luck  by allowing my self to except  Mark’s invitation and being involve with the society therefor I’m creating my future luck, wouldn’t you want to feel and make your luck.
I did my self a favor and did you a favor, because I’m in a stage  where I love you whoever you are and want you to experience and live the life you deserve , and you will be the same when you become knowledgeable with the society and the multigenerational manuscripts.
the last think to say and should be the first is that Mark you’re the father of all of us even thou you’re younger than most of us, but a father in a since of finding this movement and looking after us, We Love you and will always be.
thank you Mark and thank you all for reading ,,, I know that I’ll see around.
Love to all

I received a letter from Mark Hamilton, in January of 2007



The Neothink Society, has changed my life since January of 2007. My Name is Timothy Bergman I received a letter from Mark Hamilton, in January of 2007, to invite me to become a member of the Neothink Society. And since then my life has changed for the greatest thing in my life of 54 years .I am very grateful for that opportunity. Because this has changed my life in all aspects of my life, in all sorts of ways from health, honesty, peace, happiness, to learn to become a self leader. To become aware of why our society is in the current condition that is going on today. To become aware of all the illusion’s that are created to hold back society as a whole. To learn how the outside authorities have held back society as a whole, throughout the years for generation’s year after year.  The Neothink Society has created a pure honest, pure loving society that is based on honest business progressive idea’s. The love and compassion that is here in the Neothink Society is like nothing else  of any other organization that i have belonged to. the Neothink Society is Great!

Thank you My Mentor Mark Hamilton

Timothy B

Mark Hamilton’s literature and Twelve Visions…

Mark Hamilton’s literature and Twelve Visions has enriched & enhanced my way of life. It has broke me from the average, non meaningful way of life.  The way of life that has been taught for century’s to deny true freedom, happiness, and love. It has taught me to think for myself and that I can create anything I want to be, do, or have in my life. I’ve never been so happy, joyful, and loving before I invested into Neothink. It has answered a lot of questions I’ve had and has brought value to me and my family’s lives. Thank You Mark and the Neothink Society for inviting and teaching me a different aspect for life.
Brock J

I have read quite a bit of Mark Hamilton’s literature

I have read quite a bit of Mark Hamilton’s literature and feel extremely lucky to have done so. I wish I had happened upon it decades earlier.

Just before reading the literature I was in a situation in my life where I was looking at starting over (or at the beginning of a new chapter). I recall thinking to myself , “I really need to start to do and see things differently because this isn’t working out – my life isn’t working out!”. I’m reminded through Mark Hamilton one of the basics in life is happiness which I had forgotten.

The values received from Neothink are immense. Some of it to me is common sense forgotten as time passed by. The idea of fully integrated honesty(sounds like a no-brainer but people forget, I did); being fully honest within oneself, being one’s own authority and not just lead by others made me realize it was time to take control of my life; Remembering to use percepts and then conceptualize and look at the bigger picture (i.e,learning to see what’s ahead). Also, how to have truly healthy romantic love relationship were topics I zoned in on at first. Neothink has opened my eyes far more than I can articulate here. If I hadn’t come across it I believe I would have become a depressed, not to mention lost, person!

Neothink is about taking off our blinders and seeing things as they really are politically, philosophically, romantically, economically, etc…The time has come it seems for human beings to evolve into healthier happier people which is what Neothink is. I look forward to the experience of more and more people using Neothink.

Sincerely, Ricci

I have read quite a bit of Mark Hamilton’s literature


I have read quite a bit of Mark Hamilton’s literature and feel extremely lucky to have done so. I wish I had happened upon it decades earlier.

Just before reading the literature I was in a situation in my life where I was looking at starting over (or at the beginning of a new chapter). I recall thinking to myself , “I really need to start to do and see things differently because this isn’t working out – my life isn’t working out!”. I’m reminded through Mark Hamilton one of the basics in life is happiness which I had forgotten.

The values received from Neothink are immense. Some of it to me is common sense forgotten as time passed by. The idea of fully integrated honesty (sounds like a no-brainer but people forget, I did); being fully honest within oneself, being one’s own authority and not just lead by others made me realize it was time to take control of my life; Remembering to use percepts and then conceptualize and look at the bigger picture (i.e., learning to see what’s ahead). Also, how to have truly healthy romantic love relationship were topics I zoned in on at first. Neothink has opened my eyes far more than I can articulate here. If I hadn’t come across it I believe I would have become a depressed, not to mention lost, person!

Neothink is about taking off our blinders and seeing things as they really are politically, philosophically, romantically, economically, etc…The time has come it seems for human beings to evolve into healthier happier people which is what Neothink is. I look forward to the experience of more and more people using Neothink.



Mark Hamilton’s work fulfills my expectations


My experience with Neothink Society has been incredible, It’s literature and whole information gave me  a new way to see the life ( recovery the faith on people),  and regain confident on me.  And the most important be certainty that the human being has a bright and  a wonderful future in his own hands.  Mark Hamilton’s work fulfills my expectations about the great man’s destiny.  I has been a privilege to be selected to become a member of this Society and I am eager to do my part of job to get the goals  that let us to drive the human being to that road to reach its unlimited happiness and creativity.   Thanks with all my heart for the opportunity of become a tiny piece of this supper puzzle!
Teresa G

March 2025