Posts Tagged ‘happiness’

Mark Hamilton literature has the only message which…

My thanks and gratitude to you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society for the Wealth of knowledge I received. By reading the Neothink literature, as taught me to know the value livening.
Over the months and years since started reading the Neothink literature am truly a changed person in my life this enabled me to see my condition their is not enough words to describe my path of livening before reading the, literature , my mental attuned towards understanding may path in my life as taught me much,
Knowing this that integration is the path to honesty regardless of whom the person might be make life for me much hipper in livening ,
Mark Hamilton literature has the only message which I believe will inspire hope in and happiness in the lives of many others as this wonder full writing’s did for me .because in everything I happen to be doing I can
Do with a feeling of happiness from within yet there are many that county to live under the burden and Stagnation why is that? There is a wonder full way to know, I call your action to James J Hill a Genius of Society many years ago who was well on his way to mottling the stander of livening for order people?
Taking care of every need until he got healed down by the Movement regulation his story represent all Genus of society.

and this is Ruth TESTIMONIAL,

best regard thank you.

It is a honor to be a member of the neothink society

Dear Mark:
It is a honor to be a member of the neothink society let me said I been a member of the neothink society at list (6) years and my life change for the better I became smarter and wiser…..I have a bright future at head with so much to accomplish, went I get out of bed in the morning with great energy because I see in feel the future all because I take my mentality to next level of thinking.
I had gain so much knowledge from all the material I study during years of membership with the neothink society that I feel that my life is on journey to the future for riches and happiness and good health, honestly I feel like a superman I feel stronger and staying focused.
Said on I support the the twelve vision party is the way of building our childrens future in for our great country , this twelve vision party are build on honesty to bring forward wealth and riches to everyone in the world.
The twelve vision party may well bring a better future medicine and the anti-aging cure………
Vincent I. G

I Feel Lucky to be with Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

Hello everybody .
My name’s Issa F
I have been holding this for almost 10 months ,thinking that tomorrow I’ll gain deferent knowledge and integration and so on, the fact is true every day I’ll gain a new knowledge and integration , but that will never stop it’s on going integration.
I’m here to share with you and everybody out there to share the feeling of happiness and exhilaration to life I have gained since I got exposed to the multigenerational manuscripts and the society, I really started to enjoy life more than before and every act I do, I started playing making my living, truly words are not enough to describe what I’m going thru from happiness , peace of mind,finding my true me (the child of the past) and really really healthier knowing where I’m at and knowing where I’m / we’re going, knowing that we’re moving thru to a life where we can but we will be hundreds but thousands of times happier and wealthier and healthier than what we’re right now.
It all starts with finding your self and who you are and who you meant to be , finding the child of the past ,start feeling Love to life and to everybody who’s a life, to be and have all of this will be gained by being with this society and become knowledgeable with the multigenerational manuscripts.
I can say this, I really feel lucky to be among this society, in the other hand I feel that I did make my luck by allowing my self to except Mark’s invitation and being involve with the society therefor I’m creating my future luck, wouldn’t you want to feel and make your luck.
I did my self a favor and did you a favor, because I’m in a stage where I love you whoever you are and want you to experience and live the life you deserve , and you will be the same when you become knowledgeable with the society and the multigenerational manuscripts.
the last think to say and should be the first is that Mark you’re the father of all of us even thou you’re younger than most of us, but a father in a since of finding this movement and looking after us, We Love you and will always be.
thank you Mark and thank you all for reading ,,, I know that I’ll see around.
Love to all

Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party…

If anyone is looking for a way to change their life to something better. If you are looking to become a more powerful human being. If you want more happiness in your life. If your seeking wealth. If you want a clearer way of seeing things. If your looking for anyway to improve your life, Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party are quite possibly what you are seeking. Thanks to Mark Hamilton I am thinking on a totally different level. I am no longer afraid of what life sends in my direction. I am truly powerful.Thank you Mark Hamilton and the TVP.
Sincerely, Steve S

The Value of Mark Hamilton

In my mind, and in my heart, the greatest value any individual can have is honesty!Honest Health, Happiness, Successs, knowledge, and LOVE, comes from from honesty. Thinking, feeling, honesty and acting upon that honesty is how anything tangible is created. Indeed honesty is the greatest value.
Mark Hamilton and The Twelve Visions Party, on levels, is this honesty!

The value of Mark Hamilton

In my mind, and in my heart, the greatest value any individual can have is honesty!Honest Health, Happiness, Successs, knowledge, and LOVE, comes from from honesty. Thinking, feeling, honesty and acting upon that honesty is how anything tangible is created. Indeed honesty is the greatest value.
Mark Hamilton and The Twelve Visions Party, on levels, is this honesty!

Most Honestly written by

The Person We are Meant to Be

Let’s each one of us become the person we were meant to be. When we are little, say preschool age, we dream of a fun future full of success. We see our future full of excitement. When we become adults we find ourselves in a stagnated job, drab lifestyle and mostly difficult relationships. The motivational drive of those earlier years melting away.
The techniques we need to travel the path to find the person we were meant to be is found in the Twelve Visions with Mark Hamilton as our mentor. Mark Hamilton has found the person he is meant to be and is eager to give that gift to all of us. He is motivated by a deep desire for each of us to have prosperity and happiness.
I am still searching for my essence. But that is OK with me. I am filled with happiness and moving into better relationships with wonderful-minded people. As they say in the vernacular ‘I’m moving on up’.
I am filled with love. The love I am feeling within me is new to me. It is a radiating love. I feel it all around me. I am confident I will find the person I am meant to be.
One last thing: Thank you Mark Hamilton.

New York City

My life before Neothink

Before I discovered Neothink I was a lost child and young adult searching for a way out of this horrible life I was living. Soon after I found a way out of poverty, misery and complete un happiness thru Neothink society. This society has help me so much in areas of my way of thinking and handling everyday life. Each day it get better and better. Without the help of Mark Hamilton and our society I would of been a failure in life and not reaching for higher goals in life like I once new before I discovered Neothink and desired so baddly. Now I have many ideas and goals I have set and mainly I want to help and protect this world from corruption but witout Neothink and Mark Hamilton that wouldn’t of come to be. Thankyou Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton very much.


Thank you for changing my life, Mark Hamilton!

The Twelve Visions Party means to me a life full of happiness, wealth, health and love, all based on individual freedom.  By having the Prime Law in effect, we will all have the freedom our Founding Fathers wanted for our Country and for all of the future generations to come.  It will be freedom for everyone, down to the lowest individual, because no one is more important than anyone else.

I have learned from Mark Hamilton what the most important thing in life is…Happiness.  I have learned how to achieve that happiness by living a life of honesty, and being a value producer or a value creator, and putting more value into society than I consume.  I learned something from him that is so simple, yet has the power to change any life. That is, you must keep learning and growing in your life, because if you are not growing you are stagnating and slowing waiting for death.  For many people their lives are so boring they just want time to pass quickly to get to the end sooner, the end being death.  For death has been glorified so they think death will be their escape and better than the life they have now!

If these people would only read Mark Hamilton’s literature with an open mind, they would see the honesty and love with which it is written.  His literature teaches you how to be a value producer or even a value creator. …Creating values for your fellow man.  Then you are not wasting your life, and waiting for a hand out.  Then your life becomes too exciting!  You also learn just how important you are and how valuable you can be to the world. It teaches you to live your life right here on earth to the fullest.

The literature teaches you how to use your own mind to learn the truth in any situation, based on reality.  Our current leaders do not want you to use your own mind to discover the reality of a situation.  They want to use the smoke and mirrors to keep people from seeing reality.  They use the media to get their agenda across because they know that the masses do not have the knowledge or motivation to dig in and discover the reality of the situation.  We have been lead to believe that the media tells the reality of the situation, when in fact they do not, they pass on what they are told to.

Our Country is headed now to a Socialist/Fascist Country.  We are losing our freedoms every day, the freedoms our Fore Fathers fought to guarantee us.  The freedoms all of our Veterans fought to have for all of us.   The Twelve Visions Party guarantees those for all of us, for it would return our Government to its proper purpose.  …To protect all of the citizens from initiatory force, fraud or coercion.  Twelve Visions Party would mean I would not have to fear my Government any longer.  I would be free to live my life as I see fit, as long as I am not putting force, fraud or coercion upon anyone.  It would mean that I no longer have to pay taxes to a Government that spends my money for things I do not agree with.  The Government would be based on a business structure.  I would then be able to pay for the services I want, if it is a value I am willing to support with my earned money.

Without the burden of Government, technologies will explode as the computer industry did.  Prices will drop; this is what will solve our Medical/Health care crisis in this country.  …Along with the Government getting out of the Health Care business, and basing it on capitalistic business principles.  We will also be able to get the message out that diet & exercise are the best preventative care there is not X-rays and Scopes.

The Twelve Visions Government will make everyone responsible for them, as nature intended.  For we all have that ability within us.

Mark Hamilton teaches you that with love and kindness and occasionally a bit of tough love. Thank you for changing my life, Mark Hamilton!

Teresa D

“enjoying studying Mark Hamilton’s literature”


How to start this….well I received a letter out of the blue that intrigued me, I’m now a first year apprentice to Neothink, and thoroughly enjoying studying Mark Hamilton’s literature. I’ve always thought how unbalanced the world seems, the “haves” and “have nots”, the wealthy and the poor and no matter how hard I worked I’ve never seemed to get out of the rut of life and living. Now after reading Neothink my suspicions were confirmed…the people in power unjustly kept the power for themselves, but now with eyes wide open, I see these people for who they are, the knowledge I have gained is immense. I’m not saying Neothink is an overnight cure, but armed with such a wealth in information I can make better decisions to make my life a better life. Everyone has different goals in life, but we all share a common need for happiness, love and freedom to enjoy what Mark Hamilton outlines in his literature…the free will to be who we are meant to be

March 2025