Posts Tagged ‘happiness’

I am becoming stronger in my new life…

I would like to start off by saying, I have not fully, or for that matter, not even partially comprehended the information to which I have received from Neothink. There is so much to grasp that it will take a very long time. However, as I read/use the information in my life, I know it is manifesting in ways to which I am not aware. The information when consumed in the soul, takes on a whole new life. It is not information one is use to receiving from the current establishment- anti-civilization. So as I feast on the new knowledge, to myself, I am becoming stronger in my new life which is being created; but only new to me because I have been living in darkness. Now am I beginning to see the life I was meant to live and I am walking in that life with a renewed self-confidence. My ability to see/vision myself in the Twelve Visions World is catching momentum, and I am all for a place in existence when the poor can become rich and live a life of freedom.
Riches, knowledge, and happiness for every man, woman and child.

I am honored to tell you that Neothink is the future of mankind

Hello my name is Jason Paullin and I am honored to tell you that Neothink is the future of mankind. With out it I know we have little chance of survival. All our happiness depends upon the awesome knowledge contained with in these precious pages. Every one of my Neothink letters and books are treasures I shall value forever. I have seen the negative postings online and fell deep sorrow for those unfortunate people are not only missing out on complete happiness but are turning some people away with their words. Please take the risk it is infinitely worth it.

The new Twelve Visions Party will let the people decide

The new Twelve Visions Party will let the people decide how to live and survive. They will have the tools to work for themselves or it they choose someone else. Freedom without the numerous restrictions will mean more happiness for all.
This movement is what the world needs to stop the career politicians who do nothing but collect unearned paychecks. This party will put people in Washington who do not need bribes to live on. These newly elected will have the people at heart not just their own pockets.

Thank you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society for Awakening Me

Ever since I received my first Heirloom five years ago and recently my second and third Heirlooms from Mark Hamilton, My thinking about life in general will never be the same again as i have absorbed the most Powerful Knowledge in our Planet.
I feel very Blessed to be Part of the upcoming Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Advantages for Unlimited Prosperity, Happiness, and Romantic Love Including The Poor.
Thank you Mark and the Neothink Society for Awakening Me, GOD BLESS.
My self and my family sincerely thank you.

Mark Hamilton, Words will never be able to express…

Mark Hamilton, Words will never be able to express how much your prime literature and mentor-ship has meant to me or the Neothink process and ALL the wonderful people who have brought it to me. Like everyone else who has learned to tell their own personal stories on learning to use their TSM’s and FNE’s to create values, below is the first completed example of my own Neothinking processes that I like to term as a “Deconstruction” process. I am proud of it and I share it with you in the hopes that you can find a place for it in your future publications and to the mentoring of others. You are one of only three who will see this article before I share it with the rest of the world professionally and the most important. Please feel free to do with it what you will. I hope it brings you as much joy to read it as it did for me to write it. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! Much love, peace, happiness, wealth, and health to you. Mary Stephens (formerly Mary
Kennedy) from Tennessee

I have recently joined Neothink Society …

Hello, My name is Justin. I have recently joined Neothink Society and i’m telling you that this organization is a complete breath of fresh air. Things that you thought you were alone in thinking about, a lot of other people feel the same way that you do. Some of the things that have been talked about within the society has brought light to the dark and understanding to the confused. Some health topics and economic topics that have been discussed has given me plenty of insight on what is really going on in the world today, particularly in the US. This is one of the most helpful organizations I have ever come across. Some of the other members have called in on webcast’s and have given the rest of us great insight into things that we never even paid attention to. My health has improved and my overall happiness in life has improved due to the society helping me find my way.

Mark Hamilton, Keep Up the Good Work

Dear Mark Hamilton,
I want to thank you for all of the time and energy you have put forth with information to help me understand so many unanswered questions, doubts and concerns I have been carrying around for so many years. I received the information with an open mind and it all made so much sense to me. I am a changed person and know that I have passed on and shared the answers with my family so we can grow with happiness and contentment. You are a good person and have compassion and caring to do what you are doing. Keep up the good work and I know with your strong vision you will succeed in making it all come to be.
Thanks again,
BJH – Oregon

I was introduced to the fantastic eye opening works of Mark Hamilton

My early life was spent wandering from job to job. Wondering what it was all about, to be born go to school, then work all your life with nothing to show for it in the end, like my father (who has since passed away). Then to pass away myself, spending my life in constant misery. With barely enough funds to carry me to the end of the month, most times no funds for the end of the month. Does this sound familiar to any one?
Knowing something was not right about the system that we live in today. But could never figure it out what was wrong or how to fix it, let alone escape the trap of life. With two ruined marriages, how many times did I just want to chuck it all? I was never really able or wanting to settle in any one place.
Always dreaming and fantasizing of something better. Keep your nose to the grindstone and follow the rules that are imposed on all of us. Just plod along beaten and frustrated till you die like every body else, just to relieve this misery we call life. The closest I could get to some sort of happiness was to move close to my younger brother in cottage country,
As fate would have it I was introduced to the fantastic eye opening works of Mark Hamilton, My mind and my life was changed forever. My life immediately began to change as I read the beautifully crafted words of Mark Hamilton. I found answers for many questions that had haunted me all my life. Along with many eye opening secrets hidden from the general public.
Through the works of Mark Hamilton, my life is now happy, educated, productive, escalating to ever higher heights. I now feel whole, useful and with purpose. Life is now brighter and more meaningful to me. I am now able to actually believe that I can have a happy prosperous life, full of meaning and value.
I join the many other people who have read your great works. You Mark Hamilton have given them and myself unbounded inspiration. With the dedication and ability to achieve more then they or myself could ever have dreamed of. We are all grateful to you, and we stand by to support you and your great achievements, in any way that we can.
Thank you Mark Hamilton for showing us the way to great achievements and success for all who have read your books. Those that have not read or heard of Mark Hamilton’s works are surely in the dark.
This is where “The Twelve Visions Party” will one day soon shed light on those waiting for this great and needed solution to our freedom, happiness and prosperity.
It is my opinion that the rest of the nation visit.

Thank you Mark Hamilton for giving me Neothink

Thank you Mark Hamilton for giving me Neothink. Neothink has taught me my life belongs to me and I am responsible for it. This knowledge has set me free from external controls and I feel the power of freedom.
With Neothink, I live a value-filled life of honesty and happiness. As a Neothink Person, I go within to bring beautiful feelings to each moment. I am in a wonderful journey into fully-integrated honesty. My relationship with my family and friends is one of love and joy and much pleasure.
Mark Hamilton’s literature is a treasure, which will give us the Twelve Visions Party. This Party recognizes that the purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily and that the function of government is to provide the conditions that let individuals fulfill that purpose. The Twelve Visions Party will guarantee those conditions by forbidding the use of initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person or group against any individual, property or contract. The comfortable establishment leaders will lose their supervisory roles over me and everyone.
This Neothink world will bring us so much health, happiness and values that I plan to live to 120 years and ask for more.
Kay S

Mark Hamilton and the Multigenerational manuscripts

Hello everybody .
My name’s Issa
I’m here to leave my testimonial .
I have been holding this for almost 10 months ,thinking that tomorrow I’ll gain deferent knowledge and integration and so on, the fact is true every day I’ll gain a new knowledge and integration , but that will never stop it’s on going integration.
I’m here to share with you and everybody out there to share the feeling of happiness and exhilaration to life I have gained since I got exposed to the multigenerational manuscripts and the society, I really started to enjoy life more than before and every act I do, I started playing making my living, truly words are not enough to describe what I’m going thru from happiness , peace of mind,finding my true me (the child of the past) and really really healthier knowing where I’m at and knowing where I’m / we’re going, knowing that we’re moving thru to a life where we can but we will be hundreds but thousands of times happier and wealthier and healthier than what we’re right now.
It all starts with finding your self and who you are and who you meant to be , finding the child of the past ,start feeling Love to life and to everybody who’s a life, to be and have all of this will be gained by being with this society and become knowledgeable with the multigenerational manuscripts.
I can say this, I really feel lucky to be among this society, in the other hand I feel that I did make my luck by allowing my self to except Mark’s invitation and being involve with the society therefor I’m creating my future luck, wouldn’t you want to feel and make your luck.
I did my self a favor and did you a favor, because I’m in a stage where I love you whoever you are and want you to experience and live the life you deserve , and you will be the same when you become knowledgeable with the society and the multigenerational manuscripts.
the last think to say and should be the first is that Mark you’re the father of all of us even thou you’re younger than most of us, but a father in a since of finding this movement and looking after us, We Love you and will always be.
thank you Mark
and thank you all for reading ,,, I know that I’ll see around.
Love to all

March 2025