Posts Tagged ‘happiness health’

I am a Neothink member and a supporter of the Twelve Visions Party

Dear Reader,
I am a Neothink member and a supporter of the Twelve Visions Party. Words can hardly begin to express how the education in the Generational Manuscripts has begun to change my entire life. As one of the baby boomers we are taught that we have few choices after a certain age in life and that we are expected to accept what is planned for us by our ruling class government and peacefully settle into old age awaiting death. This is not true. I have learned through Neothink to love life again with an excitement for what the future will hold with the Twelve Visions Party and Mark Hamilton. Mark Hamilton is to be commended for his visions and effort that he is so intent on bringing us, the human race. The same love, energy, and time spent on his own loved ones, he is now sharing with you. You can learn more about TVP @, We all owe it to ourselves and Mark Hamilton to educate ourselves on the issues at hand. This is not difficult to grasp, it is hard facts explained with solid solutions that will take all of us to support the end results for a better standard of living that we should all have. I am now retired, but throughout my working years i was always told how to think and act, when to sleep, when to eat. That was always acceptable in our lifetime without the knowledge that has been now given to me through Neothink. I now have a mentor that has all positives for forward moving mentality, happiness, health and wealth for my future and my family. Our current structure of government needs to change if our standards of living are ever going to change. TVP is a strong rational solution to these issues. I am a strong supporter of these changes and Mark Hamilton. Also our educational system, where you have a minimum of 50% of our children on Ritalin so they can be controlled while being taught to blend into society just as we were instead of expanding their minds with no limit. Since entering Neothink we have experienced all walks of life and every nationality that truly love each other for the betterment of mankind., instead of all of the hate that flows through our world today. If we want a better world for all generation to come and nationalities, I believe we must support Mark Hamilton and the TVP. I intend to be a part of this movement for the rest of my life. I hope to meet and greet you soon in the TVP family or at one of the National Neothink clubhouses. Working together for the same cause will be exhilarating, powerful, and beneficial to all of mankind. Please join me in my quest for a better tomorrow through TVP and Mark Hamilton
Thank You
Rick R.

I just want to thank you to Mark Hamilton for everything

I just want to thank you to Mark Hamilton for everything he is doing for this world, for all of us, for our wonderful future. He is fantastic mentor whom care about our happiness, health, wealth and peace. He is our loving father, he is showing us the right direction without any mistake .When we will follow his ideas we will live like in heaven not in this political disaster. I believe this fatal error will end very soon and all people become free and happy. Twelve Visions Party is only the correct way. Thank you Mark Hamilton.
with love Zuzana

I received the book by: MARK HAMILTON

I felt so lost, confused, abused, I was angry with the world around me.
Every one I new, had betrayed me, my own family, the hypocrites telling me, how to live my life. Since I was little I was confused about the bible, peoples tell you one thing, but they go and do other thing that are not good, every body had betrayed me my whole life.I was feeling empty.
about a year ego, one letter come and I followed instruction I ordered some literature. Immediately I received the book by: MARK HAMILTON I star reading and I felt something inside me, and change my life, in the way I think, then I new this Man who His life has dedicated to understand the way peoples think, and what we should do with our life.
MR: MARK HAMILTON open his acknowledge, to help those who were willing to see another world, with in the world we live.
This abusive and destructive world we live in need the MARK HAMILTON and the NEOTHINK SOCIETY to teach them everything we have learn.
NEOTHINK provide a WEALTH, of information that can make every body who are willing to learn a life full of Happiness, Health, and Wealth, that every one will embrace.
With gratitude and pride I have love this MAN MR: MARK HAMILTON and his NEOTHINK literature for inviting me to be a member of this society, Because with NEOTHINK LITERATURE we have open minds, and we understand. We have a treasure in our hand and minds, 2500 years of acknowledge.
Floris E C

Honest leadership of Mark Hamilton

I have been learning the thousand year old hidden secrets to wealth, love, power, creativity, happiness, health an longevity from the saintly teaching and honest leadership of Mark Hamilton for the last three years. I eagerly look forward to a longer life, enjoying sharing increased wealth, power, exhilarating, creativity, happiness, and good health under Mr. Hamilton’s magnanimous leadership together with my fellow Americans including all us presently poor.

Path to Happiness…open letter!

This is an open letter to all seekers of a better way. A better way in this life-time for the here and now! My whole life has been searching for that better and more complete life. Understanding that this life is more than the daily struggles to exist on this planet for how many years…and in the end…be sitting in one of those retirement homes for the impaired and aging. I have seen those homes…, my grandmother was in one of them…, and it shortened her life…as it shortens any who enter those depressing doors.
Is this what we all struggle for so long…only to end up empty handed and empty hearted…and spiritually demoralized?
Well…it doesn’t have to become that way…to change for the better using the Neo-Think method. And that it all comes down to a methodology or road-map to climb those stairs towards greater awareness and understanding. I have spent most of my life searching for a way out of this sorry situation…and after number hits and misses. I thought I found it in Buddhism…but after nearly 20 years studying and practicing. I found that somehow it failed in making any real changes…in the direction I wanted.
By chance…(nothing by the way is by change…!); I found Neo-Think…or rather Neo-Think found me. What is it that saying…that which you seek…is seeking you!
I have found the true path to happiness that we all seeking…whether we know it or not!
May your path be found as well…towards that greater understanding…happiness, health and purpose!


… Yes … we need “refounders” to bring back what our forefathers gave to us.
Our ancestors fled persecution and enslavement to the feudal system, packed onto small wooden vessels and sailed a great, unknown sea to find a place to call their own (and hopefully not be killed by wild animals or wilder Indians!)
Our forefathers stood up to the mightiest nation on earth to break the bonds of taxation and slavery; a rag-tag bunch of farmers and businessmen, armed with hunting rifles, against the biggest and best armed force up to that time.
I spent 20 years of my life (1/3 of it) also defending this great nation, at the cost of my family and friends. Thousands of others past and present can say the same!
Now we hear our elected officials tell us we are “too stupid” to know how to take care of ourselves, it’s up to them to do it for us. We see our jobs, our homes, our livelihoods taken away for the basis of “equality” — like Robin Hood, our elected officials think they have the right to take from the successful and give to the lazy and incompetent!
Yes … we need, nay … we MUST refound our individual rights and freedoms. We live in the greatest time in all of history! We live in the greatest nation in all of history! It is time for the greatest individuals of all time to stand up and defend the rights of freedom, happiness, health and wealth for all. The ONLY way that can be accomplished is the TVP … check it out here:

and here:
Come join me and my hero/mentor — Mark Hamilton and the TVP in freeing the individual and rebuilding the once great nation … the US of A!

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society…

I am an individual living in the supposedly free country of the United States of America.  I am writing this today because I am concerned for the future of our country and for all peoples of the Earth, and mostly for myself and my family.  There is a storm coming.  It is a positively charged storm that will, in time, bring happiness, health and much longer life and prosperity to everyone, if we will let it happen.  I know this sounds incredible, it is.  But it’s also real.  Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society are working hard to push the ceiling up off of everyone that is being held in place by politicians, political businessmen and religious leaders around the world.  I am a very happy Neothink customer.  I have been one for many years (since the mid-eighties, in fact) and have ordered numerous products.  I have received great value and personal benefit from the materials I have purchased.  Neothink information helps one to see things as they really are–to see reality.  Neothink (N-T) literature has helped me to become well-grounded and to recognize politics and religion for what they really are:  mechanisms for controlling and extracting wealth from “the common man.”  N-T has given me concrete steps that can be applied in any business or job I can think of to be more efficient and productive.  If I had not encountered Neothink, I would have foundered in a sea of mental uncertainty and I know without any doubt whatsoever that I would not be as well-off as I am today.  Thank you, Mark Hamilton & Co. from the bottom of my heart.

Great T

March 2025