Posts Tagged ‘hamilton books’

MARK Hamilton for all of the books

Hello my name is Jerry B
I’m writing this testimonial for MARK Hamilton for all of the books and other martial Ii have received from Neothink and it was awesome the martial was i opening ! I think in this country people should have the right too any martial they want to get exposed to for the truth !  just remember that the truth will always be the truth and a lie will always come out at one point and time..

Mark Hamilton’s books

This is what Neothink has taught Me. It has showed Me there can be a  better world out there if Neothink and the TVP  get in the white house to get us out this mess the country is in also in reading Mark Hamilton’s books  it has answered questions that I had wondered about all My life I’m 74 and a working Trucker I run the whole country so see a lot things and Neothink has taught Me a better way to think and helped Me in planning My work  also made Me more confident of Myself so in closing I see no other way but TVP Neothink and Mark Hamilton’s knowledge which He puts in His publications.
Ben H


The only thing I have to say about Mark Hamilton is:

Hi there: I’m Olga G from Tucson,Az. the only thing I have to say about Mark Hamilton is: thanks to his 4 books (the heirloom packages) now I’m beginning my own business & I’m taking a lot of very good ideas from my books! I’m able to see how this world really is & work & I’m trying to contribute with my own little changes, he is a very good member of this world & I’m very proud of him & his work.
Attn: O. G

The World Tomorrow

I have been a member of the Neothink for almost a year. The literature I have been exposed to has made a positive impact on my personal outlook on life. Mark Hamilton says “readers are leaders.” Thanks to Mark Hamilton books I now enjoy reading.

I, along with a vast number of Americans are concerned of the way our great county has been deteriorating year after year. I do think the only hope for our beloved USA and the whole world is the Twelve Visions Party. I used to be a conservative Republican, but now I’m a very conservative individual. History has proven that man can’t govern man. But with the ammendments of the Prime Law to our great constitution, things can and will change for the good of all mankind.

Thank you for your great sacrifice and the positve changes you have made to my life. I will keep you in my prayers.

Ron S

Mark Hamilton and his books have changed my life

Mark Hamilton and his books have changed my life for the better. there is a lot of information i never knew. I am extremely glad to have found them.

tom H

Mark Hamilton’s books had impact my life

I only been in the society a few months and I’m loving it already. Mark Hamilton’s books had impact my life. Because of the society, I’m no longer stuck with mysticism. I’m my own creator. I can be,do,or have anything I want. Thanks!


MARK Hamilton for all of the books

Hello my name is Jerry B
I’m writing this testimonial for MARK Hamilton for all of the books and other martial Ii have received from Neothink and it was awesome the martial was i opening ! I think in this country people should have the right too any martial they want to get exposed to for the truth !  just remember that the truth will always be the truth and a lie will always come out at one point and time..

February 2025