Posts Tagged ‘half years’

Neothink Inside Secrets has impacted my life so positively and strongly …

Neothink Inside Secrets has impacted my life so positively and strongly over the past six and a half years of my involvement in ways that I have been blown away by and a mentality that I have made a complete 360 degree change in such as my family life, my financial status and the absolute control over my romantic relationship as well as all other relationships I have in my life. I landed the most perfect job that I ever had in my life besides entering Neothink.

Because of Neothink and Mark Hamilton my mind is way smarter and way more aware of this world and the people in it. I

As a Neothink member of seven and a half years I have been thankful…

As a Neothink member of seven and a half years I have been thankful every day that I was one of the searchers that Mark Hamilton was looking for, I can’t imagine myself being without having the power of a Neothink mind.

My name is Melvin G. Cornwell, I am 82 and a half years old, I served …

My name is Melvin G. Cornwell, I am 82 and a half years old, I served 22 years in the Military I’m a Veteran of three wars and have traveled the world. I have seen my share of what the world has to offer, both good and bad. I always felt something was missing in my life but never could put my finger on it. One day I received a letter from Mark Hamilton inviting me to join the Neothink Society.

Mark Hamilton, his Twelve Visions Party and his Neothink Society have clearly changed my life

Mark Hamilton, his Twelve Visions Party and his Neothink Society have clearly changed my life. Of this, I am totally sure.
I received my first manuscript in 2007. Since then, I gained confidence in myself as never before, and dared to dream big and to start doing things which I have only dreamt about. Before his touch in my life, I was idle and stagnant. Having lived and going to the most difficult years of my entire life, that are these last three and a half years of my life (since my father got sicker and died), I view hindsight and conclude that without the psychological and life changing support of the Neothink mentality that Mark Hamilton have created for the entire planet, I would have suffered a lot more. Neothink eased some of my troubles and for that I am very grateful to him and to his Neothink Society.
Mark Hamilton´s Neothink offered me the possibility of rescuing me of the mysticism I was following and living like a fanatic. He rescued my mind and that is so far the greatest benefit I have received from him. In doing so, he also rescued my destiny. He put me on my way to a better, happier, fulfilled and successful life. I do want more of life. I want to live with passion. I know I have been tested and that I am being tested, but the readings of the three manuscripts that I have received from Mark Hamilton have sowed in me the seeds of happiness, success and physical inmortal life. I do know that some day I will bring results, great results because of my relation with the Neothink Society.
The Twelve Visions Party is our way out as citizens of the planet to live using our value creations and all of our mind´s potentials, to reach the Civilization of the Universe, from where all knowledge is bestowed upon us.
Forerunners, visionaries, and extremely intelligent people are always put under attack. Einstein quoted that great minds have often encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. Mark Hamilton is not the exception. I think he is a genius. He is a very capable man, which has prepared himself to become the next President of his country, the United States of America, probably as no other American citizen has done before. I do respect all former and previous American Presidents. I don´t mean to offend anybody with my previous remark. I only add that talking about these matters sometimes gets me very emotional.
Nobody can´t stop the good the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society will do for mankind. And Mark Hamilton is the well proven sign that we as human beings will be living a different life as soon as Mark Hamilton takes office and starts implementing his plans. Everything will change for the better thereafter. Of that, I can bet.
My thumbs up for you Mark Hamilton for all the good you have done so far to people like me and for all the coming good you will do for more people, whether they are your fellow American citizens or any foreigner as I am.
Arturo Moreno S

I can never repay Mark Hamilton for what…

Hello all:
My name is Craig and about three and a half years ago I was accepted into the Neothink Society. I have read over 1500 pages of material from the Neothink literature. What has happened to me as a result from the studying of this material is a complete surprise to me. I have changed direction in my life. I am no longer heading toward retirement from a full time job. Most people don’t find fault with working a full time job and retiring after 35 -40 or so years. It is considered respectful. I agree if your happy with that. What this material does though is allow you to see your options. It allows you to see that you can bring your full potential to fruition. You can be all you ever dreamed of and more.
I am writing this as a testament to the good that comes from this literature. I turned a corner in my life as a direct result of the learning of this material. It is not a self help system. It is not a positive attitude system. And it is not a religion. It is a new mindset. I set a bold new course for my life by reading this material and the progress has been slow at times and fast at others, but always moving forward.
The most amazing part of this new life journey is that I never seen it coming. I changed direction in my life and never even knew it. I started taking control of my own life and making my own decisions without consulting anyone else. I had achieved quite a bit of change and made a lot of progress toward a dream of mine, before realizing what I had done. It became so natural that it just slipped by. I never saw the success in front of me. I just kept plugging away at my goal, and never really stopped for a view. Now that I have reflected on my achievements I can see all that is left to do. Without this literature I would have retired from my job with about 42 years of service. I would never have achieved my full potential in life and would have stagnated in my daily routine rut of a 40 hour full time job. At least I would have been a good citizen and made uncle sam happy. If that is you, and like the old me you like simplicity and easy then continue on and do as you already are. Keep plugging away at that same old boring day job and keep it simple. Live life loving to hate your job and never doing anything about it.
Or you can take time and simply put forth a little effort yourself to learn what the Neothink Society is all about. There is going to be a time when this society is in the spotlight for its teachings and I urge you to check it out before you judge it.
Well if your like most of us Americans you don’t. Sometime in the near future as I said above, This literature will be in the mainstream media. It will be strongly criticized by our government and the public will jump on board as always without so much as a thought about it. Well just because the government says it’s bad doesn’t mean that it really is. Please seek to find the truth before you judge. There is two sides to every story, and in there lies the reality that the truth is not always as it is portrayed. I am a firm believer in all that these teachings have to offer, and owe great wealth and prosperity to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society for all that I have achieved. And there is yet so much more to do.
I am a person who now challenges my mind and my physical ability on a daily basis. I have gone far and looking forward to going further. I am currently in the beginning stages of Launching my own business, and this would not have been possible for me without the influence of this learning. It set me on the beginning path to where I am now. I am looking forward to the future and pushing ahead a blossoming and growing highly successful business. I live everyday now with enthusiasm, and a zest for life, that was not possible for me about four years ago. Anyone can achieve great success with this information, but you must first open your eyes and then your mind.
There is a great quote that I recently read that I have adopted and am currently referring to as a reminder whenever needed. It is as reads below.
If everyone in the world followed the quote written above, we would have very few problems in society. Only the ones technology cannot solve yet. Simply because following the quote above forces you to use your energy (negativity included) to search for the answer through knowledge and a true understanding of others views. So many things in life have many correct answers, depending from which view you are looking. The solution then becomes one that everyone can live with.
So please do the work and put in the time before casting your ballot. Don’t let someone else do your thinking for you. Take control and you may be surprised what you find. You will certainly be surprised by the results. Become an achiever and leave behind the follower. Make a turn in your own life and see where it takes you. If you read the material as I did, you may not even see it coming (success).
I wrote this testimonial, without provocation. I feel compelled to give something back, and this hardly even makes a dent in what is owed. I can never repay Mark Hamilton for what he and the other members of the Neothink society have taught me. I am forever moving forward and who knows how far life will take me. All I know is that I will keep moving forward and enjoying the ride. My achievement in life is only held down by my own imagination. I will forever be inventing new ways to achieve, and keep raising the bar as I go. Success is limitless with the right mindset. The literature is here for everyone to enjoy so please indulge yourself, before it is gone forever.

The artist in me was awakened by your literature…


Dear Mark,

I’m delighted to have this opportunity to let you know what your literature has meant to me over the years.  About five years ago when you first contacted me by letter I didn’t know what your organization was about, but for the small amount of money you were requesting for publishing costs, the risk was very low, and my curiosity was very high.  It excited something deep inside me and I was always looking forward to the next letter or book.  I thought my life was pretty wonderful already, but by reading your books, unfulfilled dreams were awakened.  I had been an artist, a painter for twenty years, but had put it aside for twelve years because I hadn’t made a living from it and felt I should be pursuing something else.  The artist in me was awakened by your literature and I began to paint again as if I’d never stopped.  This time I had so much more joy in doing it and was more committed than I had ever been.  By examining myself, starting with your “Friday Night Essence” exercise, I realized it was what I was meant to do.  Every area of life is covered in the texts and I remember negative thought patterns and self-imposed limitations dissolving.  I felt lighter and happier.  I let go of beliefs I had about aging and began to feel younger and stopped saying that I was too old to do many things. I had a solo exhibition in a museum and I started an Art School about three and a half years ago.  I wouldn’t have had the confidence to do that before.  I also took up sculpture at 60 years of age and have completed three pieces successfully.  I had no idea I could sculpt.  The number of changes, gifts and benefits from your support would fill pages.  I was very excited that you had decided to establish a political party and try to bring integrity, honesty and wisdom to the people on a larger scale. We all know that the system has to change and The Twelve Visions Party has an extraordinary vision that will improve the quality of life for all to embrace.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart!  Kathi

February 2025