Posts Tagged ‘guiding light’

As an avid Neothink reader, the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party has…

Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton,
As an avid Neothink reader, the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party has always signified what we as human beings search for our entire lives, and that is the Truth. Neothink Society has created me to become more self-aware of things that occur in life. For instance, ever since I was a little girl I have always been seeking to find the answer to questions, I was naive and chose Religion as my guiding light. Upon reading the works of Mr. Mark Hamilton, I was able to see the world for what it really is. I realized that Religion is just another form of Government. I grew up in a Catholic household and the teachings never made sense to me. It seems that whatever you choose to do with your life, you always seem to be sinning. I always wondered, if I am sinning, then why won’t someone teach me and show me the ways of not being a sinner? It took me over 40 years to find the answer to this question and it was through the Twelve Visions Party. Neothink Society has allowed me to re-evaluate my morals and belief, to me it’s a better form of living and thinking.
The success of the Twelve Visions Party is very crucial for not only I, but my family, friends and to the rest of the World. Through the readings, I have been able to see that the Government is manipulating economically and education wise. As a working woman with three children, it’s surprising how my taxes are so high. The Government can easily take out tax dollars and blame any reason as to why they have done so. TVP has allowed me to see that our taxes don’t need to be so high in order for our society to prosper. In addition, one of my favorite points of TVP is that all children can receive better educations. It’s not secret that some institutions especially private teaching institutions provide a better education than public schools. All children should be treated for equally in my opinion regardless of the economical status.
Overall Neothink Society plays a significant role in my life, I’ve finally found answers to questions I’ve been searching for all of my life. I’ve become more self-aware of how society really is that is ran by the government, I have learned that Religion is really just another way to manipulate individuals. The Success of TVP equals the success of my family, friends, and the rest of the world. We will no longer have to live in such impoverished conditions due to tax cuts and our children receiving great educations can help our world become a better place. Perhaps cures will be found, or new methods of learning will be taught. TVP can be the answer to our troubles, I just hope the public is open to new ideas because it doesn’t hurt to learn and try new ideals and concepts.
I wish you and the Neothink Society good luck for I am rooting for you.
Best Regards,
Cristina Lluberes

What Neothink and Mark Hamilton has meant to me over the past eighteen years
“Staying positive in a negative world is today one of man’s greatest challenges, but optimism and truth offer the guiding light to find one through the darkest corridors of negativity, and eventually, and with perseverance, into the purifying light of positivity, prosperity, and happiness”.
Indeed America faces it’s greatest challenge for America is slipping into darkness. Most people are beginning to realize that something is wrong, some still realize something is very wrong and others still realize that if nothing is done soon the lights will go out forever. The question to each and every American is what can the average man do? What can the average man do to break the shackles that binds him to a dying America? How can the purifying light of America be re-kindled? The answer is the Twelve Visions Party… it brings in a clean swipe of a political system gone mad. It ushers in everything this country was, is, and will be with out the hindrance of politicians and their self-serving ways performed in the name of the social good. Give this party a chance… examine it… hold it up to the light… It will be hard to deny its purity and its sincerity to “We The People”
I could go on and on about what Neothink and Mark Hamilton has meant to me over the past eighteen years but I think I’ve just summed it up right here… God Bless America!
Ozkar G

I believe that Mark Hamilton and all that he stands for…

I believe that Mark Hamilton and all that he stands for or is committed to represents freedom. The ultimate goal is Freedom for America and freedom for the world. “The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily”. These are some of the sweetest words that I have ever heard since the time of our founding fathers, and it is the guiding light and the rule book by which I myself and the members of the Neothink® society presently live.
The secret to happiness is “freedom”; freedom of will; freedom of choice; freedom of speech; freedom to create; freedom to evolve into a society that deserves to be prosperous and happy. I truly believe that this is the hall mark behind which Mark Hamilton stands. After reading the multigenerational manuscripts, written by Mark Hamilton, I too have realized that I deserve to live prosperous and happily.
It is absolutely incredible that Mark Hamilton would want to openly share such invaluable information with me. It is also so amazing that he would care enough to want to open my eyes to what is happening in and around me in an effort to help me see through the illusions that has held me back from growing and prospering all the years of my life.
Never before have I been taught how to use my God given abilities to propel forward to strive to improve the quality of my life, and to think differently and be prosperity conscious. I now want to live a life of fulfillment in every way forever.
If Mark Hamilton is silenced, what will become of us all with our freedoms taken away bit by bit until they are all gone? The only thing we would have to live for is to pay over priced bills and taxes.
In contrast, what an extraordinary world we can live in with the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) striving to protect the rights and well being of us all. We need to have a political party such as the TVP that will encourage business development towards fulfilling all of our needs. This can only encourage competitive growth in order to drive down inflation so that our cost of living can decrease to the end of the pursuit of happiness.
Without the contributions of Mark Hamilton and the TVP, there will be no freedom and therefore chaos will reign. We all will be stuck with a government after government making empty promises that they appear to fulfill out of good intentions. You will not be allowed to see through the illusions or the lengths at which the media and the politicians will go through to ensure that their evil plans are not foiled.
With the state of the economy as it is presently we need to be relieved of those who make empty promises in the hope of never having to follow through. We need to be relieved of bogus medical schemes and bogus housing schemes where such finances are used to line the pockets of the already wealthy, rather than to the aid of hard working citizens.
In essence, there is no other hope. There is no other lucrative way of surviving this “Egypt” in which we now reside. All we have presently is just empty promises waiting to be fulfilled.
I will certainly always be eternally grateful to Mark Hamilton and I remain thankful for the literature that he has written and made available to all in the Neothink ® Society. Jacqueline B
The Neothink Society and especially the writings of Mark Hamilton, to me, have become the most important and enlightening literature I have ever read. The knowledge gained in these materials has led me to a place of total optimism for the future of mankind. The values taught, the honesty reflected and the love expressed in these writings, has truly affected myself and my children. We see the value of every human being and recognize the true value of every self. With the success of the Twelve Visions Party, Americans for the first time in many, many decades finally will have a choice in governing ourselves and controlling our own destiny.
For me, to know that our hope is for every man, woman and child to know exactly who they are in relation to the universe and with integrated honesty be able to fulfill there purpose on this planet. To be able to become what our forefathers saw when they wrote the terms and conditions of what this country was to become and to know how far away from these standards this reigning political system has led us all away from, is to me the biggest crime of all time. When the pursuit of happiness becomes the burden of life because of forced backed taxes and personal agendas of the political elite to get richer and richer at our experience, then I say it is time for a real change. That is why I support the Neothink Society and especially the Twelve Visions Party. Without Mark Hamilton and the TVP, we can be assured that the Democrats and Republicans will continue with “business as usual” until they run this country into the ground. Some day knowledge and not blind faith will take over all realms of existence.
Thank you, Donald G

Mark Hamilton has truly been a beacon…


Mark Hamilton has truly been a beacon of guiding light in my otherwise disillusioned life. He and the Neothink Society have opened my eyes to the way life is meant to be lived. Not only has he helped me improve myself but he teaches me how to be a value creator and help improve the lives of everyone around me! Thanks, Mark, I owe you and the neothink society all my newly found happiness and sense of overall well-being. We can do this


“Staying positive in a negative world is today one of man’s greatest challenges, but optimism and truth offer the guiding light to find one through the darkest corridors of negativity, and eventually, and with perseverance, into the purifying light of positivity, prosperity, and happiness”. 
Indeed America faces it’s greatest challenge for America is slipping into darkness. Most people are beginning to realize that something is wrong, some still realize something is very wrong and others still realize that if nothing is done soon the lights will go out forever. The question to each and every American is what can the average man do? What can the average man do to break the shackles that binds him to a dying America? How can the purifying light of America be re-kindled? The answer is the Twelve Visions Party… it brings in a clean swipe of a political system gone mad. It ushers in everything this country was, is, and will be with out the hindrance of politicians and their self-serving ways performed in the name of the social good. Give this party a chance… examine it… hold it up to the light… It will be hard to deny its purity and its sincerity to “We The People”
I could go on and on about what NeoThink and Mark Hamilton has meant to me over the past eighteen years but I think I’ve just summed it up right here… God Bless America!
Ozkar G.

Freedom for America and freedom for the world

I believe that Mark Hamilton and all that he stands for or is committed to represents freedom. The ultimate goal is Freedom for America and freedom for the world.

“The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily”. These are some of the sweetest words that I have ever heard since the time of our founding fathers, and it is the guiding light and the rule book by which I myself and the members of the Neothink® society presently live.

The secret to happiness is “freedom”; freedom of will; freedom of choice; freedom of speech; freedom to create; freedom to evolve into a society that deserves to be prosperous and happy. I truly believe that this is the hall mark behind which Mark Hamilton stands. After reading the multigenerational manuscripts, written by Mark Hamilton, I too have realized that I deserve to live prosperous and happily.

It is absolutely incredible that Mark Hamilton would want to openly share such invaluable information with me. It is also so amazing that he would care enough to want to open my eyes to what is happening in and around me in an effort to help me see through the illusions that has held me back from growing and prospering all the years of my life.

Never before have I been taught how to use my God given abilities to propel forward to strive to improve the quality of my life, and to think differently and be prosperity conscious. I now want to live a life of fulfillment in every way forever.

If Mark Hamilton is silenced, what will become of us all with our freedoms taken away bit by bit until they are all gone? The only thing we would have to live for is to pay over priced bills and taxes.

In contrast, what an extraordinary world we can live in with the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) striving to protect the rights and well being of us all. We need to have a political party such as the TVP that will encourage business development towards fulfilling all of our needs. This can only encourage competitive growth in order to drive down inflation so that our cost of living can decrease to the end of the pursuit of happiness.

Without the contributions of Mark Hamilton and the TVP, there will be no freedom and therefore chaos will reign. We all will be stuck with a government after government making empty promises that they appear to fulfill out of good intentions. You will not be allowed to see through the illusions or the lengths at which the media and the politicians will go through to ensure that their evil plans are not foiled.

With the state of the economy as it is presently we need to be relieved of those who make empty promises in the hope of never having to follow through. We need to be relieved of bogus medical schemes and bogus housing schemes where such finances are used to line the pockets of the already wealthy, rather than to the aid of hard working citizens.

In essence, there is no other hope. There is no other lucrative way of surviving this “Egypt” in which we now reside. All we have presently is just empty promises waiting to be fulfilled.

I will certainly always be eternally grateful to Mark Hamilton and I remain thankful for the literature that he has written and made available to all in the Neothink ® Society.

Jacqueline B

Freedom for America and freedom for the world

I believe that Mark Hamilton and all that he stands for or is committed to represents freedom. The ultimate goal is Freedom for America and freedom for the world.

“The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily”. These are some of the sweetest words that I have ever heard since the time of our founding fathers, and it is the guiding light and the rule book by which I myself and the members of the Neothink® society presently live.

The secret to happiness is “freedom”; freedom of will; freedom of choice; freedom of speech; freedom to create; freedom to evolve into a society that deserves to be prosperous and happy. I truly believe that this is the hall mark behind which Mark Hamilton stands. After reading the multigenerational manuscripts, written by Mark Hamilton, I too have realized that I deserve to live prosperous and happily.

It is absolutely incredible that Mark Hamilton would want to openly share such invaluable information with me. It is also so amazing that he would care enough to want to open my eyes to what is happening in and around me in an effort to help me see through the illusions that has held me back from growing and prospering all the years of my life.

Never before have I been taught how to use my God given abilities to propel forward to strive to improve the quality of my life, and to think differently and be prosperity conscious. I now want to live a life of fulfillment in every way forever.

If Mark Hamilton is silenced, what will become of us all with our freedoms taken away bit by bit until they are all gone? The only thing we would have to live for is to pay over priced bills and taxes.

In contrast, what an extraordinary world we can live in with the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) striving to protect the rights and well being of us all. We need to have a political party such as the TVP that will encourage business development towards fulfilling all of our needs. This can only encourage competitive growth in order to drive down inflation so that our cost of living can decrease to the end of the pursuit of happiness.

Without the contributions of Mark Hamilton and the TVP, there will be no freedom and therefore chaos will reign. We all will be stuck with a government after government making empty promises that they appear to fulfill out of good intentions. You will not be allowed to see through the illusions or the lengths at which the media and the politicians will go through to ensure that their evil plans are not foiled.

With the state of the economy as it is presently we need to be relieved of those who make empty promises in the hope of never having to follow through. We need to be relieved of bogus medical schemes and bogus housing schemes where such finances are used to line the pockets of the already wealthy, rather than to the aid of hard working citizens.

In essence, there is no other hope. There is no other lucrative way of surviving this “Egypt” in which we now reside. All we have presently is just empty promises waiting to be fulfilled.

I will certainly always be eternally grateful to Mark Hamilton and I remain thankful for the literature that he has written and made available to all in the Neothink ® Society.


Jacqueline B

March 2025