Posts Tagged ‘grip control’

Mark Hamilton is an exceptional man


After years of struggling helplessly because of a disability that was diagnosed by medical doctors in 1984 as Multiple Sclerosis my Neothink® journey gave me “iron grip control” over my body and my life.  Before Mark Hamilton and the Neothink® Society I had reached out to others for help with minimum results.  It is with great sadness that I have to echo the words of the “musical genius” Michael Jackson “They Don’t Care About Us”.  I have literally been through hell.  I have been abused repetitively by countless others.  I have been abused by individuals working in positions of authority (doctors, nurses, lawyers, managers,
clergy…).  I have just recently come to terms with the reality that some individuals working in every industry are motivated strictly by the money.  In 1999 I was employed in the healthcare industry and our director was a registered nurse.  Her lack of compassion and cruel treatment of the employees in her department makes Dr. Jack Kevorkian a “saint”.  Just I began attending church regularly again in 2002 the minister stole $100,000.00 from the church tithing funds and although he was married he was having an affair with a young female parishioner.  This is the second time in less than a decade that I had experience the similar situation while attending church.

In every aspect of life I have learned beyond a shadow of a doubt that “it is all about the money”.  The love of money is unquestionably the root of all evil.  I have experience the evils of “greed” repetitively.  As an individual that has traveled around the world several times I can say with absolute conviction that Mark Hamilton the founder of the Neothink® Society is a man that I have come to love and “trust”.
As a seasoned networker I have met countless individuals across the globe and the word “trust” is not a term that I use lightly.  Mark Hamilton is an exceptional man.  He is a caring a giving individual that brings immense value to the overall human experience.

I give thanks daily to the universe for Mark Hamilton and the ability to Neothink® which has empowered me to live the life that I am meant to live minus the dishonesty.  Mark Hamilton is a giant among men that I am truly thankful to have the pleasure to know.  Mark Hamilton’s Twelve Visions World is “powerful” with a mission to “help everyone, everywhere live the life that we are meant to live minus the dishonesty”.  Being a part of the Neothink® Society has transformed my life into pure “magic”.  I have acquired the body of my dreams my hair is manageable my confidence level is way up.  Just last week a female doctor friend of mine and her hair stylist concurred that I was “fine”.  A young attorney friend of mine posted the question on Facebook “ What is your definition of fine?  When we finally talked one on one over the phone I told her that I was my definition of fine.  (Of course my ex-husband is chasing me on Facebook – too bad so sad)

A songwriter wrote:
“If anyone should ever write my life story for whatever reason there might be, you’ll be there between each line of pain and glory because you’re the best thing that ever happened to me”

Thank you so much Mark Hamilton – You are loved a lot! – The Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink® Society rocks!!!

Linda Mokeme

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton,
Thank you for the opportunity to communicate with you directly.
First let me convey my sincere condolences for the loss of your father and mentor. It was very sad to receive that news.
My understanding from the meeting of 8/19 was to write a testimonial for the Neothink society to use. Although this is a letter directed at you, please use it as you see fit if it will benefit the society.
I hardly know where to begin.
Because of you, I am on a journey that otherwise would have been lost to me. I am very grateful for that. Although I have not yet found the success in many areas of my life, that you have so profoundly laid out before me, I remain undaunted.
I have just started my second reading of the multigenerational manuscripts to recapture the exhilarating inspiration I felt in the first reading. I must admit it was difficult for me to keep up with the apprentice meetings and reading the first time through. All of the information, all those pearls, were easy for me to intellectualize, however, applying the knowledge has been quite a struggle. The inspiration of iron grip control has, for the most part, eluded me so far. Therefore I’m certain a second reading is in order.
I will say that I have improved. I have read more books in the last year than I have read in the last twenty or thirty years. This too, I want to thank you for.
Currently, I am working on making my actions align in harmony with my thoughts. Over the course of the last year or so, there have been many things I wanted to convey to you, alas I let them slip back in to the ether.
I think you would be disappointed with my progress to date. I have been sitting on the sidelines and not integrating myself with the clubhouses or A-teams or the TVP except to attend conference calls. Please have patience with me. I want to be living proof of neothink success.
Again, I want to thank you for opening a line of communication, and I hope it will remain open that I might write to you again in the future.
Mark B

Mark Hamilton showed me how in his books

I have learned a lot from Neothink. I learned to break my job and other actions to physical smooth movements. I also learned to have an iron grip control of actions. I learned to break or divide work into smaller units and use some time as a mini-day. A lot of the study is geared to people in there jobs and how to excel in them to make a lot of money. I am disabled and don’t work but use the teachings to make my disability go better with out dwelling on the condition that others use as a crutch. I do this by integrating physical movements with time. I did not know how to do this before Mark Hamilton showed me how in his books. I am living better with my disability do to Mark’s writings and study guides. Thanks Mark. yours Leo H. Y

hello,mark hamilton

hello, Mark Hamilton, i am one of your prentices. i just write to tell you how much my life as changes to give me a open mind, to see thing of my child of the pass and the heirloom package i study and start to see changes in my life the most important about me is stress and now i have iron-grip control over it and things start to change when i read the first heirloom package a warm feeling come over me and them my mail back start to see people started send letter to me from all over the world and i no this book have power every thing i study down load in me and see thing different any way thing to believe in me mark hamilton sincery devon r

Reading Jogs The Mind

Fortunately I have always been an avid reader. When the Neothink Society reached out to me five years ago after overcoming the initial shock regarding the cost of the multigenerational manuscripts I went on essence and the magic began! Ironically it was exactly this time of year five years ago when I began reading our Neothink® literature and WOW!!! Immediately the Law of Attraction went on automatic pilot in my life. Long before I was introduced to the CD series “Your Wish Is Your Command” through reading the Neothink multigenerational manuscripts I was experiencing manifestations.
Integrating with the Neothink® literature gave me iron grip control and enormous advantages. What I valued the most about the multigenerational manuscripts was for the first time in my life I was learning the “secrets” regarding how to be treated precious by my man. That is what I have secretly always desired. “Who do you get your advice from?” Unfortunately my mom and dad had an unhappy relationship very similar to the recent headlines regarding “Tiger Woods” except Tiger had many more zeros behind his name. After mom was diagnosed with breast cancer the “nightmare” began. When mom passed I moved out on my own immediately and the nightmare escalated because my first roommate ended up being a “hit man”. After that I was never comfortable living with anyone else so I hung out with the “jet set” fast women and fast cars after my work hours.
Through reading the multigenerational manuscripts regarding the preciousness of a woman to her man I changed because that is want I secretly wanted. I smile inside when I see the latest issue of Essence magazine’s cover with a romantic picture of Steve Harvey and his beautiful wife.
Vision Seven from Mark Hamilton’s Twelve Visions World is my inspiration. The Twelve Visions Party is the vehicle that will finally enable me to live the life that I am meant to live happily loving my “superman”.
Happy Holidays!!!
Linda Joy

Reading Jogs The Mind


Fortunately I have always been an avid reader. When the Neothink Society reached out to me five years ago after overcoming the initial shock regarding the cost of the multigenerational manuscripts I went on essence and the magic began! Ironically it was exactly this time of year five years ago when I began reading our Neothink® literature and WOW!!! Immediately the Law of Attraction went on automatic pilot in my life. Long before I was introduced to the CD series “Your Wish Is Your Command” through reading the Neothink multigenerational manuscripts I was experiencing manifestations.

Integrating with the Neothink® literature gave me iron grip control and enormous advantages. What I valued the most about the multigenerational manuscripts was for the first time in my life I was learning the “secrets” regarding how to be treated precious by my man. That is what I have secretly always desired. Who do you get your advice from? Unfortunately my mom and dad had an unhappy relationship very similar to the recent headlines regarding “Tiger Woods” except Tiger had many more zeros behind his name. After mom was diagnosed with breast cancer the “nightmare” began. When mom passed I moved out on my own immediately and the nightmare escalated because my first roommate ended up being a “hit man”. After that I was never comfortable living with anyone else so I hung out with the “jet set” fast women and fast cars after my work hours.

Through reading the multigenerational manuscripts regarding the preciousness of a woman to her man I changed because that is want I secretly wanted. I smile inside when I see the latest issue of Essence magazine’s cover with a romantic picture of Steve Harvey and his beautiful wife.

Vision Seven from Mark Hamilton’s Twelve Visions World is my inspiration. The Twelve Visions Party is the vehicle that will finally enable me to live the life that I am meant to live happily loving my “superman”.

Happy Holidays!!!

Linda Joy

My New Thinking


I will provide my testimonial in these short words.

1) Mark Hamilton has mentored me to help me discover who I am with Neothink Essence.
2) Mark Hamilton has shown me how to gain iron grip control of my life through Neothink Discovery.
3) Mark Hamilton has given me insight into the ills that plague our country and humanity through the multi generational manuscripts.
4) Mark Hamilton has given us the Twelve Visions Party that returns our government to protection ONLY!
5) Mark Hamilton is a loving and savvy businessman who knows what we need to do.
6) I only know of one man who has devoted his entire life to understanding and delivering to others the answers we all seek. His name is Mark.

All we have to do is stand behind this great man and usher in the new era of happiness, prosperity and peace.

My Request: Won’t you open your hearts and minds to new thinking that is Neothink? Won’t you do something to make our homes safer for your children and grandchildren? Won’t you join us in this creation of freedom?


I have learned a lot from Neothink. I learned to break my job and other actions to physical smooth movements. I also learned to have an iron grip control of actions. I learned to break or divide work into smaller units and use some time as a mini-day. A lot of the study is geared to people in there jobs and how to excel in them to make a lot of money. I am disabled and don’t work but use the teachings to make my disability go better with out dwelling on the condition that others use as a crutch. I do this by integrating physical movements with time. I did not know how to do this before Mark Hamilton showed me how in his books. I am living better with my disability do to Mark’s writings and study guides. Thanks Mark. yours Leo H. Y

Mental Stimulation


I joined Mark Hamilton’s Neothink® Society because of the enormous amount of mental stimulation I found within the Society. There are thousands of pages inside the Neothink® Society library, this information is such a valuable asset to gaining iron grip control of everything in my life, and cannot be found anywhere else in the world. I highly recommend everyone join the Neothink® Society for the love, compassion, understanding, and the willingness of all the members to reach out and help each other and to work together towards common goals.

The Twelve Visions Party® and the Neothink® Business Alliance work closely together to bring Wealth, Health, and Peace to everyone in this country, Including the Poor! There is an opportunity for anyone in this country that is willing to take responsibility for everything you do in order to live a better life, and to lift yourself up out of the suppressed class, the working class, and move into the wealthy elite class. That opportunity is readily available for anyone who wants it; Mark Hamilton has given us a blueprint on how to achieve this in his book, Wealth, Health, Peace!!!

With the Twelve Visions Party® and with the information in Mark Hamilton’s Prime Literature everyone can live the exhilarating life we were meant to live!

Wealth, Health, Peace for Everyone!

With love, Kenneth Townsend

Reading Jogs The Mind

Fortunately I have always been an avid reader. When the Neothink Society reached out to me five years ago after overcoming the initial shock regarding the cost of the multigenerational manuscripts I went on essence and the magic began! Ironically it was exactly this time of year five years ago when I began reading our Neothink® literature and WOW!!! Immediately the Law of Attraction went on automatic pilot in my life. Long before I was introduced to the CD series “Your Wish Is Your Command” through reading the Neothink multigenerational manuscripts I was experiencing manifestations.

Integrating with the Neothink® literature gave me iron grip control and enormous advantages. What I valued the most about the multigenerational manuscripts was for the first time in my life I was learning the “secrets” regarding how to be treated precious by my man. That is what I have secretly always desired. Who do you get your advice from? Unfortunately my mom and dad had an unhappy relationship very similar to the recent headlines regarding “Tiger Woods” except Tiger had many more zeros behind his name. After mom was diagnosed with breast cancer the “nightmare” began. When mom passed I moved out on my own immediately and the nightmare escalated because my first roommate ended up being a “hit man”. After that I was never comfortable living with anyone else so I hung out with the “jet set” fast women and fast cars after my work hours.

Through reading the multigenerational manuscripts regarding the preciousness of a woman to her man I changed because that is want I secretly wanted. I smile inside when I see the latest issue of Essence magazine’s cover with a romantic picture of Steve Harvey and his beautiful wife.

Vision Seven from Mark Hamilton’s Twelve Visions World is my inspiration. The Twelve Visions Party is the vehicle that will finally enable me to live the life that I am meant to live happily loving my “superman”.

Happy Holidays!!!

Linda Joy

March 2025