Posts Tagged ‘greetings’

Greetings to You Mark Hamilton

I just want to take this time to Thank You and the Neothink Society for helping me out of the rut I’ve being living in for the pass twelve years, and for helping me to understand the Purpose and Value of my life.

I am now a Sixty One Year Old Female Living in Canada and spent most of my time in the Caribbean for health reasons.

I have lost all hope of ever being able to remember my family, especially my two young Daughters in their teen and pre-teen.

Greetings and Felicitations Mark

In the past 6 months I have gone through the three manuscripts and the Pax Neothink literature.

Greetings, My name is John M

Mark Hamilton,

Greetings, My name is John M.

personally like to Thank Mr. Mark Hamilton for creating…

I WALTER WRIGHT TRUTHFULLY testify that the Neothink Society Manual Scripts and Heirloom packages by Mr. Mark Hamilton is beneficial for the intellectual thirsty few individuals, that are responsible enough to exercise supreme rational intellect at all times. My Manual Scripts/ Heirloom Packages are my universal key to all civilizations, that matured my ascribe vision\knowledge to the infrared vision were I now see much clearer thru the clouds of deception on a daily basics. In brief, The Manual Scripts/Heirloom Packages written by Mr. Mark Hamilton are the final solution to ones inherit mental pollution. I personally like to Thank Mr. Mark Hamilton for creating the above mention self improvement materials and bestowing it upon the blessed and privileged few here at The Neothink Society.

Ps. When they leave you alone, that’s when you know your doing something terrible wrong. Please keep creating value for the Neothink Society !!!!!


NT Warrior


Greetings to all. Let me start by making a long story short full of honest facts that are not taken out of context. Neothink, Neothink Society, or the Twelve Vision World is the universal, and honest way to all aspects of life. Without fear to mention ther is a war or battle between to worlds; the dishonest antcivilization vs. the honest Neothink civilization. I have recapture this new world and way of thinking honestly from birth as a child eleven years ago. I am rebirth back to my origin as a human being and my mind is free from the lies and illusions of that fake, powerless, leeching world and the corrupted ones with their false authority to control others. Thanks to Neothink, Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society the battle can be won beyond victory. Neothink is life and shall prevail over death.

I personally like to Thank Mr. Hamilton…


I WALTER WRIGHT TRUTHFULLY testify that the Neothink Society Manual Scripts and Heirloom packages by Mr. Mark Hamilton is beneficial for the intellectual thirsty few individuals, that are responsible enough to exercise supreme rational intellect at all times. My Manual Scripts/ Heirloom Packages are my universal key to all civilizations,t hat matured my ascribe vision\knowledge to the infrared vision were I now see much clearer thru the clouds of deception on a daily basics. In brief, The Manual Scripts/Heirloom Packages written by Mr. Mark Hamilton are the final solution to ones inherit mental pollution. I personally like to Thank Mr. Hamilton for creating the above mention self improvement materials and bestowing it upon the blessed and privileged few here at The Neothink Society.

Ps. When they leave you alone, that’s when you know your doing something terrible wrong. Please keep creating value for the Neothink Society !!!!!

March 2025