Posts Tagged ‘gratitude’

Mark Hamilton, the “real” voices of change!

Mark Hamilton and The Neothink Society has changed my life for the better. Not only personally, but professionally as well. His writings and Mentorship have been an invaluable asset. I have learned and applied these value-driven techniques which have brought into my life the wealth, health and peace that most of us yearn for. In my opinion, Mark Hamilton is “The Real Voice of Change” for our culture today. I am writing this with sincere gratitude and heartfelt thanks to my Mentor, Mr. Mark Hamilton and The Neothink Society.

Grateful …

I am grateful to Mr. Hamilton and to the Neothink Society because the manuscripts did help me to reevaluate my outlook of where I was and where I desired to be and realize that my way of thinking was holding me back from blessings that God desired to bestow upon me; through persons that he would send into my life.

It did not give me a false hope it only helped me reevaluate my way of thinking toward a positive outlook.

With Gratitude,
E. Thompson

Mark Hamilton he is A genius Person

I can not describe this man completely ,
He is very intelligent and even more intelligent, He is a genius really He is a genius for his great works and new ideas and evolving the new style of thinking Named neo-think, I can not emphasize enough this man right no matter How I expressed to him about
my gratitude.
Because he is a really wonderful person
Mark has discovered a lot of people And I was one of those And I have discovered in myself a lot of things after I read what was written by Mark Hamilton it is changed my mind and my mental And made me discover myself more and more And using the force inherent in the mind better , Thanks to what I have read from the works of Mark Hamilton on Neo-think tools .
Now my life has become better and go down to the best After I got rid of the mental limitations by assistance of Mark Hamilton.
Thanks God First, and I am grateful to you and very grateful to you Mr. Mark Hamilton that you given me your wonderful books, your wonderful Neo think world.

My journey with Mark Hamilton and neothink has given my life a new way of thinking

In everyone’s life there comes the moment where you take stock of where you have been and where you are now.

My journey with Mark Hamilton and neothink has given my life a new way of thinking and therefore a more fulfilling life.

I am a senior citizen who does not live chronologically any more, thanks to Mr. HAMILTON.  His writings and new ways (Miss Anabelle’s story) of empowering children and adults has brought me back into the teaching world.  I enjoy my teaching so much more and I know that my students are  going within and are more aware of their divine power as well as what their mission on this earth will be.

Every day I spend teaching< I realize more and more how ready this generation of children is to absorb this knowledge.

I want to thank the author of the Boo book (Ten tender lessons.

I find my young students curled up on the couch absolutely

Immersed in the book.    Any more books coming out?

I know that the best “thank you” to you, Mr. Hamilton, is to spread the message and that is my work.

In gratitude for the inspiration, I remain an ardent searcher.



My deepest gratitude goes to you Mark Hamilton.


My deepest gratitude goes to you Mark Hamilton. I’m not sure if you know this but you saved my life. I was going through some rough times before I read your discoveries. I was overweight, smoking, drinking, using recreational drugs, and slowly heading towards deterioration and death. I sank into a state of depression. Not long after reading your discoveries and applying them did I begin to break out of that funk. I began leaving behind all those damaging habits and exercising regularly. Every day I wear a proud smile on my face and I am thankful that you took the time to mentor me these past few years.  I’m blissfully happy and forever grateful for the good you have done for me and my family and how you have positively shown me a better way to live.  Thank You!

-Royd G.

I am please to write this Testimonial of Mark Hamilton.  My relationship with Mark Hamilton though the Neothink Society.  I have been associated with Mark Hamilton for approximately a year and a half.  He mentored me when I first became a member of the society.  I found him to be very knowledgeable of the new way of thinking.  He was very patient with me while mentoring me.  Since I was a slow learner, it took me longer to go from level to level. 

I have found the materials he taught me and the books of his that I have read have helped me in my business. Some of the information I have learned, I use for my business.  It taught m how to organize my days to be more successful.  I have found Mark Hamilton to be assessable to all of the members of the society.  I have need answers to questions and all I did was to email him and received a answer immediately.   

Before I first began reading Mark Hamilton’s books, I had a low self esteem.  I would shy away from people of higher positions than I was even, if we were friends before they got their present positions.  After reading Mark Hamilton’s books,  I can say I have made great strides in increasing my self esteem.

Thank you for this opportunity to express my gratitude for how my relationship with Mark Hamilton has improved my life.


Eddie L. P

It is very easy for me to describe what NEOTHINK has done for me


It is very easy for me to describe what NEOTHINK has done for me, because NEOTHINK has given me the ability to think clear and strong and creatively all at once on any given subject. The NEOTHINK literature does one thing very well and that one thing is improve. It improves and enhances you, your mind, your feelings, your actions, and overall gives you the best life anyone could hope to live. I could write a novel about all the things it has done for me. (All good things by the way) One very important point the society is trying to achieve is that of honesty. If only, if only, everyone was to absorb this material then we could finally see through illusions together, as a society, and live in pure honesty. WOW what a world that would be! God how I have come to LOVE the word honesty and truly understand its meaning and power. 

    I end with feelings and words of the greatest gratitude I have ever known. Everyone needs to feel these feelings and see people as one. I have never met Mark Hamilton but I feel like I know him inside and out, like an almost retired life long mail carrier knows his route. Thank you Mark Hamilton I truly love and respect you…    Corey J.Larson

P.S.   I am not afraid of the media’s attempts to bring down our world! We will prevail! Thanks again for all you have done for me.



Hello Mark Hamilton

First I would like to express my gratitude for what you have shared with me and many others. To me what you shared with me is simply amazing. In the beginning my first thought was this is a lot of money. Now I would pay 100 times what I paid for your Multi-Generational Manuscripts. They gave me something money can’t buy. What a wonderful feeling to know you have control of your own life. Your Manuscripts changed my life gave me a wonderful new way to think. Integrated with honesty and love. What an amazing life I see for myself in the coming future. Even though I am a disable vet and living on a small pension at the moment. I believe in the COMING NEW TVP WORLD OF WEALTH HEALTH AND PEACE THROUGH OUT THE WORLD.

I can’t thank you enough for what you have shared with me. I’m in your debt till the TVP BREAKS THROUGH TO THE NEW TVP WORLD BECAUSE I AND MANY OTHERS HAVE HELPED MAKE THIS A REALITY WITH YOU Your NTWarriors

Thomas S

I believe in Neothink & TVP

Upon finding that I could be my own self leader & act on my own creativity was empowering to me. I wish many to find this very same thing as myself.  Everyone has been conditioned to follow & do as they were told. The mysticisms & illusions people are fed from religion and the govt is inexcusable. I always thought there had to be reasons for many things since so much did not make sense to me with the way life had been. I believe in Neothink & TVP & I stand for Neothink & TVP. The benefits of Neothink & TVP are immense. Mere words do not do justice to adequately describe the greatness of Neothink & TVP to me. I am over whelmed with positive emotions & so grateful for all that has been returned to me from my childhood by Neothink.

With deep gratitude & love,

Rhonda J.

Value Reflection

I absolutely LOVE this Feeling! Whenever I just reflect on the values in my life… it’s gratitude and wonder!

Thank you Mark Hamilton for helping me find this incredible feeling, more than I ever imagined!


March 2025