Posts Tagged ‘governments’

Through the Neothink manuscripts, I have come to see

Dear Mr. Hamilton:

Through the Neothink manuscripts, I have come to see the dark side of governments.

Through the Neothink manuscripts, I have come to see …

Dear Mr. Hamilton:

Through the Neothink manuscripts, I have come to see the dark side of governments.

Through the Neothink manuscripts, I have come to see the …

Dear Mr. Hamilton:

Through the Neothink manuscripts, I have come to see the dark side of governments.

When you watch the news media political pseudo-science rhetoric…

When you watch the news media political pseudo-science rhetoric (b.s.),… have you caught yourself saying “yeah right”, like in total denial to what was said…knowing without a doubt that it was not a statement of truthful fact. In fact, it was a out in out lie, or twisted truth for the benefit of the speaker involved?

My children showed me from the beginning how it all begins. Questions, what does that say?, what does that mean? We are all inquisitive. We instinctively want to know about everything. Mark Hamilton’s, Neothink Inside Secrets literature means to me I didn’t miss the boat after all..The truth is still, there and available.

If we go around the media and governments, we CAN know what we are here for. We don’t have to reach our 50’s and go, that’s it? No, we can learn more, as long as we listen to our instincts and never fall into the media/government ruling on what you should think and believe in. We can find the meaning of life, anytime.

Mark Hamilton, Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party…

Mark Hamilton, Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party has and will continue to educate our nation and the world about government and media driven illusions. His literature has taught me to distinguish between what is real and what has been generated by dishonest governments and media to hide the truth. I’m sure it will do the same for anyone who thinks and do research for themselves.


Neothink and the literature has…

Neothink and the literature has cleared the cob webs of my mind . To a better understanding of why people and governments do what they do. I am no longer supertisish I can read and see circumstances as they really are. The world is filled with 3000 year old mindset of not thinking for ones self and blindingly following the leaders like sheep. My experience with the literature and concepts has shown me how important it is to develop self leadership and think and act for my self . I have also learned alot about how the brain functions and how Neothink and neothink has made a major break through in my life and circumstances.
More importantly the literature speaks to the inner child in us all.
Live Life With Passion

Positive Changes


Dear Mark Hamliton

I just want to thank Mark Hamilton for being in my life. Mark Hamilton’s books have been a life saver for me. Over the last several months I have made so many positive changes. I have learned to be a self leader and my mind grows stronger everyday. I talk to everybody about Mark Hamilton’s books and changes I have made in my life.

Confusion, dishonesty, depression, was running rampant in my life as a man, but I understand why and how to change myself, because of Mark Hamilton’s books. The power of neothink is a great way of thinking to save man kind and all of humanity.

Mystical Governments is tearing our world apart. Mark Hamilton, Neothink Society and Twelve Vision Party has a very good approach to help all of humanity to move toward honesty, integrity, a good positive attitude, wealth, health, and peace.

I am proud to be part of the Neothink Society and Twelve Vision Party.


Hey this is Darren W. I just want thank you for being part of my life. Your Heirloom package have been a life saver for me. Over the last six month I have separated myself from a life Mysticism. I am my on authority and my mind get stronger everyday. I talk to everybody about Your Heirloom packages and changes it has made in my life.

Here are some change I have made because of your writing:

Mysticism was rampant in my bicameral mentality as a man, but I understand why and how to change for the better of me and my family. The power of Neothink is the only way of thinking to save mankind and all of humanity. Mystical Governments thinking is tearing our world apart. TVP is the greatest and right approach in getting all of humanity moving toward honesty, integrity, a good positive, “Gosh!” attitude.

I, Darren W, am a person of integrity with a good, positive, “Gosh!” attitude and specific goals. I have a high energy level, am enthusiastic, and take pride in my appearance and what I do. I have a healthy self-image, a passion for what is right, and a solid hope for the future.

I am proud to be part of the Neothink Society and Twelve Vision Party.

Mark Hamilton has worked hard to bring Neothink…

When Neothink contacted me they told me that they couldn’t promise me that my life would be easy because of Neothink, they just promised that it would be easier.  Mark Hamilton has worked hard to bring Neothink to the people in his society it is evident that he has put energy and time in it.  I believe one of his objectives is to help people have an easier time of life. People need to be able to look at something and see what it is, and with their own mind make a decision on it.  We are bombarded with so many idea’s thoughts and governments and people wanting us to think what they want us to think, to give them our money,  time, energy, and life.  How do we know it is our thoughts and not something someone else put there?

My life is still hard, but I do believe with the addition of Neothink that my life is easier than it would have been.  Thank you Mark Hamilton.

Elizabeth T

phooey to the media

I received your first book, read it and realized I am not alone in this crazy, frivolous world.
So many are fooled by the media, accepting all the foolish notions they (the media) puts in front of us. They have become a big advertisement for whatever wares they offer rather than to seek truth and to expose it. And if they have an agenda to destroy something or someone, they have become very capable in doing so. What they don’t realize is that not everyone falls for it.
The world, politics, police, and governments are corrupt and we are obligated to pay for it all through our taxes. I must admit that I don’t agree with everything in your books, but with most. From how to live respectfully and lovingly with those we share our lives with, to politics and how it should be run, to how no matter how well intentioned religion is, the damage it can and has caused, your books bring to light the wrong that is going on and how we, as individuals, can make a difference.
I have not been asked for a penny other than to purchase the books I have. I have purchased three books and have hope that I will one day find where my strengths are that will take me to heights I never imagined because of what I have learned in these books. It is one of the few purchases I have made that I don’t feel guilty about because as I said earlier, it gives me reason to believe that I am not alone in the way I think and how to live in the world I want to live in.
Keep going for it is through mistakes, hard work, and criticisms that all the greats have gone on to find their greatness.

March 2025