Posts Tagged ‘government scam’

Down To Earth


If these Terrorist in Government Think they can stop (The Twelve Visions Party)The Time will come to show them just how sorry they are going to be.I see no Government controlling Building left! No more Government Terrorist using force on our People,(THEWARISNOTOVER)!Expose anyone who tries to buy my vote with disability, Welfare, Food Stamps, or some union threatening Government scam! History shows the Government has really done much of anything right. Cap and Trade, Railroad, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, It looks like to me you went to school and college to learn how to steal from our future children! If you don’t (mind)The government passing these communist, dictating Laws, Then I guess you wont (mind)if Hitler, Stalin, Fidel Castro come to Power? I don’t know about you but I want to stop them now! Im talking to you Barrack Obama, Eric Holder, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Ram manual, and the rest of you. We don’t need no crooked government controlling scams your trying to pull on (The People)! Remember, we don’t live in Germany, Russia, Italy, or any other communist, dictating trick Country! If you want to be (UNITED)? Then quit using force the American People. I remember in the (Civil Rights)How the (PEOPLE)in the streets protested the Government. I think now they are friends ou were not going to put up with it then, were sure not going to put up with it now! I don’t care what color you are. Do you want to be friends ?Or are you going to use force on us? You say everyone is prejudice because we don’t want you passing these communist, dictating Laws! You don’t want to call it (War On Terrorism)because you just might be a terrorist! Or do you just like helping them? I don’t want to declare War on The Government. But, you look like (Terrorist Thief’s. Ever since the Great Depression in the 1930s America should have grown since then and not fall. But The( Government)keeps growing the deficit on useless things, for one crooked government worker after another. The government (THINKS) they are Powerful! They are worthless without stealing from The People. Who really was behind the death of (Dime-Bag Darrell)(John Lennon)?Is it like Hitler, Stalin, Fidel Castro? Do you kill people, if they become too powerful? If they can (THINK)for themselves?

March 2025