Posts Tagged ‘government interference’

I want to thank Mark Hamilton

To the Neothink® Society,
I want to thank Mark Hamilton for being the business minded genius that he is. The books he writes and publishes through his publishing company shows that genius. He has developed a philosophy that is unprecedented to any other. Out of this philosophy has emerged a new way of thinking. I am so grateful to be a part of The Neothink® Society. I am shown something that many don’t see. I have learned how to think for myself. This is quite a new concept for most of society. I am growing to know who I really am. Not what others say I should be. It is a wonderful, empowering experience. I am on a journey of no return. It is an exhilarating journey.
Out of The Neothink® Society has emerged a new political party. The Twelve Visions Party. I believe in this party with all of my heart. The TVP stands for individual rights. It doesn’t get any more fundamental than that.
The purpose of life is to live happily. The purpose of government is to provide that condition. No initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person or group against any individual, property or contract. This means FREEDOM for all! Not just a minority. No more government interference in anything other than protection. What a wonderful THOUGHT after the farce that the career politicians have made of OUR Country. Time to take it back! We are all smart enough to know that the small bit of freedom we think we’ve got will only get smaller if we continue to travel the political path we are on. We need a new way of thinking. Neothink®. We need to take our country back. We are also smart enough to know that when these career politicians begin to feel the importance of The Twelve Visions Party they will do everything in their power to silence this party, this philosophy, and this man. EVERYTHING.
I must stand up for what I believe in. For the future of my family, my friends, and the world. I WILL THINK FOR MYSELF! LET FREEDOM RING! Thank you for this gift to ME, Mark Hamilton. I am now a Neothink®er. I am also becoming a self leader. What a wonderful gift you have given the world.
With Gratitude, Happiness, and Love,
Rhonda L. F

Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society, and…

Dear Mark;
Thank you for your life changing literature and everything that you stand for with Neothink. IIt has been life changing for me.Joe-NewYork
I am thankful for the gifts of knowledge I have gained thru Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society, and The Twelve Visions Party. I have discovered the power within me that has laid dormant all my life. I am a Self Leader, responsible for everything I have and everything I have become.
Through Mark Hamilton and Neothink I have come to realize that true happiness begins when one accept the fact that everything, good and bad you have in your life is there because you have asked for it. I have become a Self Leader though my apprenticeship with The Neothink Society. I am very thankful that I was approached by The Neothink Society!
I believe the only way to return to the base principles that this great country was founded on and to grow toward a real future full of promise is with The Twelve Visions Party. It is obvious that what was intended has been perverted by those in power and elected office now. It is time for us all to have self responsibility, and less government involvement and control of our daily lives and activities!
The purpose of life is to live happily. The purpose of government is to provide that condition. No initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person or group against any individual, property or contract. This means Freedom For All! Not just a minority. No more government interference in anything other than protection.
Thank you Mark so very much for thinking enough of me to invite me into The Neothink Society and the mentoring over the years! I look forward to the Twelve Visions Party getting this country back to its intended principals brought by the founding fathers!
Rick B

I am thankful for the gifts of knowledge I have gained thru Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark;
Thank you for your life changing literature and everything that you stand for with Neothink. IIt has been life changing for me.Joe-NewYork
I am thankful for the gifts of knowledge I have gained thru Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society, and The Twelve Visions Party. I have discovered the power within me that has laid dormant all my life. I am a Self Leader, responsible for everything I have and everything I have become.
Through Mark Hamilton and Neothink I have come to realize that true happiness begins when one accept the fact that everything, good and bad you have in your life is there because you have asked for it. I have become a Self Leader though my apprenticeship with The Neothink Society. I am very thankful that I was approached by The Neothink Society!
I believe the only way to return to the base principles that this great country was founded on and to grow toward a real future full of promise is with The Twelve Visions Party. It is obvious that what was intended has been perverted by those in power and elected office now. It is time for us all to have self responsibility, and less government involvement and control of our daily lives and activities!
The purpose of life is to live happily. The purpose of government is to provide that condition. No initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person or group against any individual, property or contract. This means Freedom For All! Not just a minority. No more government interference in anything other than protection.
Thank you Mark so very much for thinking enough of me to invite me into The Neothink Society and the mentoring over the years! I look forward to the Twelve Visions Party getting this country back to its intended principals brought by the founding fathers!
Rick B

Out of The Neothink Society has emerged a new political party

I want to thank Mark Hamilton for being the business minded genius that he is. The books he writes and publishes through his publishing company shows that genius.  He has developed a philosophy that is unprecedented to any other.  Out of this philosophy has emerged a new way of thinking.  I am so grateful to be a part of The Neothink Society.  I am shown something that many don’t see.  I have learned how to think for myself.  This is quite a new concept for most of society.  I am growing to know who I really am.   Not what others say I should be.  It is a wonderful, empowering experience.  I am on a journey of no return.  It is an exhilarating journey.

Out of The Neothink Society has emerged a new political party.  The Twelve Visions Party.  I believe in this party with all of my heart.  The TVP stands for individual rights.  It doesn’t get any more fundamental than that.

The purpose of life is to live happily.  The purpose of government is to provide that condition.  No initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person or group against any individual, property or contract.  This means FREEDOM for all!  Not just a minority.    No more government interference in anything other than protection.  What a wonderful THOUGHT after the farce that the career politicians have made of OUR Country.  Time to take it back!  We are all smart enough to know that the small bit of freedom we think we’ve got will only get smaller if we continue to travel the political path we are on.  We need a new way of thinking.  NEOTHINK.  We need to take our country back.  We are also smart enough to know that when these career politicians begin to feel the importance of The Twelve Visions Party they will do everything in their power to silence this party, this philosophy, and this man.  EVERYTHING.

I must stand up for what I believe in.  For the future of my family, my friends, and  the world.  I WILL THINK FOR MYSELF!     LET FREEDOM RING!  Thank you for this gift to ME  Mark Hamilton.  I am now a Neothinker.  I am also becoming a self leader.  What a wonderful gift you have given the world.

With Gratitude, Happiness, and Love,

Rhonda L. F

Out of The Neothink Society has emerged a new political party

 I want to thank Mark Hamilton for being the business minded genius that he is. The books he writes and publishes through his publishing company shows that genius.  He has developed a philosophy that is unprecedented to any other.  Out of this philosophy has emerged a new way of thinking.  I am so grateful to be a part of The Neothink Society.  I am shown something that many don’t see.  I have learned how to think for myself.  This is quite a new concept for most of society.  I am growing to know who I really am.   Not what others say I should be.  It is a wonderful, empowering experience.  I am on a journey of no return.  It is an exhilarating journey.

Out of The Neothink Society has emerged a new political party.  The Twelve Visions Party.  I believe in this party with all of my heart.  The Twelve Visions Party stands for individual rights.  It doesn’t get any more fundamental than that.

The purpose of life is to live happily.  The purpose of government is to provide that condition.  No initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person or group against any individual, property or contract.  This means FREEDOM for all!  Not just a minority.    No more government interference in anything other than protection.  What a wonderful THOUGHT after the farce that the career politicians have made of OUR Country.  Time to take it back!  We are all smart enough to know that the small bit of freedom we think we’ve got will only get smaller if we continue to travel the political path we are on.  We need a new way of thinking.  NEOTHINK.  We need to take our country back.  We are also smart enough to know that when these career politicians begin to feel the importance of The Twelve Visions Party they will do everything in their power to silence this party, this philosophy, and this man.  EVERYTHING.

I must stand up for what I believe in.  For the future of my family, my friends, and  the world.  I WILL THINK FOR MYSELF!     LET FREEDOM RING!  Thank you for this gift to ME  Mark Hamilton.  I am now a Neothinker.  I am also becoming a self leader.  What a wonderful gift you have given the world.

With Gratitude, Happiness, and Love,

Rhonda L. F

March 2025