Posts Tagged ‘governmen’

How the concepts and practices of The Neothink Society Neothinking have helped me


Before learning about The Neothink Society  I was stuck in a dead-end value-producing job for years, with little chance of advancement, raise, or decent benefits. I used marijuana, as did many others in my occupation, was over 50, single, and lonely, and not satisfied with my life or very happy, and had no direction or motivation for changing the ways I acted or thought.
I received an invitation to purchase and read the (then) 3 volume package of “prime literature” from The Neothink Society. They were making some extraordinary claims. I knew I needed to do something to change the direction my life was going, so I decided to join. I read and began to apply the new “Neothink” techniques to my life and bad habits as best I could.
The most incredible life changing series of events that occurred next I could not have even dreamed of !
I realized, after beginning to read the prime literature and actually applying the integrated thinking techniques of “Neothink” (as I suspected for sometime anyway but didn’t actually know how to or have a reason or technique, to actually follow through) that smoking weed – I didn’t do any other drugs – was counterproductive, so I quit. I was an occasional alcohol drinker and gave that up also. Shortly after that, I got a new job working for the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security (good job, good pay, good benefits), providing a genuine protection service for the traveling public, actually adding a value to society rather then simply being a producer. Less than 1 year later I was sent to Saipan (beautiful so. Pacific tropical island), to work temporarily until they could hire enough locals, stayed for 3 months, met and fell in love with a beautiful girl from Thailand and got married. I was not even thinking about marriage before Saipan, indeed had accepted the fact that I would always be lonely and never get married. If I didn’t get a new federal government job this trip would not have happened. Had I not known about and understood the twelve visions® of Neothink and specifically vision 7, I would have let this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity slip away, but didn’t because of my new knowledge of Neothink and vision 7.
I have also, because of my new understanding and application of Neothink twelve visions® specifically visions 4 and 12, researched nutrition and the available supplements currently on the market because I am so happy now and want to live as long as possible and be as healthy as I can, started to use 3 proven ones and have never felt better or been healthier. I am now happier than I can ever remember, except possibly as a kid.
Learning the Neothink Society® neothinking concepts and techniques got me to understand why and how to, stop my bad habits, get a better job, find my soul mate, become as healthy as possible, be truly happy, happier than most of my married friends. Neothinking opened my eyes and guided me to a better life.
Specifically, ending my dead-end job, stopping all my unhealthy habits for good, and understanding why, through Neothink, getting a better job, finding my soul mate(after 50 years)and staying passionately in love, becoming and staying as healthy as possible, realizing true happiness for the first time in almost 50 years and actually knowing what the purpose of life is and how to achieve it, all happened after I became acquainted with and actually applied, the Neothink Society® neothinking principles and techniques to my own life.
All that remains is for our Neothink Society® neothinking techniques, and other concepts, to be spread world-wide so we can add value to societies world-wide and all people who read and apply the Neothink techniques in the Neothink Society® prime literature, including the poor, can improve their lives, as I have.


Mark Hamilton is a very intelligent man who cares about people, the American people and all people. He is in the medical science field and has been trying to cure disease, cancer, ageing and whatever destroys the human body. He has spent his life on this work, does this sound like a bad man. When Mr. Hamilton gets on the brink for a cure the government shuts him down. The government is are true enemy, they lie to us all the time to save there easy life styles, for example they will say that 80% of the American people are for or against something when there wasn’t even a pole, I was never poled were you. They tax us until there is nothing leftism sure you can understand that. They write the laws to their own favored and we Americans must pay for their lavish lifestyles. Mark Hamilton is a very honest and wonderful man, he truly does look out for our best interest. Mark Hamilton just may be our only hope of getting our country back, DON’T SCREW IT UP. Don’t trust the government. Look around you, what has the government done but make our lives more miserable, by steeling every dollar out of our pockets they canters nothing left. We need something different besides republicans and democrats which are only careered polititions. It is time for a party who truly cares about the American people and not their own pocket. I’m talking about the NEOTHINK SOCIETY THE TWELVE VISION PARTY TVP. If you’re looking for a savior, Look at Mark Hamilton, if you’re looking for the devil it’s your own government. We must take our country back and let Mark Hamilton lead the way. I am a proud American and we all must stand together and take it back. This is our country not those lying steeling crooked polititions. Don’t trust the government and there lies.

The sooner we stop acting and being treated like troglodytes (cavemen) the sooner we will gain our own just freedoms, to make up our own minds to our own decisions to produce our own values without burdens enforced on us by our governments.

Beef cows in the pastures are quite content to graze, not knowing that they are being fattened up for the slaughter. Over half the world is in this mindset not realizing that they are only cannon fodder. As far as the governments are concerned they are disposable. These are the people that need to wake up to this reality.

Mark Hamilton has done this very well in educating as many fortunate people as he can in an honest way. Mark Hamilton explains this very well in his twelve visions, which the
Twelve Visions Party platform is based on. A truly remarkable piece of literature, and the only viable way for us to achieve our freedom from a useless and most of all destructive authority figure known as government.

Thank you

The TVP offers tangible benefits to everyday people.

Thank you Mark Hamilton,

My whole life I have prided myself on thinking for myself. Do my own research and form my own opinions. Even though all of my friends and family know that I am a free and independant thinker, I always knew that there was something just out of reach. Something missing.

Through all of my research I discovered that the masses were being taught to assimilate into society instead of becoming a free and independent thinker. Anyone with great new ideas that stood against society would be attacked by the establishment until he was destroyed or until he gave up on his ideas. Either way, we all lost out. I often wonder what this world would be like if people were free to express themselves and free to peruse their own ideas. What a wonderful world that would be! I often wondered if there were other people out there with thoughts and beliefs like mine. It wasn’t until being discovered by Mark Hamilton and the Neo-think Society that I realized that there were. Through the Neo-think Society I discovered the truths that were always just out of reach for me. I was able to discover and snap into place those missing puzzle pieces that were so elusive for me. I discovered that my own ideas were true. True but incomplete.

Our society, The Neothink Society, does not look to over-throw the government. We are not some evil cult who wants to over-throw God. We do not want to set up a form of Communist Society. These are merely attacks from the establishment so the lay-men and women of the world can keep their eyes closed to the fact that they are all slaves to that establishment. If you were to ask the common men and women, on the streets of America, they would tell you that the government is a free democracy. If that were true, than why is it that we are all forcibly taxed? Why is it, that this government takes away freedom from it’s citizens on a daily basis? Do you remember the Patriot Act? The truth is our government shifts more and more towards a socialist government everyday, without so much as an objection from the people. “The Patriot Act is patriotic because it protects us from the evil terrorists so it must be good for us!” they think. In reality that act took away more freedom from us than any other single act in history.

All laws are designed to take away freedoms and rights of the people. There have been more restrictive laws put on the books since 1982 than the whole 206 years before then. America is no longer “The Land of the Free” as we restrict all of our rights and freedoms. The government itself sets up departments to enforce all of those restrictive laws. They will use force to make sure the people do not question that authority. They destroy all good new ideas in the name of “Social Order” and we all lose out. Hitler and the Nazis used to do the same. Can you not see that? Have you ever heard of Indian Reservations? What are those reservations, if not concentration camps? Just like Nazi Germany! And still, we get more and more restrictive laws added to the books on a daily basis.

The Neothink Society, through The Twelve Visions Party looks to free society. We will teach people how the government enslaves the masses. It is no longer a government “of the people.” It has evolved into it’s own form of ruling class that our forefathers fought so hard against. Our forefathers set up this government “of the people” for all of us, not them. They were also smart enough to know that they did not have all of the answers so they wrote into the Constitution that the people could change the government when needed. If this government became what it is today the people have the Constitutional right, no the responsibility, to do away with it. If George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and the rest of our forefathers could see our government today they would be the first ones to rise up against it. This oppressive government is even worse than the ruling monarchies of 1776, that they fought against. Do you remember “Taxation without representation?” When was the last time you really felt like your Congressmen or Senator or President represented you? You vote them into office but they do not represent anything except for themselves. They spend your tax dollars irresponsibly, that they take forcibly. They work hard to deceive the masses and to make themselves look better for re-election. They have never built anything and could not survive in the real world of their constitutes. They lie, cheat and steal to hold onto their perceived power. America is finally starting to wake up, though. They are beginning to see through the illusion. They are beginning to want something more. This is what the TVP will offer to them.

The TVP offers tangible benefits to everyday people. The first being, a businessman as President. I remember the early 80’s. Lee Iaccoca turned around the Chrysler Corporation from bleeding money to profit. He did that by introducing the K-car and then the mini-van to a hungry market of energy-efficient consumers. The call went out for him to run as President. The American people, even way back then, were beginning to see that career politicians could not help them. Mr. Iaccoca knew that he could not fight the establishment and declined. This is a key to true change, though. Only a successful businessman, not a career politician, can make the changes that will benefit America and then the world.

A businessman would look to help every American by slashing the budget. That would cut taxes in half. The budget that this non-political President would submit would slash every aspect of big government except self-defense. All orders of the “Social good” programs would not be funded. This would free up billions of dollars and the economy would grow un-like anything we have ever seen before. Americans will see that, finally here is someone in office that really does represent me. He really cares about our needs. He really will make changes that will benefit all of us. Congress, however, will look and see that this new budget will kill their livelihoods. With a defense only budget they would all have to go out and get real jobs. They would no longer be able to rely on the trillions of dollars they bilk from everyday Americans. They will fight back.

Everyday Americans will see the value of the defense only budget. They will see that the President wants to help them on the very basic level of existence, money. They will know that this plan will work to free them from the governments clutches of all of those restrictive laws. They can finally be free. Congress, however, will not pass that budget. They will be forced to pass some of it because their constitutes will demand it, but it will not pass in its entirety. This will outrage the public and they will quickly see who the enemy really is. During the mid-term elections there will be a movement to elect businessmen and women to Congress who will pass the budget in its entirety. Can this really happen?

I look to Kansas in 2002. In 2002 Kansas passed a law that stated they would no longer teach Darwinism in the public schools. With no more science being taught it opened the door to Creationism being taught in it’s place. Whether or not that happened is beside the point. The point here is that science was not being taught and that outraged the people of Kansas. The national press was relentless. Was Kansas really still living in the 19th century? That law was not repealed until the next election where every single state representative who voted “yah” to that bill was not voted back into office. The people of Kansas had spoken. That was a great victory for the people.

It can happen! The people really can make this happen when the time comes. With the TVP and it’s Constitution the people can really be free. I now look forward to everyday, for everyday we get closer to true freedom. I have uncovered these truths and can’t wait until the rest of America and the world will join us in a free and productive society. The Neo-think Society and Twelve Visions Party has freed my mind. All we are trying to do is help others by freeing their minds as well. America is ready. The people can feel that there is more to life than what this world has to offer. We look to give it to them.

Thank you so much, Mark Hamilton and the Neo-think Society, for waking me up. Failure is not an option, for if you wake up to reality can you ever go back to slavery? I think not. The Twelve Visions Party has my support 100%. Let’s get this thing done so we all can, once again, live in “The Land of the Free!”


March 2025