Posts Tagged ‘goverment’

Thank you Mark Hamilton

Thank you Mark Hamilton
The day I received your book the Neothink Discovery and opened it, I opened my heart and mind to the Neothink Society.
The power of Neothink is so real,I have never had such wonderful feelings like that, It went through my whole body I had to sit down, It was wonderful, fantastic and I loved it. This is what I had been searching for, Thank you. Neothink has changed my life to became a better person and learning more and more every day, I am moving in direction of living the life I was meant live.
When reading the Neothink literature you know it is true because we are reading about ourselves, What the Government is doing to us is not right All Master Neocheaters (GOV) must be stopped they are hurting people all around the world who trying to live a normal life are losing
their jobs. Business people are closing down or moving to other countrys even over seas. With out our business we are lost.
Mark Hamilton and his Twevle Vision Party, the voice of honesty with the Universal Law (The Prime Law) must not be stopped.
Only through depoliticizing America will ordinary people be able to live the life they were ment to live.
TVP is introducing the Prime Law, The Prime Law is to Goven us not the other way round,The Prime Law is what it is: No Initiatory Force.
TVP will stop Goverment telling us what to and how to spend our money and how to live his life.
Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society with his Twelve Vision Party have their way and means to turn U.S. around and once again make their country a World Leader.
David E

Mark Hamilton Changed My Life


Today, through Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party I’ve grown my knowledge. I, on my own, took computer classes and taught myself Oracle Database Administration although I knew nothing about computers at that time – my degree was not computer science. A couple of years ago, thanks to Mark Hamilton I’ve also started and successfully run a retail business for the past 7 years. The Neothink books allowed me to survive, without goverment help.

Mark Hamilton is a great writer and a true neothinker.


The Wind Met The Waters And Calmed my Soul

The TVP movement is going to be a success.We all  have suffered deeply by the choices the current government has made. I know I have personally the list can go on an on. I will tell a few of my sufferings briefly. Medicaid the doctor who treated me who just give me medication for my condition, well my condition worsened I told him I need surgery the pills are not helping. He did not help me all he could so I suffered greatly. I lost hope and quit the program. I said I will get better the best way I can by myself. Well it worsened , I ended up having the surgery at my expense that I did not have. Just so, I had doctors who did care and it felt wonderful. Medicaid worker: Mam you cannot file a complaint unless you are in the patient first program…….Then she goes you have the right to change doctors. The govermnent had me under, my mind could not function with all the stress and the turmoil that went on everyday in my life. But that is not important.

I wanted this for no one else that is my complaint about this doctor. I did not want anyone to go through what I did.The rules for medicaid are unfair. The goverment can cure diseases IF THEY WANTED TO. But us and our families are far more better at suffering to death. They say (the goverment) we will just give them pills to temporarily fix thier problem.The pharamacutial company has to make their money for them.

Everything about our government is unfair. Another thing about this goverment situation WE WHO ARE OR WERE IN DEBT. THE GOVERNMENT HAS SILENTLY KEPT DEBT LAWS FROM US.THERE IS A STATUE OF LIMITATION ON DEBT. I had been in debt for years over seven. The debt laws vary from state to state then they start over if you claim the debt.If I had knew this when I was being sued at age 24 this would have never happened to me. I had an old bill from a dental financing company.I did not speak to anyone for those years that passed. I knew they were calling. If I had the money I would have paid. The mail came you need to appear in court you are being sued for $1597.00. The paper said if you do not want appear check here , I did (they automatically won the settlement). The lawyer knew when he was hired I did’nt have to pay. But, He also knew that if I did not know (this law) he could get his money and they could to.Then look at all the people who have filed for bankruptcy and may have not had to ,because the statue of limitations had passed on the debt.

Obama he is going to do this and that. I saw a commercial he is going to help the people in debt call 000-000-0000 , they are going to set up a payment plan with all your creditiors. But what if some of the people’s debt is past the statue of limitations in thier state. The creditiors will still get paid.That is so unfair. Why take our money if you don’t have to.We need our money. Don’t stress us out we need our health. We have families who love us. This is so unfair.

The media is even unfair. They report what they want when they want. They edit and enhance. In the future we should have our own station.

What person does not want health, wealth, and safety and what has The Goverment succeeded at doing besides tricking us?


Mark Hamilton is a great writer and a true neothinker. Mark get straight to the point. He speaks nothing but the truth in his work.I am so glad to be part of this, I’ve never been accepted. But since I have been accepted it feels really good!!!!!!!!!!



Tiffany B

Thank you for writing Neothink


Thank you for writing Neothink while I was in Jamaica I read your book there I became a man without a country, I removed the negative people from my life and business an started to think like a company-without-a-company/without-a-country.I started a mini-company where i help friends get into business they do the work yet I still make money off of them they were happy to do the work an pay me. When big goverment is out of control they must start to control all business”goverment bailout” this way they hav a say on what you must do. If small business was to put people to work an they were happy to work for there pay then the businesses would not need to be bailed out but because of greed in business and goverment people or not happy at work that is why we need Neothink thinking is needed. gerald “hammer” rachal thank you for the insight.

Mark Hamilton


When I first got a letter from Mark Mamilton on the Neothink Society I didnt know what to think but I whent with my gut and orderd the book, when I recived the book and started to read it I couldnt put it down. Along with the Twelve Visions Party they have put me onto a new path on how I look at each day and how I do things on a day to day basies,our goverment needs to get out of the pepoles lives and start going by and liveing the Constitution of the United States and to let the pepole prosper like they should and Mark Hamilton and The Twelve Visions Party can see this thank you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.Jeff Cotton

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society with his Twelve Vision Party have their way and means to turn U.S. around

The day I received your book the Neothink Discovery and opened it, I opened my heart and mind to the Neothink Society.
The power of Neothink is so real,I have never had such wonderful feelings like that, It went through my whole body I had to sit down,
It was wonderful, fantastic and I loved it. This is what I had been searching for, Thank you. Neothink has changed my life to became
a better person and learning more and more every day, I am moving in direction of living the life I was meant live.
When reading the Neothink literature you know it is true because we are reading about ourselves, What the Government is doing to us
is not right  All Master Neocheaters (GOV) must be stopped they are hurting people all around the world who trying to live a normal life are losing
their jobs. Business people are closing down or moving to other countrys even over seas. With out  our business we are lost.
Mark Hamilton and his Twevle Vision Party, the voice of honesty with the Universal Law (The Prime Law) must not be stopped.
Only through depoliticizing  America will ordinary people be able to live the life they were ment to live.
TVP is introducing the Prime Law, The Prime Law is to Goven us not the other way round,The Prime Law is what it is: No Initiatory Force.
TVP will stop Goverment telling us what to and how to spend our money and how to live his life.
Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society with his Twelve Vision Party have their way and means to turn U.S. around and once again make their country a World Leader.
David E

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society with his Twelve Vision Party have their way and means to turn U.S. around

The day I received your book the Neothink Discovery and opened it, I opened my heart and mind to the Neothink Society.
The power of Neothink is so real,I have never had such wonderful feelings like that, It went through my whole body I had to sit down,
It was wonderful, fantastic and I loved it. This is what I had been searching for, Thank you. Neothink has changed my life to became
a better person and learning more and more every day, I am moving in direction of living the life I was meant live.
When reading the Neothink literature you know it is true because we are reading about ourselves, What the Government is doing to us
is not right  All Master Neocheaters (GOV) must be stopped they are hurting people all around the world who trying to live a normal life are losing
their jobs. Business people are closing down or moving to other countrys even over seas. With out  our business we are lost.
Mark Hamilton and his Twevle Vision Party, the voice of honesty with the Universal Law (The Prime Law) must not be stopped.
Only through depoliticizing  America will ordinary people be able to live the life they were ment to live.
TVP is introducing the Prime Law, The Prime Law is to Goven us not the other way round,The Prime Law is what it is: No Initiatory Force.
TVP will stop Goverment telling us what to and how to spend our money and how to live his life.
Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society with his Twelve Vision Party have their way and means to turn U.S. around and once again make their country a World Leader.
David E

March 2025