Posts Tagged ‘good times’

Gratitude to Mark Hamilton


My name is Mike C  I want to express my deepest gratitude to Mark Hamilton for saving my life Neothink society and the twelve visions party changed my  life forever It wasn’t easy for me as a preacher of the “word of god” deep on mysticism confuse looking for answers that never came to me. I spent more than a 1/4 of century in Christianity might be I related to Tracy Alexander with the difference I spent more years.  The journey that I toke began  in  2005.  The journey that I never went back A JOURNY  of HOPE at least for me Mr. Mark I believe in you in the beautiful work you doing is unbelievable  for the human kind, Mark we are with you in bad TIME or in GOOD times MR. Mark thank you thank you for saving my life from death.  WE WILL “SUCCEED” Mike C

Mark Hamilton.

Thank you for finding me. I was certainly looking, and LOOK I did, on receiving the Three Heirlooms.

When I initially received and answered the first mailing from you. I had no idea of what would follow.

The further invitation to join yourself and other like-minded people within. the Neothink Society. Plus the introduction to the TVP, are immeasurable.

I say this, as I HAVE found my FNE and I’m in the process of helping genuine others find theirs. Positive good times are coming and will evolve, naturally- through DTC.

March 2025