Posts Tagged ‘good fight’

Thank you Mark Hamilton

I’d like thank Mr. Mark Hamilton all who know that
NeoThink is based on self impowerment though Individual creativity. By studying the information Mr. Hamilton has created & appling it w/my own creativity I have become more in tune w/the way a business should flow.
So to test this knowledge my family & I left the States & applied what I’ve learned & I have had some success. But now I am being tormented by those I’ve helped, so I can understand what Mr. Hamilton is dealing with & I support him & I will stand w/ him, because he stands for self improvement though Individual Creative.
I didn’t mention that I live in Tokyo w/my family & we’ve been here for 5yrs.& I don’t speak Japanese, & we live where most Japanese can only dream of living.
Thanks to Neothink & my Creativity I can live well anywhere.
Thanks Mr.Hamilton for Transendinal knowlegde you help others gain.
Keep up the good fight, because this warrior of Truth will stand w/U.

Keep up the good fight Mark Hamilton

To whom it may concern:
The Neothink Society is dedicated to exposing the Neo Cheaters of the world who have suppressed free thinking across the planet for centuries. Attempts to discredit the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton will be viewed as nothing more than Neo Cheating from “The System”. Many forces are at work and significant momentum has already begun to expose the Neo Cheaters. Clear thinking is a must for our society and humanity.
Initially, I purchased original manuscript for entering the Neothink society in the late Nineties. I have watched and waited to see the progression which is currently underway. A critical mass has formed and no amount of deception will stop the movement.
Members of the MSM have already been defrocked in many ways. Mark Hamilton’s continued efforts to open the eyes of so many will not go in vain. My life has not been so much changed by the writings of Neothink as much as it has been validated to know that I am not alone.
The movie “The Matrix” and it’s popularity, are a testament to the rumblings occurring in the culture. The system has been designed to “enslave” all humans and to use them as an energy source.
That system is breaking down due to it’s basis on greed and power lust. As this order crumbles, a new system will rise from the ashes. Since there in no “New Frontier” to colonize, it will happen here and now.
Much support exists for this Mark Hamilton’s movement and all attempts to thwart it will fail.
Keep up the good fight Mark Hamilton and all members of the Neothink Society. This is the Clash of the Titans. May TRUTH PREVAIL!!!
Jim J
P.S. Since the PTB (powers that be) seem to like to use their power to suppress, let it be known that incarceration, monetary punishment, and/or any other devices used by the government will not stop what is already in motion. The the Twelve Visions Party will usurp the career politicians futures and the paradigm shift will continue.

I 100% support the efforts of Mark Hamilton

I can’t say I am surprised that the media and government officials are looking to silence the voice of Mark Hamilton.  The man is an obvious threat to their way of thinking and so they will do anything in their power to stop this movement.  As someone who is knew to this new way of thinking, I can’t say that I am totally aware of all the benefits that will be brought to society as a result of these new ways of thinking, however I am intelligent enough to realize the path we, as a people and a government, have been on is one doomed to failure and disenchantment for the vast majority of people.  We have got to find a new way of approaching Life and from what I have read in the documents I have obtained, I am convinced that this new approach is one that would ultimately benefit everyone.  Therefore, I 100% support the efforts of Mark Hamilton and his company in trying to help people in finding a new way of living.  Besides the obvious 1st amendment implications of this effort, I think that any society that cannot allow a difference of opinion, does not deserve the support of its citizenry.  For anyone to say that this is a scam or other such type of business fraud, means that they simply do not understand or have bothered to investigate for themselves, what this movement is all about.  I will continue to read and try to absorb the materials that I have already obtained and hope to eventually become much more active in the movement itself.  Right now I am at the student level and don’t feel knowledgeable enough to try to teach anyone else about what this means.  But, I am far enough along to understand the implications of this new way of thinking and living.  Keep up the good work and the good fight.
Bill W

March 2025