Posts Tagged ‘gentle man’

Thanks (NEOTHINK SOCIETY) & MR Hamilton

I believe in the TVP, and the NEOTHINK SOCIETY Chapters yet haven’t made much progress due to the fact I bit off more then I can chew as I wrote Terri earlier, yet I keep up with everything as best as possible. I believe in Mark Hamilton, never-the-less I hadn’t met the gentle man yet and am sure one day I will, yet these books are filled with a richness of knowledge that can not be found elsewhere, I admit that. These are the rarest books I had ever witnessed in this context. However, I have two sets of them, one being from the fact the US Post Office had lost a letter paying for one of the Miss Annabelle’s Secrets Books, I have three copies of that book as a result of theft in the US Post Office. I had contacted necessary places and they had yet resolved the case nor compensated me for the lost money that was mailed to them in the mail. Too, to open a bank account, my own, I had been waiting for TCF to clear the Identity theft case that had taken place against me while I was signed up with Neo-think. This is the Bank at the Corner of Larkin and Theodore Street in Joliet. I filed an Identity theft report to the Attorney General and to the Cresthill Police Department and to the Banks and am still waiting for them to solve the crime that had taken place against me, which there was names mentioned. Mr. Hamilton and Steve Fagan stated in the literature if you have any threat problems, call the police. I did, which was on this identity theft where they stolen my bank checks and debit card and forged my name. I would like to open a bank account and clear my credit so Terri and I could begin working on the things we started a long time ago, and we are just waiting on this one thing. What is wrong with them?!?!?!?
Anyway, I am fairing well to say the least. I did get hit by a car the other day by accident, yet that wasn’t anything uncommon from my teen past. This is one reason why I have these other designs for the city transportation sector in Joliet, yet I don’t feel like just giving it away for free without some form of payment. All those freebies I sent out there, I thought someone would eventually provide free back while i was in the time of Bank ID theft and had a police report filed. I need this cleaned up, it had been over two years on this now. I wish all of you well, and please tell Mr. Hamilton I said hi.

Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton

Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton,
My family and I are extremely excited to have been acquainted with you, the Neothink Society and  the Twelve Visions Party(TVP). We want to thank you very much for the knowledge we have acquired from you. We also want to let you know that because of you and your literature, we have had a paradigm shift and   our lives will never be the same again.
We are proud of you Mark and we will not hesitate to let the world know that your ideology, your philosophy, and your principles,  are clear manifestations that you are a gentle man with integrity. You are a gentleman with the sense of duty and determination to create SOVEREIGNTY, WEALTH, AND FREEDOM for all Americans.
Mark, my family and I have also come to the realization that you are a devoted gentleman with the hope to shine your inner light on those in need. Thus, my family and I are loyally ready to work with you and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP). Together, we can extricate the rest of humanity. This is our mission and we will accomplish it.
My family and I are proud to tell the world that among other values, the success of the Twelve Visions Party will eliminate  dishonesty and thus promote peace and tranquility among humankind. The Twelve Visions Party will give mankind the opportunity to live the lives they were meant to live.
Unfortunately, the silencing of Mark Hamilton, his literature, and the Twelve Visions Party, will mean a CONUNDRUM for my family and I, our loved ones and the world at large. Therefore, I want to remind my fellow Americans that,  “bad things happen when good people do nothing”. As such, my family and I are hopping that every good American will help clear a path through which Mr. Mark Hamilton can emerge along with the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), never to be stopped again.
Thank You Mr. Mark Hamilton, thank you everyone. Long live the TVP.

Sincerely yours,
Tony Charles


Thanks (SOS) & MR Hamilton

I believe in the TVP, and the SOS Chapters yet haven’t made much progress due to the fact I bi toff more then I can chew as I wrote Terri earlier, yet I keep up with everything as best as possible. I believe in Mark Hamilton, never-the-less I hadn’t met the gentle man yet and am sure one day I will, yet these books are filled with a richness of knowledge that can not be found elsewhere, I admit that. THese are the rarest books I had ever witnessed in this context. However, I have two sets of them, one being from the fact the US Post Office had lost a letter paying for one of the Miss Annabelle’s Secrets Books, I have three copies of that book as a result of theft in the US Post Office. I had contacted necessary places and they had yet resolved the case nor compensated me for the lost money that was mailed to them in the mail. Too, to open a bank account, my own, I had been waiting for TCF to clear the Identity theft case that had taken place agaist me while I was signed up with Neo-think. THis is the Bank at the Corner of Larkin and Theadore Street in Joliet. I filed an Identity theft report to the Attorney General and to the Cresthill Police Department and to the Banks and am still waiting for them to slove the crimne that had taken place against me, which there was names mentioned. Mr Hamilton and Steve fagan stated in the litature if you have any threat problems, call the police. I did, which was on this identity theft where they stolen my bank checks and debit card and forged my name. I would like to open a bank account and clear my credit so Terri and I could begin working on the things we started a long time ago, and we are just waitingon this one thing. What is wrong with them?!?!?!?
Anyway, I am fairing well to say the least. I did get hit by a car the other day by accident, yet that wasn’t anything uncommon from my teen past. This is one reason why I have these other designs for the city transportation sector in JOliet, yet I don’t feel like just giving it away for free without some form of payment. All those freebies I sent out there, I thought someone would eventually provide free back while i was in the time of Bank ID theft and had a police report filed. I need this cleaned up, it had been over two years on this now.I wish all of you well, and please tell Mr Hamilton I said hi.

March 2025