Posts Tagged ‘geniuses’

Mark Hamilton (MH) has changed my life, for the better, forever.

Mark Hamilton (MH) has changed my life, for the better, forever. His books and teachings have allowed me to profit more than at any other time in my career despite the recession. Profits continue to rise in 2009 after a great 2008. How many are saying that right now?  How many need that right about now?  His mini-day organizational method can help many–especially now. Anyone can plug in this method to achieve great things in record time while never skipping important details or being overwhelmed.  From there you can create tremendous wealth.  Even an empire is within reach for every person if they are willing to get down to work and practice the method.  Many people need Hamilton’s work and implementation so desparately.  It would be a tragedy of epic proprotions to deny any one of his creations. 

     His visions are carefully integrated, meticulously thought out and fully detailed. His visions share with us a new way of life that we deserve and are ready to experience here on earth.  A new beginning of sorts for mankind. Imagine that for one moment. Wouldn’t you want to live like that?  The possiblily of healthy living much longer that you ever thought possible.  Imagine what could be accomplished.  It’s mind blowing!  The thought of not being able to read this literature and learn about this new way of life would be beyond a catastrophe for all humankind.  It is ground shattering work. This material is just too valuable to loose, EVER.

    Mark Hamilton comes from a place of total integrity and responsiblity, period. Few Practice what they preach, but Mark does. He never makes excuses and slices thru any limitation to get down to the essential tools that will trasnform life in this country as well as the rest of the world. It all starts with each one of us, the individual.  He will ignite the geniuses of the world to create a new framework in The United States of America.  That framework will provide a basis for other countries to follow our lead. MH and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) will set a new standard throughout the world by unleashing a new paradigm:  self-leadership under Prime Law. 

   We recieve support from each other thru the Neothink Society. The society also operates under full integrity and responsibility just like MH. It provides an accelerated social portal into this new world. It is not some cult or fringe group.  The society is a group of self-leaders who wish to gain more knowlege and work with others to create new social connections and potential business contacts. The groups are designed for each person to identify their life purpose and get the indivudial moving in that direction using MH tools such as the mini-day, power thinking, and company capture techniques. It allows people to interact with one another to advance all with no selfish agendas or egos. It is a refreshing environment to operate in and share with.  The society wishes each person to find their essence so that they can advance quickly in business and succeed. There are no secrets; only hard thinking to find solutions. There is a huge need for this in our world right now.  It must be preserved. To take it away is criminal. 

  His Prime Law vision will take us to new hights in technology, science, arts and engineering.  Virutally all fields will benefit rapidly and wonderfully. This will create a new paradigm for human rights.  The rights of the individual will become paramount.  Outside groups and majorities will no longer hold an advantage over any person. That freedom will uncork the creative minds to create in never before ways.  There will be rapidly expanding economic growth and wealth for all. Costs will decrease over time instead of the inflation sprial that we now live in.  Government debt will decrease as more people have a new purpose in life and are working their essence(s).  New discoveries in science will allow us to live much longer than we currently do. That will keep people working much longer and productively throught society creating even more values. The shift would be massive and encompass all areas of our lives–to our benefit. The job creation alone would be staggering. Wouldn’t that be refreshing? Hey, isn’t that just what we need?

  Who would ever try to stop this? Whoever did would only be ultimately denying themselves in addition to everyone else.  Chances are they were only interested in their benefit at the cost of everyone else.  It simply cannot be allowed to happen. If it were to happen, expect a second Dark Ages.  You think things have been bad, think again. That is why MH and his work is so valuable.  It is a REAL SOLUTION to get us out of this mess we’re in. It is here for everyone to benefit from. Who else has thought it out this well for so long?  

Respectfully, Antonio B

Mark Hamilton (MH) has changed my life, for the better, forever.

Mark Hamilton (MH) has changed my life, for the better, forever. His books and teachings have allowed me to profit more than at any other time in my career despite the recession. Profits continue to rise in 2009 after a great 2008. How many are saying that right now?  How many need that right about now?  His mini-day organizational method can help many–especially now. Anyone can plug in this method to achieve great things in record time while never skipping important details or being overwhelmed.  From there you can create tremendous wealth.  Even an empire is within reach for every person if they are willing to get down to work and practice the method.  Many people need Hamilton’s work and implementation so desparately.  It would be a tragedy of epic proprotions to deny any one of his creations. 

     His visions are carefully integrated, meticulously thought out and fully detailed. His visions share with us a new way of life that we deserve and are ready to experience here on earth.  A new beginning of sorts for mankind. Imagine that for one moment. Wouldn’t you want to live like that?  The possiblily of healthy living much longer that you ever thought possible.  Imagine what could be accomplished.  It’s mind blowing!  The thought of not being able to read this literature and learn about this new way of life would be beyond a catastrophe for all humankind.  It is ground shattering work. This material is just too valuable to loose, EVER.

    Mark Hamilton comes from a place of total integrity and responsiblity, period. Few Practice what they preach, but Mark does. He never makes excuses and slices thru any limitation to get down to the essential tools that will trasnform life in this country as well as the rest of the world. It all starts with each one of us, the individual.  He will ignite the geniuses of the world to create a new framework in The United States of America.  That framework will provide a basis for other countries to follow our lead. MH and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) will set a new standard throughout the world by unleashing a new paradigm:  self-leadership under Prime Law. 

   We recieve support from each other thru the Neothink Society. The society also operates under full integrity and responsibility just like MH. It provides an accelerated social portal into this new world. It is not some cult or fringe group.  The society is a group of self-leaders who wish to gain more knowlege and work with others to create new social connections and potential business contacts. The groups are designed for each person to identify their life purpose and get the indivudial moving in that direction using MH tools such as the mini-day, power thinking, and company capture techniques. It allows people to interact with one another to advance all with no selfish agendas or egos. It is a refreshing environment to operate in and share with.  The society wishes each person to find their essence so that they can advance quickly in business and succeed. There are no secrets; only hard thinking to find solutions. There is a huge need for this in our world right now.  It must be preserved. To take it away is criminal. 

  His Prime Law vision will take us to new hights in technology, science, arts and engineering.  Virutally all fields will benefit rapidly and wonderfully. This will create a new paradigm for human rights.  The rights of the individual will become paramount.  Outside groups and majorities will no longer hold an advantage over any person. That freedom will uncork the creative minds to create in never before ways.  There will be rapidly expanding economic growth and wealth for all. Costs will decrease over time instead of the inflation sprial that we now live in.  Government debt will decrease as more people have a new purpose in life and are working their essence(s).  New discoveries in science will allow us to live much longer than we currently do. That will keep people working much longer and productively throught society creating even more values. The shift would be massive and encompass all areas of our lives–to our benefit. The job creation alone would be staggering. Wouldn’t that be refreshing? Hey, isn’t that just what we need?

  Who would ever try to stop this? Whoever did would only be ultimately denying themselves in addition to everyone else.  Chances are they were only interested in their benefit at the cost of everyone else.  It simply cannot be allowed to happen. If it were to happen, expect a second Dark Ages.  You think things have been bad, think again. That is why MH and his work is so valuable.  It is a REAL SOLUTION to get us out of this mess we’re in. It is here for everyone to benefit from. Who else has thought it out this well for so long?  

Respectfully, Antonio B

We were about to give up when a year and a half ago we discovered the Neothink

Dear Mr. Hamilton:

We have dedicated our life to develop a new method of education to create a new kind of human being for an honest and upright society. After that, we have knocked on many doors to market and implement such a wonderful technique but, illogically, we have found nobody interested in developing such a wonderful tool for humankind, and could not understand the reasons behind it. We were about to give up when a year and a half ago we discovered the Neothink Society and since then our life has gone through many changes. I will name only a few of them: My wife has recovered her health that had gotten worse in the previous years. Although I am a Psychologist I recognize that with NeoTink’s simple formula, our relationship went to a higher level, allowing us to enjoy more our life together. Your ideas, through the  NeoThink philosophy, have given us a deeper comprehension of life and all the injustices committed every day. At the same time it has provided us with new tools to improve ourselves, our relationships and our businesses. It has helped us to finally put together the whole picture of life giving it a new meaning and dimension with new beliefs. But MOST IMPORTANT for us is, that it has given us hope again that, with the new course NEOTHINK  is redirecting society, it will allow us to finally find ways and people interested in applying our educational system globally to produce the geniuses the world needs.

Thank you Mark!

Armando and Lilian Elias

The Neothink® Society and The Twelve Visions Party® are like oxygen

The Neothink® Society and The Twelve Visions Party® are like oxygen for me to live the life I am meant to live. In a time when so many people are looking for leadership, I have learned to look within, and grasp that responsibility to lead myself into a world of limitless potential. My unique values to offer society in ways of unknown quantity are unleashed to enrich others and myself.

The Twelve Visions Party will enable everyone the freedom, to meet and exceed the limitations that currently block others and me from achieving our goals and dreams. With businesspersons organizing our country and removing the “Career Politicians” and the overwhelming regulations that destroy so many business, medical, and scientific advancements, we can move rapidly into a world of healthy, wealthy, and emotional stability. In order for this to happen, our government needs to shift to a Protection only government. We the people are more than capable of taking care of our lives, and future generations.

The School of Geniuses is a foundation for all members to integrate and polish their essence.  The organization and value of The School of Geniuses has given me the opportunity to bring my own gifts to this society.

I have noticed more and more people are taking a step back and questioning the validity of not just the governments’ purpose; but also the media’s reporting of world events. Public awareness of Scare Tactics and manipulating hoaxes is increasingly becoming a topic of conversation for the masses.  The negative reporting will shift to one of reporting the advances and progress of entrepreneurs around the world!

 This past year has taken me to new heights of organizational skills; and, a confidence to succeed in many areas, which in turn, has opened doors to additional values and friendships. Thank you to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society®!

Melissa S

Mark Hamilton and The Neothink society

Hello Anticivilation.

I was stuck in a world full of stagnate routine ruts until the very special day I received the beautiful letter in my mailbox from the exquisite Mark Hamilton and Neothink society. Previous till that day, I was ordering self help items from a lady by the name of Lucinda B.  I must say, her product and programs improved me too and extent. Her programs, titled the Midwest Center, taught me how to think more positive and gave me techniques to help deal with and conquer my anxiety. That was my self help healer until the day I received my heirloom packages from Mark. The material within those books changed my life more than too an extent. After absorbing the materials I no longer needed to return to my Midwest center programs, because I was discovering new confidence and trust within myself. The Neothink society had changed my life for the better. Furthermore, the Neothink society and the twelve visions party, I now consider them very valuable family to me and my family. The success of the twelve visions party simply means more geniuses and values for the world. The silencing of Mark and the twelve visions party means that the world will greatly lessen it chances of evolving. May I, along with my Neothink society and our twelve visions party, including the Twelve Visions World, live and last for eternities to come. Thank You Mark Hamilton…..


                                                                                                      Dante A

Neothink Society, Twelve Vision Party and all the people…

Dear Mark,
Neothink Society, Twelve Vision Party and all the people who are around it. When I first got my invite to get my first manuscript, and heard how special I was, It grabbed hold of me, by your words and the way you said it. This first manuscript was like an adventure into a world I have never seen before in my life it was like Avatar. So much Peace and bliss also Amazement and Awe. I was so thrilled when I got that first manuscript and what you said at the top of the manuscript, intro, and everything in there paint such a masterpiece. But I could not use it for I was stuck in the Anti-Civilization white hoaxes B.S that I could not get out of the endless ocean of lies, illusion and deceit. But I keep it safe and in great condition. As I got manuscript number 2 and read that I could see that we will not be an anti-civilization for long as your 12 visions showed. That we will have wealth beyond all as well as love and compassion for our fellow man beyond anything we have ever felt in the history of this Earth. Plus NO NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST and PEACE FOR ALL MANKIND PERIOD is AMAZING. Also that the advance in Earths Technology will be 100 TO THE x100 POWER is Astounding. If we Advance that fast life will be a blur as new technology comes out to replace old technology. That we will all be geniuses and that we will all find our Essences  and be happy at the job you are at cause it won’t be a Specialized Job with it’s Dead End Cog in the Wheel Lie that keeps businesses going but that all will be geniuses that produce real values to the civilization. And that we will go from an Anti-Civilization to a Twelve Visions World is Awe Inspiring. When I got the Third manuscript I know it will happen period. This book revealed what it will be like to go thru the different phases and that we are prepared for the future no matter what it will be happening. I know that everyone needs to WAKE-UP from this MATRIX ILLUSION Dream State of staying small or not smart enough, or can’t do it attitude cause this is going to happen weather now or later so be prepared cause it is going to be a blissful life for you, your children grandchildren and so on. Do you think we are going to be in a recession forever ha! This will pass as will all the troubles that this world has seen. We will all create and blissful, peaceful future and it will happen.
Thank you once again to me greatest Friends,
Mark Hamilton, Mark Hamilton and The NEOTHINK SOCIETY you are all creating the BEST FUTURE THIS PLANET HAS EVER SEEN OR WILL EVER SEE. I LOVE YOU ALL.
 Your Friend Forever and Ever,

We were about to give up when a year and a half ago we discovered the Neothink

Dear Mr. Hamilton:

We have dedicated our life to develop a new method of education to create a new kind of human being for an honest and upright society. After that, we have knocked on many doors to market and implement such a wonderful technique but, illogically, we have found nobody interested in developing such a wonderful tool for humankind, and could not understand the reasons behind it. We were about to give up when a year and a half ago we discovered the Neothink Society and since then our life has gone through many changes. I will name only a few of them: My wife has recovered her health that had gotten worse in the previous years. Although I am a Psychologist I recognize that with NeoTink’s simple formula, our relationship went to a higher level, allowing us to enjoy more our life together. Your ideas, through the NeoThink philosophy, have given us a deeper comprehension of life and all the injustices committed every day. At the same time it has provided us with new tools to improve ourselves, our relationships and our businesses. It has helped us to finally put together the whole picture of life giving it a new meaning and dimension with new beliefs. But MOST IMPORTANT for us is, that it has given us hope again that, with the new course NEOTHINK is redirecting society, it will allow us to finally find ways and people interested in applying our educational system globally to produce the geniuses the world needs.

Thank you Mark!

Armando and Lilian Elias

With the threat of pandemics, how will we ensure proper vaccinations or quarantines without force?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …With the FDA removed freed medical geniuses will be able to find cures for diseases faster. People will generally be willing to take legitimate vaccinations brought to the market by free enterprise to save their own lives. They will generally be willing to voluntarily quarantine themselves if need be to help solve the problem. Government can only use force when protecting people. Objective protection will be used.

Will there be socialized medicine after Prime Law? And if not, how will the medical industry function?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …The medical industry will be depoliticized with the Prime Law and organizations like the FDA will be disbanded. Socialized medicine will be unnecessary because the medical industry will be revolutionized by geniuses who make costs plummet and service rise with rapid medical breakthroughs.

January 2025