Posts Tagged ‘geniuses’

Those who attack Mark Hamilton…

If you search back throughout your life, I trust that you can find one moment of real happiness. Everyone should have at least one moment in his or her life, for at least a split second, when everything felt right with your life. It’s sad to imagine that there are people who have never had that experience, but looking around I think it must be true; the Burden of Life hangs heavy on so many people. Feelings of failure and that all worthy goals are impossible to reach keep people addicted to their prime time escapes from reality. Those who attack Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party have a vested interest in keeping people drunk and dumb while commercials define what is needed and wanted.
But the Geniuses of Society cannot be stopped. We are creating incredible opportunities for anyone who would like to unplug from a life of stagnation and decay, and tap into a whole new world of excitement where everyday can be the BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE! What will life be like? Imagine discovering a new passion, a game that is so fun and stimulating you can hardly break yourself away from it, and imagine that by playing this game not only do you have FUN, but you also GET RICH! and not only that, by playing this new game, YOU MAKE OTHER PEOPLE RICH TOO! Finding and Creating such games is what Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party are all about! Such games ARE POSSIBLE and more are being created EVERYDAY! These new games will obsolete many aspects of modern society; everyone who currently benefits from degradation and addiction and violence and force feels threatened, because the NEW MILLIONAIRE games of the future will take away their market share. Little do they know that they will benefit beyond their wildest dreams, as all people will, as these new games are unleashed!
What will these GAMES be like? How do they work? What is the secret? Each person will find his or her own version, many examples already exist! Every Artist has already found it! Skilled Artists are DRIVEN by the Fire of their Passions to create incredible works, as they hone their skill and elevate their subject matter, they attract larger and larger commissions; their creativity enriches the lives of their patrons, as they grow wealthy themselves! They have found the KEY: VALUE CREATION that aligns with their PASSION!
Mark Hamilton’s Multigenerational Manuscripts can show ANYONE how to find their Passion and turn it into a VALUE and PROFIT creating BUSINESS! I’ve DONE IT, and SO CAN YOU! The Twelve Visions Party is the political party formed by Value Creators and Geniuses that will ensure that EVERYONE has the opportunity to FIND the GAME that is right for him or her that will not encroach upon the rights of others to Discover and Play their own GAMES of VALUE CREATION!
Whenever ANYONE creates a new MILLIONAIRE GAME filled with Passion and Creativity, EVERYONE benefits! I would be HONORED to help you find yours!
See through the illusions, and see who is REALLY CREATING VALUES, Defend the rights of VALUE CREATORS to start and operate their Businesses with the least Burdens Possible, Enjoy voluntarily doing business with them, Discover GREAT DEALS on the Incredible Values that they produce.
The WORLD of EXCITEMENT that Mark Hamilton and The Twelve Visions Party represent is the most beautiful picture I have ever seen! But 300 Million Millionaires All DRIVING on their PASSION, playing MILLIONAIRE GAMES that drive the wealth and standard of living of EVERYONE beyond our wildest dreams… THIS IS REAL! IT’S COMING! You can HAVE IT NOW! And with each new MILLIONAIRE GAME that is discovered, it will become increasingly obvious that the NEW WORLD STIMULATIONS will out-compete and out Stimulate the old decaying world of stagnation. DITCH IT NOW! DISCOVER THE LIFE YOU WERE MEANT TO LIVE! This IS what LIFE IS ALL ABOUT!
– Yon C

Mark Hamilton has done more benevolent…


Mark Hamilton has done more benevolent things than I can imagine for opening up people’s minds to the reality of existence.  He has given me the option to join him on the path of enlightened thought which was a turning point for my life.  Here on the path problems are destroyed by solutions constantly.  I can think of no other person or mentor who has brought me to a reawakening of myself.  Quite simply he is the smartest person I’ve ever listened to and read.  Mark Hamilton is a true genius creating solutions to millenniums of mysticism, reinvigorating humanity from tragic limitations.  Ever since high-school I remember having the dream of owning my own business and creating values for people that understand what value is.  Now I have multiple opportunities to start my own business. No longer do I wonder if my businesses will take off or what business to start first.  The beginning of my life as an entrepreneur has begun.  The entrepreneurial spirit I now possess will never be able to be taken away from me and it will only become more integrated and rich with time.  This is funded by the greatest pieces of literature I’ve ever read and the people of the Neothink Society.  The simplicity of word through concepts is universally understood in the prime literature.  The shear magnitude of knowing the secrets of life is enough to make anyone truly wealthy, as wealth often precedes monetary riches.  I have always been open minded living in the realm of possibility, now I’m in a network of geniuses who think like I do.  I imagine my future and its positive effect on the world.  The adventure is something certainly worth living.  My conscious integrated thinking has been supported by Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society throughout this journey.

Being stagnant in a nine to five job will evolve into a creation passion that hasn’t been felt since childhood. Positive energies that have been written off as unsustainable now gain ever more leverage, duration, and capacity.  Fully integrated honesty enlightens the truth creating pure love that supplies the universe with greater entropy.  Man creates his rewards of existence through living by principles that are just.  Never before have I seen, heard, and most importantly taken part in something with such agreeable, essential, fundamentals of life and existence.  Nature feels the power of consciousness taking control of earthly forces.  This is man’s leaping point to the cosmic mind of the future for the masses.  Man’s conscious desire to learn is as limitless as the universe itself.  The searchers of the world can now rest for they have found what they were looking for.

The founding fathers created this great country with the greatest document known to govern nations.  Now the time has come to integrate what the founding fathers could not foresee.  This is done through the Twelve Visions Party.  This anti-political “political” party knows how to do this through one simple and brilliant integration known as the Prime Law.  The common denominator of people as individuals with identical rights allow us all to experience what our ancestors and ourselves have been denied until now.  The bipartisan political system has shorted the world for too long.  With the success of the Twelve Visions Party the people of the U.S.A will experience freedom that hasn’t been experienced since the first settlers arrived.  Think of how the invention of the personal computer changed technology and business, this is how the Prime Law will change politics and government.  Together with the geniuses of the world and the technology we currently possess the future is a blank canvas ready for great beauty, health, wealth, and peace.  Harmony will envelop the world for the first time in human existence.  The Twelve Visions Party makes everyone rich by bringing the cost of living down.  The demise of the Twelve Visions Party will certainly not stop the convergence of the malevolent deadly forces that currently exist.  Mark Hamilton as pioneer of the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society must not be silenced.  His literature details life’s advantages through a new level of thought.  With our current government it will be of no surprise to see the government with its forced backed entities try to shut down this pivotal movement in human history.  Dejection through injustice shall no longer be accepted or tolerated.  The time to rise to the revolution is now.  Those who rise will never be forgotten.  If we the people allow the movement to be disintegrated then the tragedy of life will continue on through death.  If we don’t then humanity will reap the rewards for eternity through biological immortality.

Kevin E















It all started back on the 24th of January, 2009. My Life changed. I made a commitment to take a stand for something. That “Something” is, to take back Our Country from the neo-cheaters. Life is not meant to be this way, a constant struggle day in and day out. I am a Proud Member of the Neothink Society, thanks to One Great Man, Mark Hamilton. A True Visionary.

Those Visions are, and there are Twelve. V1; Become the Person You Were Meant To Be, V2; Live the Life You Were Meant

To Live, V3; Feel Extraordinary, V4; Stop Aging, V5; Get the Job Of Your Dreams, V6; Start the Company You Always Wanted,

V7; Embrace the Lover Of Your Fantasies, V8; Diet Down To the Body You Always Envied, V9; Become A Genius, V10; Surround

Yourself With Geniuses, V11; Ride A Prosperity Explosion That Will Make You A Millionaire, V12; Enjoy Perfect Physical and Mental


We need a Change. That Change is,

*The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily.

*The function of government is to provide the conditions that let individuals fulfill that purpose.

*The Prime Law guarantees those conditions by forbidding the use of initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person

or group against any individual, property, or contract.

Article 1

No person, group of persons, or government shall initiate force, threat of force, or fraud against any individual’s self, property, or contract.

Article 2

Force is morally-and-legally justified only for protection from those who violate Article 1

Article 3

No exceptions shall exist for Articles 1 and 2.

Next, we need to bring The Prime Law to fruition, by means of the Twelve Visions Party (TVP).

The Twelve Visions Party is here to make everyone Healthy and Wealthy by introducing a moral and just government of protection Only. We, the people, now more than ever need proper leaders in political office. TVP is here to fill that need.  That Need is Change. Thank You Mark Hamilton for this well needed change, The Neothink Society/TVP.

James H

Mark Hamilton Has Changed My Life


Mark Hamilton (MH) has changed my life, for the better, forever. His books and teachings have allowed me to profit more than at any other time in my career despite the recession. Profits continue to rise in 2009 after a great 2008. How many are saying that right now?  How many need that right about now?  His mini-day organizational method can help many–especially now. Anyone can plug in this method to achieve great things in record time while never skipping important details or being overwhelmed.  From there you can create tremendous wealth.  Even an empire is within reach for every person if they are willing to get down to work and practice the method.  Many people need Hamilton’s work and implementation so desperately.  It would be a tragedy of epic proportions to deny any one of his creations.

His visions are carefully integrated, meticulously thought out and fully detailed. His visions share with us a new way of life that we deserve and are ready to experience here on earth.  A new beginning of sorts for mankind. Imagine that for one moment. Wouldn’t you want to live like that?  The possibility of healthy living much longer that you ever thought possible.  Imagine what could be accomplished.  It’s mind blowing!  The thought of not being able to read this literature and learn about this new way of life would be beyond a catastrophe for all humankind.  It is ground shattering work. This material is just too valuable to loose, EVER.

Mark Hamilton comes from a place of total integrity and responsibility, period. Few Practice what they preach, but Mark does. He never makes excuses and slices thru any limitation to get down to the essential tools that will transform life in this country as well as the rest of the world. It all starts with each one of us, the individual.  He will ignite the geniuses of the world to create a new framework in The United States of America.  That framework will provide a basis for other countries to follow our lead. MH and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) will set a new standard throughout the world by unleashing a new paradigm:  self-leadership under Prime Law.

We receive support from each other thru the Neothink Society. The society also operates under full integrity and responsibility just like MH. It provides an accelerated social portal into this new world. It is not some cult or fringe group.  The society is a group of self-leaders who wish to gain more knowledge and work with others to create new social connections and potential business contacts. The groups are designed for each person to identify their life purpose and gets the individual moving in that direction using MH tools such as the mini-day, power thinking, and company capture techniques. It allows people to interact with one another to advance all with no selfish agendas or egos. It is a refreshing environment to operate in and share with.  The society wishes each person to find their essence so that they can advance quickly in business and succeed. There are no secrets; only hard thinking to find solutions. There is a huge need for this in our world right now.  It must be preserved. To take it away is criminal.

His Prime Law vision will take us to new heights in technology, science, arts and engineering.  Virtually all fields will benefit rapidly and wonderfully. This will create a new paradigm for human rights.  The rights of the individual will become paramount.  Outside groups and majorities will no longer hold an advantage over any person. That freedom will uncork the creative minds to create in never before ways.  There will be rapidly expanding economic growth and wealth for all. Costs will decrease over time instead of the inflation spiral that we now live in.  Government debt will decrease as more people have a new purpose in life and are working their essence(s).  New discoveries in science will allow us to live much longer than we currently do. That will keep people working much longer and productively through society creating even more values. The shift would be massive and encompass all areas of our lives–to our benefit. The job creation alone would be staggering. Wouldn’t that be refreshing? Hey, isn’t that just what we need?

Who would ever try to stop this? Whoever did would only be ultimately denying themselves in addition to everyone else?  Chances are they were only interested in their benefit at the cost of everyone else.  It simply cannot be allowed to happen. If it were to happen, expect a second Dark Ages.  You think things have been bad, think again. That is why MH and his work are so valuable.  It is a REAL SOLUTION to get us out of this mess we’re in. It is here for everyone to benefit from. Who else has thought it out this well for so long?

Respectfully, Antonio B

I admire Mark Hamilton


Mark Hamilton’s literature dramatic change are in my life and empowered me to live the life of my dreams no longer waste valuable time in prayers or other superstitions. I devote all my energy reading all the books that I have it makes me feel better specially when I’m so dispperate and if I’m not feeling good I feel this the  only medicine I know that could solve everything and also devote all my energy toward rational and beneficial conclusion. Discovering harmony with the world around you with the universe and with yourself that everyone’s
life long search for something more come in completion for I found it, through your rare knowledge for everything Mark Hamilton! You are so genius you are not just saving yourself and your family but throughout mankind. I admire you so much Mark Hamilton hoping everyone work together same as the twelve immortal’s, to achieve the super-puzzle. The Neothink society the twelve vision party their aim’s first depoliticize America
to free all the geniuses and set free medicine, science, and businesses. Neothink geniuses will rise and take  care of all our needs making everyone very wealthy, very healthy as medical technologies soar and will eradicate diseases while free to prosperous society. Boring routine jobs of labor get replace with exciting creative jobs of the mind resulting deep individual happiness from creative not stagnant lives which will love rekindle permanent feelings of romantic love and exciting family love, finally the new Neothink puzzle building mentality will spread to everyone creating futures full of extraordinary values happiness and love then you’ll feel to live forever for the super-puzzle!”Biological immortality”!!! Thanks again Mark Hamilton for being in to this society!!! luisa p

The Geniuses of the society


I remember 3 years ago when I first received Mark Hamilton’s Manuscripts, I could not believe my eyes,everything I read was an eye opener to me,I was thinking what a genius,how could someone know so much about the world and people.He cares so much about our well being,going out of his way just to help people in this society,nobody would ever attempt to do so much to help this wonderful world like he has.The only other person that has attempted this was Jesus Christ,and look at the price that he payed for it.
Love makes the world go around,and Mark Hamilton and Jesus Christ has proven that, everyone should order these manuscripts and read up on them, you will see what I am talking about.
Call our customer services at.

What a RUSH!


Try this: Imagine something that you value. Imagine having more and more and more of that coming into your life! Imagine all of the good things that life has to offer you, all coming into your life. Not only do you see the incredible loving interactions, you also see new valuable ideas and new valuable products. Ten years from now there will be new inventions that you currently have NO IDEA that they could ever be available to you. Yet THEY ARE COMING! The Geniuses of Society are working right now to bring them to you!

I can hardly believe the incredible power that the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton’s Multigenerational Manuscripts have unlocked with in me! I can see all of these good things flowing into my life, and already I’m taking my life to the next level by working to bring YOU the FUTURE INVENTIONS as Fast as I can! I can hardly wait to show you the incredible things that I’m creating for you!

Consider joining the Neothink Society and its incredible Business Alliance – they will be the first to receive the benefits of what I’m creating -> they are busy creating incredible values for me and my family too! We’d love to help you take your idea to the next love!

I’ll see you sooner or later in the incredibly exciting, stimulating, enjoyable, and happy future that we are creating!

Love from the Future!

Mark Hamilton and his literature …


Mark Hamilton and his literature and visions have taught me how to think for myself…how to use my own mind to manifest things in life that I want.  I have learned how to break free from the illusions of safety and freedom that our government so adamantly claims we have, and to recognize when I am being used, mislead, and first and foremost controlled.  The government claims to be here to help us and to keep order, yet the only beneficiaries of all their rules and regulations are the big government themselves. They little guy has always footed the bill and will continue to take the down fall if nothing is changed. Mark Hamilton is about freeing the people and allowing the geniuses of society to make this a world a better and more productive place to live.

Jessika T

Dear Mark.
     I am sending you this letter to share with you, what you personally and what the Multi Generational Manuscripts, have meant to me.  I will start by sharing with you where I was at just before receiving your invitation to become a member of the Neothink Society.
     I was soon approaching my 56th birthday and my life was very depressing.  I was 9 years away from retirement age, no savings, owing over $75,000 in back child support, which took over half of my paycheck.  To make matters worse, I was on commission sales, and because of the economy, my income was going down.  I had almost accepted the fact that I was destined to live the rest of my life in poverty, with no escape.  It was like being in a pitch black room, or being in a dense fog, or being trapped in a complicated maze not knowing where to turn.  My life was basically hopeless.  To make matters even worse, I looked back to my senior year in high school.  How promising things were then.  I had a vision of changing the world.  I was voted by my classmates most likely to succeed.  In fact, I had not been to my class reunions out of embarrassment.  I asked myself how I had gotten to this dismal place in my life, where did I go wrong, how could someone with so much potential have become such a failure. I am thankful that I did not have suicidal tendencies.
     Four days before my 56th birthday, I received a letter in the mail.  It was a letter from you, it was an invitation to join this society of geniuses.  It stated they  recognized that I was special, and that I was being asked to join them, this society was the Neothink Society.  I was flattered but yet skeptical, so the first thing I did was get on the internet.  There I found some people talking negative about it but I saw that none of them were in or had been in the society, but then I came across a website where others who were in the society were sharing how it had changed their lives and how thankful they were.  I decided to find out for myself, I would rather take the word of someone who knows rather than someone who doesn’t.  On my 56th birthday I sent in my request form.  There began my journey.  As it turns out, that was the best birthday present I have ever received.
     When I received my literature from Mark, I dug into it, and as I read, it was like someone had turned on the light in that dark room of despair that I was trapped in, the fog was lifted from my life and I had clear vision, and I had true direction in the complicated maze of life.  Instead of despair, I found my life full of hope and I was once again becoming happy.  I could clearly see where my life was headed, and I also knew the direction to take at each juncture in life I came across.  I could once again look in the mirror and respect the man I saw there, I could see that I truly was special.  Through the literature I learned the true value of honesty, first with myself and also with others, for I realized that honesty builds society, dishonesty tears it down.  I also realized how important it was to love myself.  As these values toward myself grew, I also began to realize that each and every individual was special and my love and respect grew for them as well.  This brought me to a place where I understood that we cannot give what we don’t have, in order to be honest with others, we first had to be honest with our self, to be able to respect someone else, we had to first respect our self, and in order to love someone else, we had to first love our self.
     I then realized what you had really done for me through the literature and your mentoring, you had helped me to become a self leader, and in doing so, I discovered the true meaning of freedom.  The simplest way to put freedom is self rule.  As with any form of rule, there is a domain, in the case of self rule, the domain consists of the individual and everything that belongs to the individual.  As in any form of rule, there is a leader, with freedom(self rule), that leader is the individual.  I then realized why I had ended up where I was so miserable in life, I had been programmed all my life to be a follower.  Looking to outside authorities for the answers lead me to be enslaved in my thinking, simply put, a follower is subject to that which he follows.  By becoming a self leader, I was able to take control of my life.  I took full responsibility for all of my decisions and in doing so, I was able to make wise decisions that would lead to desired results.
     My desire is that all people would be willing to take this journey that I am on, the journey to true freedom through self leadership.  I can see if that were to happen, the many problems that we see today would simply disappear, for people would not be looking for what they could get but instead what they could do.  What they could do to better their life as well as the lives of others.  Peoples focus would turn from consuming to creating, and in doing so prices would fall and prosperity would rise because of the abundance.  But why is this not happening?  Isn’t this what our Founding Father’s established through our Constitution.  What I see has happened is that over time we have witnessed the establishment of a ruling class in our country called the career politician who is more concerned about holding office rather than protecting the rights of the individual.  For that reason he is quick to pass sound good legislation that will get him votes but in essence take away our freedom.  Our Founding Fathers were not career politicians, but were individuals who believed in the freedom and the rights of the individual and volunteered their time and resources to guarantee those rights of the individual through our Constitution.  But over time, politicians and judges have changed the original intent to not guarantee those rights of the individual but to take control over the individual.  We are no longer a government of the people, by the people and for the people, but a government of career politicians over the people.
     This is why I see the importance of the Prime Law which would guarantee the rights of the individual by forbidding initiatory force against the individual, by another individual, group of individuals, or government.  And the purpose of government would be to protect those rights.  The Twelve Visions Party, based on the Prime Law is essential to bring about a change in the direction of our freedoms being lost and instead guaranteeing those rights and our freedom.  When that happens, when individuals are freed from the burdens of big government, then prosperity will return, for business will once again flourish.  Freedom must survive, not socialism as where we are headed if we continue our present course.  Freedom is what made this country great and freedom will make it great again.
     One last thing I want to share with you and is a great compliment to you and all the others in the Neothink Society, and this comes from my 20 year old son.  We were talking the other day and he was sharing with me how when I first joined the society that he thought it was some pie in the sky group and really didn’t think much of it, but over the last year and a half he has watched what a difference it has made in his dad’s life and he told me that he can see how much I have changed and how happy I am now, and that he could recognize that the Neothink Society was truly a good thing.  And that he too would like to start reading the literature himself.  From the bottom of my heart, I thank you Mark for all that you have done for me.   Tom

January 2025