Posts Tagged ‘genius’

Mark Hamilton, I would like Thank this Genius for finding me…


Mark Hamilton, I would like Thank this Genius for finding me and setting me on the Right path to find my FNE, I know what I need to do to get there, I am now working my FNE. Now I will set myself free to do what is in my heart. When Mark found me I was going on the wrong path of life, and then He sent me a letter and I sent it back in and soon after I received a booklet and as I read that booklet I knew I just had to find out more about what was going on in this Neothink Society, So right away I ordered my first book The NT Discovery, and when I received this first book, I opened it and read all the Bold Head Lines first then I turned back to the 1st page and read, at first it was slow going because I really didn’t read books that much, but as I read I couldn’t put it down, I just had to find out more and more. The mini days are great I tried them at work, but with my job it didn’t work to well for the job I have is a end without an end job! It took me about 2 to 3 weeks to read the book, and then I received a letter to send for my 2nd book and I did, when this one arrived I opened it right away and started reading it and once more I didn’t want to put it down, I even took it to work with me and left it in my truck and at lunch I would go out and sit in my truck and read while I ate my lunch, while I was in my truck I was in my own world the Twelve Visions World, For this is the world that I want to be part of I thought. for I have found out things that I have felt all of my life and I knew there had to be more in life than what I was seeing and hearing everyday. It took me about 2wks to finish, and then I sent for Miss Annabelle’s Secrets, I was ready to put forth what I had read and search for the people that I had read about, Because I so wanted to meet these Genius For now I want to live for ever and I want for all of this to come to life, I look forward for when we set the world free of Neo-cheaters And to set aside our differences my Brothers and Sisters and to shed mysticism and put forth the Prime Law. For then will we be one with the Twelve Visions World and Mark Hamilton. Thank you. Kenneth Farlin

It is absolutely awesome and I am excited


Hello. I have been reading the material and the new synopsis (that is kool) through a clear mind, now that all the clutter in my life and mind is being organized and cut away, and this is genius stuff! It is absolutely awesome and I am excited about playing in the Group in the Meetings and becoming happy and wealthy.
I will be starting over as I would if I had ordered all 12 of the Meetings on DVD’s. However, and am dedicated to this group because now that my eyes are open and I can see what is going on in this world compared to our teachings, there is no way that anyone can prevent us from ruling the world soon. This is kool and personally, there is not anyone or any group that can compare to our teachings.
I just wanted to keep in touch by letting you know this, and thanks for any help. Thanks Mark.

Darrin Pegram

I owe that to my mentor Mr. Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

Dear Mr. Hamilton

It saddened me to here that the Government would even think of stopping Neothink and the Twelve Vision Party. Before I was found by Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society I was sleep walking through life. 30 pounds over weight, angry at the world because I felt the World owed me. Angry at my self because I felt I let the world past me by. Then I got the letter in the mail which simply said, I can teach you how to become the person you were born to be. I’m now at the my perfect weight, My confidence has returned and I know I can be do or have anything I want on this green earth. I’ve learned that when you are around like minded people, together you can become a master mind and become the Genius that you really are. I’m no longer afraid to stand up for what I truly believe in. I owe that to my mentor Mr. Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society. I understand how some people are afraid of change. But if you want things in your life to change. You have to change things in your life. You can not continue to do the same things you have always done and expect a different result. So I thank Mr. Mark Hamilton every day for bringing me into the Neothink Society. I look into the mirror every morning and smile because I love myself again.

Marcus M.
New York City

Who Am I

I am a( Being ) Who acquired great knowledge., Thanks to Mark Hamilton, the ( Twelve visions Party and the Neothink Society., I am now able to move into the ( FUTURE )., Mark Hamilton, the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society are ( PURE )( GENIUS ) they give you knowledge that will let you pierce through any illusion, that is in your way., I Love M.H., the Twelve visions Party and the NEOTHINK Society., and you will Too.

would like to thank Mark Hamilton…

I would like to thank Mark Hamilton for allowing me to purchase the literature from his company. This literature is the best information I have ever read. The information contained in his literature has enriched and enhanced my life tremendously. It has moved me on a path that I feel is wonderful and exciting. The literature opened my eyes to a lot situations and confirmed what I felt about a lot things. I feel Mark Hamilton is an outstanding individual with a high level of integrity and integrated thought processes of a Genius. Mark Hamilton’s literature provides information that I can use in many aspects of my life. What can be wrong with information that is fact and scientifically based. Doing things with love and honesty allowing yourself to be a free thinker become a self leader. I love the direction of my life and the choices I am making that allows me to move forward and achieve whatever I want. The literature has helped me to do that and to not be led by outside forces that never has my best interest in their agenda. Thanks, Mark Hamilton I hope you live forever

I want to thank you Mark Hamilton for all you have done

To the Neothink Society
I want to thank you Mark Hamilton for all you have done and are doing to make man kind better. I believe that twelve vision party the tvp will make life better and more successful in life than ever before…the way it was suppose to be from the beginning.
thank you Mark for being the business minded genius you sure are.

Thank you, Mark, for your genius in creating the TVP

Dear Mark,

Thank you, Mark, for your genius in creating the TVP. You give us hope, confidence and the ability to meet people with like minds. Without you we could not have the TVPNJ launch which was a one-in-a-million experience. The convention center vibrated from all the energy that was in the room. It was both fun and informational. We met and learned about our leaders and met so many TVP members but the most exciting moment for me was finally seeing and hearing you. Your message and your presence albeit through the internet was mesmerizing and we were all concentrating so intently that you could have heard a pin drop. I cannot wait for TVP to be in every states. We need TVP to once again give the citizenry the life that we all deserve.

I am honored to be a member of TVP and Neothink Society. It certainly has added a wonderful dimension in my life.

You could search the world over & not find a more honest…

You could search the world over & not find a more honest, sincere compassionate & warm hearted young man.  He has devoted his life to the Neothink society & its members to help everyone live a better life, to be happy, free & good.  The things he taught is not in the library & you won’t learn in a school room. We don’t wish any one any harm, we just want to pursue our dreams & have a better government, honest & decent. That’s not asking too much!!  I sincerely wish he can be left alone to finish his work for the world to see what a Genius he truly is.

Thank you

Peggy L.

Getting Organized -> and Launching


The PowerThinking Technique developed and fully explained in the Neothink Society’s Multigenerational Manuscripts by Mark Hamilton is absolutely incredible! Another project fully mapped out, and now I’m Launching it – one more value creating engine chug-chug-chugging values into my life! These wealth and value creating engines are pure genius!




Mark Hamilton you are a genius, phenomenal writer and businessman I stared reading your 3 volumes on October 2008 hoping my life well change! I am 57 years old from Europe and traveled all over the world. By reading your books I hoped I learned more from you. The conclusion of this you are a good Dreams seller.
PS. Are you my mentor?

March 2025