Posts Tagged ‘future generations’

Receiving my first letter from Mark Hamilton was a highlight of my life

Testimony of Jean Robinson

Receiving my first letter from Mark Hamilton was a highlight of my life. I had already

retired and was working part time. Being an empty nester, I was quite lonely and living day to day with little excitement and really not much to look forward to. Reading about Neothink was an exciting awakening with a sense of anticipation for the future.

I was not happy about life in general because there seems to be so much me-ism in society today and the greed is unfathomable. Neothink is about honesty and allowing individualism with everyone contributing to society for the common good.

This idea gives hope for everyone no matter where one is in his life—young, old, rich, poor, minority, or whatever. With Neothink, we can learn to trust our fellow man instead of wasting time trying to figure out how to avoid being “taken” by those with whom we deal.

 If society could function with everyone contributing and honestly interacting, our country could thrive and all could achieve the “American Dream” instead of a few who take all. The world could then be a place where humankind could live in peace as brothers.

Mark Hamilton has shown us what can be, a world of peace, prosperity and happiness for everyone. His Twelve Visions Party is the vehicle that will get us there so that we can live the life we were meant to live. Why would anyone want to live in this stressful, catastrophic, warring, hurtful world full of famine, sickness, hate, poverty, and deceit?

It is time to take advantage of the opportunity the Twelve Visions party offers to change the world to save ourselves and future generations from the destructive forces of those who have taken power over us and forced humankind into a subservient role.

The literature from Mark Hamilton should be required reading in every school in the world. Everyone, through this literature, will be awakened from the slumber of the propaganda imposed on humankind. Wake up, World.

The Neothink Society gave me the tools to cut the chains that bound me

Anwser: The Neothink Society gave me the tools to cut the chains that bound me
to a self destruct, greedy, one tract mind, self centered society of idiots.
The world has gone crazy, I’m free with my own thoughts and answers to a better
place to live and work and hope for my Grand Children and future generations.
It also has presented solutions to change this crazy world, not just me.
To have wealth, health, love, peace and respect for each other is the goal of the
Neothink Society through the formation of the Twelve Visions Party this is very real.
Last: I’m 81 years old and it gave me reason to live to be a 100′
Long live Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.
Melvin G. Cornwell

Long live Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

Neothink means a new way of thinking to be a self leader, this is nothing new to me,
I have always tried to be my own man self educated, self starter and a leader, but looking back on my life there seems to have always been limits imposed by society, limits beyond my control. So what has the Neothink Society done for me?
It has shown me how to get around those limits and provided me with the tools to cut the chains that bound me to a self destruct, greedy, one tract mind, self centered, all for me Society of idiots. The world has gone crazy, but I am free now to live with my own thoughts and answers with out guilt. I know a better way to live and work and have hope for my Grand children and future generations. It has also presented solutions to change this crazy world, not just me.  The goal of the Neothink Society is to have Health, wealth, love, peace and respect for each other, this is possible through the twelve visions party.  I am 81 years old and the society has given me reason to live to be 100.
Long live Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.
Melvin G C

I am extremely proud to be a member of the Neothink Society


I am extremely proud to be a member of the Neothink Society & knowing Mark Hamilton. Mark Hamilton & his literature has helped me see & build a future not just  for me, my children, their children, & future generations. Also for this country.

I firmly believe Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, & the Twelve Visions Party will bring amazing values to this country, Which this country has seemed to have lost & forgotten.

If you silence Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, & the Twelve Visions Party, you will have silenced any hope for this country. Let’s face it this country is going down the tubes fast. Our only hope is for Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society & the Twelve Visions Party to continue their work.

Could you live with yourselves knowing that you not only silenced but also destroyed everyone’s future? I thought not! Maybe someday in the future, you will be glad you didn’t. And thank Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society members, & the Twelve Visions Party.

My Testimony

Belinda C

Friday, September 11th, 2009

Hi my name is Belinda C and I would like to share my testimony.

The information I was able to learn from Mark Hamilton’s twelve vision’s party

and the Neothink Society has given me the resiliency to hope again for believing in 

the American dream.  Mark’s information had miraculously been put rig ht into my hands

by a women I’d just met at a local gathering. 

Her hopes for life in general had been restored by reading similar material

as Mark’s and went on to  complete her life long dream of being a psychologist after she’d lost her
left arm due to drunk driver. I believe that if more of the masses of people around the world that are

provided the opportunity to read Mark’s material, it will definitely help them also restore their hopes 

and dreams to be given a chance to live a better life for themselves and their families also for future generations.  

It’s time for a great change in our country!!!!

We the American Citizens of the United States voted for the first black President in history, President Borak Obama 

to announce to the world we mean business and we’re taking back our 100% responsibility for our own life’s and we will

prevail in creating a much better future for ourselves to live a better life now and for the future for the well-being of our

selves and for our families. And the United States government will stand by it’s American Citizens just as they did

when President Borak Obama was elected as our first Black/American President.

Warm Regards,
Belinda C

“My greatest point is my persistence. I never give up in a match.
However down I am, I fight until the last ball.
My list of matches shows that I have turned a great many so-called irretrievable defeats into victories.”-Professional Tennis Player Bjorn Borg

“I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition.”Martha Washington 1732-1802, First American First Lady

I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.
-Thomas A. Edison”

It’s a lesson which all history teaches the wise, to put trust in ideas, not in circumstances.”-Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803-1882,Essayist, Philosopher & Poet”

You, are the Narrator of Your Life”-Dr. Paul D

Thank you for changing my life, Mark Hamilton!

The Twelve Visions Party means to me a life full of happiness, wealth, health and love, all based on individual freedom.  By having the Prime Law in effect, we will all have the freedom our Founding Fathers wanted for our Country and for all of the future generations to come.  It will be freedom for everyone, down to the lowest individual, because no one is more important than anyone else.

I have learned from Mark Hamilton what the most important thing in life is…Happiness.  I have learned how to achieve that happiness by living a life of honesty, and being a value producer or a value creator, and putting more value into society than I consume.  I learned something from him that is so simple, yet has the power to change any life. That is, you must keep learning and growing in your life, because if you are not growing you are stagnating and slowing waiting for death.  For many people their lives are so boring they just want time to pass quickly to get to the end sooner, the end being death.  For death has been glorified so they think death will be their escape and better than the life they have now!

If these people would only read Mark Hamilton’s literature with an open mind, they would see the honesty and love with which it is written.  His literature teaches you how to be a value producer or even a value creator. …Creating values for your fellow man.  Then you are not wasting your life, and waiting for a hand out.  Then your life becomes too exciting!  You also learn just how important you are and how valuable you can be to the world. It teaches you to live your life right here on earth to the fullest.

The literature teaches you how to use your own mind to learn the truth in any situation, based on reality.  Our current leaders do not want you to use your own mind to discover the reality of a situation.  They want to use the smoke and mirrors to keep people from seeing reality.  They use the media to get their agenda across because they know that the masses do not have the knowledge or motivation to dig in and discover the reality of the situation.  We have been lead to believe that the media tells the reality of the situation, when in fact they do not, they pass on what they are told to.

Our Country is headed now to a Socialist/Fascist Country.  We are losing our freedoms every day, the freedoms our Fore Fathers fought to guarantee us.  The freedoms all of our Veterans fought to have for all of us.   The Twelve Visions Party guarantees those for all of us, for it would return our Government to its proper purpose.  …To protect all of the citizens from initiatory force, fraud or coercion.  Twelve Visions Party would mean I would not have to fear my Government any longer.  I would be free to live my life as I see fit, as long as I am not putting force, fraud or coercion upon anyone.  It would mean that I no longer have to pay taxes to a Government that spends my money for things I do not agree with.  The Government would be based on a business structure.  I would then be able to pay for the services I want, if it is a value I am willing to support with my earned money.

Without the burden of Government, technologies will explode as the computer industry did.  Prices will drop; this is what will solve our Medical/Health care crisis in this country.  …Along with the Government getting out of the Health Care business, and basing it on capitalistic business principles.  We will also be able to get the message out that diet & exercise are the best preventative care there is not X-rays and Scopes.

The Twelve Visions Government will make everyone responsible for them, as nature intended.  For we all have that ability within us.

Mark Hamilton teaches you that with love and kindness and occasionally a bit of tough love. Thank you for changing my life, Mark Hamilton!

Teresa D


March 2025