Posts Tagged ‘fulfilling life’

Hello Mr. Mark Hamilton,
For the past three and a half years my life has been filled with excitement and purpose.
Up until three and a half years ago I was stuck in my routine rut of lifeless complacency, with no real hope for a fulfilling life of prosperity and happiness.
Mark Hamilton I want to thank you for your life-saving Prime Literature. This literature has given me the tools and the knowledge that has already changed my life and the lives of many of my family and friends in wonderful and amazing ways.
I have learned so much from you Mark Hamilton and your priceless Prime Literature. I have become associated with other like-minded individuals with-in the Neothink Society and they have helped me to integrate and glean even more personal benefits in this environment. I have become aware of my true value to society and to the world.
Together we are all supporting the visions of Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party. We look forward, with anticipation the life-enhancing principals of moving mankind to live more abundantly with improved health, peace, freedoms and happiness.
I sometimes wonder what would have happened to me and many others, if we had never heard of Mark Hamilton or had the privilege of reading his Prime literature. This information is so life-changing and powerful that each multigenerational manuscript deserves to be continually read over and over again and again. This priceless material needs to be integrated and learned by everyone who wants life advantages in their lives.
I shudder to think of how my life could have been such a waste of time for a valuable conscious human being like myself. Thankfully, my life now has value, purpose, direction, romance and excitement. My hope of the future is now based on the sound moral and ethical principles of the Prime Law of Protection which the Twelve Visions Party intends to have added to the Constitution. The country will be blessed and prosper like never before. Without the Prime Law, the T.V.P., Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society moving humanity into its’ next logical evolutionary step; mankind will be doomed to certain annihilation and possible extinction.
I would encourage others and plead with them to support Mark Hamilton, The Twelve Visions Party, The Prime Law and The Neothink Society by directing them to go to and see for themselves.

With my eternal gratitude, love and respect,
Raymond Desmarais

Mark Hamilton and neothink has given my life a new way of thinking


In everyone’s life there comes the moment where you take stock of where you have been and where you are now.

My journey with Mark Hamilton and neothink has given my life a new way of thinking and therefore a more fulfilling life.

I am a senior citizen who does not live chronologically any more, thanks to Mr. HAMILTON.  His writings and new ways (Miss Anabelle’s story) of empowering children and adults has brought me back into the teaching world.  I enjoy my teaching so much more and I know that my students are  going within and are more aware of their divine power as well as what their mission on this earth will be.

Every day I spend teaching< I realize more and more how ready this generation of children is to absorb this knowledge.

I want to thank the author of the Boo book (Ten tender lessons.

I find my young students curled up on the couch absolutely

immersed in the book.    Any more books coming out?

I know that the best “thank you” to you, Mr. Hamilton, is to spread the message and that is my work.

In gratitude for the inspiration, I remain an ardent searcher.


Mark Hamilton is God’s gift to the world


Haven’t we humans come of age to know lies and dishonesty can never make this world a better place that we all dream and wish for? Isn’t it exciting to realize there are still people in this world of ours like Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party who have the drive to get us all to a peaceful and fulfilling life? Lets take time to listen to what Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party have for us all to get us to the world of peace and happiness that we are created to live. I believe Mark Hamilton is a chosen one to take us all on this journey.

My journey with Mark Hamilton and neothink has given my life a new way of thinking

In everyone’s life there comes the moment where you take stock of where you have been and where you are now.

My journey with Mark Hamilton and neothink has given my life a new way of thinking and therefore a more fulfilling life.

I am a senior citizen who does not live chronologically any more, thanks to Mr. HAMILTON.  His writings and new ways (Miss Anabelle’s story) of empowering children and adults has brought me back into the teaching world.  I enjoy my teaching so much more and I know that my students are  going within and are more aware of their divine power as well as what their mission on this earth will be.

Every day I spend teaching< I realize more and more how ready this generation of children is to absorb this knowledge.

I want to thank the author of the Boo book (Ten tender lessons.

I find my young students curled up on the couch absolutely

Immersed in the book.    Any more books coming out?

I know that the best “thank you” to you, Mr. Hamilton, is to spread the message and that is my work.

In gratitude for the inspiration, I remain an ardent searcher.



March 2025