Posts Tagged ‘frw’


Where does one begin when there is so much at stack. How does one define where he once was and where he is today.” Well!” Where I was believe it or not. I was Lost and Broken. Lost because of drugs and the civilization I found myself surrounded by that was sucking the life out of me. Broken because my faith though fragile was destroyed because of all the Contradiction Confusion and Conflicts.” But somehow!” And don’t ask me how! I knew that there has to be something better out there. How I did that I can’t tell you. What I can tell you is that one day I ask myself how do I except help from others when I didn’t know how to help myself. And don’t ask me how I figured this out either. “I just did!” But if I had to give you some idea I would have to say it is because of the knowledge that I’m absorbing. And this is what I figured out that it was time to start teaching myself how to start trusting, respecting and loving myself enough to actually help myself. And I’ll be the first to tell you it wasn’t easy. And once I did that somehow that amazing letter found me’s I read that amazing letter I find out who sent it to me. And he starts telling me about the founder which happens to be his Father. And it also told me to expect another and from there. Came the Big Black Manuscripts. And shortly after reading the first manuscript I found out that we lost Dr.FRW. And the feeling of hurt came over me with the thought of never having a chance to ever meet him!” EVER!” But I knew we lost a fellow solider that was carrying the flag of our dreams! And now he is gone! Now I’m thinking who is going to pick up that flag and continue carrying it forward. “I want to say me!” “Let me!” But I know there is someone with more knowledge then me who should pick it up. But at the same time if the person who has more knowledge then me asked me to carry it because he has more pressing issues to take care of. I would grab that flag and carry it forward till they take my legs out from under me and no matter what so long as I can still breath I’ll find the courage somehow and crawl on my hands and hips if I had to. So as I continued reading the three manuscripts! I continued learning new things and one of many things that you learn about is there is a new way of thinking. And then somehow like someone or something plucked out of the clear blue sky. “This whirling machine!” “And someone set it on vortex!” Your mind begin to spin in a way that will astound you. And that is a great thing!!! Because you realize your new way of thinking is NEOTHINKING. Your mind starts telling your body to move and do something towards your forward movement. Then again you realize there are two reason why you have become the person you knew was there when you was young and that you thought you had lost long ago. Those two reason are DR.FRW and Mr. MH. Between the two and their literature has turned me into the beginning person I was longing to be and knowing now I will soon be the person I was always meant to be. And the feeling you get. The feeling of I can be what ever and who ever I want to be! IS AN AMAZING FEELING!
My self leader came rushing back after being stuffed into this AC and the drugs and lies from years past. And now I can proudly tell you! That is not who I am today. Because of Dr. FRW and Mr. MH
the NTS and now the TVP. I AM A BETTER MAN TODAY! AGAIN I CAN TELL YOU PROUDLY I’M NEITHER LOST OR BROKEN. O!yea! About the NTS and TVP these are two more thing you will learn about.
And when you do you will jump into these areas with both feet! And it doesn’t end there. Which bring me to say this it is time to stop playing the ostrich thing we need to get our heads out of the sand like never before. We are being robbed
I mean they are putting their hands deep into our pockets taken all we have and what belongs to our future siblings. And leaving us with the feeling that it is taxes they are taken. And let me tell you this! I’m tired of Career Politician taken our money and giving it to the illegal immigrants. I’m tired of learning that those illegal immigrants make more money then the average American worker just by staying home making baby’s!!! “Can you believe that!!!” We need to vote them out of office and I mean all of the Career Politicians the ones that are incumbents. It doesn’t matter who you vote for just don’t vote for either party’s The republicans or demarcates. So get you head out of the sand and vote for anybody that is not a republicans Or demarcates. Hopefully we will have someone from the TVP who we can vote for in 2012. MORE POWER TO THE NEOTHINK SOCIETY NTS AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST TVP
WE NEED IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

March 2025