Posts Tagged ‘freedoms’


Hello Mark,
  It’s so good to write to you. The lessons the thought patterns, all these have come to me through your writings. It’s opened my eyes to real possibilities.
I see how government as botched this health care disaster. It’s about control of our lives. I ask where the benefit is. Though, I’m not rich, your teachings
have given hope for the future. It’s time for a real party to come of age for the people, and by the people. Sound familiar it should. But, Washington as
numbed us to our freedoms. Our fore fathers went through the same stresses. They believed it was the right thing to do. Mark, it’s the right time again.
To reclaim the country and freedoms we deserve. I keep you in my thoughts.

Mark Hamilton is my mentor…

I have belonged to the Neothink Society for about four years.  I have read all the publications or the multigenerational manuscripts and I deeply believe in what the multigenerational manuscripts have to say.  Mark Hamilton is my mentor and is a very caring, patient and giving mentor.  He is very honest, trustworthy, and knowledgeable person.  We here in the USA have the freedom of speech and other freedoms that many in the rest of the world do not.  It is my right to belong to Neothink.

I resent any attempts to punish or stop Mark Hamilton or Neothink.

Over  my sixty two years, I have watched the Media and the political world, both republican and democrat, be dishonest and focus on the honest to try and destroy what they have created for the” all” in the United States.  People like myself, in the upper lower class, are the one’s paying for the “George Bushes” in this country.  I know that the bail outs are being paid for by the working class, while the Bushes and CEO’s go free.  Mark Hamilton and Neothink are helping the masses with their time, money and literature.  I am sick and tired of the media doing whatever they want to hurt the HONEST in this country.

STOP hurting us NOW.  Mark Hamilton and the others who are involved in Neothink deserve to be left alone.  They deserve to be allowed to operate as they have and are.  Leave us alone.  Neothink is a growing, positive organization.  It has given me my hope and self esteem back.  What is wrong with this?

I think that the media is bought off the rich and dark people of this country.  Neothink is not dark it is light.  It has brought much light into my life through

Mark Hamilton.  Leave us alone!

Sincerely Jennifer L.

I have seen the future thru the TVP


My name is Anita Smith.

When I was first introduced to the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton, I was a bit skeptic.  But after reading the three multigenerational manuscripts, I realized I wasn’t alone in the way I perceived the world.  Human compassion for one another, (or lack thereof!!).  I have always felt out of place.  I felt I belonged in another time, because I just didn’t fit in!  Not because people didn’t like me; NO; I’m a very friendly, compassionate, sensitive person.  I didn’t fit, because I didn’t like the way people treat one another!  I practically became a hermit.

With what I am learning from the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton.  I am coming out of my shell, and becoming the person I always knew I should be.  Some things I need to work on, can be really hard!  But I noticed, a lot comes to me naturally.

I have seen the future thru the TVP.  This is the way the world Should be.  With all the Love, Companssion, Honesty, Freedom, and Life.

Silencing Mark Hamilton will only make me realize even more, that we have no freedoms in this world.  I cherish everything this man has made known to me.  For the wisdom to pass on.  So we can all be really free to soar!!

Mark Hamilton’s teachings and his written works should not be deprived to anyone


Hello Mark

I have read and listened to some of your teachings though not many of them because of problems.  What I have read has impressed me to the extent that I would like to live the kind of life that can be achieved as described in the twelve Visions.

I have changed a number of my thoughts and actions based on what I have read and noticed a dramatic change in how people around me seem to have a different air about them.  I have a more positive outlook on life and I am much friendlier with others than I have been in the past.  Though I have a long way to go I’ll strive to meet the goals that are needed to achieve the freedoms I desire.  It will be a tragedy to deprive the people in this nation and all other nations.  Mark Hamilton teachings and his written works should not be deprived to anyone.  It is a matter of Constitutional rights.  Freedom of speech, freedom of the press

Keep up the good work Mark


Best regards,

Jerry R

I have seen the future thru the TVP


My name is Anita Smith.

When I was first introduced to the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton, I was a bit skeptic.  But after reading the three heirlooms, I realized I wasn’t alone in the way I perceived the world.  Human compassion for one another, (or lack thereof!!).  I have always felt out of place.  I felt I belonged in another time, because I just didn’t fit in!  Not because people didn’t like me; NO; I’m a very friendly, compassionate, sensitive person.  I didn’t fit, because I didn’t like the way people treat one another!  I practically became a hermit.

With what I am learning from the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton.  I am coming out of my shell, and becoming the person I always knew I should be.  Some things I need to work on, can be really hard!  But I noticed, a lot comes to me naturally.

I have seen the future thru the TVP.  This is the way the world Should be.  With all the Love, Compassion, Honesty, Freedom, and Life.

Silencing Mark Hamilton will only make me realize even more, that we have no freedoms in this world.  I cherish everything this man has made known to me.  For the wisdom to pass on.  So we can all be really free to soar!!

March 2025