Posts Tagged ‘free ride’

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton:

The Neothink Society has been a life changing experience for me and my family in a positive way. Our way of thinking has been enhanced to see a clearer picture of where we want to go instead of where we were headed. Without Neothink and the associated people and prospects that we have been exposed to, the outlook we had did not look very promising. We have found many positive and similar thinking people through this life changing adventure. This is what this Country needs right now, millions of positive, like minded people. If people have not found out by now that the Government does not have their best interests in mind, then I do not know what will wake them up. Maybe reading messages like this one they will see that there are many people out there that have found a better way to deal with life’s issues and challenges. People need the support and encouragement of their fellow man to help achieve happiness and success, and that is what can be found in the Neothink Society. Instead of people trying to hold other people back or hold them down in a mind set of non-achievement.

Like you said in previous correspondences, the media will try to discredit Neothink and that is unfortunate. People should not make up their minds about something without actually checking into it for themselves. I believe most people would prefer to see something for themselves than just follow the lead of a media that is driven to slant the real truth just to make headlines. The public is starting to wake up as to what is really going on in this country and the world as a whole. I just hope enough people will become interested in finding the truth to a better way of living through an organization and people like that in Neothink. Being involved in Neothink has introduced me to people and opportunities that would not have been possible without it. I truly see that there is a better way. Life is not without it’s challenges and there is no free ride. We must all pull together in a common cause and help each other to achieve Health, Wealth, Peace, and Happiness. Thank you for continuing on with your father’s work to to educate people that there is a way to make life a happy, loving, and adventurous experience. All they have to do is open up and allow a new positive way of thinking to enter into their lives, which can be found in the Neothink Society.

Hopefully this letter will let a few people open up and see that any negative press you and Neothink will receive is not true.

I hope all is well with you and your family through the Holiday season.
Kevin T
New York


After reading this, I only see where it says;”Voluntarily pay for superior protection and pay for peace”. Are you saying that the government state and federal will determine what it needs to fulfill these functions and the people can either voluntarily pay them or go without protection? How do we know who is paying and those who just like earning allot of money and take the free ride on protection?
May. 31, 2010
Everybody within a jurisdiction will receive equal protection from the government for that jurisdiction. Society can’t stand without equal protection. The concerns about fair payment are really not going to be an issue, because the people who have the most to lose have the most reason to protect it and will gladly pay whatever it takes. It is just like paying for insurance. Sure we will have deadbeats, so-to-say, but with a completely free market, the natural order of society, without initiatory force, will sort it all out. That is a hard concept to imagine from within the context of a society with unequal rights, force-backed taxes and little to no accountability for government spending, but the concept is sound.
January 2025