Posts Tagged ‘free market’

How would a Superpuzzle type Business Alliance be effective in foreign trade?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Business will boom because businesses will work together more, labor pools will grow, and the amount of trade and foreign expansion will increase. There would be free trade world wide thriving on competition causing prices to fall. Trade agreements imposed by political leaders will become null and void because they don’t pertain to protection.

What is the cause of inflation? Why will prices drop in a completely free market?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Inflation is due to regulations, over spending, a massive budget for social good programs and pumping unbacked currency into the economy. Prices drop in a free market because competition and quality will rise. All businesses will be free to compete freely and pursue profits and reinvest in themselves to bring better value at lower prices.

What will happen to education after the Prime Law is in place?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Education has nothing to do with protection so it will be turned over to private industry through an integrated transition. Within a free market, private education will compete to provide the best education ever. People will be easily able to afford it through a booming free market economy.

What will come of the Federal budget deficit after Prime Law?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Government will operate within its budget when it’s only purpose is protection. People will be happy to pay for this service when a completely free market is unleashed.

If non-protection government programs will be eliminated, what will fill the need of ensuring quality with the distribution of food and drugs?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …The FDA will be privatized and change to quality control and notification entities functioning on funds by voluntarily paying subscribes in a free market.

What is the general foreign policy for TVP?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Foreign Policy in regards to economics is complete free market trade while military foreign policy will be streamlined to protect our citizens and foreign citizens within our borders with objective and justified means while encouraging other countries to provide adequate protection within their borders.

What will be the effect on inflation with the Prime Law in place?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Within complete free market competition, prices only fall with increasing buying power for everyone.

How will we deal with fossil fuel dependency after Prime Law?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Legislation and bureaucratic control holding back other means of fuel will be eliminated. A completely free market will allow a spontaneous and rapid growth in all industries resulting in all prices dropping similar to the computer industry.

Will a government of protection only give away subsidies and bail outs?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Government’s purpose is protection only. Government bailouts and subsidies will be non-existent. Only free market dynamics will determine any and all funds to business 


March 2025