Posts Tagged ‘Free enterprise’

Thank You Mark Hamilton and Twelve Visions Party


Thank You Mark Hamilton!

Your valuable literature has changed my life permanently! I will never be the same after becoming enlightened and empowered by your wonderful writings. The fog cleared in my mind…the veil was lifted from my eyes. I can see right through to the essence of things now. I see through illusions, dishonesty and deception like never before! This has been invaluable to me! Thank you!

My life is on fire now with passion, exhilaration and abundance. I never knew life could be so fulfilling and wonderful. I keep your books close to me all the time. They are invaluable to me. My family and friends enjoy a better me and I do too. I can never thank you enough!

The Twelve Visions Party you’ve founded just blows me away! It is the perfect solution for the problems in this country. I can’t wait until I can go to the voting booths and cast my vote for a TVP candidate. It is high time that We, the people take back this country and make it exactly what it should be: a wonderful free enterprise filled with safety, wealth, abundance, health, and peace.

Thank you Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party!

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society…

My name is Bill S.  I am not a professional writer, so all I can do is say what is in my heart on this testimonial.  I am a retired building contractor, I served with the USMC in the Korean War and I have a great little family to love and protect.  When I first came into NeoThink I was at the lowest point in my life.  I had lost my wife of many years to cancer, a thing that I believe, through our efforts in Neothink will be eradicated for all time.  I had reached the point of not caring about going on in life, however my children were very caring and helpful and assisted me into living again.  At around this time I received a letter from the Neothink society that informed me that I was special and was selected to receive honest information that would change my life, so that I could live the life that I was meant to live; a healthy, wealthy and peaceful life in a safe environment.  So far it has been just that and still improving, thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society; of course to bring this about and keep inproving, I needed to become involved and study the honest and revealing literature of Neothink by Mark Hamilton.  It is now three years later and I can honestly say that my life has really changed and continues to change for the better.  I am involved at the local level with my  A-Team, this is a group of like minded people that are seeking a better life through the Neothink society and the Twelve Visions world.  I am also involved at the state (Texas) and national level with the TVP.  This is a mostly non-political party of free enterprise business type folks (men and women) who only want to bring about a safer and freer society that we can all live and prosper in.  To those who read this, please know that the only ones involved in the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink society are good, honest, hard working folks, and what matters to them is to bring everyone in the United States and the World the system that will make all the people rich, including the poor.  Please read  and understand our literature before you fall victim to the many untrue stories and blogs.  My personal thanks to an honest and truthful business man and author, Mr. Mark Hamilton.

Thanks Mark, with love and peace.  Bill

PS:  To anyone who has not studied the Prime Law-read it because it is your only hope of Real Freedom and Prosperity

With the threat of pandemics, how will we ensure proper vaccinations or quarantines without force?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …With the FDA removed freed medical geniuses will be able to find cures for diseases faster. People will generally be willing to take legitimate vaccinations brought to the market by free enterprise to save their own lives. They will generally be willing to voluntarily quarantine themselves if need be to help solve the problem. Government can only use force when protecting people. Objective protection will be used.

How would a Superpuzzle type Business Alliance be effective in foreign trade?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Business will boom because businesses will work together more, labor pools will grow, and the amount of trade and foreign expansion will increase. There would be free trade world wide thriving on competition causing prices to fall. Trade agreements imposed by political leaders will become null and void because they don’t pertain to protection.

Why is it NOT a protection only government’s responsibility to force landlords who rent living spaces to provide the basic needs such as heat, running water, and proper garbage disposal?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Rental properties are products in a free enterprise entrepreneurial business.  If the landlord/owner does not provide the best living quarters, there will be no renters to pay for the business’ mortgage.  There is no reason to live in substandard environments and pay to do it.  The tenant is free to move.  There would be no need for laws for rental agreements/contract, however, a broken contract by the landlord would be handled in a fully honest justice system.

How do we address issues of poor stewardship? For instance, a corporation pollutes the soil, or a person who refuses to upkeep their house so that it becomes a danger?

 Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Stewardship is the personal responsibility of our money and environment.  Pollution affects everyone.   Free enterprise will create the freedom to use other companies that support better healthy communities.  After objective review of when a person/company pollutes the environment or their property that endangers others, can create disease or kill people, the Prime Law will cause the protection only government to step in with the law and proper court action to stop the danger or give ostracism as a temporary sentence.

March 2025