Posts Tagged ‘frank r wallace’

Mark hamilton and his Twelve visions Party are above reproach.

Mark hamilton and his Twelve visions Party are above reproach. His late father, Frank R. Wallace was the author of Neo- Tech. I have been a Neo – Tech owner since 1987 and have found it very helpfull in my life and finances. There are amazing technologies just under the surface of our society which are just about to burst forth – 100% free energy for all men – commercial biological immortality and many others. We just have to get rid of those that are keeping it from us. TVP will do all this and more. Power to Mark and TVP!!
Chuck B

Mark Hamilton have opened my eyes tremendously

The three Multigenerational manuscripts I read in early 2008 were truly amazing to say the least, As I have said many times to others is the Annabelle story should be put into a movie for everyone to see, and am sure it would be the movie of the year. Mark Hamilton have opened my eyes tremendously with very insightful information gathered from many years of research, and feel would help everyone in the world to read these beautifully written books. I now support both the Neothink society, and Twelve vision party, along with many topic’s they educate and expand the mind, and where people can jump aboard and share and participate and listen to any subject you want to know about. The Twelve vision party will REALLY be something to look into even for the most skeptical critic’s. People will be able to hear something different other than two usual political parties and hear how it will unfold. Thanks Mark Hamilton and Frank R. Wallace for these  heirloom books and what doors it has opened for me with meeting such nice people to boot.
Ron K


the NeoThink Society Survival


I’m sure the Society will survive. People have been used to suppressing their true inner feelings out of fear of being put down as being outcasts, unpatriotic or some other kind of unpleasant labeling. I’ve always felt ostrised when trying to express myself. Now I’m finding out that many people feel just as I do. I have Neothink, Mark Hamilton and his father, Dr. Frank R. Wallace to thank for that. I already feel free. Thank you!
And we can thank our Forefathers for including free speech in the Con-
situation. Thank you all.

B. Finch

The constitution. Thank you all!


Some times this term is associated with people like Notre Domes and his far reaching predictions. Or even Einstein, who had ideas for inventions far beyond his lifetime. This is what the Neothink Society and their Twelve Visions mean to me.  I truly believe that every Citizen in America is thinking that “there must be a better government available to our great county?”

Many Grassroots parties have tried in the past to penetrate the standing Parties [Democrats and Republicans] but they are too powerful for mere mankind to put asunder. None of us have the needed VISION that all people would BUY INTO for the leadership in the United States. Until now, with the Twelve Visions and the afforded PROTECTION of the rights of the people it promises, there can be something more powerful then the current administration that can gain the majority vote.

After reading about the Neothink Secret Society finally breaking through to the common folks like us, I was moved to buy and read their materials and books. I want to be a part of the winning plan. If I am a member of a team I want it to be the best team, and lead by a TRUE VISIONARY. I think that person can be Mark Hamilton. For many years I have been looking for someone to look to for help – to correct the inequities that exist in our World. In the reading of his WORDS and their (Frank R. Wallace and Mark Hamiltons) Visions for the SOCIETY, as a whole, I believe they have finally arrived. No I am not talking about a GOD or Mystic but a “Man with a Plan” to improve all of our lives into the future.

Do you want this SOCIETY for your families? Do you think there is a better method of Leadership out there? Can our People once again be the best governed nation in the world? After you read Mark’s Book on the 12 Visions you too can look beneath the Illusion set in place by our government. See a new brighter future for all people that can lead to open minds and lack of fear, so that our great minds can achieve what we were meant to invent for the survival of mankind.

I hope my testimonial is the KEY you are looking for.

Respectfully yours,

V. J. B

Mark hamilton and his Twelve visions Party are above reproach.

Mark hamilton and his Twelve visions Party are above reproach. His late father, Frank R. Wallace was the author of Neo- Tech. I have been a Neo – Tech owner since 1987 and have found it very helpfull in my life and finances. There are amazing technologies just under the surface of our society which are just about to burst forth – 100% free energy for all men – commercial biological immortality and many others. We just have to get rid of those that are keeping it from us. TVP will do all this and more. Power to Mark and TVP!!

Chuck B

March 2025