Posts Tagged ‘fortune 500 company’

Dear Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

Dear Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society,

Words can’t express how my life has changed ever since I’ve been a member of the Neothink Society. From the minute I’ve received my first letter in the mail back in April of 2009 from you until this very present moment, my life has totally altered for the better in each and every aspect of my life. My health, emotional and physical well-being has made a total 360 turn-a-around due to the teachings in all the Heirlooms that I’ve been reading. I’ve been an active member in the Neothink Society for approximately 2 years now and have attended local Clubhouse meetings, networked with positive like-minded people within Neothink and have business ventured with several other entrepreneurs like myself. Due to your teachings and priceless information in your Heirlooms, I’ve walked away from my 9 to 5 job that I worked for over 15 straight years. Yes, you heard correctly, after reading all the amazing information that the majority of society will never know, the information that you teach, I packed up my bags and FIRED my boss after 15 years and started my own very successful online eBay business, not to mention 2 other business ventures that I’m currently working on as well. That other JOB that I worked for was UPS (Fortune 500 company with full benefits and all). Walked away in 2009 after getting my pension, during a full-blown recession and started my own business and applied the mini-day schedules just like you showed us how to do. Thanks for everything, Neothink has truly been a blessing in my life and the life of so many others I’m sure! See you on the beaches of the world Mark! 🙂

Words can't express how my life has changed ever since I've been a member of the Neothink Society.

Dear Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society,

Words can’t express how my life has changed ever since I’ve been a member of the Neothink Society. From the minute I’ve received my first letter in the mail back in April of 2009 from you until this very present moment, my life has totally altered for the better in each and every aspect of my life. My health, emotional and physical well-being has made a total 360 turn-a-around due to the teachings in all the Heirlooms that I’ve been reading. I’ve been an active member in the Neothink Society for approximately 2 years now and have attended local Clubhouse meetings, networked with positive like-minded people within Neothink and have business ventured with several other entrepreneurs like myself. Due to your teachings and priceless information in your Heirlooms, I’ve walked away from my 9 to 5 job that I worked for over 15 straight years. Yes, you heard correctly, after reading all the amazing information that the majority of society will never know, the information that you teach, I packed up my bags and FIRED my boss after 15 years and started my own very successful online eBay business, not to mention 2 other business ventures that I’m currently working on as well. That other JOB that I worked for was UPS (Fortune 500 company with full benefits and all). Walked away in 2009 after getting my pension, during a full-blown recession and started my own business and applied the mini-day schedules just like you showed us how to do. Thanks for everything, Neothink has truly been a blessing in my life and the life of so many others I’m sure! See you on the beaches of the world Mark!

Michael L

March 2025