Posts Tagged ‘fne’

Your literature and the Neothink Society

     I cannot even begin to tell you how my life has changed, since my first letter from you and the society.
     One year ago this Christmas I was ready to give up on life so much mysticism, 
Neo-cheaters in my life I had no room to breathe anymore.
     For four years I’ve been living with this heavy heart, I gave up believing in people 
in a whole, church wasn’t the answer for me.
     I was a truck driver and four years ago years ago I lost my mother and my job, 
because of the need to come home.  My company fired me for coming out of route 
when she died, I hadn’t put things together until that letter i spoke of from you and 
the society.
     Your literature and the Neothink Society has brought me back with this large heart.  I’m so 
thankful for getting this new chance at life, I’m living proof of my child of the past 
will catch the child of my future.
     Knowing that we have a Twelve Vision Party and what they are doing is the best 
thing that has happen to me since my FNE and the best is yet to come.
     Please keep your literature and the Twelve Visions Party going.
                              A Neothink sister,
                              Lavonne B

There has never been a way for the average person to take action before.

Dear Mark,

I did this last night before I got your e-mail. It is from my heart. You have brought so many

wonderful things into my life that I will help you to do this no matter what it takes.

If you need more . simply ask. But I find myself driven to write somedays, and I love to do it. One of my FNE’s surely!

I’ll get started on one about what will happen if we do not take our country back and the TVP fails. That will never happen though. We will succeed at this, because we must.

Do protect yourself and your Family first. Businesses and material things can always be re-created, but We need your genius to help guide us. As long as you survive the TVP will

also survive. WE will make it so. I personally will never ever give up on creating this as long as there is breathe in my body!

You cannot stop a thing when it’s time has come.

As desperate as they will get, they will not and cannot defeat us. People will recognize the truth when it is put before them.

There has never been a way for the average person to take action before.

Now there is. That is why the TVP will prevail.

More to come…….more more and MORE.

Unconditional Love……….. to help MH to…. create eternal value.

Clarie R

January 2025