Posts Tagged ‘fne’

Mark Hamilton helped me to rediscover my child of the past

One year ago, I received your invitation to read the prime literature and I must say it came at the right time of my life. I had just experienced a 9 year nightmare after loosing one of my two sons in a car accident on a Christmas eve. This event led me to a series of bad decisions that ended my marriage of 38 years. My other son had no interest in following my footsteps in the business so I really had no purpose in living. My depression took over my life and other illnesses developed including cancer of the prostate, four by pass heart surgery, diabetes and a ruptured appendix. I though I was going to die soon, but I wanted to live so I got involved in several relationships with younger women but my religious beliefs did not allow me to be happy, I was always feeling guilty of my actions and so I ended them. My last relationship ended just 4 months ago after trying to make some sense of my life. She was a good person but we disagree too much in managing the business that we started together from scratch and also in managing her family matters. I was not happy at all, I was getting sick with every decision made so your letter gave the courage to end this relationship and start a new life. I have regain my sanity and even though I live alone in a small apartment, I feel free of pressures that harm my health and do only those things that I want to do. I have taken steps to improve my health by going regularly to a gym and doing exercises 3 to 5 times a week. Secondly I decided to open a small office and return to my real estate business as my second FNE next to beginning an
A Team and initiating the first TVP in El Paso Texas with your approval . My purpose for living has increased to help make this world a better place to live for my son and my two grandsons and every generation to come. I strongly believe that this world is the only place where we can live our lives, and be happy as value creators not as value destroyers. I am ready to do my part in moving forward the Twelve Visions World . Thank you Mark Hamilton
Mark Hamilton’s Multi-Generational Manuscripts are life changing. Mark Hamilton helped me to rediscover my child of the past and opened the door to the person that I am meant to be. I am passionate about our future in the Neothink Society. The Twelve Visions Party is the beginning of a whole new world. A world without poverty and crime. A world of peace and love.
Jill S


The only you have to lose is your chains… so goes the battle cry. As a worker on the front lines…the only thing that I have to lose is the controlling interests that keep me chained in servitude.
I have been working in the mailrooms in general for over 30 years. I can see the thread now…over 60…and still coming to work each day and performing to best of my abilities. Everyday is a new struggle…but since I started reading Mark Hamilton’s books; the ground beneath me has shifted. Instead of relying on external authorities telling me what to do…I have elected to go thru my work day using the Neothink methods of total whole scope accounting, mini-days, and of course the Friday Nite Essence. For it in the FNE that we can structure our attitudes into better and wider value created application.
Moreover, Mark Hamilton’s battle cry has been to incorporate the 12 Visions into given reality. First has to come the political leveling…then the economical leveling…then the health and medical leveling. It will all take team working in the Neothink method of total integrations of making each day count in applying the visions in a non-conceptual matter!
Everyone get rich in the Neothink way…everyone including the poor!
And using the 12 Vision Party as method of attaining that greater vision; as saying goes: Visualize…don’t conceptualize!

We fully support Mark Hamilton…

Hello Mr. Hamilton,
Ever since we can remember we have always had a problem fitting in. We left very early as teenagers to build a life together, she was only 14 and I just a few years older.  We have fought against being put in the box syndrome, either religion, the government system, the establishments, the parents, the employers etc… to name a few …
Neothink brought us such immense personal growth and supreme enthusiasm for life and we truly believe that Neothink has truly lifted us to an incredible experience of life and success.
We wish for everybody to find their FNE, their true calling in life as most people live in a wait and see experience/mode, they have a waiting attitude all their lives  just to be promised a non – existing afterlife, in the end .
Neothink and the Twelve Vision Party  makes you become all that you’re supposed to be including, Happiness and Freedom.
We fully support Mark Hamilton in what he is doing as well as Neothink and The Twelve Vision Party  to make this place a better World.  There is absolutely only good things happening with his approach.
Can’t wait to have the honor to meet you some day! .
With great respect, admiration, gratitude and Love,
Jacques & Linda

Towards Self Reliance and Supercivilization


I can’t thank Mark Hamilton enough for enticing me to open my eyes to a new world, one free of con artist influence, one that relies entirely on higher thinking and creativity. Finding my FNE has indeed allowed me to multiply my income and widen my sphere of friends and business associates, who by the way are also my friends. To go into all the positive attributes to this awesome Neo-Think journey would result in my writing a dissertation. But, the attraction of influential people and opportunities, not to mention the physical and financial rewards that have manifested with this new integrated thinking have made me realize that biological immortality is not only possible, it’s essential for the emergence of a supercivilization of achievers. Becoming self reliant, independently wealthy, and of strong mind and body has allowed me to create value and influence others to do the same.

My best to Mr. Hamilton on this bold journey of his. It is truly the antidote to our toxic Marxist wave of influence over a brainwashed populace, one that will not only save, but propel mankind to new levels of thinking and achievement.

We fully support Mark Hamilton


Hello Mr. Hamilton,
Ever since we can remember we have always had a problem fitting in. We left very early as teenagers to build a life together, she was only 14 and I just a few years older.  We have fought against being put in the box syndrome, either religion, the government system, the establishments, the parents, the employers etc… to name a few …
Neothink brought us such immense personal growth and supreme enthusiasm for life and we truly believe that Neothink has truly lifted us to an incredible experience of life and success.
We wish for everybody to find their FNE, their true calling in life as most people live in a wait and see experience/mode, they have a waiting attitude all their lives  just to be promised a non – existing afterlife, in the end .
Neothink and the Twelve Vision Party   makes you become all that you’re supposed to be including, Happiness and Freedom.
We fully support Mark Hamilton in what he is doing as well as Neothink and The Twelve Vision Party  to make this place a better World.  There is absolutely only good things happening with his approach.
Can’t wait to have the honor to meet you some day! .
With great respect, admiration, gratitude and Love,
Jacques & Linda

Dear Mark Hamilton


Dear Mark Hamilton,
I would like to step up and say how much being a part of Neothink and TVP has helped me be a better person and helped me find the true meaning in my life. I have just started to peruse my FNE that I had started when I was younger. It is a big step but I have made a way for it to open up to me more. I am so glad to be a part of all of this and plan to make sure that things are happening in the favor of what we have learned from all the great information and Neothink. It is with great honor and privilege to be a part of such a intelligent and creative group.
Renee M

I have a burning desire to write political pamphlets and/or political articles for the public to read

I have a burning desire to write political pamphlets and/or political articles for the public to read. My “problem” is that I do not want to legally infringe on the TVP in anyway so I am afraid to start writing. Can I write for you by submiting articles to you as my editor and get compensated for my writing. I believe that this is my FNE. Please get back to me with any ideas or a green light to write.
Jun. 1, 2010
I greatly appreciate your desire to write for the TVP. Unfortunately, we are not hiring writers at this time. You may write for TVP freelance and submit your writings to be considered for purchase, but I must tell you that we just do not have need or resources to actively pursue writings from outside writers, but you never know. You may be a brilliant writer and be a viable asset to us as a professional writer, so please do pursue your FNE and write what you are interested in. You are always welcome to submit your writings to us as a professional.

We do have a great need for individual visionaries to write about TVP, but it has to be voluntary. You will find thousands of personal TVP testimonials on the web and you will also find articles & blogs online that our NT Warriors write. The NT Warriors is a very powerful group of volunteers that is formed out the NT membership. If you want to help out the cause and at the same time use your FNE, you are absolutely welcome to join the NT Warriors. You are also free to write on your own about TVP and Neothink.

The only thing you must do is credit Mark Hamilton for concepts from his writings and you must not copy sections of or complete NT literature without notifying the original author and getting his permission. Also, as a NT member you must not change or misrepresent concepts of the NT and TVP.

Thank You,

Michael Dilworth

Since I got my first invitation to the Neothink Society


hello this is Sean McL.  Since I got my first invitation to the Neothink Society I learned more things that are beyond normal school education it gave me a little more hope for the future and more enthusiasm of what can be if the rules of the twelve visions party actually passed it changed my life mentally more than anything still have more learning and reading to do the information in the three heirloom books teaches you a lot how to be independent and be your own self leader including the conference calls that I attend everyday helps me gain more clarity of the movement and I do appreciate the members on the call that bring there integrations to the table listening to the calls give me more intelligence and vigor to keep doing my FNE which is music when I first got the letter i was a little scared but the only thing i was scared of was leaving my comfort Zone and learning something incredibly new it also teaches honesty and respect and how to keep healthy and live longer for all man kind which should be practiced daily but is not especially in the ac it helped my speech become more effective and help emptied some of the mysticism that i was carrying around thank you mark Hamilton for introducing me to the Neothink society and thank you to all the members thank you very much

There has never been a way for the average person to take action before.


Dear Mark,

I did this last night before I got your e-mail.  It is from my heart. You have brought so many

wonderful things into my life that I will help you to do this no matter what it takes.

If you need more . simply ask. But I find myself driven to write somedays, and I love to do it.  One of my FNE’s surely!

I’ll get started on one about what will happen if we do not take our country back and the TVP fails. That will never happen though. We will succeed at this, because we must.

Do protect yourself and your Family first. Businesses and material things can always be re-created, but We need your genius to help guide us. As long as you survive the TVP will

also survive. WE will make it so. I personally will never ever give up on creating this as long as there is breathe in my body!

You cannot stop a thing when it’s time has come.

As desperate as they will get, they will not and cannot defeat us. People will recognize the truth when it is put before them.

There has never been a way for the average person to take action before.

Now there is. That is why the TVP will prevail.

More to come…….more more and MORE.

Unconditional Love………..  to help MH to…. create eternal value.

Clarie R

Mark Hamilton.

Thank you for finding me. I was certainly looking, and LOOK I did, on receiving the Three Heirlooms.

When I initially received and answered the first mailing from you. I had no idea of what would follow.

The further invitation to join yourself and other like-minded people within. the Neothink Society. Plus the introduction to the TVP, are immeasurable.

I say this, as I HAVE found my FNE and I’m in the process of helping genuine others find theirs. Positive good times are coming and will evolve, naturally- through DTC.

January 2025