Posts Tagged ‘fne’

Mark Hamilton, Words will never be able to express…

Mark Hamilton, Words will never be able to express how much your prime literature and mentor-ship has meant to me or the Neothink process and ALL the wonderful people who have brought it to me. Like everyone else who has learned to tell their own personal stories on learning to use their TSM’s and FNE’s to create values, below is the first completed example of my own Neothinking processes that I like to term as a “Deconstruction” process. I am proud of it and I share it with you in the hopes that you can find a place for it in your future publications and to the mentoring of others. You are one of only three who will see this article before I share it with the rest of the world professionally and the most important. Please feel free to do with it what you will. I hope it brings you as much joy to read it as it did for me to write it. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! Much love, peace, happiness, wealth, and health to you. Mary Stephens (formerly Mary
Kennedy) from Tennessee

By applying the things I learned and gained led to a new world…


First, I would like to thank F.R.W. , Mark Hamilton, Eric Savage, (The 12),and the Neothink Society, for building the bridge for all humanity.  This bridge is for all mankind to crossover, to where all of humanity should be, and eventually will be, in the future. This being a psychological bridge, that offers again all of mankind a new way of thinking.

My personal journey started in 2002, with the first letter I received in the mail, like everyone else in the Society I was searching.  Searching for the person I was meant to be, what I gained from the letters, and the multigenerational books led to and is leading to knowledge, that is truly mind blowing.

The most profound aspect I gained from this knowledge was the hoax of the god concept, ( I already had doubts) with that false concept behind me, I started the journey of a lifetime. Gaining control, and becoming the authority in my own life; opened a new world for me, automatically making me, become a better person, and putting me on the path of becoming the
person I was meant to be. This gained knowledge led to my FNE, highlighted the neocheaters, how they operated, and who they are. The things I learned was and is very valuable, with the aid of the multigenerational books, I learned there steps a person can take to assist him or her in every aspect of their life.

When those steps are put into practice, the results are a much better life with focus and purpose for instance in your personal life, your diet, your relationships, personal and social, your job, and work, with the steps and methods your job becomes not only less boring or not boring at all but much more profitable. We know there are myriads of other steps and methods.

By applying the things I learned and gained led to a new world, not only from the outside, but first and foremost from the inside, best of all we create our own road map to take us any where we want to go in that new world. That new world is what all of mankind needs, but is not ready for yet, but eventually they will be there. All love to the Society.

Roy Metcalf

I wish to thank Mark Hamilton for his patience and his teachings during the meetings


My Name is Eddie Perkins.  I am 71 years old.  I was born in  Delhi, Louisiana and grew up in Little Rock, Arkansas.  I graduated from High School in Little Rock.  After attending college for one year, I joined the Air Force.  After four years in the Air Force,  I  went back to college and graduated as a Medical Technologist.  I married my wife Neta in 1964.  We are still together.  I was raised in the Baptist Church.  My wife was raised in the Holiness church.  So, I now attend both.
I worked as a Medical Technologist for 22 years, then I worked in Health Administration for 12 years and retired.  When it was time to get up in the mornings and go to work I sometimes dreamed of working my own business from my home when I retired .  I started a Multi Level Marking Business with Primerica Financial Services prior to retiring.  
My  FNE is a business of helping others.  I have always enjoyed helping others and to help others and get paid is a win, win situation for me.
I was searching for a way to get my business started when I got a Pamphlet from the Neothink Society. Although I was skeptical at first, I wondered what it would be like to use both sides of my brain .  I have never liked being in the spot light.  I liked working in the background.  One of the things reading the Heirloom  Packages have shown me is that I have a low self esteem. Therefore I am working on my self esteem by getting out of my self and move on whether I thought I was ready or not.  I am not a fast reader, and I lose my concentration after about an hour.  Therefore I am behind in my reading of the Heirloom Packages. I have learned so much from reading them.
I wish to thank Mark Hamilton for his patience and his teachings during the meetings, which has helped me to get started in the society. I am a level 8 member.

Eddie L. Perkins

Thank you Mark Hamilton


This testimonial has been a long process for me as I am still searching for my FNE.  I have spent the winter reading and rereading the heirlooms and the mini heirlooms still searching for my FNE.  I see many opportunity’s for this coming year ahead of us.  The training has been a wonderful journey allowing me to grow and expand my knowledge.  I am looking forward to using this integrated knowledge to benefit others in our society.  I thank you for the knowledge and mentoring this past year for now I have the tools to forage ahead and be there for others who also want to learn how to overcome the uncertain time the lie ahead.
Thanks for this wonderful journey.   James Perry

I have enjoyed all the level meetings with Mark Hamilton…


My Updated Testimonial
As I sit down to write this it is a snowy, cold, blustery night in Dublin, Ohio. I am getting so excited about what we have been working on in 2008 and now in 2009. We, meaning what we have started calling ourselves the Three TVP musketeers and Dartanian. The names that most have heard on our TVP calls and other calls are Michael Dilworth, Kenneth Townsend, and Jeff Smith. We have replicated ourselves with the second musketeers who are David, Patricia, and Jill. I have been honored to be a part of these TVP calls and also on the Wednesday night A team call with Mike and Steve and the Tuesday night Heirloom call with Chuck and Ted.. I have grown every time I have done one of these calls.
It astounds me to look back and see where I have come from. I remember getting my letter and then getting my first Heirloom book. I devoured it and couldn’t wait for the second one.. It opened my world up to a whole new way of living and thinking. I was in an apartment then and was so excited when I contacted my first Neothink brother.. It was Greg Mauter and we met at a restaurant in Toledo, Ohio where I was living at the time. We spent 3 hours together and it was like meeting a long lost brother.
I have sense met many more Neothink Society brothers and sisters in person and through the calls that I have participated in. I truly have an ever expanding family of fully integrated honest, loving, geniuses. I get real pumped up on calls now when I see people getting on from other countries and I know that this Neothink mentality will change the world.
I have enjoyed all the level meetings with Mark Hamilton and review them whenever I can. I love the website and have seen it get better and better. I am looking forward to mentoring as many people as I can by introducing them to Neo think and our parallel society we are creating. I have known what my FNE or Friday Night Essence has been from the beginning and have used these on the calls. One of the things that I love to do is act and write scripts so that is how The Taking It To The Streets came into existence. That is why I have been in sales and marketing for twenty plus years because a good sales person is a good creative thinker. I am currently with a home improvement company and have been able to use my Neothink tools I learned from the Prime Literature to not only get a promotion but have been offered to go to Dallas, Texas and be the City Director of Marketing, I accredit my mini days, ten second miracles, power thinking, and all the other things that I have learned in the five years I have been involved with the Neothink Society to this. I am looking forward to getting involved in the clubhouses, workshops, and most of all in the Texas TVP. I am currently checking hotels in the Chicago area where we will have our first TVP national conference. I am projecting having a place nailed down with a website up by February so our people can start making reservations and travel plans. I want to end with a Big Thank you to Mark Hamilton, Eric Wallace, and F.R.W. for your literature, insights, and for the mentoring. I am so thrilled to be a part of this and with my musketeers and my many new friends in the society we are looking to help BRIDGE the anti civilization into the Twelve Visions World. BRIDGE standing for Bringing Real Innovation Declaring Genuine freedom to next generations Experience.

Jay A. Solether, Porthos of the Three TVP Musketeers, TVP coordinator of the Columbus A Team and mentor in training

After reading Mark Hamilton’s, three Heirloom’s…


After reading Mark Hamilton’s, three Heirloom’s, They took me back in time, to when I was younger? when I was the happiest, not a care in the world? It’s like I had that extra boost of energy. Like the child of the past! That extra energy, has always stuck with me! No matter how bad things got, even when I had very little friend’s, and when I would just sit at home, just my mother and I, or when she would go to the bar, or even just myself, sitting at home? I would always find something to do, to stay preoccupied, so I would not get board? I have been through a lot of tragic things in my life time. But through it all, I was always able to pull myself out of my trap? No matter what kind of trap it was. I dropped out of school at the age of sixteen, living out on the street’s, and managed to survive? But I never had that opportunity like million’s of other people, to move forward in life? But with out mark’s help? I would have never found the person I was meant to be in life! And after reading about the mini-day system, I was able to do more for myself, and to figure out my FNE, in life? and with down stream focus, you can accomplish anything your heart desires, always remember one thing? We all need to think ahead, before saying or acting on anything. We would all get further ahead in life that way, instead of just reacting to thing’s. I know this from experience. My oldest daughter Ania, she’s twenty now but when she was three yrs of age, I noticed that her deep motivational root is, that she is fascinated with the world around her, and I am the same way. When you have down focus. you enjoy every day, all day long, for the rest of your life, and not let anything stand in your way.            BY MICHELLE ANDERSON.

I picked the book up again and read about Mark Hamilton


I received your letter to me in April 2007. I was curious so as the letters kept coming I was becoming interested to find out more expecting it to be a scam. I was at the point of my life that I was very disgusted with (what I later learned was the AC) all I wanted to do was let my life run out so I could go to heaven where I had my mansion and would not have to live with people abusing everything. After I read my first heirloom, some of which I did not understand but as you said, I would absorb it. Then came the second heirloom which was very shocking. The worst part to accept was the religious part. I had always had God to depend on and when I found out that was everyone and accepted that as the truth. It was a great relief to finally not have to feel guilty about not wanting to be humble and my feelings that I have always had about most everything was right. Then I read the 3rd heirloom and it was so interesting I did not want to put it down until I found out it was not this present world .  Then I said “O.K. That is the scam not I can feel like a fool. A few days later I picked the book up again and read about Mark Hamilton. So I finished the book and found out about the levels and got my trust working again and have had so many fascinating thing happen to me. I am ready to help anyway possible but I find my FNE wanting to work with Neothink cities eventually. Thank you for finding me and I know that I am a part of the puzzle. Pat Stanfill

Mark Hamilton, I would like Thank this Genius for finding me…


Mark Hamilton, I would like Thank this Genius for finding me and setting me on the Right path to find my FNE, I know what I need to do to get there, I am now working my FNE. Now I will set myself free to do what is in my heart. When Mark found me I was going on the wrong path of life, and then He sent me a letter and I sent it back in and soon after I received a booklet and as I read that booklet I knew I just had to find out more about what was going on in this Neothink Society, So right away I ordered my first book The NT Discovery, and when I received this first book, I opened it and read all the Bold Head Lines first then I turned back to the 1st page and read, at first it was slow going because I really didn’t read books that much, but as I read I couldn’t put it down, I just had to find out more and more. The mini days are great I tried them at work, but with my job it didn’t work to well for the job I have is a end without an end job! It took me about 2 to 3 weeks to read the book, and then I received a letter to send for my 2nd book and I did, when this one arrived I opened it right away and started reading it and once more I didn’t want to put it down, I even took it to work with me and left it in my truck and at lunch I would go out and sit in my truck and read while I ate my lunch, while I was in my truck I was in my own world the Twelve Visions World, For this is the world that I want to be part of I thought. for I have found out things that I have felt all of my life and I knew there had to be more in life than what I was seeing and hearing everyday. It took me about 2wks to finish, and then I sent for Miss Annabelle’s Secrets, I was ready to put forth what I had read and search for the people that I had read about, Because I so wanted to meet these Genius For now I want to live for ever and I want for all of this to come to life, I look forward for when we set the world free of Neo-cheaters And to set aside our differences my Brothers and Sisters and to shed mysticism and put forth the Prime Law. For then will we be one with the Twelve Visions World and Mark Hamilton. Thank you. Kenneth Farlin

Thank you Mr. Hamilton to have chosen me to be an NEOTHINK SOCIETY apprentice


Thank you Mr. Hamilton to have chosen me to be an NEOTHINK SOCIETY apprentice.  I learn a lot through the 3 books and I must say as long I can remember I always believe that there is advances civilizations in this universe who possess the power of thinking, advances technologies to stop the aging process, cure all the diseases, better way of living and so much more, brief Paradise on Hearth. But meanwhile we have to survive and it is not always easy.  Of course I have my FNE I am dreaming about all the time but at my age 71 years old, taking care of my husband (he had a stroke in 2004) living on Social Security I wonder  how I can succeed without help.  I know there is a great potential of money involve and we can do so much good with that.  I work 53 years in my life mostly secretary raising 7 children who live far away, I retired last year following a car accident but I am willing to contribute the best I can to realize my FNE and I work hard to get back in shape.  Thank you.

Suzanne Rioux

Our lives are filled with so many possibilities!


Hello Mark Hamilton,
I hope this is the correct email to send my questions and comments to.  I have reviewed the web site and I enjoy reading the posts, but I feel more comfortable sending you these particular questions and comments.  I am currently a level 2 apprentice. I was not able to correspond with you at level 1 due to a technical glitch so I am going to send my questions and comments now:
1) Now that I am a part of the NEOTHINK SOCIETY, what is the best way to present this to my family members?  Should I pace everything the way it was done with me? Furthermore, my husband left me several months ago. I don’t think that we are going to reconcile, but we are friendly with each other.  Should I introduce him to NT or should I wait?  He is a good person, but stuck in the anti-civilization.  Our failed marriage has more to do with the effects of the anti-civilization than anything else.  Nevertheless, I don’t have intentions of reconciling at this time.  I would like to see him live a better life though.  Suggestions?
2)I’m a female apprentice. While reading the second heirloom package and the third, I experienced spurts of intense sexual arousal.  I’m not embarrassed about this, but I do want to understand it better.  However, I didn’t want to post this on the general discussion board.  What was surprising to me was that these feelings surfaced often when I was reading something non-sexual…often specific to business, value creation or other non-sexual subjects. Can you help me with this?  Does it have anything to do with my FNE perhaps?
3)Comment:  The emotions that I experienced while reading the 3rd heirloom package were beautiful.  I cried throughout the reading and a sobering chill pierced my being internally and externally when I read the last line of the last page.  It was Sally’s comment about Jasmine.  I sat still for several moments experiencing this very intense sensation. I don’t know how to explain it, but it was sobering.  That’s the best thing I can say.
4)The COU presents so many wonderful possibilities for us.  Since reading all three heirloom packages, I am keenly aware of the depression associated with the anti-civilization.  Passing people on the streets is surreal as the burden of life seems to be present on the faces of most.  My question is parenting (although I am not a parent). If a parent has an adult child (age 18) that has succumbed to the forces of the anti-civilization by the way of drugs and alcoholism, how can the NT parent get their child back so that he or she is not eternally lost to the anti-civilization that will surely lead to death.  Are there any tools beyond the traditional recovery model, that you might suggest as a means for bringing a lost child into the COU?

Eileen M.
Our lives are filled with so many possibilities!

March 2025