Posts Tagged ‘fleet’

I think that the neothink has already become apparent here in Cleveland’s counties

I think that the neothink has already become apparent here in Cleveland’s counties with so many corrupt government county officials being hauled into court and convicted by the old establishment in an attemt to hide the even higher up corruption that persists still by this move clouding the citezenry into thinking that “we are doing our job for you “while the real corruption goes on in the state and fed levels which mandated the investigations to cover their own corruption and fleecing of the American people. Example : The speaker of the house wanted to order a bigger jet so she would not have to stop and refuel .so much …….the whole of the senate wanted to order all new fleet of planes when America is down so low as it is and to burden her more
Just some thoughts ,
Rick S



I learned of Mark Hamilton two years ago. Since then I have read His books, they have help me very much. I’m 67 years young. I’m self educated. My interest are not just one thing. It is everything in the universe. My magazines are; Astronomy, CAR and DRIVER, Smithsonian, Time, Electronic PRODUCTS. I do a lot of reading on the Internet. One thing I really love reading about is James J Hill. He built the Railrods up north, going to Seatle Area. He did not stop there, He had a fleet of ships that went to Japan and Chine at the turn of the century (1900). If it wasn’t for Mark, I would never have known about Him and other great Americans. Yes Mark, I’m VERY PROUD TO KNOW YOU. Yes, You are my MENTOR. I have known about religion for a very long time. Mark has brought REALITY to what I already know.

I think that the neothink has already become apparent here in Cleveland

I think that the neothink has already become apparent  here in Cleveland ;s  counties with so many corrupt government county officials being hauled into court and convicted by the old establishment in an attemt to hide the even higher up corruption that persists still by  this move clouding the citezenry into thinking that “we are doing our job for you “while the real corruption goes on in the state and fed levels which mandated the investigations to cover their own corruption and fleecing of the American people .Example : The speaker of the house wanted to order a bigger jet so she would not have to stop and refuel .so much …….the whole of the senate  wanted to order all new fleet of planes when America is down so low as it is and to burden her more

Just some thoughts ,

Rick S

March 2025