Posts Tagged ‘fellow man’

Neothink and Mark Hamilton …

Neothink and Mark Hamilton, have without a doubt open my eyes to a deeper understanding of appreciation & love for life and fellow man.

The Neothink society is the most powerful, dynamic, and…

I would first like to start out and say, thank you. The Neothink society is the most powerful, dynamic, and uplifting individuals ever created out of pure love and honesty for our fellow man! A while back, I was stuck in a rut we all know well as , “The Rat Race.” I had achieved what most people would call a good normal life. I have a wife, a son, a home, a decent paying job, and a car of my own. That’s called the “American Dream”. However, I always wondered if there was something else to achieve or obtain to make life happier and more fulfilling. MY RUT- Go to work, do house chores, sleep, eat, go to work, do house chores, eat, sleep, and so on….. I have what I need to get by, and occasionally go out to eat with the family and vacation once or twice a year, but that is it. My question was, “Is this all there is until we die?” I just couldn’t grasp that this is our existence on our wonderful planet. I was bored, and in that boredom, was stagnation. Depression if you will. “I have achieved all that I will achieve in my life”, I thought. I don’t have a college education, but my wife does and I saw her having the same thoughts as I did. I see friends and family both educated beyond high school and not having that same dilemma. In my boredom, I would drink on the weekends that I had off. Not doing anything more than hurting myself and wasting time. I had no optimism or goals for myself at that time. Got into a little trouble from that time in my life and received a DUI. I said, “That’s it! No More!” and the rest just came into my life as if a gift from above.
I had my license taken from me for a year and felt as though it was the perfect opportunity to learn about something (including myself) that might just save me from this rut and depression. Just after my court date and trial, a letter appeared on my door step, and low and behold it was the first letter from the Neothink Society inviting me to get the first heirloom manuscript. I am so happy that I didn’t disregard the letter as junk mail and toss it. As I read the letter I wondered, “Is this a load of Hooey, or is this really as good as it sounds?” It spoke to me as if the people in the society new exactly how I was feeling at that moment in time! I had to purchase the book!
Since purchasing the first manuscript, I bought the other two and the Pax book as well. My life has been changed dramatically!!! I am on a life’s journey to have be and do whatever my heart desires. I have a new fuel pushing me through puzzle piece after puzzle piece in my journey toward achieving my goals. I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of my ambitions, but the path I am on is so wonderful and uplifting, that I can’t come down of my high for anything. I haven’t had a “BAD” day in moths!!!! I owe a debt of gratitude to Mark Hamilton and The Neothink Society for helping me to find the person I am truly meant to be. The baby steps and puzzle pieces I have put together to this point are small, but I have seen some positive results from the effort. Extra money to invest and save, happier all the time, better relationships with my family and friends, more mental clarity, and more self esteem (Just to name a few.).
These manuscripts and teaching of the Society, can make anyone more than they are today. In these days and times, everyone could benefit from these books. They will make people more independent and self sufficient and give them control of there lives and not give there control to external authorities. Independence is TRUE freedom……
Which brings me to my final insight. The Twelve Visions Party is not a “Quack” scheme or “Anarchy” plot as the media and government will try to make it seem in the coming months. Instead, it will give the control and freedom back to the people to create both for themselves and for others. I have seen the light in the manuscripts as stated above, but do believe it would be even easier and could accelerate my journey and puzzle building further with less authoritive pressure and blockages. The TVP movement is all about the rights of the individual and the individual only. You would have more rights then you do now to do what you want in your life without external authorities telling us how to do it and when. That freedom would allow people to create new products, ideas, cure diseases, create pleasure, improve health, and anything else the individual desires. Whether or not one agrees doesn’t matter. This movement is to help all man kind and eventually everyone will see the light.
In closing: Thank you Mark Hamilton and the Society for all that you have given me and your efforts to make the TVP movement a success. I owe many of my recent and future achievements to this organization for giving me the secret to a happier more fulfilled life.
Brian Normandin

Mark Hamilton has been a wonderful and positive force in my life

Mark Hamilton has been a wonderful and positive force in my life. His courage and efforts as an honest business man have left me astounded with a picture of the world that is exhilarating, worry-free and full of the highest quality of love a human can give to their family, friends, and their fellow man. Mark Hamilton, the TVP, and the Neothink Society have paved the way for a life and country where the honest Value Creator is king and the destroyer can no longer prosper.
Neothink helped me realize that one can have an exhilarating, independent, and full life without the use of deception, malicious manipulation, and force to get what one wants in ruling class abundance. Neothink has pointed out to me the endless value of the human being just for being… a human being.
The Twelve Visions Party will open the floodgates of prosperity, break the walls of oppression, and dismantle neo-cheaters from our civilization through The Prime Law. That can only lead to Man taking full authority over Himself and living as a powerful genius creating and producing values for others.
The Constitution tries to communicate that Man has inalienable rights and that He is bound by the Laws of Nature. The Prime Law will secure that fact and government will have no choice but to obey Natural Law and integrate justice. The ruling class and other bogus authorities will no longer be able to “change” reality according to their whims and put Man under an illusion that He is incompetent and can’t live without them.
Without Neothink and the TVP Man is headed for an even MORE difficult time in discovering what it really means to be happy, in control of His destiny and without subjective or objective constraints. With the ruling class, the individual is just part of a machine producing for the ones that run and maintain it. He has limited sovereignty and authority over His life. His individuality and essence are suppressed and He is unaware of the quality and importance of His being.
With the TVP, Man will begin to realize the value of His consciousness. With His ever-growing self awareness He will begin to appreciate and even love other conscious beings exponentially. He will want to make His world a better place through value creation using His precious mind rather being a drone serving robot in a dead-end, mindless non-living job.
Just like apes learned to walk, like the sky is blue, consciousness and self-leadership will win over those who wish to destroy us and over those who choose the lazy and incompetent route to happiness and existence with the use of deception and force.
I am extremely grateful for Mark Hamilton sharing his knowledge with us. It will lift man to his final evolution into the Value Creator He is born to be.
May You be blessed forever!
Stephen J. May

LOVE FOR ALL THE PEOPLE is what powers Mark Hamilton

Two thousand years ago, there was a young man who wanted to help humanity by teaching the people of his day certain truths that were unassailable and so powerful, and although that particular teacher was murdered, the truths themselves lived on and still breathe new life into even to this day.
The great irony was that the people being EXPOSED for their motives and deeds concerning the young man’s teachings propagated those truths from then on in a manner the young man could proud of. By attacking the young man as well as his teachings, the truths then convicted the conscience of the attackers, and the more the attacks occurred, the more viciousness displayed, the more it proved the truth of the young man’s statements against his attackers.
The young man was named Jesus. His truth overrode the Roman Empire and indeed the whole world in an incredibly short time frame. Thanks be to the attackers, his message was heard round the world. And not only that, the attackers themselves were EXPOSED to the whole world, and everyone could see the truth about them. How LOWLY they were, what COWARDS they were, how SNEAKY they were, how FALSELY ACCUSING the were, and how they worked in the dark against their fellow man, UNDERHANDEDLY.
Now the whole world knows their NAMES and just how PATHETIC and DEFEATED they were, and DESPISED they are.
PEOPLE!!!! WAKE UP!!!! Mark Hamilton is in danger just as Jesus once was. Mark Hamilton is INNOCENT!!!!! LOVE FOR ALL THE PEOPLE is what powers Mark Hamilton. He desperately wants to bring a better life to all through the TRUTH!!! TWELVE VISIONS OF THE TRUTH, to be exact. He must expose the high priests of this day, the Caiphas’s of our day, to set us free from their tyranny!!! Danger for Mark Hamilton is DANGER FOR ALL OF US. If Mark Hamilton is stopped, WE WILL NOT BE STOPPED ANYMORE THAN JESUS WAS 2000 YEARS AGO!!!! TRUTH WILL LIVE ON!!!!
Justin Rivers
PS: Thank You for exposing the fakes to me. How can I be conned again when you have taught me their secret battle (criminal) plans and showed me their dishonesty and evil moves in advance before they even try to do it? TALK ABOUT AN UNBEATABLE ADVANTAGE!!!

Love for Fellow Man

Encountering Mark Hamilton…


Encountering Mark Hamilton through his writings and meeting the people in the Neothink society has been one of the most uplifting things in my life. You cannot find a more honest and caring people than those who make up the Neothink society, all of whom like myself have been mentored by Mark Hamilton.

Neothink Society members are the most patriotic individuals that you can find in almost every country of the world today. Their love for their fellow man and the anguish that they feel for the suffering masses is unequaled. Why do the masses suffer for the most part? The answer is corrupt politicians who instead of serving the people as stipulated by the various constitutions of their country usurp power for their own on glory. Using the power entrusted to them by the people, they by their actions, votes, corrupt every arm of government for their own selfish gain, leaving the masses to suffer.

Neothink Society members everywhere abhor dishonesty, injustice, corruption and violations of the constitution and the many ills that currently plague governments everywhere. The wish of every Neothink Society member like myself is to help to create a flourishing society where everyone strives to put more value into society than they take out and a real return to the real “rule of law.”

Mark Hamilton’s writings show everyone how to become honest, creative, productive members of society. His writings have contributed tremendously to my growth and I am so grateful.

The success of the Twelve Vision Party of which Mark Hamilton is a part of, will mean a true return to the rule law. A different breed of politicians will emerge to create conditions that will enable value creation explosion everywhere. This will in turn cause prosperity explosion that will uplift everyone.

My wish is that everyone in our society will honestly seek to find out what Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision party stand for and if they do, they will find out how patriotic Mark Hamilton, the party and its members are and without question they will support the party as I and my family does.

Ndubuisi A

Encountering Mark Hamilton…

Encountering Mark Hamilton through his writings and meeting the people in the Neothink society has been one of the most uplifting things in my life. You cannot find a more honest and caring people than those who make up the Neothink society, all of whom like myself have been mentored by Mark Hamilton.
Neothink Society members are the most patriotic individuals that you can find in almost every country of the world today. Their love for their fellow man and the anguish that they feel for the suffering masses is unequaled. Why do the masses suffer for the most part? The answer is corrupt politicians who instead of serving the people as stipulated by the various constitutions of their country usurp power for their own on glory. Using the power entrusted to them by the people, they by their actions, votes, corrupt every arm of government for their own selfish gain, leaving the masses to suffer.
Neothink Society members everywhere abhor dishonesty, injustice, corruption and violations of the constitution and the many ills that currently plague governments everywhere. The wish of every Neothink Society member like myself is to help to create a flourishing society where everyone strives to put more value into society than they take out and a real return to the real “rule of law.”
Mark Hamilton’s writings show everyone how to become honest, creative, productive members of society. His writings have contributed tremendously to my growth and I am so grateful.
The success of the Twelve Vision Party of which Mark Hamilton is a part of, will mean a true return to the rule law. A different breed of politicians will emerge to create conditions that will enable value creation explosion everywhere. This will in turn cause prosperity explosion that will uplift everyone.
My wish is that everyone in our society will honestly seek to find out what Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision party stand for and if they do, they will find out how patriotic Mark Hamilton, the party and its members are and without question they will support the party as I and my family does.
Ndubuisi A

I received my first invitation letter from the Neothink Society …

From Gerry R
Capreol Ontario Canada
Good afternoon, fellow Neothink members. It is an honor for me to share my testimonial with you at this memorable Canadian conference. I would like to briefly talk about where I come from, but more importantly where I am now and where I am headed as a member of the Neothink Society.
I was born and raised in a Northern Ontario family of seven sisters and one brother. I am the eldest, and my brother is the youngest. We were fortunate to have loving parents, and their goal was to sacrifice their comfort, and work hard physically to get the best that they could for us with what they had. Like many families in the nineteen forties and fifties, we experienced tough financial times. And even through our financial struggles, our parents taught us to share and “put others’ needs ahead of our own”. Being tolerant of others, and respecting authority figures such as religious leaders and teachers, was our family code, even when it hurt. My parents’ modeling reflected that it was expected of all family members to have it in our heart to love and be ready to forgive our fellow man, no matter what wrong was done to us. It was also stressed that physical work, no matter how hard it was, was the only right direction in life.
I am the voice the Society has not heard allot of so far. This is my debut at “jumping in”. It is said that a habit starts out as a simple thought that we develop from the messages we receive from significant others, whether verbal or by physical example of an event (positive or negative) in our lives, that we record in our mind. When a new thought is recorded, it can be compared to a thread, which in its original new state is flexible and breakable at that point in time. Cutting or pulling can easily remove this new thread. However, when this “thread” is allowed to remain in our mind, it becomes tempered by our A/C life experiences, (in other words, this is how we get programmed), it grows and hardens and becomes a steel cable that holds us prisoner in the A/C world of dog-eat-dog and neocheating. Hence my instructions from the A/C society: “Don’t make waves and listen to authority because they know more what you need, more than you do.
Since my twenties, I lived with a tenacious feeling of not belonging most of the time in my work setting. I never seemed to “fit in”, and could not find any sustainable source of factual information that would offer me some answers to where I was headed in life. At that point, I went through a marital separation and divorce. My whole world was turned upside down and my life was chaotic from that disintegration. Three years later however, I met and eventually married my new partner and our relationship has survived the test of time to this day. My wife supports me in my growth with the Neothink Society.
For most of my adult life, fundamental questions about where I was headed and what I could do to improve my life continued to plague me. In answer to my questions I received my first invitation letter from the Neothink Society three years ago. I found that letter and subsequent ones very intriguing and I was somewhat skeptical at the outset. The message these letters relayed to me was that I have talents and capabilities I was not aware of. The letters further told me that these talents and capabilities would surface in time through nurturing from the Society if I would let them. I decided to accept the Society’s invitation for membership. It was at that point I finally discovered that yes, there is ‘something” more to life than what my present experience was. Accepting The Neothink Society’s invitation for a membership is the best decision I have ever made in my entire life.
Mark Hamilton supportively communicates to us and assures us that the answers to each our own life questions are all addressed in the Prime Literature. The most significant message I get from reading the Prime Literature is that it will allow me to grow in self -awareness. “Self-awareness is defined as having a clear perception of my personality, including my strengths” that give me some indication about my FNE. Being human, it also means I also have weaknesses that I need to acknowledge. Being aware of my thoughts, beliefs, and emotions allows me to identify and let go of my very own personal mysticisms. I can become an effective influence for others only when I become mysticism free. Self-awareness also allows me to understand other people, how they perceive me, from my attitude and response to them right now.
Having said that, I need to guard against assuming that I am completely self-aware at this stage of my growth, because self-awareness denotes the ability to experience events as I progress with the Neothink Society and develop the ability to clearly notice every nitty-gritty detail of my thought process of whatever event I am dealing with. This is known as “heightened awareness”. This requires persistence and practice on my part to develop the ability to see the pieces of my own life puzzles and integrate new opportunities through my thoughts, emotions, and conversations. Having self-awareness allows me to understand where my thoughts and emotions are taking me. It allows me to exercise Discipline, Thought and Control, (DTC). DTC gives me the power to act instead of automatically react to people and events.
As I indicated a moment ago, I went through a separation and divorce in my first relationship. Relationships are easy until there is emotional turmoil. This is the same whether I am at work or in a personal relationship. The Neothink relationship concepts have shown me that when I am able to change the interpretation in my mind of what I think of my personal and business associations, I can change my emotions thereby shifting the emotional quality of my love and other relationships. Having self-awareness enables me to change my emotions in my relationships, and that can open up entirely new possibilities in my life. Having the ability to empathize facilitates better personal and professional relationships. I have it in my power to exercise a choice; I can choose to be constructively helpful instead of being destructively critical.
Mark Hamilton also puts allot of emphasis on the importance of discovering my FNE. The Prime Literature tells me that I actually hold a blueprint for continual discovery in my brain as is true for each of us. Hence, in discovering the person I was meant to be will lead to living the life I was meant to live. My inborn talents are the tools I need to develop self-confidence to use to accomplish my life’s purpose. The A/C world places its expectations on us through rules and traditions, thereby stunting this discovery process. I have listened in face-to-face meetings and in many Neothink Webminars to many fellow brothers and sister giving an account of their progress in self-awareness as members. I am amazed at how easily and enthusiastically they tell us their story of how they have discovered the secret of their life blueprint. I have come to realize that reading the Prime Literature and interacting with my Neothink brothers and sisters will allow my life blueprint to unfold in its own, natural way.
It is said that one gets what one tolerates. I’ll be happy when…” was my thinking during my A/C life. I know now that happiness dwells inside of me now as I am speaking to you. Only the Prime Literature and the “Insta-Act” concept have the power to pump in sufficient energy to activate my internal everlasting motivation in this process. I only need to allow happiness to surface by thinking and doing as indicated by the Prime Literature which will resultantly lead me to value creation. So, the happiness part of health, wealth and happiness comes about if I know myself, what my true calling is, and that I will get in life what I tolerate. The better I am able to understand myself, the better I am able to accept or change what I must in me. Remaining in the dark about myself means I would continue to get caught up in my own internal struggles and that stagnation would allow A/C forces to continue to mould and shape me for their neocheating purposes.
I am now a Level 10, and I have read the three Heirloom Packages. This is a new time in my life. Human beings, I am told, tend to resist change however, for the steel cables of the A/C conditioning require a cutting torch fuelled with love and support from my brothers and sisters combined with persistence and my accepting the responsibility in reading the Prime Literature, and attending as many Neothink workshops as I possible can. In doing this, I am ever so conscious of my dissipating A/C programming that has held me back for most of my life. I am now able to recognize and work to let go of that sugarcoated A/C conditioning. It is my experience that the letting go process sometimes can be as tough as breaking through a cement wall. I need to remember that as I progress toward the Twelve Visions World, my old go-nowhere living habits are being replaced by health, wealth and happiness habits and because of that, I may feel unsure of myself at times until the integrations take place. With patience and persistence and use of the power thinking/mini-day team and as I develop sound Self-Leader skills, I will flourish into a life of creating values for myself and for others. I need to remember and never forget that it must always begin with me.
I thank Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society for saving my life and increasing my personal effectiveness to opening the door to value creation. From my perspective, I was immediately taken with the conscious choices I have in what I want to do at this point in my life, and how I can contribute to my quality of life and that of my fellow man. The impact of my choices in achieving the results I desire finally redirects my life to being the person I was meant to be. The Society’s model for successful evolution to the Twelve Visions World is truly life changing. Within three years, I have progressed through significant growth and integrations in my daily thinking and actions from being a devout church go-er in the A/C world and waiting to be given instructions on how best to lead my life, to growing as a self-leader. I still need to work on letting go of some of mysticisms every day; some are tougher than others. After reading and rereading the Prime Literature, I now long for the leap into the Twelve Visions World.
As I progress in the Neothink Society, through my internship and Self-Leader training, and in my association with my Neothink mentors and brothers and sisters, I am experiencing a forward movement to the extent that not only doors, but gates to never-before encountered to personal growth and business opportunities are opening up to me in an invitation to join my fellow brothers and sisters to work with you all, shoulder to shoulder, in bringing about the Twelve Visions World. Thank you to the Society for its many truly effective programs that steer me toward reclaiming my own authority and in believing in myself. Thank you to Steve F and Jeff H for your effective support to Canadian members, and thank you to Raymond D for helping to move me forward in the business direction. Thank you my Neothink brothers and sisters for being there when I need you.
I can now visualize in my mind that place in my life where I need to be and the blueprint to get there. That vision is becoming clearer day-by-day. I have come to realize that what the Neothink Society truly holds for me is that promise that I have to power to alter my destiny as well as that of my family and the rest of the world. I am finally arriving at that mental plateau of the person I was meant to be.
My brothers and sisters in Neothink, I remain yours in love and unity.

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton:

The Neothink Society has been a life changing experience for me and my family in a positive way. Our way of thinking has been enhanced to see a clearer picture of where we want to go instead of where we were headed. Without Neothink and the associated people and prospects that we have been exposed to, the outlook we had did not look very promising. We have found many positive and similar thinking people through this life changing adventure. This is what this Country needs right now, millions of positive, like minded people. If people have not found out by now that the Government does not have their best interests in mind, then I do not know what will wake them up. Maybe reading messages like this one they will see that there are many people out there that have found a better way to deal with life’s issues and challenges. People need the support and encouragement of their fellow man to help achieve happiness and success, and that is what can be found in the Neothink Society. Instead of people trying to hold other people back or hold them down in a mind set of non-achievement.

Like you said in previous correspondences, the media will try to discredit Neothink and that is unfortunate. People should not make up their minds about something without actually checking into it for themselves. I believe most people would prefer to see something for themselves than just follow the lead of a media that is driven to slant the real truth just to make headlines. The public is starting to wake up as to what is really going on in this country and the world as a whole. I just hope enough people will become interested in finding the truth to a better way of living through an organization and people like that in Neothink. Being involved in Neothink has introduced me to people and opportunities that would not have been possible without it. I truly see that there is a better way. Life is not without it’s challenges and there is no free ride. We must all pull together in a common cause and help each other to achieve Health, Wealth, Peace, and Happiness. Thank you for continuing on with your father’s work to to educate people that there is a way to make life a happy, loving, and adventurous experience. All they have to do is open up and allow a new positive way of thinking to enter into their lives, which can be found in the Neothink Society.

Hopefully this letter will let a few people open up and see that any negative press you and Neothink will receive is not true.

I hope all is well with you and your family through the Holiday season.
Kevin T
New York


Thank you for changing my life, Mark Hamilton!

The Twelve Visions Party means to me a life full of happiness, wealth, health and love, all based on individual freedom.  By having the Prime Law in effect, we will all have the freedom our Founding Fathers wanted for our Country and for all of the future generations to come.  It will be freedom for everyone, down to the lowest individual, because no one is more important than anyone else.

I have learned from Mark Hamilton what the most important thing in life is…Happiness.  I have learned how to achieve that happiness by living a life of honesty, and being a value producer or a value creator, and putting more value into society than I consume.  I learned something from him that is so simple, yet has the power to change any life. That is, you must keep learning and growing in your life, because if you are not growing you are stagnating and slowing waiting for death.  For many people their lives are so boring they just want time to pass quickly to get to the end sooner, the end being death.  For death has been glorified so they think death will be their escape and better than the life they have now!

If these people would only read Mark Hamilton’s literature with an open mind, they would see the honesty and love with which it is written.  His literature teaches you how to be a value producer or even a value creator. …Creating values for your fellow man.  Then you are not wasting your life, and waiting for a hand out.  Then your life becomes too exciting!  You also learn just how important you are and how valuable you can be to the world. It teaches you to live your life right here on earth to the fullest.

The literature teaches you how to use your own mind to learn the truth in any situation, based on reality.  Our current leaders do not want you to use your own mind to discover the reality of a situation.  They want to use the smoke and mirrors to keep people from seeing reality.  They use the media to get their agenda across because they know that the masses do not have the knowledge or motivation to dig in and discover the reality of the situation.  We have been lead to believe that the media tells the reality of the situation, when in fact they do not, they pass on what they are told to.

Our Country is headed now to a Socialist/Fascist Country.  We are losing our freedoms every day, the freedoms our Fore Fathers fought to guarantee us.  The freedoms all of our Veterans fought to have for all of us.   The Twelve Visions Party guarantees those for all of us, for it would return our Government to its proper purpose.  …To protect all of the citizens from initiatory force, fraud or coercion.  Twelve Visions Party would mean I would not have to fear my Government any longer.  I would be free to live my life as I see fit, as long as I am not putting force, fraud or coercion upon anyone.  It would mean that I no longer have to pay taxes to a Government that spends my money for things I do not agree with.  The Government would be based on a business structure.  I would then be able to pay for the services I want, if it is a value I am willing to support with my earned money.

Without the burden of Government, technologies will explode as the computer industry did.  Prices will drop; this is what will solve our Medical/Health care crisis in this country.  …Along with the Government getting out of the Health Care business, and basing it on capitalistic business principles.  We will also be able to get the message out that diet & exercise are the best preventative care there is not X-rays and Scopes.

The Twelve Visions Government will make everyone responsible for them, as nature intended.  For we all have that ability within us.

Mark Hamilton teaches you that with love and kindness and occasionally a bit of tough love. Thank you for changing my life, Mark Hamilton!

Teresa D

January 2025