Posts Tagged ‘fear’

Thank you from my heart Mark Hamilton

Thank you from my heart Mark Hamilton, Neothink Society and Twelve Visions Party.  I am not even 6 months with you. What a journey! How much I have learned in that time!  Mark Hamilton with the literature and training in the Neothink Society has given me a new lease on life (65 years).  The Twelve Visions Party is given us a new society based truly on the people and totally founded in reality.  What a concept!

Waking up without fear and worry, knowing that with our own creativity we can build our business, provide for our family, becoming wealthy in the process – not poor and unfulfilled and bitter.  I could go on and on…..but please look at the websites.  The world – all of us –  move between half truths and lies. Here is the place for us to change it in our lives.

Grateful for All of You, Samantha B.

Thank you mark Hamilton from the bottom of my heart

I with to thank you for your teachings, which have been responsible for bringing me forward into the light.

As we grow up we all become trapped into a false life showered upon us of fear, guilt, lies and deception.

What a great feeling to shed all these negative burdens and live the life we were meant to live.

Thank you mark Hamilton from the bottom of my heart.

Imagine if we could all learn to live this life full of pure love and integrated honesty, what a world it would become.

We would all surely wish to live forever.

Mark Hamilton, may you continue your great work.

Kindest wishes

Max O

Thank you mark Hamilton from the bottom of my heart.


I with to thank you for your teachings, which have been responsible for bringing me forward into the light.

As we grow up we all become trapped into a false life showered upon us of fear, guilt, lies and deception.

What a great feeling to shed all these negative burdens and live the life we were meant to live.

Thank you mark Hamilton from the bottom of my heart.

Imagine if we could all learn to live this life full of pure love and integrated honesty, what a world it would become.

We would all surely wish to live forever.

Mark Hamilton, may you continue your great work.

Kindest wishes

Max O

Nowhere have I found a more inspiring…


Dear Mark,

Thanks for all your effort in getting the Neothink materials to me and all deserving people.  It has been a great inspiration to me to pursue my bliss and develop my special abilities.   Nowhere have I found a more inspiring batch of material that gets people to look at what they do best and reach for a better life that can be free of fear and the day to day grind of a job they are not happy with.  Also your idea’s about a wrld that could be possible without disease and death are intriguing.  Keep up the good work. If will support you anyway i can in the future.  Your friend,
Sincerely, Allan L. C


Hi my name is Alice
when I was first introduced to the NEOTHINK SOCIETY. I was a little skeptical about the society but I reader the letter and got the books  and after reading all three of them . I could see all the honesty and love for all the people in MARK HAMILTON and not just for some people but all people all over the world. and meeting MARK HAMILTON and the society has change my life for the better I am happy and have a love for life it not a burden to live I feel free in my mind and soul. it a joy to live and to see the future thru the TVP.  I’ll learning to lead my on life and not let other people tell me how I should think or be  have more confident in my self lost fears doing things  I would not have done if I had not met Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society they help me to use my mind in ways I didn’t know I could. we need the TVP it will be life changing for  all the people the poor, middle and the upper class for the better.don’t  be afraid of Mark Hamilton or the NEOTHINK  SOCIETY use your head think for your self. don’t listen to what other people have to say 95%of them don’t know anything about Mark Hamilton or NEOTHINK SOCIETY they are afraid of what they don’t know so you find out for your self. I have learn it better to find out for your self about any thing you want to know first hand that way you know what you are talking about and not talking out of fear of the unknown

the NeoThink Society Survival


I’m sure the Society will survive. People have been used to suppressing their true inner feelings out of fear of being put down as being outcasts, unpatriotic or some other kind of unpleasant labeling. I’ve always felt ostrised when trying to express myself. Now I’m finding out that many people feel just as I do. I have Neothink, Mark Hamilton and his father, Dr. Frank R. Wallace to thank for that. I already feel free. Thank you!
And we can thank our Forefathers for including free speech in the Con-
situation. Thank you all.

B. Finch

The constitution. Thank you all!


I wanted to send you this email to say fear not nothing can stop this just know this in your heart I send you the golden Christ light to surround you with God’s ultimate wisdom and protection I was sent to you by your Father from the Twelve Visions World you need true people around you and as of the 12VP you have your people that are the foundation for you and what you are trying to do Like I said you are more then welcome to hire me as your body guard I am  trained Pro mixed maritial arts fighter I have personally survived many attacks in life and I still stand strong if I told you what I went through for the past 15 years it would bring tears to your eyes I am  A suvivor and nothing the AC can throw at me can stop me they tried and failed I have more strength from the attacks we will win this battle its over already I am not saying it wont be hard I am just saying if we have to go to battle lets do this now I have no fear what so ever and I cover you in all that God has gifted me with life is a battle so lets not fear this lets take out those who chose to try to fight us they dont stand a chance we have to bring forth the light of the Twelve Visions World the people of the earth need this together we go forth to win the war GOD BLESS YOU MARK I AM GOING FORTH IN ALL THAT MY SPIRIT HAS WILLING TO LAY MY LIFE DOWN FOR THE CAUSE THAT BRINGS FORTH THE BLESSINGS OF THE TWELVE VISIONS WORLD!!!!


I wanted to send you this email to say fear not nothing can stop this just know this in your heart I send you the golden Christ light to surround you with God’s ultimate wisdom and protection I was sent to you by your Father from the Twelve Visions World you need true people around you and as of the 12VP you have your people that are the foundation for you and what you are trying to do Like I said you are more then welcome to hire me as your body guard I am  trained Pro mixed maritial arts fighter I have personally survived many attacks in life and I still stand strong if I told you what I went through for the past 15 years it would bring tears to your eyes I am  A suvivor and nothing the AC can throw at me can stop me they tried and failed I have more strength from the attacks we will win this battle its over already I am not saying it wont be hard I am just saying if we have to go to battle lets do this now I have no fear what so ever and I cover you in all that God has gifted me with life is a battle so lets not fear this lets take out those who chose to try to fight us they dont stand a chance we have to bring forth the light of the Twelve Visions World the people of the earth need this together we go forth to win the war GOD BLESS YOU MARK I AM GOING FORTH IN ALL THAT MY SPIRIT HAS WILLING TO LAY MY LIFE DOWN FOR THE CAUSE THAT BRINGS FORTH THE BLESSINGS OF THE TWELVE VISIONS WORLD!!!!

I can never thank you enough Mark Hamilton…

Dear Mark Hamilton,

I want to say that although I have not been a member of Neothink very long, I am a Level 2 member, I can say without any doubt whatsoever that Neothink, Mark Hamilton, Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society are absolutely the best thing that ever happen to me in my life. I am growing everyday with Neothink and with everything that I have read and seen. I want to thank you Mark Hamilton for having been chosen to be a part of the Neothink Society. I feel that since I became a member, it has become absolutely crucial to my life and my existence to be a part of this organization. Words cannot express deeply enough how strong I feel about this. To say that everything I have experienced, read and seen is amazing, wonderful, breathtaking and fantastic would be putting it mildly. I feel honored to be a part of something that is so amazing and better than anything that has ever existed before in the history of mankind.

The Neothink Society and everything and everyone related to it, must ALWAYS continue to exist. I feel that without it, conscious life would have no value. That would be terrible to say the least. The only thing worse than a conscious life without value is no conscious life at all.

The Neothink Society is more than just an organization. It is my family. It is the only society that I can really feel close to and mean so much to me. I can never be a part of the anticivilization, not after my eyes were opened to Neothink Society, Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party. How can I ever go back. That would be like modern man reverting back to the apes. Unthinkable.

I can never thank you enough Mark Hamilton for having chosen me to be a part of your society. My wife is a very strong minded God-fearing christian woman. I want to tell her what I have found and the Neothink Society, but fear that she may not agree with it or me. But I feel that even if she doesn’t agree with me, I will continue with the Neothink Society. Even if my wife said to me that she is sorry but she can support me or agree with me with it, and even if she wanted to leave me because of it, I would still continue to be a member of the Neothink Society and continue to grow in it, at any cost, including my marriage. I feel that strongly about it and it means that much to me.

Mr Hamilton, Thank you so much for the difference you’ve made in my life. I appreciate your wisdom and knowledge. You ‘ve truely been an inspiration to me and I’ll never forget you. Be blessed in all your endeavors to make life better for everyone in all areas.

-cynthia g

The Twelve Visions Party will create a protection only government

The Twelve Visions Party will create a protection only government, allowing for the end of the ruling classes and the creation of a civilization where justice and equality prevail.  A civilization where business, science, and art produces never ending values for its’ citizens.  A civilization where efficiency goes up and the cost of living comes ever increasingly down.  This may all sound a little “too good to be true” but let’s all make up our minds when we see what can really be done with Neothink and the TVP.  Nothing so far has worked and the more I investigate and explore my membership in the Neothink Society the more I am convinced these are the best Ideas I have heard concerning changing the system and living in a world free of fear and pain.

March 2025