Posts Tagged ‘famine’

As an apprentice of Mark Hamilton…

For those who happen to read this: All of your eyes, if you can read….because there are those who read, but still in doubt of what we are and what we are here, for?……As an apprentice of Mark Hamilton…I’ve learned deep in my heart, that ” THIS IS IT “….I’ve read the 3 Heirlooms, meet Neothink members face to face, listen to tele-conference, joined a business entity with NT members, a TVP CA visionary, Natural Cures and Global Information subscriber and member….and in my own little way a warrior ( for life’s existence in a more meaningful ways ) with a secret weapon to protect myself and fight against those who takes advantage over me.
There’s nothing to be afraid of….Mr. Mark Hamilton….we are protected by what we believed is true….whatever happens….the Truth will come to surface….even if they are going to destroy us ( our movement ). We need the Change….only, majority are still blinded by their beliefs….and they will start seeing it more clearly when we are stop, we are destroyed, or jailed…..because, they will ask ( the public ) what are we dying for?
We Are Here For A Better World the Twelve Visions World. No more killings ( terrorist ), no more hunger / famine, no more diseases or H1N1 scare, no more corruption, no more recession / unemployment, and most of all; no more human made laws that protect the interest of those who are in the authority. NO MORE NEO-CHEATERS.
In my open testimonial to the public….we are not asking you to join us….just do something, in your own little ways to protect yourself and learn how to fight back against those who cheated you. You just made yourself…a warrior….seeking for a better world.
The fight had begun….and you are going to finish it…..Mr ____?
Jun Demavivas

Why is Mark Hamilton so different to many authors?

My name is Nicole.  I live in the UK. What Mark Hamilton has given me since I was sent an invite to read his books is a family that is helping me to integrate and progress to achieve my goal using honesty, Discipline, focus Thought and Control. It can be tough at the beginning but I did not give up and I will carry on learning, even when I fail because that is what I want.  In the UK, we have started a small but strong group each week.  There is friendship, care and nothing is too much to ask, we have fun, there is honesty, respect and hard work.  I love it!

The whole world seems to have gone back towards some dark ages mentality rather than using those tremendous and affordable technologies to benefit the survival of the human race instead of war, massive destruction of natural resources, diseases and famine for example.

Personally, I have always felt that life had wonders to offer to all searchers wanting to bother to find out.

Why is Mark Hamilton so different to many authors? Well his literature brings you back to basics.

He is reminding us that honesty is the only policy, to reject fear because it destroys love  He has shared with us his 12 visions of a New-World. The TVP has the welfare of each citizen ready to change.  He is showing us the way forward to an exhilarating future, where health issues are no more because our brilliant researchers will have available cures and beyond even, a world where crimes will no longer exist and where people will no longer be poor. Imagine now, ALL WILL BE RICH EVEN THE POOR!

Mr Hamilton YOU HAVE MY VOTE.  Thank you for the opportunity to share your visions.  I do realize that you will be criticized or even accused to “push your books” That would be a sad day to see people freedom of choice gone too!  Anyway, is this not the selling method employed by most firms these days? I do not believe it is forcing anyone to buy if not wanting to do so.

Your books are read all around the globe, that is what matters.

As an apprentice of Mark Hamilton…

For those who happen to read this: All of your eyes, if you can read….because there are those who read, but still in doubt of what we are and what we are here, for?……As an apprentice of Mark Hamilton…I’ve learned deep in my heart, that  ” THIS IS IT “….I’ve read the 3 Heirlooms, meet Neothink members face to face, listen to tele-conference, joined a business entity with NT members, a TVP CA visionary, Natural Cures and Global Information subscriber and member….and in my own little way a warrior ( for life’s existence in a more meaningful ways ) with a secret weapon to protect myself and fight against those who takes advantage over me.

There’s nothing to be afraid of….Mr. Mark Hamilton….we are protected by what we believed is true….whatever happens….the Truth will come to surface….even if they are going to destroy us ( our movement ). We need the Change….only, majority are still blinded by their beliefs….and they will start seeing it more clearly when we are stop, we are destroyed, or jailed…..because, they will ask ( the public ) what are we dying for?

We Are Here For A Better World the Twelve Visions World. No more killings ( terrorist ), no more hunger / famine, no more diseases or H1N1 scare, no more corruption, no more recession / unemployment, and most of all; no more human made laws that protect the interest of those who are in the authority. NO MORE NEO-CHEATERS.

In my open testimonial to the public….we are not asking you to join us….just do something, in your own little ways to protect yourself and learn how to fight back against those who cheated you. You just made yourself…a warrior….seeking for a better world.

Jun D

March 2025