Posts Tagged ‘family and friends’

Thank you for opening my mind to the C-U

Dear Mark,

Thank you for opening my mind to the C-U. I cannot begin to tell you what a privilege is was to have read your books and to share it with my family and friends.

I want my Family and Friends to know this Beautiful TRUTH

Dear Mark Hamilton, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for inviting me into your Society. I knew right away I wanted to know more. I ordered and read all three manuscripts. I knew I would never be the same. It was like I had waited all my life for this. IT kept getting better and better my eyes had been opened to the real truth. IT was like some where inside I had already heard this many times before. IT had come from some where inside of me. Now Mark Hamilton from the books and tapes I am learning how to live the life I was meant to live. I want my Family and Friends to know this Beautiful TRUTH. Thank you, Thank you so very much for the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Parity. The Twelve Visions Party is in Actuality The World’s Peace Formula when The PRIME LAW TAKES EFFECT. Thanks Again, V. A.

Mark Hamilton is very considerate for trying to bring twelve visions into reality

hello my name is Sean from new York city the Neothink society is very impressive as in what’s going on in society today it also opens your mind to a better way of thinking Mark Hamilton is very considerate for trying to bring twelve visions into reality it will be very helpful for family and friends once it is put into action it teaches heath, wealth, happiness, discipline, honesty and control plus how to be a self leader when I first got the literature it was something exciting to learn especially since I was intoxicated by deception in the ac with no hope whatsoever I don’t know everything still learning and still have mysticism’s but I will like to thank mark Hamilton and everyone else in the society for giving me a thinking process of calmness and different knowledge thank you

Thank you Mark Hamilton for giving me Neothink

Thank you Mark Hamilton for giving me Neothink. Neothink has taught me my life belongs to me and I am responsible for it. This knowledge has set me free from external controls and I feel the power of freedom.
With Neothink, I live a value-filled life of honesty and happiness. As a Neothink Person, I go within to bring beautiful feelings to each moment. I am in a wonderful journey into fully-integrated honesty. My relationship with my family and friends is one of love and joy and much pleasure.
Mark Hamilton’s literature is a treasure, which will give us the Twelve Visions Party. This Party recognizes that the purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily and that the function of government is to provide the conditions that let individuals fulfill that purpose. The Twelve Visions Party will guarantee those conditions by forbidding the use of initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person or group against any individual, property or contract. The comfortable establishment leaders will lose their supervisory roles over me and everyone.
This Neothink world will bring us so much health, happiness and values that I plan to live to 120 years and ask for more.
Kay S

I can hardly wait

I have been reading the Neothink material since the late ’80s. The changes that have taken place in me have been subtle. Little by little. Mark Hamilton sent me the same letter inviting me to own the Heirloom packages and I reached out for them immediately. That is when I learned about the Twelve Visions Party. Each vision has a full and stimulating description and I knew then I had found the future. Mark tells us in these writings about the Twelve Visions World. We must and we will leave behind us the anti-civilization we are living in. I am an evolving person. I am bringing love into this world. Each moment of my day I am sending love to my family and friends and even to people I do not know but know exist. We are living in rapidly changing times and Mark Hamilton is taking us into the best of times. He is taking us into the Twelve Visions World. It will be a world where the government will be for protection only and will not use force on us. Nor will we use force against another. We will not need to use force because we will leave behind the criminal mind which will be replaced with minds that value create for themselves and all of us. The Neothink Society is a society of people who know to be kind and loving to themselves. When we are kind and loving to ourselves, we are kind and loving to all others. We know it first starts with us. We know this because we have an exceptional mentor Mark Hamilton who teaches us how to be loving and kind within ourselves.



I received my first book from Mark Hamilton in 2004


I have asked myself a number of times just how would I go about telling someone about the Neothink® Society.   For each person it is different, for me it has been a five year journey of self discovery.   I received my first book from Mark Hamilton in 2004. That was the year that I began to wake from a lifetime of believing that I could never make a difference in this world.  Each turn of the page showed me a step by step blue print of not only the world that had suppressed and held me back from becoming the person I was meant to be, but it showed me just how I could pull myself up and grow in ways that would shock my family and friends.

Like so many others who have read these books, I began to take control of my own life.  If I wanted to be happy, it was my responsibility to bring happiness into my life.  Mark Hamilton provided me with a way to reach out to others and make contact.  For months I would exchange ideas with other members on the website that Mark Hamilton provided for us.  Then came that day when all the members who lived in my state decided to have a face to face meeting.  My heart was pounding in my chest as my husband and I made the two and a half hour drive to the meeting place.  When we entered the building, I knew these people, even though I had never seen them before, I knew each and every one of them.  Forget about handshakes my friends. These people hugged me as if I were a long lost family member.  We talked about everything under the sun and set up study groups to go over the information in Mark Hamilton’s books.  Keep in mind that this was going on all over the USA.  People were meeting at coffee shops, restaurants, libraries, and in living rooms.  Each group was developing in their own way, coming up with new ideas.  Our group was no different in that respect.  Because of what I learned from Mark Hamilton’s books, I was not afraid to go out and do research.  I wanted to make a difference, and I wanted that difference to be of value to those who needed it.  At that time the price of gas was starting to rise to unheard of levels.  The people who were being hurt the most were those who could not pay for the gas it would take to get to work and put food on the table for their children.  I started to learn all that I could about alternative energy.  I don’t consider myself to be a genius but I understand the need for value.   With the help of some of the other members I began to collect information on ways to improve gas mileage in older cars.  I am not an inventor, but I can build things from scratch and I found a system that I could build.  I have made a number of hydrogen on demand systems and priced them so that anyone can get one.

These are the values that are coming out of the Neothink® Society.  Our members are putting into action the values found in the books from Mark Hamilton.  We are seeing the needs,   and taking action.  Bringing honesty and value in everything we do.  We the members have formed the Twelve Visions Party, bringing the words of Mark Hamilton to life.  Words that were written on a page are now coming true.  How thrilling it is to be a part of this

A Door-Way To A New Way Of Life


First off i’d like to thank MR. Hamilton and the Neothink Society very,very much for contacting me at a very crucial period in my life. My name is Arthur Martinez.I’am 58 yrs. old.I have a son, daughter, and grand-daughter that i love very much.I’ve missed some very important moments and times in their lives because of the way i’ve lived mine.I first recieved a letter from MR. Hamilton and the Society about 7months ago.So you see a’m very new to the Society.At that time i had been searching for a very long,long time for a door-way to a better way of life for me and my family!As it turns out that door-way is positively MR. Hamilton and the Neothink Society.To fully understand what i’am talking about you must read the litature of MR.Hamilton with it’s concepts and ideals.Some of these are obtaining Wealth,Health and Happiness for you your family and friends!! There is also much more.So in closing i would like to thank MR. Hamilton and the Society once more and i’am lokking forward to the up-coming journey very,very much. Respectfully, Arthur Martinez

Thank you again Mark Hamilton


Dear Mark,

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for inviting me into your society.  I, like everyone else, almost threw away the invitation I received from you three years ago.  Normally, I throw away all junk mail but for some reason I decided to open the letter and read it.  I knew right away that I wanted to know more about the information you discussed in your letter.

I ordered and read all three manuscripts.  What a life changing experience.  Strangely enough, I felt as though I already knew this information especially the sections on mysticism.  It was at that moment I knew I would never be the same person again.  I finally felt free from all the guilt that was laid on me in Catholic school and church.  I fully believe that is what held me back all these years and destroyed my confidence.

I finally found the confidence to go back to school.  It is something I always wanted to do, but never thought I was smart enough.   I only wish I would have had this information twenty years ago.  I am thinking so much clearer now.  At work I am constantly looking for ways to improve the way I do my job (ten second miracles).   I feel more creative.

I am slowly trying to introduce this information to my family and friends.  I can’t believe anyone would want to continue to live in an anti-civilization.  I know I don’t ever want to go back to that way of living and thinking again.

Thank you again Mark Hamilton for the extraordinary work you have done.  I hope we can change the world.  I don’t know about anyone else but living life the way we’ve been living just isn’t working any longer.  It’s time for a change.



next evoultion


Time flies when creation happens,its been such a dream , reality check,new awareness, common sense approch to whatever you want and need. peace, love;,enjoy work, family and friends, FlH,AND Twelve Visions World tvp


hello  my name is Sean from new York city the Neothink society is very impressive as in what’s going on in society today it also opens your mind to a better way of thinking mark Hamilton is very considerate for trying to bring twelve visions into reality  it will be very helpful for family and friends once it is put into action it teaches heath, wealth, happiness, discipline, honesty and control plus how to be a self leader when I first got the literature it was something exciting to learn especially since I was intoxicated by deception in the ac with no hope whatsoever  I don’t know everything still learning and still have mysticism’s but I will like to thank mark Hamilton and everyone else in the society for giving me a thinking process of calmness and different  knowledge thank you

March 2025