Posts Tagged ‘facebook’

Introducing The Prime Law created by Mr. Mark Hamilton…

Team Bravo sight and the site, as well as on my Facebook and MySpace web sites. When I found who you and who is really in our Clubs, i almost did a flip. It truly is virtuous to have people like you around. thanks for all the help!
What is your answer to crime? What is your answer to Police brutality? What is your answer to racism and for the peace of the world? “Can’t we all just get along!” is one of LA’s mottos…How do we all just get along? Do we vote and just leave it to the Politicians and world leaders to work out our peace & safety? Do we get involved? Should we hire more Police Officers or create more prisons? What is your answer to judicial tyranny? Should we go to Church? What is your answer to the child molestations and homosexuality, i.e. sexual perversion, of the “men of the cloth”? We are a real world with real problems and we need real answers.
Introducing Mr. Mark Hamilton, President and Founder of the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party. The answer to the anticivilization in politics and religion! Introducing The Prime Law created by Mr. Mark Hamilton to forbid the initiatory force of crime, judicial tyranny and racism! You want an answer, here he is in the
flesh in the person of Mr. Mark Hamilton. He, along with the millions of members in the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party, are creating a new Amendment to our Great U.S. Constitution to forbid initiatory called the Prime Law for the sake of the world’s peace and safety in order to avert lawlessness and war!

Mark Hamilton has always been there for me

Hi Mark: I had just finished a nice facebook visit contact with Rady Agsalud! And I came across your most recent TVP communication.
As I heard your voice, I was deeply touched by the overall content and vibrational force. I immediately was internally reminded that you are indeed my great ETERNAL BROTHER and dearest friend. And that you indeed respect me as your ETERNAL BROTHER!
You are the Prime mentor and have always been there for me! That’s really great Mark!
You have really been a tremendous blessing in my life and thanks to you and Neothink I have the very Positive Position and am completely inspired to move ahead in Life.
I am still anxiously waiting for a position in a possible up coming marketing campaign to recruit new members into NT on a commission pay only basis. Remember that for the year 2007, I was ranked the # 1 recruiter for Freelife on one on one closings on the entire PLANET!
And I can do infinitely better than that for Neothink!
So when you can finally offer me a position, just know that I have been waiting for a very long time for that to happen!
Just always remember that I love you Mark! You are indeed a very wonderful Human Being!
Your Eternal Brother of The Twelve Visions World
Carl L. Maynard Jr.

The Twelve Visions Party is the only way Americans can prosper again

The Twelve Visions Party is the only way Americans can prosper again. Sadly, most do not know that our political leaders only have power because we provide their livelihoods. For many years, children have not been taught to take perceptions and group them into integrated knowledge, this has kept us from seeing the illusions of politics. Our Education System has failed our children.

Our Forefathers arrived because they were suppressed by rulers. We face the same dominance today. Our taxes support career politicians who pass hundreds of bills that do not serve to Protect or honestly help Us. Yet that is their job, as reflected in our Foundation, so long ago prepared.

Today force, used to bring fear to the people, causes us to be subservient to the rulers. There are only two classes of people the ruling elite and the rest of us. There is nothing in between.

If you are reading this and you do not make the rules, you should check into this party founded by Mark Hamilton. The Twelve Visions Party is the solution to a force-backed system that is failing each American’s Prosperity. Join today and become part of the Greatest Get Rich Program in the History of Mankind.

Find me in Facebook to ask questions, I am wearing a Fun Meter on my lapel. I am bringing fun to America again, come join me!

Jill Reed

Mark Hamilton is a wonderful person!


Mark Hamilton is a wonderful person!  He spent all that time creating those heirloom packages. As an author myself, writing my first book, I can appreciate all that hard work.  They are the greatest books I ever received!!  They have changed my life! Because of those wonderful works, I have hope, and  I am a value creator today!

Mark Hamilton didn’t stop there.  He created a political party, The Twelve Visions Party. It is my party of choice, because it advocates in its platform, to make everybody rich, including the poor.  I also like the protection-only government, so people can achieve their destinies, and increase their potential.

Mark also created the Neo-Think Society.  I appreciate the fact that there is a place where like-minded, integrated  thinkers can meet each other!  I talk to them on the conference calls, and in Facebook!  It makes me happy that I have such wonderful friends I can talk to every day.  I no longer feel lonely.

I know I took action to make this all happen.  I believe I attracted that letter from Mark.  It seemed to come to me like magic.  I know better today.   It was my destiny!  I discovered my Friday Night Essence, which like Mark, is writing!  If I hadn’t received that letter, I have not realized my true potential.  Thank you very much for sending me that letter, Mark!  It changed my life!

Love, Peace, Joy and Abundance,

David V

Value Creation

Yesterday I had a remarkable experience. I met a strikingly beautiful woman on Facebook who was looking for help in one of my areas of specialty. I spent a few minutes helping her with her difficulty. As I helped her I just enjoyed this nice feeling of being attracted to wonderful and beautiful woman. For the first time in my life I had the confidence to come straight out and tell about it; and miracle of miracles, SHE RECIPROCATED! She also found me attractive!

This was a very special experience for me! After we finished her project, I sat back and just enjoyed those sweet feelings.

The Multigenerational Manuscripts DO contain the secret to Exciting Romantic Love! I can hardly believe that it worked, just like Mark Hamilton said it would!

Thank you for these WONDERFUL FEELINGS!
That could be the whole story, but there is even more.

We are both married, and not to each other. What I found most remarkable is that the second part of the concepts related to romantic relations in the Multigenerational Manuscripts was ALSO right on:

These good feelings that I shared with a total stranger actually made me LOVE my WIFE even more! The incredible boost in confidence that this encounter inspired within me was not given over to promiscuous fantasies – it was enjoyed for what it was: an expression of attraction and affinity between two honest value creators – and then the rational techniques contained within Mark Hamilton’s literature were used – and suddenly I saw how to make the most of these wonderful feelings. I used them to fuel the fire of my primary love relationship: The incredible relationship I have with my wife and eternal soul mate! I reflected on the same qualities that I was REMINDED OF in this facebook interaction that my Wife also shares. It was exciting to see that I can turn EVERY ATTRACTION I FEEL into a powerful tool for heightening my Love Relationship with my Wife!

These Concepts really do provide for the most fulfilling, stimulating, and exciting Romantic Love Relationships possible!


Yon Cole

March 2025