Posts Tagged ‘eye opener’

The multigenerational Books were an EYE OpeneR!!!!!!!!

The multigenerational Books were an EYE OpeneR!!!!!!!! It was an Amazing JourneY, that Everyone should Take. Mark is A mAn with great Clarity. My Creativity has gone up 10 fold, and I now use the TOOL’s that keep me Healthy and Strong!!!!!!! Creating Value for All is an Uplifting & Rewarding LifE.



An Amazing Journey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

An Amazing Journey!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Trilogy was an Eye Opener..CONNECTING with the child of our Past is Essential. If you Love to Work Hard & Play Hard, than you will Enjoy Mark Hamilton’s Book’s. The Dreamer in Me is AWAKE AGAIN!!! The Business Aspect’s that Mark talk’s about are Dynamic. If you want Tool’s that will work than this is VITAL information.



Mark Hamilton’s Neothink was a real eye opener

When I was young, I thought I was a pretty smart fellow. I have an above average I.Q. and I read a lot. Mark Hamilton’s Neothink was a real eye opener. It made me realize how dishonest I was in my thinking. Most people are just like I was before Neothink. They use non-sequiturs and unsubstantiated facts to support their illogical beliefs. They are slaves to their inane superstitions. Neothink can set you free from irrational beliefs. I speak from experience. With Neothink we can change the world from the irrational, violent world we have today to a rational, peaceful world.
Allen D. Davidson

Thank you Mark Hamilton for your good work

Hello Mark,
I am sending this Email as a testimony for you to know how Neothink has been an eye opener for me.
I have learned so much from the Neothink books that you send to me. In fact these books has been my guideline in anything that I do now with my life today. I have seen so much good things coming my way now, I wish so many people will have the chance to see how Neothink works.
I will love to see Neothink staying forever and I bet Neothink is going to change the world for better very soon. Thank you Mark Hamilton for your good works. Let the people know the truth.
Thank you so much,
Emmanuel Quaye

Mr. Hamilton’s incite on the past, the present and the future is not twisted

My name is Millard and I have looked at and evaluated the Mark Hamilton business as being an eye opener to what is really going on in America. I was interested in improving myself and finding something to contribute to society. I would like to thank Mr. Hamilton for letting me know what is happening and will hope that his organization can help build this country to higher standards of living and discover new and better accomplishments in the future. Remember this is America, land of the free. I am free to choose Mr. Hamilton’s help to find my own incites and make my society better by adding something that his organization has made me aware of.
Mr. Hamilton’s incite on the past, the present and the future is not twisted. It unveils the truth about many things that are later covered up because this society is trying to find an easy way out of its predicaments. This dishonest approach to get by has led us to this point. I have now begun to put my life together and see things in a rational manner after being exposed to Mr. Hamilton’s materials. Now I have gained awareness and found motivation to create new things that may better my society.
I will support Mr. Hamilton and his organization for the major discoveries that he has helped me find and hope to finish the project that his organization has given me motivation to start. If every person tries to make something or just one item to make this country better we will all reap from the benefits. Thank you for the help.
Millard D

I will support Mr. Hamilton and his organization for the major discoveries

My name is Millard and I have looked at and evaluated the Mark Hamilton business as being an eye opener to what is really going on in America. I was interested in improving myself and finding something to contribute to society. I would like to thank Mr. Hamilton for letting me know what is happening and will hope that his organization can help build this country and discover new and better accomplishments in the future. Remember this is America, land of the free. I am free to choose Mr. Hamilton’s help to find my own incites and make my society better by adding something that his organization has made me aware of.
Mr. Hamilton’s incite on the past, the present and the future is not twisted. It unveils the true about many things that are later covered up because this society is trying to find an easy way out of its predicaments. This dishonest approach to get by has led us to this point. I have now begun to put my life together and see things in a rational manner after being exposed to Mr. Hamilton’s materials. That awareness is the talent for creating new things that may better my society.
I will support Mr. Hamilton and his organization for the major discoveries that he has helped me find and hope to finish the project that his organization has given me motivation to start. If every person tries to make something or just one item to make this country better we will all reap from the benefits. Thank you for the help.
Millard D

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink® Society reached me…

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink® Society reached me at a crucial time in my life. I had gone through some pretty tough times up until then, with failed relationships, financial troubles, and depression. Mark Hamilton’s first letter reached my mailbox at just the right time.
Organized religion was doing nothing for me. Instead of sending me the positive message of love that was meant for us, there were fat cat neocheaters pounding their pulpits telling me just how worthless I was. To top it all off, after making me feel lower than I felt before I walked into their buildings, they begged me for my money at the end of it all! How dishonest is that?!
Our government was doing my family and me no favors, either. That was during the “stimulus check” (so-called tax rebate) time. By the government’s simple calculations, I was a single parent with two dependent children and a good paying job. I should have been handed a fat check for $900. Instead, I was penalized. According the fine print (they always get you with the fine print), I made too much money. So, they deducted percentages for that. Second, my son was 17 years old (and in high school); therefore, he was not considered a dependent child under their guidelines. So, I was “stimulated” to the tune of about $130, while lazy, dishonest government dependent zombies were getting full checks! Since that time, it’s only gotten more dishonest and hypocritical.
Shortly after Mark Hamilton’s first letter, I was reading my first Neothink® Society text. I knew I was stepping out on a limb, but WOW!! It was an eye-opener. It opened my eyes to the farce that is organized religion. I realized I didn’t need someone to scream and yell at me to know what was good and right for me. I knew it all along! I didn’t need some talking head with a “D” or “R” attached to the end of his name to tell me what was right or wrong with our Great Nation. I knew it all along!! I realized how churches and governments have been ruling mankind for centuries through false guilt, contrived fear, and brute force, often hand-in-hand.
My life has improved drastically since my introduction to Neothink®. I no longer believe in the lies set before me by government officials from either of the major political parties. I know that their real job is to keep us divided with hot-button, polarizing issues, while they keep lining their pockets and exercising their dishonest power for personal gain. I no longer submit to the will of false speaking religious leaders. I, instead, listen to my own conscience, with the full knowledge of right and wrong that I was born with.
Neothink® is not atheism, as religious leaders would have you think. It is SEEING through to what is real and claiming responsibility for your own actions. Neothink® is not anarchy, as government leaders would have you think. It is self-governance and doing what is right all of the time, without loopholes and dodges. It is the death knell of petty bureaucracy and political fiefdoms. It is seeing and defying false external authority in your life.
The Twelve Visions Party is coming! Are sick of the status quo? Do you want honesty from your elected officials? Do you want accountability? Do you want your government to stop spending us all into the poor house? Then TVP is for you! TVP candidates will be people who understand and live Neothink®. They will be men and women of honor who do what is right. They will be honest in their words and actions. They will not seek office to “lead” you. They will seek office to work with you and for you to bring us out of this anti-civilization we now live in.
Lloyd W

Mark Hamilton is not a monster he is a…


I have learned so much form reading the three heirloom book and the Pax book as well. All of it makes more sense then going against my own nature and doing things that did not make me happy. No I did not turn into a millionaire yet but I am working my way there and I do not want to be in a routine rut all of me life I started writing my first book and I am working on getting patterns for my inventions. I realized that a title means nothing and your not able to control someone else’s intake or reaction to a situation. Biological immortality is absolutely possible only if there in more of a drive for it from the public I also learned that the pieces of the puzzles do fit together as long as you work on them. Minnie days are efficient and I use the life chart on the first day of every month. I have a abundance of useful knowledge from reading these book and I highly recommend the lessons in them to everyone Mark Hamilton is not a monster he is a eye opener asking you not to glance at the world around you but to inspect it and find everything that you will ever need from within it especially yourself. He talks about Friday night essences really and truly looking into yourself in order to find what your good at. Then creating something out of it instead of being a producer for the rest of your life reaching the end and wishing you had done something different really grabbed on and followed your dreams.

The Geniuses of the society


I remember 3 years ago when I first received Mark Hamilton’s Manuscripts, I could not believe my eyes,everything I read was an eye opener to me,I was thinking what a genius,how could someone know so much about the world and people.He cares so much about our well being,going out of his way just to help people in this society,nobody would ever attempt to do so much to help this wonderful world like he has.The only other person that has attempted this was Jesus Christ,and look at the price that he payed for it.
Love makes the world go around,and Mark Hamilton and Jesus Christ has proven that, everyone should order these manuscripts and read up on them, you will see what I am talking about.
Call our customer services at.

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink® Society reached me…

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink® Society reached me at a crucial time in my life.  I had gone through some pretty tough times up until then, with failed relationships, financial troubles, and depression.  Mark Hamilton’s first letter reached my mailbox at just the right time.

Organized religion was doing nothing for me.  Instead of sending me the positive message of love that was meant for us, there were fat cat neocheaters pounding their pulpits telling me just how worthless I was.  To top it all off, after making me feel lower than I felt before I walked into their buildings, they begged me for my money at the end of it all!  How dishonest is that?!

Our government was doing my family and me no favors, either.  That was during the “stimulus check” (so-called tax rebate) time.  By the government’s simple calculations, I was a single parent with two dependent children and a good paying job.  I should have been handed a fat check for $900.  Instead, I was penalized.  According the fine print (they always get you with the fine print), I made too much money.  So, they deducted percentages for that.  Second, my son was 17 years old (and in high school); therefore, he was not considered a dependent child under their guidelines.  So, I was “stimulated” to the tune of about $130, while lazy, dishonest government dependent zombies were getting full checks!  Since that time, it’s only gotten more dishonest and hypocritical.

Shortly after Mark Hamilton’s first letter, I was reading my first Neothink® Society text.  I knew I was stepping out on a limb, but WOW!! It was an eye-opener.  It opened my eyes to the farce that is organized religion.  I realized I didn’t need someone to scream and yell at me to know what was good and right for me.  I knew it all along!  I didn’t need some talking head with a “D” or “R” attached to the end of his name to tell me what was right or wrong with our Great Nation. I knew it all along!!  I realized how churches and governments have been ruling mankind for centuries through false guilt, contrived fear, and brute force, often hand-in-hand.

My life has improved drastically since my introduction to Neothink®. I no longer believe in the lies set before me by government officials from either of the major political parties.  I know that their real job is to keep us divided with hot-button, polarizing issues, while they keep lining their pockets and exercising their dishonest power for personal gain.  I no longer submit to the will of false speaking religious leaders.  I, instead, listen to my own conscience, with the full knowledge of right and wrong that I was born with.

Neothink® is not atheism, as religious leaders would have you think.  It is SEEING through to what is real and claiming responsibility for your own actions.  Neothink® is not anarchy, as government leaders would have you think.  It is self-governance and doing what is right all of the time, without loopholes and dodges. It is the death knell of petty bureaucracy and political fiefdoms.  It is seeing and defying false external authority in your life.

The Twelve Visions Party is coming!  Are sick of the status quo?  Do you want honesty from your elected officials?  Do you want accountability? Do you want your government to stop spending us all into the poor house? Then TVP is for you!  TVP candidates will be people who understand and live Neothink®.  They will be men and women of honor who do what is right.  They will be honest in their words and actions.  They will not seek office to “lead” you.  They will seek office to work with you and for you to bring us out of this anti-civilization we now live in.

Lloyd W


March 2025