Posts Tagged ‘external guidance’

So, with great gratitude, THANK YOU for all you are doing and have done!

Life has been an interesting series of events for me. I grew up in a highly religious family and began as a very dedicated bible student at the young age of eight. Because of my personal, in-depth studies and knowledge of deep-rooted principals, I began to break through mysticism, and being reliant on external guidance in the year 2000 when I was only seventeen. I later left my place of residence in Central Oregon, USA to live in Loreto, Mexico on the Baja Peninsula for half a year when I was eighteen. Being immersed in that culture at a young age began a SUPER-EXPLOSION of new thoughts and new ideas and concepts that caught me by surprise. I began to transform into a different person. The problem was I didn’t know how to control, or use, my new-found feelings and thoughts in the proper way. Everyone I knew was a part of some false ideologies and because I didn’t share certain viewpoints anymore, my family and friends stopped coming around eventually. They just couldn’t understand. This is the point in my life when I felt truly alone!
I thought it was me…was I doing something wrong? So I decided, spontaneously (within 30 days), to leave and start over somewhere else. I traveled all the way across the country, landing in New York — broke, all by myself, and with only two bags of luggage! I LEFT EVERYTHING! My car, my family, my house, all of my furniture, and my cushy job at a law firm. But I was on a mission…to search out knowledge, to expand, and make a new beginning, a new life. I was excited and scared of what lay before me, so I devoted this next “chapter” of my life to self-discovery. I needed to start thinking about myself for a change. I was tired of being taken advantage of by being selfless.
When I did, my life began taking IMMEDIATE change and the Universe took immediate and drastic action! Through a series of events, I met a unique and important individual who took me under his wing, who personally mentored me and is still doing so today. I have been able to meet some very interesting people and life has become EXCITING again! I currently am a part of powerful associations, I am assisting in the creation of a “dream city” here locally, with a few multi-million dollar deals, I have WONDERFUL relationships, and people cannot stop coming around to give me more and more financial and networking opportunities. I HAVEN’T HAD TO DO MUCH OF ANYTHING EITHER! I have also personally met a few prominent and successful individuals — including a retired golf pro, inventors with patents on projects everyone would recognize that has produced BILLIONS of dollars, film directors and producers many would recognize by name, prominent medical doctors who specializes in natural cures and treatments for illnesses, as well as others.
I don’t intend to quit now! There is no going back for me! And I intend to continue to help others help themselves first. I am only 26 and the above testimonial was actualized in only a year’s time. It approached so fast with change, it caught me by surprise. So, with great gratitude, THANK YOU for all you are doing and have done! I wouldn’t be where I’m at today if it wasn’t for this knowledge I’ve been searching for all of my life. Thank you again!
With Appreciation;
Adam H.

With the endless wisdom of Mark Hamilton’s manuscripts…

Dear Mark
With the endless wisdom of Mark Hamilton’s manuscripts, which took me months to read, it is not possible to say in a simple word or paragraph the enormity and magnitude of knowledge, information, understanding, explanation, insight and vision he has launched to society and to my life personally. Very few people leave such a deep imprint on the lives of the masses as Mark has done. His genius will be witnessed by the world.
Timing is prophetic as the current presidents campaign was in response to the people’s cry for ‘change’. The change we see is not the change we seek! The change we seek is coming with the Twelve Visions Party! It will be the greatest Replacement since the writing of the Constitution and is in many ways accomplishing the same objective, which has been lost through a subtle deception of “Leadership” We need self-governing people!
We need schools that teach children to be self guided value creators. Following the leadership of the government has led to America losing her way. How Americans have lost their way can be summarized simply. By following the path of least resistance, allowing government to rule us as an external authority over our lives and relying on ‘programs’ to take care of us, we have relinquished the creative power of our own lives into the ruling dictates of laws and rules of what we can and cannot do. America has become a ‘handicapped society’. This is due to losing personal power. Does this sound like freedom and pursuit of happiness? We willingly ‘allowed’ government to make the rules and laws thinking we need external guidance, until realizing when we see the damage unfold and restrictions on our every move, that this trust of service to the people for the people and by the people was mistreated and turned into a power play to control us. No embellishments are needed as to just how bad this has become. Everyone is aware of the condition this country is in.
The Constitution states that if government fails to live up to the Constitution that the people have the rightful place to keep its original words and shall take action against such tyranny. This is the WHY of the TVP. Everyone has the right to live free, prosper and pursue happiness. How many Americans are happy and prospering? Our prayers sound like that of slavery.
When I read the vision of the TVP it sounded so simple I was stunned by the fact that it is as profound as it is simple; eliminating flaw filled man from laws that manipulate the truth. With a Protection only Government, we will eliminate the external guidance and control both causing and allowing people to govern themselves. This will fill people with excitement and fear at the same time, because there are no more ‘free rides’. For the cheaters this will be terrifying but for the value creators of society this will be the most liberating experience of our lives. We will change the future for our children and future generations.
Everyone knows things are terribly wrong, but they confess their helplessness in multiple ways, ‘when will someone do something?’ ‘You can’t fight city hall’ ‘Who is going to do something?’ ‘What group is going to stand up and help us?’ These are direct quotes I have heard. The last one struck me the hardest because I knew then and I know now that group is us and the TVP.
“That you may have Life and have it more abundantly” (Bible)
“Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness” (Constitution)

So, with great gratitude, THANK YOU for all you are doing and have done!

Life has been an interesting series of events for me. I grew up in a highly religious family and began as a very dedicated bible student at the young age of eight. Because of my personal, in-depth studies and knowledge of deep-rooted principals, I began to break through mysticism, and being reliant on external guidance in the year 2000 when I was only seventeen. I later left my place of residence in Central Oregon, USA to live in Loreto, Mexico on the Baja Peninsula for half a year when I was eighteen. Being immersed in that culture at a young age began a SUPER-EXPLOSION of new thoughts and new ideas and concepts that caught me by surprise. I began to transform into a different person. The problem was I didn’t know how to control, or use, my new-found feelings and thoughts in the proper way. Everyone I knew was a part of some false ideologies and because I didn’t share certain viewpoints anymore, my family and friends stopped coming around eventually. They just couldn’t understand. This is the point in my life when I felt truly alone!
I thought it was me…was I doing something wrong? So I decided, spontaneously (within 30 days), to leave and start over somewhere else. I traveled all the way across the country, landing in New York — broke, all by myself, and with only two bags of luggage! I LEFT EVERYTHING! My car, my family, my house, all of my furniture, and my cushy job at a law firm. But I was on a mission…to search out knowledge, to expand, and make a new beginning, a new life. I was excited and scared of what lay before me, so I devoted this next “chapter” of my life to self-discovery. I needed to start thinking about myself for a change. I was tired of being taken advantage of by being selfless.
When I did, my life began taking IMMEDIATE change and the Universe took immediate and drastic action! Through a series of events, I met a unique and important individual who took me under his wing, who personally mentored me and is still doing so today. I have been able to meet some very interesting people and life has become EXCITING again! I currently am a part of powerful associations, I am assisting in the creation of a “dream city” here locally, with a few multi-million dollar deals, I have WONDERFUL relationships, and people cannot stop coming around to give me more and more financial and networking opportunities. I HAVEN’T HAD TO DO MUCH OF ANYTHING EITHER! I have also personally met a few prominent and successful individuals — including a retired golf pro, inventors with patents on projects everyone would recognize that has produced BILLIONS of dollars, film directors and producers many would recognize by name, prominent medical doctors who specializes in natural cures and treatments for illnesses, as well as others.
I don’t intend to quit now! There is no going back for me! And I intend to continue to help others help themselves first. I am only 26 and the above testimonial was actualized in only a year’s time. It approached so fast with change, it caught me by surprise. So, with great gratitude, THANK YOU for all you are doing and have done! I wouldn’t be where I’m at today if it wasn’t for this knowledge I’ve been searching for all of my life. Thank you again!
With Appreciation;
Adam H.

With the endless wisdom of Mark Hamilton’s manuscripts…

Dear Mark,
With the endless wisdom of Mark Hamilton’s manuscripts, which took me months to read, it is not possible to say in a simple word or paragraph the enormity and magnitude of knowledge, information, understanding, explanation, insight and vision he has launched to society and to my life personally. Very few people leave such a deep imprint on the lives of the masses as Mark has done. His genius will be witnessed by the world.
Timing is prophetic as the current presidents campaign was in response to the people’s cry for ‘change’. The change we see is not the change we seek! The change we seek is coming with the Twelve Visions Party! It will be the greatest Replacement since the writing of the Constitution and is in many ways accomplishing the same objective, which has been lost through a subtle deception of “Leadership” We need self-governing people!
We need schools that teach children to be self guided value creators. Following the leadership of the government has led to America losing her way. How Americans have lost their way can be summarized simply. By following the path of least resistance, allowing government to rule us as an external authority over our lives and relying on ‘programs’ to take care of us, we have relinquished the creative power of our own lives into the ruling dictates of laws and rules of what we can and cannot do. America has become a ‘handicapped society’. This is due to losing personal power. Does this sound like freedom and pursuit of happiness? We willingly ‘allowed’ government to make the rules and laws thinking we need external guidance, until realizing when we see the damage unfold and restrictions on our every move, that this trust of service to the people for the people and by the people was mistreated and turned into a power play to control us. No embellishments are needed as to just how bad this has become. Everyone is aware of the condition this country is in.
The Constitution states that if government fails to live up to the Constitution, that the people have the rightful place to keep it’s original words and shall take action against such tyranny. This is the WHY of the TVP. Every one has the right to live free, prosper and pursue happiness. How many Americans are happy and prospering? Our prayers sound like that of slavery.
When I read the vision of the TVP it sounded so simple I was stunned by the fact that it is as profound as it is simple; eliminating flaw filled man from laws that manipulate the truth. With a Protection only Government, we will eliminate the external guidance and control both causing and allowing people to govern themselves. This will fill people with excitement and fear at the same time, because there are no more ‘free rides’. For the cheaters this will be terrifying but for the value creators of society this will be the most liberating experience of our lives. We will change the future for our children and future generations.
Everyone knows things are terribly wrong, but they confess their helplessness in multiple ways, ‘when will someone do something?’ ‘You can’t fight city hall’ ‘Who is going to do something?’ ‘What group is going to stand up and help us?’ These are direct quotes I have heard. The last one struck me the hardest because I knew then and I know now that group is us and the TVP.
“That you may have Life and have it more abundantly” (Bible)
“Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness” (Constitution)
Everywhere you look, nearly everyone is talking about the inevitable societal and financial meltdown of America.
The former Soviet Union is warning the U.S. not to go the route of socialism, which the
American ‘powers to be’ seem to be now pursuing. A recent newsletter published by the Organic Consumer Association included an article written by one who experienced the Soviet collapse and ensuing chaos. He explains how Americans should prepare and what we need to do to survive the impending collapse of the United States of America.
Our national debt is into the trillions with spending at the government level continuing daily as if there is no tomorrow. Foreign news networks and the UN Newsletter carry stories of a new world monetary system being put into place. Others still, report that China, who owns 1/3 of our national debt, is preparing to dump the dollar. Evidence of this is seen by their stockpiling of gold and other precious metals, which has sky rocketed gold prices to a thousand dollars per ounce. The collapse of the dollar stands to affect European economies as well as our own, causing huge inflation and civil unrest throughout our global world.
The world watches as US bureaucrats force and manipulate laws of other countries into exposing private bank account information of American citizens whom the government has tagged as owing money to the IRS. These people only have a short time to declare their deposits and pay the IRS whatever the Feds determine or face jail. Many may ultimately choose to leave the US for somewhere with less taxation. We have already seen most of our manufacturing businesses move overseas leaving our citizens without needed jobs.
According to certain news wire services the feds are preparing to initiate mass vaccinations and quarantines via martial law, should a pandemic strike the United States. Foreign governments warn Neurologist to prepare for an onslaught of new patients after the swine flu vaccinations are administered. Other doctors are warning patients against accepting the latest vaccinations, due to the real possibility of diseases such as Epstein Barr manifesting as side effects. One journalist has even filed criminal charges against Obama and the world health organization (WHO) in the US and several other countries, citing the vaccinations are a plot by a new world order and a means to mass euthanasia of millions of citizens.
Legislators try to coerce constituents’ blessings to reform health care, yet nothing they have said or written is about changing the real issues of bullying medical personal who force unnecessary and dangerous procedures on unsuspecting patients and prescribe poisonous drugs that are not meant to cure but only to hide the symptoms. It is my belief they should step away from the issue before they make things even worse. Traditional allopathic health care is sickness care, personal care is preventive care; yet the FDA and cohorts use threats and armed force to prevent our citizens from hearing of alternative methods of health maintenance.
It is time we found our voice and started to exert influence over things that we care about Individuals and groups such as Campaign for Liberty blogger Tom Mullen, are now beginning to speak out across these United States in order to infuse in the American consciousness the possible adoption of John Locke’s Natural Law:
“The state of nature has a law to govern it, which obliges everyone; and reason, which is that law teaches all mankind, who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions…”
Others, such as Chuck Baldwin’s Talk Radio contemplate that “perhaps God will protect and raise up a remnant of people who would be willing to rebuild a place where Natural Law is respected, constitutional government is revered, and where a ubiquitous, loathsome, overbearing federal government is far, far away. You know, like America’s Founding Fathers did 233 years ago.”
Members and alliances of the Twelve Visions Party are those people seeking to rebuild American into a civilization of peace, purpose, prosperity, and health for all its citizens.
With a vision of civilization into which we (citizens) can transform our world, the Twelve Visions Party seeks to ratify the US Constitution with addition of an Individual Rights Amendment called the “Prime Law”
The Prime Law would forbid the use of initiatory force, fraud or coercion by any person or group against any individual, property or contract without exception; effectively nullifying the socialist regime taking control of every aspect of our very existence, now playing out in cities across American.
With the Prime Law in place we can restore the people’s confidence in the principles set forth in the US Constitution by our founding fathers.
The purpose of government would be to physically protect the people from aggression with protection-only legislation, police, courts, prisons and national defense, defending against initiatory force.
Our government would change from one based on power to one of protection only service to the people and voluntarily be paid for the service, not paid through forced taxation; which has already been proven in the court of law by several savvy citizens to be illegal and according to attorney’s for the politically active group ‘We the People.’ it is unconstitutional.
No more nation building in foreign land would be allowed or financed under a protection only budget. No more of our children would die promoting our leaders ideals of forced democracy on other nations whom refuse to assimilate there belief systems. America itself was never meant to a democracy, it is a republic as stated in our salute to our flag.
Adopting the Prime Law can create a dramatic increase in prosperity, health and purpose for all citizens.
As we universally remove big-government regulation, advancements in all industries can grow, and cost of goods will then decrease; just as the computer products did when the geniuses within that industry were allowed to create and expand IT services. Our jobs can finally return home.
It has been said that technology expands at a rate of almost 500% every seven years. The basic accumulated knowledge of our society actually doubles approximately every four years. We are growing so quickly in all fields that barely anyone can keep up with the changes at this accelerated pace. The old systems, be it religious, political, or economic are breaking down as they have become inadequate to handle the fast changing world of growth.
New systems with new ideas generated by people creating and instituting new ways of coping with our fast paced world are needed to replace them.
With the adoption of the Prime Law, Government would no longer be allowed to strangle
progress and destroy dreams. Stagnation and career glass ceilings would no longer exist as advancements would come based on merit not who you know, gender, age, race, sexual bias or anything else. Open competition in the marketplace along with freeing the economy from dubious regulatory forces creates lower prices for better quality goods and services, therefore quality of life and health care quality can soar.
Competition would dictate that education would improve to better prepare our children to open their minds and actually use their brains and intuitive senses instead of applying the ‘NO Child Left Behind’ legislation that further dumb down America. Competition and a protection only budget would prevent schools from labeling normal children as SLD or autistic in order to receive more government funds for their schools and giving the teachers an excuse not to teach, and the child an excuse not to learn.
Out of the chaos now confronting our world, we can envision the seeds growing as new forms are created by peoples’ minds when they are forced to think; either out of creative frustration or striving to make a living. They are learning and growing as a result of the life process of solving one problem after another.
We, through reason and self-control, determine how far and how fast we go. Society has achieved or acquired most of luxuries that entitles us to a very high standard of living, but can we keep it?
One of the few things left is our own development of consciousness. As a group of people planet wide our mental processes are controlling what’s happening on the Earth now. Look at our economy, through the media which brings us all closer, we respond to mental images of the economy going downhill; our reactions further the economic decline. Everyone thinks our economy is getting worse and it does. Self-fulfilling prophecy is the term psychologist use; reinforced, re-circulated and recycled through television, the internet and other news and social medium whose nature it is to dwell on things. When the mass consciousness in the world focuses their minds on positive outcomes, their actions follow and things get better. We are always creating and recreating our world with our thoughts, and our desires and the actions which ultimately follow our thoughts.
Anything alive is either growing and developing, stagnating and decaying or a combination of the two simultaneously. In our modern world we see both polarities operating simultaneously.
To really see an improvement and not the collapse of America and Europe close behind it; large numbers of individuals must start to consciously use their own unique capabilities to stand up and take responsibility for the world we are creating around ourselves.
Citizens of America are now becoming more conscious and aware of this, and taking responsibility. The possibility of restoring the original principles our forefathers set forth is now turning to a probability through the Twelve Visions Party.

So once again thank you Mark Hamilton


Mark Hamilton, when I received your first letter, just 2 years ago this month you promised a tremendous life changing journey and WOW! how you have delivered on that promise. I am going to start my testimonial with a list of things I have accomplished and achieved. The list is most likely missing some important points, but because of the responsibilities I have taken, I am unable to give this testimonial the nitty-gritty detail that all projects need to become a success.

    For those of you who read this please read between the lines and the level of your ability to integrate will allow you to recognize each of the things on the list. Following the list I will tell the story of how I went about putting all of these things I have learned from Mark’s literature into action just since last Wednesday. I will not be able to share the ending to my story because, you see, the story is about how I have used the information to take complete control and responsibility for saving my own life, and for that, Mark Hamilton, I thank you again. Also I should mention that some of the information I am learning came from other sources Mark has introduced me to such as the Global Information Network and had it not been for Mark I would not have had access to.

   Now for the list:

    Reality, self-leader, percepts, concepts, honesty, responsibility, concentration, discipline, thought, control, love of life and self, creating value, overcoming and recognizing mysticism, consciousness, digging out nitty-gritty details, structuring, undivided focus, integrated thinking, overcoming internal obstacles, elimination of automatic controls of external guidance, mastering of details and absorbing details, developing a picture in the mind of the completed project and gathering all the pieces of the puzzle to make the picture complete, achieving unconscious competence, the spreading of control into other areas, how responsibilities become potent and synergistic when pulled together by purpose and integrated by one mind, the awakening of knowledge with the all powerful integrated mind, the elimination of specialized thinking, the integrations behind the what, where, when and how, how mastering and absorbing becomes a direct investment in your success, capacity for forward movement, how responsibilities taken over become yours to build on, the pulling together of all the scattered tasks into the most leveraged clusters of integrated knowledge, realization of the preciousness of life, the power of thought to put out positive energy, vibration and frequencies which attract back like energy, vibration and frequencies.

    Now for the story that caused me to take control and responsibility of saving my own life by putting into action the things in the list in less than 3 days time. Don’t forget to relate to the things on the list as you read because this is the value I want to share. This I believe will be my effort to mentor those who are seeking to achieve the level of integrated Neothink® I have thus far achieved. For, you see, I am but an apprentice who acquired the knowledge that even when one achieves the level of being a mentor he will always be an apprentice because the human mind has the power to accumulate knowledge so long as it is alive.

    It all started with and ear ache in May of 2008 which went away by using tea tree oil. The ear ache came back in July of 2009 and this time the tea tree oil didn’t stop it so I went to an MD and his little bottle of drops had it cleared up within 3 to 4 days. The ear ache came back in Sept. of 2009 and after 3 to 4 weeks on those little drops plus a couple of trips to my Kinesiologist the ache was gone but my hearing was blocked or muffled like when you have a sinus blockage. So a trip back to the MD and I turned down his little prescription and I suggested he refer me to an ear specialist which he said he was going to suggest. Are you seeing me start to take control here?

    On Oct 21 the ear specialist surgeon Dr said there was a small hole in my ear drum and drainage going on which I knew because I told him it had been when he came in to look me over. Seeing the control? Now from here on you’ll have to search out the rest of the things on the list because like I have experienced you have to do the work yourself if you are going to become a self-leader.

    At the Oct. 21 appointment the surgeon said to stay with the drops for 2 weeks because the drainage had to be stopped before he could repair the eardrum. In 2 weeks on my next appointment the drainage was still going on. The Dr said to increase the drops from 4 twice daily to 5 three times a day and come back in 2 weeks. I left and went to the pharmacy, on the way I decided it was time for me to take responsibility for all of this. I filled the prescription for the drops and upon leaving the pharmacy I knew for my own good that I had to know exactly what was in these wonderful little drops that used to work so well. Reading the paper work that come with the drops I found that if the problem wasn’t gone after 7 days the pharmaceutical company recommended taking a culture. Also, under side effects it stated that prolonged or repeated use could cause a new fungal infection. The ingredients in those wonderful little drops were a combination of antibiotic and steroid. Hint! [I started after those nitty-gritty details]

    Back to the pharmacy for a conversation with the pharmacist as they know much more about the drugs than the doctors do. The pharmacist explained that a drop without the steroid would be best as that was the part which could cause the fungus. The pharmacist also said I should have a culture. I left the pharmacy and called the doctor’s office and was allowed to speak with the nurse who checked with the doctor and said he wants you to stay with the drops. I took it upon myself to not use the drops and then went back for the appointment after 2 weeks where I informed the doctor that I hadn’t taken any more of the drops. He looked at my ear and said that he, in his 15 years had only seen this one time. So now, number 2 here had an eardrum that 4 weeks earlier had a hole and was now 99% deteriorated away. Well guess what? He said we need to do a culture and it was a Thursday then and I should call on Monday to get the culture results so a treatment could be determined. The results came back on Tuesday and showed no bacteria or fungus, however, there was a mold which meant the drops had gotten rid of the 2 things they were meant to take care of and the doctor said I will give you a prescription for acetic acid to take care of the drainage. At the pharmacy I determined that the acetic acid didn’t have a bunch of side effects so I used them from November 25, 2009 until my next appointment on December 2. At that appointment, my ear still draining, the doctor said we need to do a CAT scan as that was the only way to see what was in the inner chamber which the middle ear is connected to. The CAT scan whose results were ready in about 20 minutes showed the inner chamber to be completely infected which he called a chronic infection.

    The doctor went about telling me the options I had. One was surgery where he would cut out the entire honey-comb type of organ that occupies the entire inner canal as that was the only option for physically removing the infection after which I would be on antibiotics for 6 week to 2 months. My other option was an antibiotic pill as there was no way to get enough drops of antibiotic back to the inner chamber. I was on a pill antibiotic for 10 days at the beginning of all this, however, it was a much smaller dose than he would be using, but he didn’t seem to feel too confident about its ability to do what had to be done.

    The doctor thoroughly covered everything entailed with the operation, that is, all the bad things that could go wrong. Without going into all the detail they included death if there become a leak in the very thin bone the honey-comb is attached to which has the brain on the other side. There could be total penalization of the left side of the face caused by damage to the face nerve that attaches to the lower side of the chamber. Also I could lose the taste buds on the left side of my tongue and could lose all hearing on that side.

    I looked over at my wife who was setting there in the room with us and she looked as though she could faint. I guess after over 46 years of marriage she has accumulated quite a fondness of me.

    Have you ever thought of how you would feel if you were faced with something like this? Well, I can tell you what I felt. I was excited, it challenged me and the Neothink® in me just took over. No remorse here, I was relieved that I was feeling like, BRING IT ON. I wasn’t thinking OH pity me, all is lost and I don’t want to go this way and I didn’t once have any regrets. You see, all at one time I realized I’ve become a Neothink® man. This was the point in my life that I knew for sure I was in charge, for somewhere along the line in my little over 2 years of being exposed to Neothink® I have taken complete control and responsibility of my life. The reality of it all had set in. I am sure that I love myself and confident that I am living my life to the fullest every day. What I am saying is if I should die today that I am satisfied with what happened during that day.

    Oh sure I would rather have had a different project this first shot out of the gate but this is what life has dealt me and I am confident that I have the ability to handle it.

    The doctor advised me to take my time in making my decision and he felt if I wanted to take a trip for a couple of weeks there would still be plenty of time if we were going to operate. Now I’m setting there thinking this Neothink® man has a picture puzzle to build, which I started to build right then and there. I knew that with the infection occupying the entire canal it would continue to do damage. The doctor confirmed this as he explained that if the infection wasn’t removed one way or another that all of those bad things would begin to happen probably one at a time until I was dead. I immediately took control. He had said that the amount of infection that was there would take at least one and a half to 2 years to develop. With infection for this long I can only imagine what the thickness of the bone protecting my brain could now be.

    I left his office and went straight to my Kinesiology doctor. He said don’t delay this is way too serious. I contacted the surgeon and said knowing that I will be on antibiotics for a week or two before he can operate that I felt we should start them immediately. You should have seen the look on his face it was like I had taken the words from his mouth and I could only think that being on the same page as this guy is a bit scary. He said he would give me the best antibiotic and start me on prednisone along with those wonderful little drops again. My research and experience around prednisone with other family members suggest that prednisone stops what is going on in its tracks and my Kinesiologist, whom I took those wonderful little drops to before I used them had put me on the natural substances necessary to combat the ill effects of the drug and he will do the same for this, thus preserving my immune system.

    I have been doctoring with naturopaths, homeopathic and nature healer since 1976 which gives the confidence to handle my situation properly. There are 4 things that cause disease – toxins in the body, improper nutrition, stress and electromagnetic interference.

    MY PICTURE PUZZLE BEGINS! Here we go, all of this in less than 3 days. A call to a stress doctor on the west coast and that process is now under way. My Kinesiologist is already on top of the nutritional part of the equation. I have a doctor lined up right here in Kansas City who does IV drips to ensure maximum oxygen and vitamin C be delivered to every cell in my body. I have a call in to a doctor in Texas that has had enormous success in the elimination of brain tumors, delivered much the same way as this doctor here in Kansas City. I have spoken to the doctor in Texas in the past in reference to a friend that needed his services and he will be receptive. So between the two of them they can prepare me a nice little cocktail which should be read by mid week. I already have electromagnetic suppressors on my phones, TV and computers and that microwave oven my spouse won’t allow me to throw out.

    I started a program to detoxify my colon, liver, gallbladder, Candida cleanse and complete body fat metal cleanse. These won’t be complete for a couple of months, However, the colon cleanse is important and it is under way and one of the most important for removing the toxins the drugs will be turning loose.

    My preference would be a complete natural method however, taking into consideration the amount and length of time this infection has occupied my body this is my decision based on the time limitation and severity of the situation.

    I have made initial contact with an expert in thought field therapy, he can work with you over the phone and this is definitely going to be the future of medicine based on my experience so far. This is a tremendous breakthrough for all of our well being.

    In addition to this I have found a doctor that works with a process called Healing Codes that reverses internal stress which is believed to be the cause of 98% of all diseases. This is a new process which has been worked with in just the last 7 to 8 years and is done by those working with Field Thought Therapy, so the doctor in California whom I have been in contact with in the past using Thought Field Therapy will be up on this information or will be able to get me to someone who is best qualified.

   If any of you have any doubt about the power of the mind read on. These last two things I have mentioned, the root foods and the healing codes were in my email on the morning of December 4. I am going to put this all in perspective for you. You see, I have been putting out positive energy to attract a positive solution to this ear problem for about 2 months and BINGO these were on my computer just at the time I was needing positive energy to find its way to me. Can you see how putting out good positive energy, frequencies and vibrations have caused like energy, frequencies and vibrations to come into my presence and like a Neothinker I have pounced on this opportunity.

    As you can see I cannot write the ending to this story but I will tell you how I am going to go about it and the results I demand. The new CAT scan on Friday December 11 will show infection at a standstill and quantity at least slightly reduced. From there it is all downstream, just a matter of time and I will have preserved my immune system and avoided the canal surgery with only the minor outpatient surgery for repair of the ear drum will be necessary.

  You see that is the only way it can turn out because I have already set in motion. If you could hear my energy and vibration it would be deafening and besides when I turned the self-leader system loose this thing didn’t stand a chance.

    So once again thank you Mark Hamilton, for if you had not sent me that letter 2 years ago this month I would not have had courage to do anything but sit back, regress and cross my fingers…you truly have made a Neothink® man out of me and I look forward to the day when I will shake your hand.

Marvin J. M.  Neothink Man

I’m well again


Mark Hamilton when I received your first letter, just 2 years ago this month you promised a tremendous life changing journey and WOW! how you have delivered on that promise. I am going to start my testimonial with a list of things I have accomplished and achieved. The list is most likely missing some important points, but because of the responsibilities I have taken on since last Wednesday 12-02-2009 I am unable to give this testimonial the nitty-gritty detail that all projects need to become a success.
For those of you who read this please read between the lines and the level of your ability to integrate will allow you to recognize each of the things on the list. Following the list I will tell the story of how I went about putting all of these things I have learned from Mark’s literature into action just since last Wednesday. I will not be able to share the ending to my story because, you see, the story is about how I have used the information to take complete control and responsibility for saving my own life, and for that, Mark Hamilton, I thank you again. Also I should mention that some of the information I am learning came from other sources Mark has introduced me to such as the Global Information Network and had it not been for Mark I would not have had access to.
Now for the list:
Reality, self-leader,percepts, concepts, honesty, responsibility, concentration, discipline, thought, control, love of life and self, creating value, overcoming and recognizing mysticism, consciousness, digging out nitty-gritty details, structuring, undivided focus, integrated thinking, overcoming internal obstacles, elimination of automatic controls of external guidance, mastering of details and absorbing details, developing a picture in the mind of the completed project and gathering all the pieces of the puzzle to make the picture complete, achieving unconscious competence, the spreading of control into other areas, how responsibilities become potent and synergistic when pulled together by purpose and integrated by one mind, the awakening of knowledge with the all powerful integrated mind, the elimination of specialized thinking, the integrations behind the what, where, when and how, how mastering and absorbing becomes a direct investment in your success, capacity for forward movement, how responsibilities taken over become yours to build on,the pulling together of all the scattered tasks into the most leveraged clusters of integrated knowledge, realization of the preciousness of life, the power of thought to put out positive energy, vibration and frequencies which attract back like energy, vibration and frequencies.
Now for the story that caused me to take control and responsibility of saving my own life by putting into action the things in the list in less than 3 days time. Don’t forget to relate to the things on the list as you read because this is the value I want to share. This I believe will be my effort to mentor those who are seeking to achieve the level of integrated neothink® I have thus far achieved. For, you see, I am but an apprentice who acquired the knowledge that even when one achieves the level of being a mentor he will always be an apprentice because the human mind has the power to accumulate knowledge so long as it is alive.
It all started with and ear ache in May of 2008 which went away by using tea tree oil. The ear ache came back in July of 2009 and this time the tea tree oil didn’t stop it so I went to an MD and his little bottle of drops had it cleared up within 3 to 4 days. The ear ache came back in Sept. of 2009 and after 3 to 4 weeks on those little drops plus a couple of trips to my Kinesthesilogist the ache was gone but my hearing was blocked or muffled like when you have a sinus blockage. So a trip back to the MD and I turned down his little prescription and I suggested he refer me to an ear specialist which he said he was going to suggest. Are you seeing me start to take control here?
On Oct 21 the ear specialist surgeon Dr said there was a small hole in my ear drum and drainage going on which I knew because I told him it had been when he came in to look me over. Seeing the control? Now from here on you’ll have to search out the rest of the things on the list because like I have experienced you have to do the work yourself if you are going to become a self-leader.
At the Oct. 21 appointment the surgeon said to stay with the drops for 2 weeks because the drainage had to be stopped before he could repair the eardrum. In 2 weeks on my next appointment the drainage was still going on. The Dr said to increase the drops from 4 twice daily to 5 three times a day and come back in 2 weeks. I left and went to the pharmacy, on the way I decided it was time for me to take responsibility for all of this. I filled the prescription for the drops and upon leaving the pharmacy I knew for my own good that I had to know exactly what was in these wonderful little drops that used to work so well. Reading the paper work that come with the drops I found that if the problem wasn’t gone after 7 days the pharmaceutical company recommended taking a culture. Also, under side effects it stated that prolonged or repeated use could cause a new fungal infection. The ingredients in those wonderful little drops was a combination of antibiotic and steroid. Hint! [I started after those nitty-gritty details]
Back to the pharmacy for a conversation with the pharmacist as they know much more about the drugs than the doctors do. The pharmacist explained that a drop without the steroid would be best as that was the part which could cause the fungus. The pharmacist also said I should have a culture. I left the pharmacy and called the doctor’s office and was allowed to speak with the nurse who checked with the doctor and said he wants you to stay with the drops. I took it upon myself to not use the drops and then went back for the appointment after 2 weeks where I informed the doctor that I hadn’t taken any more of the drops. He looked at my ear and said that he, in his 15 years had only seen this one time. So now, number 2 here had an eardrum that 4 weeks earlier had a hole and was now 99% deteriorated away. Well guess what? He said we need to do a culture and it was a Thursday then and I should call on Monday to get the culture results so a treatment could be determined. The results came back on Tuesday and showed no bacteria or fungus, however, there was a mold which meant the drops had gotten rid of the 2 things they were meant to take care of and the doctor said I will give you a prescription for acetic acid to take care of the drainage. At the pharmacy I determined that the acetic acid didn’t have a bunch of side effects so I used them from November 25, 2009 until my next appointment on December 2. At that appointment, my ear still draining, the doctor said we need to do a CAT scan as that was the only way to see what was in the inner chamber which the middle ear is connected to. The CAT scan whose results were ready in about 20 minutes showed the inner chamber to be completely infected which he called a chronic infection.
The doctor went about telling me the options I had. One was surgery where he would cut out the entire honey-comb type of organ that occupies the entire inner canal as that was the only option for physically removing the infection after which I would be on antibiotics for 6 week to 2 months. My other option was an antibiotic pill as there was no way to get enough drops of antibiotic back to the inner chamber. I was on a pill antibiotic for 10 days at the beginning of all this, however, it was a much smaller dose than he would be using, but he didn’t seem to feel too confident about it’s ability to do what had to be done.
The doctor thoroughly covered everything entailed with the operation, that is, all the bad things that could go wrong. Without going into all the detail they included death if there become a leak in the very thin bone the honey-comb is attached to which has the brain on the other side. There could be total realization of the left side of the face caused by damage to the face nerve that attaches to the lower side of the chamber. Also I could loose the taste buds on the left side of my tongue and could loose all hearing on that side.
I looked over at my wife who was setting there in the room with us and she looked as though she could faint. I guess after over 46 years of marriage she has accumulated quite a fondness of me.
Have you ever thought of how you would feel if you were faced with something like this? Well, I can tell you what I felt. I was excited, it challenged me and the Neothink® in me just took over. No remorse here, I was relieved that I was feeling like,BRING IT ON. I wasn’t thinking OH pitty me, all is lost and I don’t want to go this way and I didn’t once have any regrets. You see, all at one time I realized I’ve become a neothink® man. This was the point in my life that I knew for sure I was in charge, for somewhere along the line in my little over 2 years of being exposed to neothink® I have taken complete control and responsibility of my life. The reality of it all had set in. I am sure that I love myself and confident that I am living my life to the fullest everyday. What I am saying is if I should die today that I am satisfied with what happened during that day.
Oh sure I would rather have had a different project this first shot out of the gate but this is what life has dealt me and I am confident that I have the ability to handle it.
The doctor advised me to take my time in making my decision and he felt if I wanted to take a trip for a couple of weeks there would still be plenty of time if we were going to operate. Now I’m setting there thinking this neothink® man has a picture puzzle to build, which I started to build right then and there. I knew that with the infection occupying the entire canal it would continue to do damage. The doctor confirmed this as he explained that if the infection wasn’t removed one way or another that all of those bad things would begin to happen probably one at a time until I was dead. I immediately took control. He had said that the amount of infection that was there would take at least one and a half to 2 years to develop. With infection for this long I can only imagine what the thickness of the bone protecting my brain could now be.
I left his office and went straight to my Kinesiology doctor. He said don’t delay this is way to serious. I contacted the surgeon and said knowing that I will be on antibiotics for a week or two before he can operate that I felt we should start them immediately. You should have seen the look on his face it was like I had taken the words from his mouth and I could only think that being on the same page as this guy is a bit scary. He said he would give me the best antibiotic and start me on prednisone along with those wonderful little drops again. My research and experience around prednisone with other family members suggest that prednisone stops what is going on in it’s tracks and my Kinesiologist, whom I took those wonderful little drops to before I used them had put me on the natural substances necessary to combat the ill effects of the drug and he will do the same for this, thus preserving my immune system.
I have been doctoring with naturepaths, homeapathics and nature healer since 1976 which gives the confidence to handle my situation properly. There are 4 things that cause disease – toxins in the body, improper nutrition, stress and electromagnetic interference.
MY PICTURE PUZZLE BEGINS! Here we go, all of this in less than 3 days. A call to a stress doctor on the west coast and that process is now under way. My Kinesiologist is already on top of the nutritional part of the equation. I have a doctor lined up right here in Kansas City who does IV drips to ensure maximum oxygen and vitamin C be delivered to every cell in my body. I have a call in to a doctor in Texas that has had enormous success in the elimination of brain tumors,delivered much the same way as this doctor here in Kansas City. I have spoken to the doctor in Texas in the past in reference to a friend that needed his services and he will be receptive. So between the two of them they can prepare me a nice little cocktail which should be read by mid week. I already have electromagnetic suppressors on my phones, TV and computers and that microwave oven my spouse won’t allow me to throw out.
I started a program to detoxify my colon, liver, gallbladder, candida cleanse and complete body fat metal cleanse. These won’t be complete for a couple of months, However, the colon cleanse is important and it is under way and one of the most important for removing the toxins the drugs will be turning loose.
My preference would be a complete natural method however, taking into consideration the amount and length of time this infection has occupied my body this is my decision based on the time limitation and severity of the situation.
I have made initial contact with an expert in thought field therapy, he can work with you over the phone and this is definitely going to be the future of medicine based on my experience so far. This is a tremendous breakthrough for all of our well being.
Also for those of you familiar with Kevin Trudeau’s YOUR WISH IS YOUR COMMAND tapes. This is where my part comes in by getting those positive frequencies, energy and vibration going out that will attract back like energy, frequencies and vibrations.
I also have the name of someone who I can get a hold of to get started on a new root-auxin in plant roots that induce growth after their own kind of activity. The youth growing substances from new growing sprouts will induce cells to grow younger. When you eat it as a food the cells of your body reproduce younger cells instead of older cells.
In addition to this I have found a doctor that works with a process called Healing Codes that reverses internal stress which is believed to be the cause of 98% of all diseases. This is a new process which has been worked with in just the last 7 to 8 years and is done by those working with Field Thought Therapy, so the doctor in California whom I have been in contact with in the past using Thought Field Therapy will be up on this information or will be able to get me to someone who is best qualified.
If any of you have any doubt about the power of the mind read on. These last two things I have mentioned, the aux ion root foods and the healing codes were in my email on the morning of December 4. I am going to put this all in perspective for you. You see, I have been putting out positive energy to attract a positive solution to this ear problem for about 2 months and BINGO these were on my computer just at the time I was needing positive energy to find it’s way to me. Can you see how putting out good positive energy, frequencies and vibrations have caused like energy, frequencies and vibrations to come into my presence and like a neothinker I have pounced on this opportunity.
As you can see I cannot write the ending to this story but I will tell you how I am going to go about it and the results I demand. The new CAT scan on Friday December 11 will show infection at a standstill and quantity at least slightly reduced. From there it is all downstream, just a matter of time and I will have preserved my immune system and avoided the canal surgery with only the minor out patient surgery for repair of the ear drum will be necessary.
You see that is the only way it can turn out because I have already set in motion. If you could hear my energy and vibration it would be deafening and besides when I turned the self-leader system loose this thing didn’t stand a chance.
So once again thank you Mark Hamilton, for if you had not sent me that letter 2 years ago this month I would not have had courage to do anything but set back regret and cross my fingers, you truly have made a Neothink® man out of me and I look forward to the day when I will shake your hand.

Marvin J. Michaud Neothink® Man

I Feel Better Already!

Mark Hamilton when I received your first letter, just 2 years ago this month you promised a tremendous life changing journey and WOW! how you have delivered on that promise. I am going to start my testimonial with a list of things I have accomplished and achieved. The list is most likely missing some important points, but because of the responsibilities I have taken on since last Wednesday 12-02-2009 I am unable to give this testimonial the nitty-gritty detail that all projects need to become a success.
For those of you who read this please read between the lines and the level of your ability to integrate will allow you to recognize each of the things on the list. Following the list I will tell the story of how I went about putting all of these things I have learned from Mark’s literature into action just since last Wednesday. I will not be able to share the ending to my story because, you see, the story is about how I have used the information to take complete control and responsibility for saving my own life, and for that, Mark Hamilton, I thank you again. Also I should mention that some of the information I am learning came from other sources Mark has introduced me to such as the Global Information Network and had it not been for Mark I would not have had access to.
Now for the list:
Reality, self-leader,percepts, concepts, honesty, responsibility, concentration, discipline, thought, control, love of life and self, creating value, overcoming and recognizing mysticism, consciousness, digging out nitty-gritty details, structuring, undivided focus, integrated thinking, overcoming internal obstacles, elimination of automatic controls of external guidance, mastering of details and absorbing details, developing a picture in the mind of the completed project and gathering all the pieces of the puzzle to make the picture complete, achieving unconscious competence, the spreading of control into other areas, how responsibilities become potent and synergistic when pulled together by purpose and integrated by one mind, the awakening of knowledge with the all powerful integrated mind, the elimination of specialized thinking, the integrations behind the what, where, when and how, how mastering and absorbing becomes a direct investment in your success, capacity for forward movement, how responsibilities taken over become yours to build on,the pulling together of all the scattered tasks into the most leveraged clusters of integrated knowledge, realization of the preciousness of life, the power of thought to put out positive energy, vibration and frequencies which attract back like energy, vibration and frequencies.
Now for the story that caused me to take control and responsibility of saving my own life by putting into action the things in the list in less than 3 days time. Don’t forget to relate to the things on the list as you read because this is the value I want to share. This I believe will be my effort to mentor those who are seeking to achieve the level of integrated neothink® I have thus far achieved. For, you see, I am but an apprentice who acquired the knowledge that even when one achieves the level of being a mentor he will always be an apprentice because the human mind has the power to accumulate knowledge so long as it is alive.
It all started with and ear ache in May of 2008 which went away by using tea tree oil. The ear ache came back in July of 2009 and this time the tea tree oil didn’t stop it so I went to an MD and his little bottle of drops had it cleared up within 3 to 4 days. The ear ache came back in Sept. of 2009 and after 3 to 4 weeks on those little drops plus a couple of trips to my Kinesthesilogist the ache was gone but my hearing was blocked or muffled like when you have a sinus blockage. So a trip back to the MD and I turned down his little prescription and I suggested he refer me to an ear specialist which he said he was going to suggest. Are you seeing me start to take control here?
On Oct 21 the ear specialist surgeon Dr said there was a small hole in my ear drum and drainage going on which I knew because I told him it had been when he came in to look me over. Seeing the control? Now from here on you’ll have to search out the rest of the things on the list because like I have experienced you have to do the work yourself if you are going to become a self-leader.
At the Oct. 21 appointment the surgeon said to stay with the drops for 2 weeks because the drainage had to be stopped before he could repair the eardrum. In 2 weeks on my next appointment the drainage was still going on. The Dr said to increase the drops from 4 twice daily to 5 three times a day and come back in 2 weeks. I left and went to the pharmacy, on the way I decided it was time for me to take responsibility for all of this. I filled the prescription for the drops and upon leaving the pharmacy I knew for my own good that I had to know exactly what was in these wonderful little drops that used to work so well. Reading the paper work that come with the drops I found that if the problem wasn’t gone after 7 days the pharmaceutical company recommended taking a culture. Also, under side effects it stated that prolonged or repeated use could cause a new fungal infection. The ingredients in those wonderful little drops was a combination of antibiotic and steroid. Hint! [I started after those nitty-gritty details]
Back to the pharmacy for a conversation with the pharmacist as they know much more about the drugs than the doctors do. The pharmacist explained that a drop without the steroid would be best as that was the part which could cause the fungus. The pharmacist also said I should have a culture. I left the pharmacy and called the doctor’s office and was allowed to speak with the nurse who checked with the doctor and said he wants you to stay with the drops. I took it upon myself to not use the drops and then went back for the appointment after 2 weeks where I informed the doctor that I hadn’t taken any more of the drops. He looked at my ear and said that he, in his 15 years had only seen this one time. So now, number 2 here had an eardrum that 4 weeks earlier had a hole and was now 99% deteriorated away. Well guess what? He said we need to do a culture and it was a Thursday then and I should call on Monday to get the culture results so a treatment could be determined. The results came back on Tuesday and showed no bacteria or fungus, however, there was a mold which meant the drops had gotten rid of the 2 things they were meant to take care of and the doctor said I will give you a prescription for acetic acid to take care of the drainage. At the pharmacy I determined that the acetic acid didn’t have a bunch of side effects so I used them from November 25, 2009 until my next appointment on December 2. At that appointment, my ear still draining, the doctor said we need to do a CAT scan as that was the only way to see what was in the inner chamber which the middle ear is connected to. The CAT scan whose results were ready in about 20 minutes showed the inner chamber to be completely infected which he called a chronic infection.
The doctor went about telling me the options I had. One was surgery where he would cut out the entire honey-comb type of organ that occupies the entire inner canal as that was the only option for physically removing the infection after which I would be on antibiotics for 6 week to 2 months. My other option was an antibiotic pill as there was no way to get enough drops of antibiotic back to the inner chamber. I was on a pill antibiotic for 10 days at the beginning of all this, however, it was a much smaller dose than he would be using, but he didn’t seem to feel too confident about it’s ability to do what had to be done.
The doctor thoroughly covered everything entailed with the operation, that is, all the bad things that could go wrong. Without going into all the detail they included death if there become a leak in the very thin bone the honey-comb is attached to which has the brain on the other side. There could be total realization of the left side of the face caused by damage to the face nerve that attaches to the lower side of the chamber. Also I could loose the taste buds on the left side of my tongue and could loose all hearing on that side.
I looked over at my wife who was setting there in the room with us and she looked as though she could faint. I guess after over 46 years of marriage she has accumulated quite a fondness of me.
Have you ever thought of how you would feel if you were faced with something like this? Well, I can tell you what I felt. I was excited, it challenged me and the Neothink® in me just took over. No remorse here, I was relieved that I was feeling like,BRING IT ON. I wasn’t thinking OH pitty me, all is lost and I don’t want to go this way and I didn’t once have any regrets. You see, all at one time I realized I’ve become a neothink® man. This was the point in my life that I knew for sure I was in charge, for somewhere along the line in my little over 2 years of being exposed to neothink® I have taken complete control and responsibility of my life. The reality of it all had set in. I am sure that I love myself and confident that I am living my life to the fullest everyday. What I am saying is if I should die today that I am satisfied with what happened during that day.
Oh sure I would rather have had a different project this first shot out of the gate but this is what life has dealt me and I am confident that I have the ability to handle it.
The doctor advised me to take my time in making my decision and he felt if I wanted to take a trip for a couple of weeks there would still be plenty of time if we were going to operate. Now I’m setting there thinking this neothink® man has a picture puzzle to build, which I started to build right then and there. I knew that with the infection occupying the entire canal it would continue to do damage. The doctor confirmed this as he explained that if the infection wasn’t removed one way or another that all of those bad things would begin to happen probably one at a time until I was dead. I immediately took control. He had said that the amount of infection that was there would take at least one and a half to 2 years to develop. With infection for this long I can only imagine what the thickness of the bone protecting my brain could now be.
I left his office and went straight to my Kinesiology doctor. He said don’t delay this is way to serious. I contacted the surgeon and said knowing that I will be on antibiotics for a week or two before he can operate that I felt we should start them immediately. You should have seen the look on his face it was like I had taken the words from his mouth and I could only think that being on the same page as this guy is a bit scary. He said he would give me the best antibiotic and start me on prednisone along with those wonderful little drops again. My research and experience around prednisone with other family members suggest that prednisone stops what is going on in it’s tracks and my Kinesiologist, whom I took those wonderful little drops to before I used them had put me on the natural substances necessary to combat the ill effects of the drug and he will do the same for this, thus preserving my immune system.
I have been doctoring with naturepaths, homeapathics and nature healer since 1976 which gives the confidence to handle my situation properly. There are 4 things that cause disease – toxins in the body, improper nutrition, stress and electromagnetic interference.
MY PICTURE PUZZLE BEGINS! Here we go, all of this in less than 3 days. A call to a stress doctor on the west coast and that process is now under way. My Kinesiologist is already on top of the nutritional part of the equation. I have a doctor lined up right here in Kansas City who does IV drips to ensure maximum oxygen and vitamin C be delivered to every cell in my body. I have a call in to a doctor in Texas that has had enormous success in the elimination of brain tumors,delivered much the same way as this doctor here in Kansas City. I have spoken to the doctor in Texas in the past in reference to a friend that needed his services and he will be receptive. So between the two of them they can prepare me a nice little cocktail which should be read by mid week. I already have electromagnetic suppressors on my phones, TV and computers and that microwave oven my spouse won’t allow me to throw out.
I started a program to detoxify my colon, liver, gallbladder, candida cleanse and complete body fat metal cleanse. These won’t be complete for a couple of months, However, the colon cleanse is important and it is under way and one of the most important for removing the toxins the drugs will be turning loose.
My preference would be a complete natural method however, taking into consideration the amount and length of time this infection has occupied my body this is my decision based on the time limitation and severity of the situation.
I have made initial contact with an expert in thought field therapy, he can work with you over the phone and this is definitely going to be the future of medicine based on my experience so far. This is a tremendous breakthrough for all of our well being.
Also for those of you familiar with Kevin Trudeau’s YOUR WISH IS YOUR COMMAND tapes. This is where my part comes in by getting those positive frequencies, energy and vibration going out that will attract back like energy, frequencies and vibrations.
I also have the name of someone who I can get a hold of to get started on a new root-auxin in plant roots that induce growth after their own kind of activity. The youth growing substances from new growing sprouts will induce cells to grow younger. When you eat it as a food the cells of your body reproduce younger cells instead of older cells.
In addition to this I have found a doctor that works with a process called Healing Codes that reverses internal stress which is believed to be the cause of 98% of all diseases. This is a new process which has been worked with in just the last 7 to 8 years and is done by those working with Field Thought Therapy, so the doctor in California whom I have been in contact with in the past using Thought Field Therapy will be up on this information or will be able to get me to someone who is best qualified.
If any of you have any doubt about the power of the mind read on. These last two things I have mentioned, the aux ion root foods and the healing codes were in my email on the morning of December 4. I am going to put this all in perspective for you. You see, I have been putting out positive energy to attract a positive solution to this ear problem for about 2 months and BINGO these were on my computer just at the time I was needing positive energy to find it’s way to me. Can you see how putting out good positive energy, frequencies and vibrations have caused like energy, frequencies and vibrations to come into my presence and like a neothinker I have pounced on this opportunity.
As you can see I cannot write the ending to this story but I will tell you how I am going to go about it and the results I demand. The new CAT scan on Friday December 11 will show infection at a standstill and quantity at least slightly reduced. From there it is all downstream, just a matter of time and I will have preserved my immune system and avoided the canal surgery with only the minor out patient surgery for repair of the ear drum will be necessary.
You see that is the only way it can turn out because I have already set in motion. If you could hear my energy and vibration it would be deafening and besides when I turned the self-leader system loose this thing didn’t stand a chance.
So once again thank you Mark Hamilton, for if you had not sent me that letter 2 years ago this month I would not have had courage to do anything but set back regret and cross my fingers, you truly have made a Neothink® man out of me and I look forward to the day when I will shake your hand.

Marvin J. Michaud Neothink® Man

Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Society which has given me great insights

I have been a member with Neothink Society now for one and a half year. My initial reason to join this group was to meet and associate with people interested in self-improvement in order to reach a fulfilling lifestyle.

In this short time, I have gained tremendous personal benefits in terms of health, personal resources, networking and social connections. I am very intrigued by the sincerity of the group and its members backed by Mark Hamilton’s phenomenal literature. Based on the self-help principal with a vision; his books reach deep into the human need for honesty in order to find the proper connection with universal truth. 

I am fond of being a member with Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Society which has given me great insights into the reasons behind my unfulfilled life and only partially realized dreams. It has given me a foundation for structuring my future vision and continues to give me what I need to transform my life into a prosperous, fulfilling and satisfying one. I invite anyone to be part of this wonderful group of Neothink Society people, but if you do not believe in the power of the mind and in the possibilities of manifesting visions among clear-minded and honest people, I guess this would not be the place for you.

As far as you, the Neothink Society, and the Twelve Visions Party are concerned:

What I have gleaned from my studying of Neothink materials is that human beings are meant to be happy in life. The best way for the individual to be at his or her happiest is to create and produce values for society. Everyone should be forewarned that anyone who would interfere with that is essentially anathema to society and the individual. Be wary of anyone who would seek to bring about their agenda(s) at the expense of yours. Human beings no longer need external guidance to survive – they can do quite well without a plethora of external authority figures holding them back.

It is becoming more obvious lately that the politicians in Washington D.C. have no agendas other than their own. We need to start in 2010 to ensure that the term “Career Politician” becomes obsolete. We need a lot of fresh faces in government whose only agenda is the protection of the people and making sure that the governmental environment is suitable for business to prosper.

Warmest Regards,

 Jim Vail

March 2025