Posts Tagged ‘external authorities’

I think Neothink was a very realistic approach to the truth…

I think Neothink was a very realistic approach to the truth about existence and a way to create unity in human beings breaking things down to a simple way of just being in the moment and believing what is in the moment is all we really got and need Neothink was about eliminating to many wishful beliefs giving you the principles to take control of your own life instead of giving it over to external authorities which from your own experiences leave you nothing in return, Neothink was about believing we are the truth and way to our own advancement if we just believe it, to me that is what every great teacher and philosopher throughout our history stood for and tried to teach us.

This is a testimonial to support a great man named Mark Hamilton

Mr. Mark Hamilton
My name is Richard Roque. I want to first say thank you. I’m sure you receive many emails and letters thanking you. I personally feel I must let you know that the literature combined with the essence meetings with you have helped me to break free from stagnation …from a dead end life.
What was my life before is no more. I have become free from external authorities at all levels.
I have been able to use the literature to help me pursue my dreams , guilelessly and effortlessly which I believe is very important, effortlessly. Once I had absorbed the literature and began applying the methods I found that I was able to break free ..not only physically but emotionally and psychologically. As I did this and applied the other methods I was able to bring my dreams into existence…I Identified that which takes up my downstream focus…and began to try and make money from it. As I developed these things I realized I was playing at life. As I went through the ” work ” I didn’t’ notice that I was working …others did. For me it was just fun.
Through all this I have developed my lesson plans for my clubhouse. I also have developed 12 essence meetings modeled after the 12 essence meetings I attended with you, which I thought was a brilliant idea. I believe that I should pass down what was important to me as well as critical info such as the prime literature – the prime law, the Twelve Visions Party.
I am becoming a new person. I must focus on my own mysticism and short comings so that I may advance, but with out the Neothink literature I would not have the opportunity to become the person I was meant to be.
I would like to send you a better dissertation but felt that I must let you know that I look forward to taking part in this historic event.
I will be contacting a clubhouse near me so that I can begin to integrate and take on an active roll in the Neothink Movement and begin my own clubhouse.
Once again,
Thank you,
Richard Roque

Mark Hamilton; Saved My Life

The Neothink® Society, Twelve Visions Party (TVP) and Mark Hamilton; Saved My Life.
As a young child I knew that a better life must exist, but it always seemed just out of my reach. I was raised to believe that external authorities beyond my control; impinged upon my ability to succeed. Happily living as a successful student, professional, husband and father; I’m much wiser at 45 years old.
My name is John M. S from Phoenix, AriZona. When I received an invitation to join the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I had worked for many years in Corporate America. My bills were usually paid on time, allowing me to focus on creating a great family life, but I had reached a ceiling that I could not break through. I was producing the same values over and over again, merely maintaining my life; not growing to higher levels. Through the amazing literature created by Mark Hamilton and shared through the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I realized either I was going to live my life according to the hurdles and stumbling blocks that lie before me, or I was going to live my life according to where I wanted to go.
I was 100% responsible for my position in life, my outlook on life, the Happiness, Prosperity & Romantic Love that flowed into my life. I immediately adopted a manta, “Be & Allow” – I must Be who I think I need to Be & I must Allow everyone around me to be whoever they need to be.
I DO NOT Possess the Ability, the Desire or the Right, to Change anyone, but Myself!
Our society tends to dictate that the older someone becomes the less value they have, when reality dictates the Opposite. The older we become, the more experience we have – So, the greater value we possess for ourselves, our family & the world.
I’ve been asked, “What is the Neothink® Society & the Twelve Visions Party (TVP)?” “What values will I gain?” In six words; “Self Empowering Individuals through Self Responsibility”.
Progressing further into this amazing literature, it dawns on me – it is all up to me! Few tools in life will serve us better than constant Searching! Life and Success build upon themselves, as formally unreachable goals become our new reality. Failure will become a non-option, as it exists for me. I have and you will discover this new vision when you understand Neothink®; a wide scope vision you never knew you had. You will begin to observe your immediate surroundings and learn to ask yourself, “How can I make this better?” “How can I improve this situation?” As these thoughts course through your brain, new and exciting doors will open up; doors that were right in front of you the whole time, you simply couldn’t see them before!
Eventually, we realize that there exist No Problems, only Undiscovered Solutions!
By utilizing simple tools and techniques found within the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I have learned to never fear my Chosen Direction.
Greatest of All, I Finally Understand the Source of all Happiness. I have a newly developing ability to actually Create whatever Future, I Choose for Myself. I’m creating a Future of Happiness & Prosperity – Not only for me; but for my family & for the entire world.
Because of the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I now have Fully Integrated Honesty in all my Dealings. Fully Integrated Honesty, what does this mean?
Why not simply be Honest? Is Truth different from Honesty?
Truth is a manipulative concept in the sense that it may be altered depending upon who is in power and who is interrupting that truth. Honesty on the other hand is unchanging. It crosses all racial, gender and opinion boundaries –
. . . For Honesty at its Irreducible Value is best described as ‘What Is!’
Regardless of your past experiences, your current situation in life or your future goals; you already possess one of the greatest powers in existence, and that is Voluntary Choice.
I Hereby Invite You, to Stand Up, Listen to the Genius within You and Embrace a set of tools and techniques that are timeless in nature and that Will Allow You . . . . .
To live a Happy, Meaningful and Important Life of your own Choosing,
While helping others to Succeed; the Life I know I was Meant to Live and
“The Life I think We were All meant to Live!”


The only you have to lose is your chains… so goes the battle cry. As a worker on the front lines…the only thing that I have to lose is the controlling interests that keep me chained in servitude.
I have been working in the mailrooms in general for over 30 years. I can see the thread now…over 60…and still coming to work each day and performing to best of my abilities. Everyday is a new struggle…but since I started reading Mark Hamilton’s books; the ground beneath me has shifted. Instead of relying on external authorities telling me what to do…I have elected to go thru my work day using the Neothink methods of total whole scope accounting, mini-days, and of course the Friday Nite Essence. For it in the FNE that we can structure our attitudes into better and wider value created application.
Moreover, Mark Hamilton’s battle cry has been to incorporate the 12 Visions into given reality. First has to come the political leveling…then the economical leveling…then the health and medical leveling. It will all take team working in the Neothink method of total integrations of making each day count in applying the visions in a non-conceptual matter!
Everyone get rich in the Neothink way…everyone including the poor!
And using the 12 Vision Party as method of attaining that greater vision; as saying goes: Visualize…don’t conceptualize!

I am very grateful to be a member of the Neothink Society.

Dear Mark Hamilton,
I just want you to know that I am very grateful to be a member of the Neothink Society.
One day, I looked at my life and I was not satisfied. I was grateful, but not satisfied. I began to seriously think about what my life would be like if I took responsibility for everything that happened to me. I wondered if I could truly be in control of my life.
One of the first things I did was to forgive my parents. I used to blame them because my mother made certain decisions for me that I did not agree with and my father did certain things I did not agree with. But I finally realized that they were doing the very best they knew how based on the information they had. It was a wonderful thing to be able to do that. After that, I worked through a whole list of people.
In addition, every day I would say to myself that I did not want to be a victim anymore. I wanted to take full responsibility and change my life. I had no idea why I was responsible or how I could take charge and be in control, but I expressed it everyday.
Then one day a letter came. My husband showed it to me and said he was seriously attracted to this particular opportunity and wanted my opinion. I recognized the language from a previous opportunity we took advantage of years ago and I responded that we should purchase the books.
Through reading the Neothink literature, I have learned how to take responsibility and how to gain more control in my life. First, by using the mini-day schedule I have control in my life. I also learned that I was confused because of mysticism. I realized I could not take responsibility for my actions and be in control if I was listening to and following various confusing external authorities. After I started removing external authorities, I could think clearer. I could recognize non-sequitors. I could see that altruism and sacrifice were not in harmony with biological immortality as I was taught in a particular organization. I began to see the power of integrated honesty and I began to understand that I am a God-woman and a co-creator of the universe. I started having a little more control over what I was creating in my life. It has been almost like a “magical” experience to me.
I am so grateful to have experienced the Twelve Visions World at the very first Twelve Visions Party Convention and World Neothink Summit. I always look forward to participating in the Club House here in Chicago every month and getting together with my Neothink brothers and sisters. Having Club Houses and being able to connect with people of like mind has made a difference in my life. Further, my involvement with the Global Information Network is helping me tremendously in my growth and development, especially in getting to the level to be, have, or do whatever I desire.
I am striving to be honest, beginning with my self. You have demonstrated to me that honesty does set you free. I know that I am a self-leader and that all the answers are within me. There’s nothing that I want to go back towards. I will continue to move forward.
Thank you so much, Mark,
Fahmeeda H

Feel Extraordinary


Reading Mark Hamilton’s writings has taught me to think. To do Neothink. I recognize it is external authorities that hold us in this anticivilization that we are trapped in.
Here are two examples:
1. The system we live in has used regulations and ever growing laws to suppress us. We have so many laws that while we follow one law we are breaking another.
2. Routine-rut jobs. These jobs hold us down. They make us feel we cannot move up into self-leadership.
This is how our internal awareness is blocked. External authorities use stimulations to make us feel taken care of. Yet each of us knows something is wrong. We know as we grow older that our lives have not been extraordinary. They tell us we need them to direct our lives. We have become addicted to them.
I have broken my addiction. I am using the most exciting opportunity ever offered to man to live the life I am meant to live.
As our supersociety builds the upward momentum we will know how to live our lives without external authorities. We will all have wealth and extreme happiness. We will be loving self-leaders. I know this as I am in this extradinary society with great happiness. I am following Mark Hamilton’s Twelve Visions. We will obsolete hate, spite and envy.
Thank you Mark Hamilton for opening the gate to me to accept your mentoring.

New York City

The Intrinsic Value of the Individual


The most wonderful idea from Mark Hamilton’s writings is his love and respect for the individual. He wants you and I to know that each of us is incredibly valuable. He points out the many ways that political, religious and personal ideas erode away the preciousness of our lives. By waking us up to the truth of how outside influences have degraded our lives we can begin to notice these influences and change. Often we have used external authorities as crutches to explain our personal situations in life instead of taking full responsibility for where we are at personally, financially and with our relationships. At times,I have expected God, my country, my husband, and how I was raised, to be at least partially responsible for my situation. Mark helps us realize we can throw off these crutches and live our lives with no excuses.

To me there is only one reason Mark Hamilton has chosen to be involved in working toward restoring the original reason America was founded. That reason is the intrinsic value of each individual to live freely to pursue his or her own creativity. We can use our minds to have and enjoy all the success, rewards, love and power that we desire. When people are truly free within, by being fully responsible and without by living in a country that respects the individual, our lives will be truly exceptional.

Mark Hamilton; Saved My Life . . .


The Neothink® Society, Twelve Visions Party (TVP) and Mark Hamilton; Saved My Life . . . . .
As a young child I knew that a better life must exist, but it always seemed just out of my reach. I was raised to believe that external authorities beyond my control; impinged upon my ability to succeed.  Happily living as a successful student, professional, husband and father; I’m much wiser at 45 years old.  
My name is John M. S. from Phoenix, AriZona.  When I received an invitation to join the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I had worked for many years in Corporate America.  My bills were usually paid on time, allowing me to focus on creating a great family life, but I had reached a ceiling that I could not break through.  I was producing the same values over and over again, merely maintaining my life; not growing to higher levels.    Through the amazing literature created by Mark Hamilton and shared through the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I realized either I was going to live my life according to the hurdles and stumbling blocks that lie before me, or I was going to live my life according to where I wanted to go.    
I was 100% responsible for my position in life, my outlook on life, the Happiness, Prosperity & Romantic Love that flowed into my life.  I immediately adopted a manta, “Be & Allow” – I must Be who I think I need to Be & I must Allow everyone around me to be whoever they need to be.  
I DO NOT Possess the Ability, the Desire or the Right, to Change anyone, but Myself!
Our society tends to dictate that the older someone becomes the less value they have, when reality dictates the Opposite.  The older we become, the more experience we have – So, the greater value we possess for ourselves, our family & the world.  
I’ve been asked, “What is the Neothink® Society & the Twelve Visions Party (TVP)?” – “What values will I gain?”  In six words; “Self Empowering Individuals through Self Responsibility”.
Progressing further into this amazing literature, it dawns on me – it is all up to me!  Few tools in life will serve us better than constant Searching!  Life and Success build upon themselves, as formally unreachable goals become our new reality.  Failure will become a non-option, as it exists for me.  I have and you will discover this new vision when you understand Neothink®; a wide scope vision you never knew you had.  You will begin to observe your immediate surroundings and learn to ask yourself, “How can I make this better?”  “How can I improve this situation?”  As these thoughts course through your brain, new and exciting doors will open up; doors that were right in front of you the whole time, you simply couldn’t see them before!  

Eventually, we realize that there exist No Problems, only Undiscovered Solutions!
By utilizing simple tools and techniques found within the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I have learned to never fear my Chosen Direction.  
Greatest of All, I Finally Understand the Source of all Happiness.  I have a newly developing ability to actually Create whatever Future, I Choose for Myself.  I’m creating a Future of Happiness & Prosperity – Not only for me; but for my family & for the entire world.
Because of the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I now have Fully Integrated Honesty in all my Dealings.  Fully Integrated Honesty, what does this mean?  
Why not simply be Honest?  Is Truth different from Honesty?   
Truth is a manipulative concept in the sense that it may be altered depending upon who is in power and who is interrupting that truth.  Honesty on the other hand is unchanging.  It crosses all racial, gender and opinion boundaries –

. . . For Honesty at its Irreducible Value is best described as ‘What Is!’

Regardless of your past experiences, your current situation in life or your future goals; you already possess one of the greatest powers in existence, and that is Voluntary Choice.  
I Hereby Invite You, to Stand Up, Listen to the Genius within You and Embrace a set of tools and techniques that are timeless in nature and that Will Allow You . . . . .

To live a Happy, Meaningful and Important Life of your own Choosing,
While helping others to Succeed; the Life I know I was Meant to Live and
“The Life I think We were All meant to Live!”

I would like to thank Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

I would like to thank Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society for opening my eyes to what life is all about as appose to what I always believed it to be. Although I have yet to fully absorb the power of Neothink. That’s just because I’ve yet to free myself from all of the external authorities that surround me and I blame no one but myself for that. I’m not rich or even have a income, but at least I now know that once I do break the chains from around my brains I will be more than just okay. I expect the government to attack the truth, how else can they remain in power other than by keeping society ignorant to what is and feeding the people what they want to believe.  All Neothink does is allow individuals their rights to think on there own, and unless your a weak misguided individual, you should want to be free to be your own man. Me myself wants to give more to the world then I take from it. I also would love to live forever and be able to cure any and all diseases who wouldn’t. I know those who refuse to think for themselves and think what is, is how it’s suppose to be.ill always stay in following mode and be obedient slaves to the government and churches. But I always new since I was a child that the world wasn’t right. But living in a deceitful world and not knowing it, I was blinded and was led away from righteousness. But with Neothink I’m finding my way back and once I’m whole and free from all external authorities even if you stop Mark Hamilton, you won’t be able to prevent me and all of his apprentices from changing the world for the better.

Yours Truly

I cannot stress enough how Mark Hamilton, Neothink and The Twelve Visions Party are essential…

Dear Mark Hamilton,

It goes beyond words what Neothink has done for me and my life. It has been absolutely without any doubt that Neothink has improved my life for the better. To say that it is incredibly amazing is putting it mildly. I find it very crucial and essential to have Neothink in my life just like food and water. Through everything I have learned I have been able to see past illusions to see the essence of what really is. Especially the illusions of career politicians and congressmen and other big government agencies. Big government and big corporate executives thinking only of themselves and how much power they can get instead of thinking of the people. I have learned how to be a self-leader and not be swayed or moved by external authorities who try to make us think they are only doing things for the “social good.” Mark Hamilton and Neothink is the best thing to come to society, humanity and mankind. I am glad to be a part of it and the next higher thinking of mankind. I cannot stress enough how Mark Hamilton, Neothink and The Twelve Visions Party are essential and crucial to not only America but to the entire world. I will always be eternally grateful to have Neothink in my life.


Walter L. Burton

March 2025