Posts Tagged ‘exhilaration’

The Neothink literature has come to stay

The Neothink literature has come to stay, since exposed to Neothink my life has been transformed to exhilaration and hopeful, mankind should come and see and experience the light, we are happy with Neothink system.

The Neothink literature has come to stay …

The Neothink literature has come to stay, since exposed to Neothink my life has been transformed to exhilaration and hopeful, mankind should come and see and experience the light, we are happy with Neothink system.

There Is No Way That You Can Feel My Exhilaration About You And Neothink …

There Is No Way That You Can Feel My Exhilaration About You And Neothink Being “Out There ” In Cyberspace/Cybercash-In The Civilization Of The Universe!!

Mark Hamilton and the Heirlooms

Hello everybody .
My name’s Issa
I’m here to leave my testimonial .
I have been holding this for almost 10 months ,thinking that tomorrow I’ll gain deferent knowledge and integration and so on, the fact is true every day I’ll gain a new knowledge and integration , but that will never stop it’s on going integration.
I’m here to share with you and everybody out there to share the feeling of happiness and exhilaration to life I have gained since I got exposed to the heirlooms and the society, I really started to enjoy life more than before and every act I do, I started playing making my living, truly words are not enough to describe what I’m going thru from happiness , peace of mind, finding my true me (the child of the past) and really really healthier knowing where I’m at and knowing where I’m / we’re going, knowing that we’re moving thru to a life where we can but we will be hundreds but thousands of times happier and wealthier and healthier than what we’re right now.
It all starts with finding your self and who you are and who you meant to be , finding the child of the past ,start feeling Love to life and to everybody who’s a life, to be and have all of this will be gained by being with this society and become knowledgeable with the heirlooms.
I can say this, I really feel lucky to be among this society, in the other hand I feel that I did make my luck by allowing my self to except Mark’s invitation and being involve with the society therefore I’m creating my future luck, wouldn’t you want to feel and make your luck.
I did my self a favor and did you a favor, because I’m in a stage where I love you whoever you are and want you to experience and live the life you deserve , and you will be the same when you become knowledgeable with the society and the heirlooms.
the last think to say and should be the first is that Mark you’re the father of all of us even thou you’re younger than most of us, but a father in a since of finding this movement and looking after us, We Love you and will always be.
thank you Mark
and thank you all for reading ,,, I know that I’ll see around.
Love to all

Thank you, Mark Hamilton, for providing a real choice!

Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton,
What NeoThink and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) mean to me, personally.
My thoughts…
Fortunately (very fortunately), I have experienced an increased intensity as applicable to some of my thought processing as of late. This has happened a few, fleetingly, yet…albeit, euphoric, times allowing the integration of and building on existing thoughts (the snapping together of a few puzzle pieces).
Was driving to work yesterday morning and engaged in PowerThought for just a few brief minutes…but, what a revealing few minutes they were…the elusive solution to a problem that I had been grappling with for several days came to me, easily, via those intense thought-integrating minutes…what gratitude I felt with the solution in-hand…what an “aha” moment!!
Now, I am feeling resultant clarity from the increased depth and breadth (wider scope) of my thinking which provided that “aha” moment as related to the problem solving and solution providing experience rarely before known to me, the emphasis being on “rarely”…I know, now, that those “new integrated thinking experiences” were glimpses of the Neothink modality.
My mindspace is evolving…this is so exhilarating! Eureka!!
Thank you, Mark Hamilton, for authoring the amazing books that have focused me.
This journey, most assuredly, for me…must and will continue!
Toward that continuation, I am forward looking to the building of unique thought integrations (Neothink) and experiencing the resulting exhilaration that will come from providing solution(s), not even considering the potential of wealth-building opportunity(ies), to a puzzle problem of significant impact within society knowing that the ultimate desire will be to contribute positive value(s) to society.
I have submitted my name as a participant candidate to contribute on the “Alternative Energy” solutions Neothink team that is presently forming.
The dragon: All politicians, all religious leaders, and all other societal cheaters / value usurpers & destroyers will continue controlling us* through continued legislation of more and more laws, rules and regulations; thus, killing entrepreneurship (the societal lifeblood) and “if” we allow, via votes, them (the dragon) that continued luxury.
*By us is meant…all cherished, societal value producers and value creators.
TVP is the dragon slayer, it is the answer (our answer), it is a need (our need)…this is an invitation to join TVP now and engage.
The TVP, at this point in the history of mankind, is the only logical, fact based (in full context) viable party (it is an a-typical, party that will be administered by non-political market-minded businessmen and businesswomen) that can and will serve and save us, ALL OF US, from the anti-civilization that we live and survive in currently. Notice that I did not identify the TVP as a “political” party. Times, right now, are as tough as I have ever experienced in my life (especially, from a financial standpoint)…I am and feel timeless at 60 plus years of age because of the 12 visions of
Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton,
What NeoThink and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) mean to me, personally.
My thoughts…
Fortunately (very fortunately), I have experienced an increased intensity as applicable to some of my thought processing as of late. This has happened a few, fleetingly, yet…albeit, euphoric, times allowing the integration of and building on existing thoughts (the snapping together of a few puzzle pieces).
Was driving to work yesterday morning and engaged in PowerThought for just a few brief minutes…but, what a revealing few minutes they were…the elusive solution to a problem that I had been grappling with for several days came to me, easily, via those intense thought-integrating minutes…what gratitude I felt with the solution in-hand…what an “aha” moment!!
Now, I am feeling resultant clarity from the increased depth and breadth (wider scope) of my thinking which provided that “aha” moment as related to the problem solving and solution providing experience rarely before known to me, the emphasis being on “rarely”…I know, now, that those “new integrated thinking experiences” were glimpses of the NeoThink modality.
My mindspace is evolving…this is so exhilarating! Eureka!!
Thank you, Mark Hamilton, for authoring the amazing books that have focused me.
This journey, most assuredly, for me…must and will continue!
Toward that continuation, I am forward looking to the building of unique thought integrations (NeoThink) and experiencing the resulting exhilarations that will come from providing solution(s), not even considering the potential of wealth-building opportunity(ies), to a puzzle problem of significant impact within society knowing that the ultimate desire will be to contribute positive value(s) to society.
I have submitted my name as a participant candidate to contribute on the “Alternative Energy” solutions NeoThink team that is presently forming.
The dragon: All politicians, all religious leaders, and all other societal cheaters / value usurpers & destroyers will continue controlling us* through continued legislation of more and more laws, rules and regulations; thus, killing entrepreneurship (the societal lifeblood) and “if” we allow, via votes, them (the dragon) that continued luxury.
*By us is meant…all cherished, societal value producers and value creators.
TVP is the dragon slayer, it is the answer (our answer), it is a need (our need)…this is an invitation to join TVP now and engage.
The TVP, at this point in the history of mankind, is the only logical, fact based (in full context) viable party (it is an a-typical, party that will be administered by non-political market-minded businessmen and businesswomen) that can and will serve and save us, ALL OF US, from the anti-civilization that we live and survive in currently. Notice that I did not identify the TVP as a “political” party. Times, right now, are as tough as I have ever experienced in my life (especially, from a financial standpoint)…I am and feel timeless at 60 plus years of age because of the 12 visions of Mark Hamilton, NeoThink and the TVP.
I feel privileged to commence with my real life soon (the life that I now know that I was meant to live) and I must say I do look forward to it. I do not want to dwell on looking backward at it. I am beginning to feel the pending exhilaration-of-life instead of the continuing burden-of-life which is the unfortunate fact. The facts supporting TVP speak volumes…the facts are the facts as long as they are comprehended in full context.
The twelve visions, embodied by the TVP, are wondrous gifts to all peoples given the applied logic and simplistic beauty of the extremely powerful concepts. Is business as usual working? Or not?
Party choices? Consider carefully. Choose wisely.
Thank you, Mark Hamilton, for providing a real choice!
Paul S

When I began this journey with Mark Hamilton…


Neothinking has changed my daily thoughts as well as my plans and actions for the future. Instead of wishing, hoping or praying for things to change neothink engages my mind to action for creating the changes I desire. This has dissolved the inertia of faith in my life replacing it with a life that bears fruit.

Neothinking has permanently changed the way I think. Years ago I was told if I changed my thoughts, I could change my life. Unfortunately I was not told how to change my thoughts. Neothink clicked into my mind and shifted everything into a new way of thinking. This has caused me to change many things in my life, practically everything in my life. I live a different life now. So it was true about changing your life when you change your thoughts, but only neothinking accomplished this change.

There are obvious and not so obvious ways neothinking has transformed my life.
I had a mistaken view of society and held ‘important’ labels on certain individuals, who are the select few with ‘power’, authority, wealth etc. I now realize this is not the case. This view I am aware was from strong programming that began at a very young age. As a teenager, I was constantly reminded to do as I was told. The rest of course is to obey God. Talk about confusing!! Neothink has set my mind free. Instead of thinking someone else is in charge I realize there is no one to follow. I have known this and was an independent thinker but found my limitation was in manifesting my dreams into reality, not knowing how to overcome limitations. Neothinking puts me in control of my own life. I now seize the day. Instead of feeling powerless, I get to choose my outcome. I fully utilize this choice in small and big ways. I am experiencing the exhilaration of my new integrations.

Neothinking changes how I see other people. Instead of getting frustrated with people, I choose how I need to respond to them or not respond.
I have a greater appreciation for the special qualities in others. I have more tolerance, understanding, and compassion for others because of the things I now understand and at the same time have less tolerance for people who talk too much while doing too little. I have shifted my thoughts to what steps I can take to make a difference, now knowing that one person can make a dramatic change in society and in the world.

I am more deeply moved by political agendas and read the papers and follow what is going on very closely. I never cared about these things before. I am very interested in the Twelve Visions Party. Even though I am not directly involved, I think about and care deeply about the TVP and its role and purpose in the Neothink Society. Neothinking reaches far beyond my integrations, seeing larger pictures, bringing smaller ones into greater perspective.

I am enjoying doing things I used to dread. I did not enjoy being on the computer. I am building my second website, this one is for the Church of God-Man. I have several more websites yet to build. I am finding it fun creating them!

I have more faithful friendships and it is obvious the changes that have come about in my dealings with people. I have learned to see my emotions objectively and when they are and are not enhancing a situation. This has been a very pivotal shift for me in improving business relationships. Working in and for the anti-civilization remains to be challenging, however I am able to handle things more effectively. This has been rather amazing.

Applying Neothink I am able to figure things out. Soon after learning Neothink last year I accepted a marketing position. In the past opportunities like this would have passed by me. Thinking this way has stretched my confidence. It is exciting to integrate and seek the right pieces and fit them together. I have accomplished success in this and exceeded the expectations of the people I market for. I am grateful for the experience and now neothink the integrations of my own business as well as my integrations with the Neothink Society.

Neothinking has increased the productivity in my day. I accomplish in a day what used to take me a week. Of course that’s the effectiveness of the mini-day or I should say the necessity of the mini-day. Neothinking needs the mini-day to function. When I see people doing nothing it strikes me more deeply. I realize the importance of scheduling down time.

I always wondered how those ‘super-achievers’ did it. I am excited to now be one of them. This year, I was teaching at the college, marketing and working on many other projects as well as continuing my own education. Neothinking has changed me. Instead of dreaming, I am doing. With my bookshelf full of self-improvement books I have read, none of them changed my life or helped me manage my plans. They all told me to do it without a real sense of how. Neothinking has changed that.

All of my thoughts are shifted through neothinking. I have a greater accountability to myself, with greater expectations. It is exciting when I complete my projects. I now see how short days are and pack as much as I can into each one prioritizing my actions to bring into reality the things that are mine to create.
I have always been a ‘doer’ but neothinking has taken me to a different level and changed the things that I do.

When I began this journey with Mark Hamilton, he said we would be completely different people at the end of the year. I wondered what he meant but I now understand.
I look at my life now and my creativity and productivity and it makes me feel a little sad to think of what I might have done if I had known these things sooner.

As I learned neothinking as well as many other insights, this past year has brought profound change and intense work in my life and now instead of looking toward the end of my life, I am ready to accomplish the things I have dreamed of and to dedicate my life to sharing value creation and neothinking with others. This is the most important change neo-thinking has made in my life, planning for life instead of planning for death.

Since consciousness cannot die, (cease to exist) Neothink is the final evolution of consciousness because Neothinking cannot integrate death or thoughts of death. Neothinking can only think of life. More specifically, “The Abundant Life!”

Marlene Hudson

Still excited about life, I am embarking on my next career


For as far back as I can remember I dreamt that I would one day become a renowned professional. I knew I was going to do something great. But the problem was I had difficulty in deciding on what it would be. As a consequence, I spent my life going from one profession to another, and job to job, searching for the right one. I started out wanting to be a professional musician. Then I decided that I wanted to be an insurance agent. Next, I decided that I wanted to be a financial and estate planner. Finally, I decided on being a computer professional. Thinking back, I wish I had tools offered by the Neothink Society at my disposal when I was younger. I would have saved myself a lot of time trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. As a result, much time was wasted chasing unsatisfying pursues.  Although I had a success career, I now sit back wonder how much more successful my life would have been, if I had the remarkable tools I discovered in the Neothink Society throughout the course of my life.

Still excited about life, I am embarking on my next career. Being in the Society, it instills a fire in you, a deep yearning to live your life of a value creator.

With the Society tools under my belt, I feel an overwhelming sense of confidence and joy. I have discovered my essence. I know how to power think my future into my present. I am excited and overjoyed with life’s possibilities. I wake up each day with great anticipation of what the day will bring.

If my story strikes a chord and a yearning in your life, I encourage you to take a look at what the Society of Secrets has to offer. I invite you to discover your true essence in life and get on the pathway to true exhilaration. Just remember, you don’t have to live a life of boredom, unhappiness, or stagnation. You too can have the joy I do. A life of exhilaration the way James Joyce’s Ulysses lived, but without the dishonesty.

Melvin G.

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton
Thank you for all your Herculean efforts. I am in awe of you.
I have just completed a second reading of Pax Neothink and am almost through a second reading of Miss Annabelle. I am suffering greatly from the loss of a dear friend and companion of twenty five years. I get comfort and hope from your books. I can tell you have experienced the excruciating pain of loss and how it is magnified on the eve of immortality in the Twelve Visions World. I admire your ability to carry on after the death of your Dad. I have had glimmers of the joy and exhilaration of the child of the past, but they are fleeting and very brief. I am hopeful time will heal. I obviously relate to Sally and Jasmine.
I look forward to learning more and becoming the person I am meant to be, however, it is profoundly sad without my friend.
Thank you for listening.
Jean G

Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party

Hey! Mark,
It’s always great to hear from you. Don’t worry too much about the anti civilization and what the neo-cheaters will do. They cannot stand against Neothink and the true map to a new and life-changing society. That is why from where I live, have been very cautious and not spoken out about this wonderful opportunity that has truly changed my life and the way I think and feel for the rest of my life. No one could possibly ever take from me what you have given to me in a wonderful gift. Do not put yourself in danger. You are too important to so many people; not to mention your own family.
Will write a better testimony and send later. Just wanted to get something out there right away.
Neo-think has brought me from a state of deep depression, hopelessness, and despair;
to a life of exhilaration and excitement that can’t be put into words. Since joining the society
a little over a year ago, I have gone from being stuck in stagnation, not going anywhere, to a zeal for life and it is just the beginning. For ten years had worked as a housekeeper feeling it was too late for real accomplishments. Have started to college and am making all A’s.
Am 55 years old with a tenth grade education. Took my GED at 19.
Also wanted to mention how much the Neothink web-cite has increased my synergy and it is so wonderful to be able to communicate with other members who are like-minded. There has never been a group of people known to me that were so wonderfully connected.
The honesty open support have sent us soaring to new heights. Am sure that many others feel as blessed because have heard countless testimonies coming from the web-cite.
Would encourage all people everywhere to plug into neo=tech and the Twelve Visions Party. Also, the Global Information Network will be our asset for the few fortunate ones who are able to plug in.
If there is any material that ever comes by the pen of Mark Hamilton. please, please count me in. The answer will always be Yes!
A Life-time Member of the Neothink Society,
Deborah S

Mark Hamilton, for nearly forty years,…

Mark Hamilton, for nearly forty years, I went through life anesthetized by drinking beer, blaming others for my failures and singing the “Oh poor me” song to myself over and over. I was stuck in a mindset that it really didn’t matter because all I had to look forward to was old age and death and an afterlife that may be there and then again may not be there. Even through the fog of the alcohol, I knew that the Church was somehow corrupt at it’s core just like our politicians and the White House. Intuitively, I knew that some group held the puppet strings and played us all like fools. Then, in desperation, I responded to your letter that promised something new, something refreshing. I put the first manuscript down many times, sometimes for months before returning to it to digest a little bit more. A change was taking place inside me. The second manuscript arrived and I couldn’t put it down. The same with the third. Every time I re-read the third manuscript, I cry. My heart and soul resonate with this masterpiece. It has been a long journey to this point and I know it is only the beginning of the beginning. It has been nearly three years since I have had a drop of alcohol. I have lost 30 pounds. My relationship with my parents, wife and children is now one of joy and happiness. I was a millionaire on paper once. Back then, I created a company from scratch and found exhilaration and pleasure in what I was doing. Then, I lost the business and started blaming anything and everything and everybody for the failure. I should have looked in the mirror. Now, I own three companies and am a partner in a fourth. This time, I know that I am creating more than I ever dreamed possible before and that the rewards will make my previous paper status look like chump change. Now I look forward to a long, long, long healthy life, full of satisfaction from learning and growing personally, helping others and a fabulous, bright future that I create. Stephen N.

March 2025