Posts Tagged ‘excitement’

Image waking up every morning, happy, and with the excitement as a …

Image waking up every morning, happy, and with the excitement as a child going on his favorite vacation, and next to you the person of your dreams that has the deepest passionate love for you.

Neothink is the most honest and eye opening truth that is out there.

Neothink is the most honest and eye opening truth that is out there. The price for the manuscripts is reasonable and just. There is no scam or lies since that would go against Neothink. It is a simple concept that could easily be explained in one page. What the manuscripts do is reveal what Neothink has done and what it can do for you. It also reveals secrets that will make your life richer. The readers of the manuscripts, the ones that use Neothink will be people that will always be a friend that will always be willing to help you succeed using Neothink. This is not just one guy trying to sell you a book. Neothink readers are global. Nationwide, in all states. There are readers locally where I live that meet monthly. All of these readers that use Neothink and they all are willing to be a friend and to help. My experience with this is that I do not regret replying to that first letter The excitement of the discoveries is one I know you will have also. And I do hope that one day we will meet as Neothink friends.

Fernando D.

Thanks to you Mark Hamilton.

Dear Mark:
I am so thankful that you made it possible for me to have the Neothink Society material. I always knew that there had to be so much more to life and I wondered if that “small child” inside me would ever find the way.
Thanks to you Mark and the Neothink Society, that I have reached level 12 and my life is soaring! When I started Neothink Teachings, I could not stop reading them. It gave me a trip of excitement, thankfulness, and the wonderful emotions of finding the way. Thanks to you Mark Hamilton.
I am sure that I have many more exciting journeys and wonderful experiences coming soon.
I don’t have the words for how good it feels to soar with the Eagles!
Come Soar With Me….Frank R

Mark Hamilton, Your Mentoring on value creation…

Dear Mark,
Thank you for your tuition. Your Mentoring on value creation and integration has changed my life completely. A life of joy and excitement at the prospect of becoming the person I was meant to be!. Producing and creating values for a better world, a prosperous world, based on honesty and wide scope accounting. Neothink removes the irrationalities of society to bring the next step in mans development into Neothink. We must prevail whatever the cost.

Mark Hamilton and Neothink targets the essence of life

Mark Hamilton and Neothink targets the essence of life and its nature. Mark Hamilton’s literature releases an immense excitement and enhances a persons way of living. Ever since I began reading his literature, I transcended to a new way of being, knowing and seeing with wide scope images and extravagant thoughts. After reading some of his literature, I suddenly felt awaken, accelerated, high in life. Mark Hamilton’s devotion and contribution is the ultimate to me, his literature has helped me adjacent my mind and soul and also made me feel invigorated and elated. Thank You Mark Hamilton I love your work. Thanks to YOU I finally know my purpose in life.

Approximately one year ago an invitation came…

Dear Mark,
Approximately one year ago an invitation came to act on an opportunity to receive the Heirloom Package. I chose to go forward, knowing the discovery, and the discovering cycle seemed to be on target with recent events in my life.
Upon reading the Orientation Booklet excitement filled the air. The Heirloom Package arrived and after reading and assimilating the information a definite “ah ha” experience happened. Armed with the “Secrets”, plans are in place for a start-up business that will bring great value to mankind. Understanding the meaning of “value creator”, that concept will be implemented to achieve limitless growth. The plan is to create a living business with Neothink concepts and strategies. I must express my sincere thanks for you mentoring me on this journey.
Cecil B

Approximately one year ago a invitation came to act on a opportunity


Dear Mark,

Approximately one year ago a invitation came to act on a opportunity to receive the Package.  I chose to go forward, knowing the discovery, and the discovering cycle seemed  to be on target with recent events in my life. Upon reading the Orientation Booklet excitement filled the air. The Package arrived and after reading and assimilating the information a definite “ah ha” experience happen.  Armed with the Secrets, plans are in place for a start-up business that will bring great value to mankind. Understanding the meaning of “value creator” this concept will be implemented to achieve limitless growth.  The plan is to create a living business with Neothink strategies and Neothink concepts.  I must express my sincere thanks for you mentoring me on this journey.

Cecil B      Laguna Beach, CA

What is this Feeling!?!


When I read that Value Creation unlocked a kind of Euphoria, I wanted to know more. As I read the multigenerational manuscripts by Neothink Society Founder Mark Hamilton, I found myself filling up with this excitement… each page that I read filled me with more, until I reached this amazing point where I could not restrain myself, I HAD to find a piece of paper and Draw out my plans for the project that had just come into my mind.

How did he do it? How did Mark Hamilton find a way of writing that INSPIRES like that!?!

I tap into that excitement on a regular basis now. I use it to turn … what used to be my ‘tv time’ into something INCREDIBLY FUN and EXCITING!

You too can be a Net Value Creator who Earns his or her happiness through Honest Efforts. It is the Best Feeling I have ever Felt!

– Yon

Value Creation Flows


My orientation on value creation took a major shift last night after reading more of Mark Hamilton’s incredible Multigenerational Manuscript! I decided right then and there that I HAD to do something that was valuable, and I HAD to offer it to others at a price LESS than it was actually worth! You should have seen the excitement when I showed what I had done to my web development client! She is THRILLED! And I feel INCREDIBLE! I am learning so much from this experience! And it was Mark Hamilton’s writings that inspired me to trade in my TV time for my creative passion! I can hardly wait to get back to building that incredible website and learning all of the new tools that I’m discovering!

Mark Hamilton, you really have created a master-piece! Your writings are the most motivating and inspiring that I have ever read!

Yon Cole

What An Adventure!


I have been riding an incredible wave of excitement since I opened the first book I received from Mark Hamilton!

I’m not sure how he did it, but somehow he was able to package all of these feelings and energy and LIFE into his words!

When you think about a person who has made your life better because of his or her intense focused and honest effort, you have a special feeling: Think of your favorite musician, actor, author, or … friend. Do you feel that special connection, that “I really value that person and what s/he does!”

Reading Mark Hamilton’s books I was suddenly IMMERSED in those wonderful feelings! I have never APPRECIATED so much LOVE and BEAUTY and LIFE! My Friends and Family are more precious to me than I ever imagined possible!

Every person who feels this feeling is changed for the better. I hope you find it too!

Thank you Mark Hamilton for your incredible gift of literature that has inspired me to feel these incredible feelings of Love for Life and Honesty and Productive Creative Living!

March 2025