Posts Tagged ‘everyday life’

Thank you Mark Hamilton

I have been in the Neothink Society for about one year now and have learned so much. It is true that we are all taught the power of free thinking and how to utilize the mind in a new way that we all have the power to do. We are driven to find honesty in everything that we look at. In everyday life we can see things with honest eyes that most people, I believe, can but either choose to ignore or feel helpless in doing anything about it. We see things in the government that have gone terribly wrong since the founding of this great country over 230 years ago. We see things in our jobs that are not quite right. We see things in our failing education system that have been ignored by the same government who claims to be “for the people.” We see things in groups or organizations that all fight for their “rights,” while trampling over the rights of every other group or organization or individual whithout a second thought. We can see all of these things that are not quite right in our beautiful country but the most important thing that I do, is to try and see my own personal errors. This is the most important aspect of the teachings of Mark Hamilton and the Neo-Think Society, and for that, I feel a gratitude of an infinite scale.
My journey started about a year ago. I am just a working stiff, just like 99.99% of the rest of us. Even then I could see those aspects in life that I felt helpless in doing anything about. I felt trapped in my dead-end job and was losing my joy for life. I looked at my kids and had a deep sadness for them because if things are this tough for me how would things be for them? I looked at my wife and had a deep sorrow in knowing that my joy for us had long since faded. I kept on keeping on, though, because I have responsibilities to my family. I couldn’t very well start over in life so I was fast becoming complacent to the fact that this would be my life. I would work hard for my family and maybe one day a break might come my way. I might hit the lottery, after all. Deep down I could always feel there was something more for me. I tried alcohol and drugs in my younger years. I looked at many different religions and hundreds of self help books. I looked at political and philosophical groups for my answers but nothing seemed to work. All of these organizations have wonderful people in them and I did learn some things but none of them offered the answers I was looking for. Then, something wonderful happened. Mark Hamilton, (MH) found me and I found MH. I found the answers that I had looked for could not come from outside sources but from within me.
This is the key point that every group that I had looked at had been missing. The organizational structures of all of these groups out there are as such. They have all of the answers and to be a part of that group you would have to give up your own opinion to follow theirs. The problem here is that this really leaves no room for growth. These so called enlightened organizations had become stagnate themselves. Now it is up to them to go out and recruit people like me who was searching for answers to their fold. This is why it did not work. If a group claims to have all of the answers and expects me to give up my own interpretations then this group is not for me. I, thankfully, was taught from an early age to do my own research and to form my own opinions, but I can look around and see that a staggering amount of people who do not. I will use my wife in this example because she can actually see that this is the way she used to live her life. I cannot recall how many times I heard her say that we can’t do something. “Oh, we can’t afford that. We can’t do that. We can’t move. WE CAN’T, WE CAN’T, WE CAN’T!” I am steadily hearing a shift from her from, “We can’t!” to “How can we!” This signifies a major shift in her way of thinking. When we say “I can’t!” our minds shut down. We become complacent. We refuse to use our brains. We begin to die a little bit at a time. When we say, “How can we!” our minds turn on. We are using our minds to figure out a problem. We become free in our minds to find a way to get something accomplished. We begin to live a little bit more because we are creating a solution, just like we did when we were children before the “You can’t do that!” of the world got a hold of us. That, in a nutshell, is all MH and Neothink are about.
My wife and I were looking for answers in the wrong place. I think all of us fall into that trap to one extent or another. We all try to take the easy way out and look for answers by having someone tell us what they are and how to live. Neo-Think offers a new way to use the mind to find those answers and to be really free. I wish I could say that it is an easy thing to do but in reality it is really tough. Human beings do not want to look at our own faults or errors but that is where we do most of our learning, through our mistakes. I have learned to look with honest eyes at my errors and ways in which to change. I have learned that it is very dangerous for me to blindly except the answers that all of those so called “authorities” call truth. I applaud those who have truly found the answers for themselves but what works for them may not work for me. This is why I try not to push my beliefs onto anyone else. I have learned that what works for me may not work for anyone else. The important thing here is that I came to that decision. I made that decision based on my own beliefs and research not because someone else told me what to believe. I have also learned that where I am at now does not necessarily mean that I will be in the same place even a month from now. This is the real beauty of Neo-Think. It is ever evolving, never stagnate. When we get down to the core of things there is really just how we, as individuals, can make up our own minds with the understanding that we can change our views when we learn more about anything. Neothink does not presume to know everything nor does it push it’s ideals onto anyone. What it really is all about is to point individuals in an honest way to become a better person by utilizing your own thoughts to find your own answers in whatever you are searching for and for that I am honestly grateful and free.
I wish I could say that I’m a millionaire and have found the easy life. I wish I could say that I have found the job of my dreams and that everything I touch turns to gold. I am not going to fluff this up in any way though. I will say that what I have learned so far will get me there but for now I can honestly say my life has changed for the better. My dead-end job is a means to the end, so to say. It takes care of my bills and will allow me to really search for what will make me happy. When I think about my job on those terms (a stepping stone) it really takes the pressure off and I can be more productive. I now see my children’s futures for what they really are as well. Using the power of Neothink (they can pick up on it quite easily) they will be able to create anything they truly desire. They will not get caught up in the same rut that all of us have for 4-5 generations. My wife and I have found that hidden passion that laid dormant again. It is truly amazing how by living an honest life (honesty in yourself) can and will affect everyone around you. Especially those that are closest to you. We actually feel like teenagers again when it comes to that feeling of love. That applies to my kids as well. The love that our family now shares reminds me of my personal feeling of paradise. We’ve created that right here on Earth! We are still struggling financially as are about 99% of Americans but with this new found power of creativity in our minds we know that are struggles will soon be over. We really are starting our lives over and look forward to tomorrow for that will bring a new day of opportunity for us. I just wish everyone in the world could feel how we feel right now. My family means everything and I’m so happy that we were able to find this way through the help of Neothink and MH. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!…
Yours truly,
Russ Williams

THANK YOU again for your wonderful literature

HI Mark Hamilton, about the Neothink literature that I have purchased from you. your writings are the best i have read. the only other book that I have gotten into that is close to your material is a book from Aristotle called ethics. your writings about getting through all of the many illusions of there anticivilization to get to what is outstanding writing.. cutting through all of the many illusions of the anticivilization to get to the essence of things as you know can take years. i have benefited greatly from your literature. once again mark as you mentioned in your material there are so many mental hooks that the anticivilization puts on individuals even when you do break through there corruptions, and illusions those mental hooks still tug and pull on you. luckily i have been strong and steadfast in my beliefs, the integrated thinking, and Neothinking that I have learned from your writings and meetings have helped me stay on the outside of the anticivilization. on the outside of the anticivilization is where the pure power of honesty thrives! also thank you for the information about the ten second miracles. I use them in my everyday life and they are a great tool to use in many situations. firing bullets of honesty into the dishonesty of anticivilization false authorities is very powerful! THANK YOU again for your wonderful literature. it is as good as it gets! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! YOUR FRIEND! JEREMY WILHOIT

Thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society that believe in helping each individual


To: Mark Hamilton
I received a letter from Neothink Society November 2006. I had been invited to join a exclusive group of individuals from around the world was ready to share their knowledge of how to achieve wealth  in all areas of life. My first impression was to go forward and look into this by ordering the Neothink material that had been offered. My first book once I started reading I could not stop it held my attention for days and weeks and weeks turn in to months. I was amazed at the honesty that was shining threw and the knowledge that kept me reading. The wonderful information was eye opening, a wide scope to view life and my life experiences to be able to look at the world in a objective way, and how one can succeed in life. I have to be honest their was some doubt if I would be able to succeed and survive. But the Neothink literature on Self Discovery lit a burning desire within me that took off like a rocket, gave me the confidence to achieve in my life what ever I desired. Since I left my job and started my own company it has been a fast pace of growth. This Year 2009 our company has done ¾ of million dollars in service work in the construction field. We are project next year to be doing 2 to 3 million dollars in service work. We are very excited about the future. Thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society that believe in helping each individual to find the creative ability that each of us have. Everyday life has become exciting. The mentoring has been life changing. The key is to want more out of life and Neothink offer the tools and knowledge for each individual to go after their dreams and desire. What a wonderful contribution to mankind. Once again that you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.  
Larry Johnson

The information Neothink is willing to share with the public is priceless


The information Neothink is willing to share with the public is priceless. The tools that are provided are life changing if you are willing to apply them to your everyday life. The more people that have access to this material could shape the world we live in for the better. I have personally experienced the benefits of Neo thinking, as I was able to apply the techniques and turn a crew of construction workers that were losing money on the books into a crew that turned a profit in a very short time.  I have never before read such a complete guide to success then what is inside the Neothink material.  I highly recommend that anyone who is given the opportunity to research the knowledge that Neothink provides should not hesitate to start the process towards changing their lives forever.  It is my opinion that the powerful insight of Neothink would be beneficial to a person of any age although I certainly wish I had access to this information twenty years ago. Anyone who is willing to apply these techniques to their everyday life will see how quickly they can gain control of every aspect of their life. My life before Neothink was full of frustrations,  always trying to put the puzzle of my life together. I had no idea what my life puzzle should look like when it was complete, that’s why I would get frustrated. After taking the opportunity to read the treasures printed inside the  Neothink package a clear picture of the life I was meant live unfolded before me. I began to snap the puzzle together without the frustration. I am ready to create a future, the fantasy-life becoming the most happy, excited, vibrant person. Don’t hesitate to get involved with the Neothink Society, you will never enjoy life more!!!!!!!!!

Bryan Kent Shaak

Once again that you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.

To: Mark Hamilton
I received a letter from Neothink Society November 2006. I had been invited to join a exclusive group of individuals from around the world was ready to share their knowledge of how to achieve wealth in all areas of life. My first impression was to go forward and look into this by ordering the Neothink material that had been offered. My first book once I started reading I could not stop it held my attention for days and weeks and weeks turn in to months. I was amazed at the honesty that was shining threw and the knowledge that kept me reading. The wonderful information was eye opening, a wide scope to view life and my life experiences to be able to look at the world in a objective way, and how one can succeed in life. I have to be honest their was some doubt if I would be able to succeed and survive. But the Neothink literature on Self Discovery lit a burning desire within me that took off like a rocket, gave me the confidence to achieve in my life what ever I desired. Since I left my job and started my own company it has been a fast pace of growth. This Year 2009 our company has done ¾ of million dollars in service work in the construction field. We are project next year to be doing 2 to 3 million dollars in service work. We are very excited about the future. Thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Neo think society that believe in helping each individual to find the creative ability that each of us have. Everyday life has become exciting. The mentoring has been life changing. The key is to want more out of life and Neothink offer the tools and knowledge for each individual to go after their dreams and desire. What a wonderful contribution to mankind. Once again that you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.
Larry J

My life before Neothink

Before I discovered Neothink I was a lost child and young adult searching for a way out of this horrible life I was living. Soon after I found a way out of poverty, misery and complete un happiness thru Neothink society. This society has help me so much in areas of my way of thinking and handling everyday life. Each day it get better and better. Without the help of Mark Hamilton and our society I would of been a failure in life and not reaching for higher goals in life like I once new before I discovered Neothink and desired so baddly. Now I have many ideas and goals I have set and mainly I want to help and protect this world from corruption but witout Neothink and Mark Hamilton that wouldn’t of come to be. Thankyou Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton very much.


March 2025