Posts Tagged ‘euphoria’


Mark, I just received my third book. I have always been a hard worker and most of my energy has been positive. Now I know how to channel it. I have been successful at just about everything I tried and did on my own. I always thought I was lucky. Now I understand why I was successful and how to get to the next level. I would alway get to a certain point in my life and slow down start partying and lose most of what I worked for. Now I am aware of the high I was searching for, was the self satisfaction of the accomplishments I made. I will not stop or slow down creating new ideas because this is the euphoria I desire.
P.S. This is the first book I ever read.
Thanks Mark!

What do you believe dictates the outcome of your life?


What do you believe dictates the outcome of your life? Within the heirlooms I have found that the outcome of my life will be dictated by the extent to which I am able to Neothink which is being dictated by the extent to which I am able to remove my mysticism.
It has been an exciting adventure to discover the extent to which I was relying on and turning toward outside authorities for virtually every problem and decision that up until now I was using to run and control my entire life. Now that I have learned that my two chamber brain is exactly the same brain that the greatest geniuses of all time had, I am able, with the information in the heirlooms, to turn within, through deep integrated thinking, and solve my own problems.
When you come up with that answer or solution for the first time, no matter how small or insignificant the task, you will experience an euphoria that will rush through your entire body, igniting all your senses and emotions. The light will be turned on, because any doubt of your ability to experience Neothink will be diminished and most importantly your confidence will grow by leaps and bounds as you start challenging yourself to tackle anything you are confronted with.  Slowly at first and then you go back to the basics, you develop the complete outcome picture in your mind and analyzing the whole picture you zero in on the fuzzy pieces and get down to serious power thinking and bit by bit the piece becomes clearer and clearer and every once in a while, sometimes when you are thinking or doing something completely unrelated you get that AHA! moment and all of a sudden you have it.
When I began this journey, as the weeks and months passed and I wondered if I would ever be able to find Neothink there was something that I would like to share that kept me going. It was belief, I truly believed, it was that belief that I developed because I knew that this wasn’t just another hype and I knew this because my mentor, Mark Hamilton, was not just preaching another hyped philosophy, he has achieved all that he teaches.
This along with the desire to make the necessary changes in my life and the desire to always remain teachable and the attitude that my goal is to grasp new knowledge while realizing that I may never GET IT, I will always be advancing as long as I grasp what is being taught to me, somewhere out there in the future I just may GET IT. Until that time comes I will continue to enjoy all the learning which has added and continues daily to add value and happiness to my life.

Marvin Michaud
A-team business Kansas Integrated Visions LLC
A-team name Kansas City Kansas Southwest

With all do respect. Mr. Hamilton…

This is your apprentice Gregg F. I thank you for coming into my life. You don’t know or can’t even imagine how you’ve changed my way of thinking and the way I look at life!
When I first received your letter; I thought you were someone trying to pull my leg or play with my head. The information you were relating to me sound good until I started absorbing it. Then it felt great! I felt a euphoria I’ve I couldn’t explain. I knew you were the one. All you tried to do was open my eyes to ” what is.” You gave me a choice. Open my mind to reality and the rest will come naturally. I’ll thank you forever on how you’ve helped me come to grips on how the real world operates. Instead of the illusions they feed us in order to continue stagnating the bicameral thoughts we all humans possess. I’m not stating that I’m mentally slow. It’s the fact I had a sheet over my eyes for quite sometimes but my mind was always free of the b.s. they wanted me to believe. I’ll be brief. When acquiring all three installments; I studied and studied your literature. At times my girlfriend thought I was being fooled by your techniques, because of all the negativity the internet spoke of. Your words helped me block out my girlfriend and the anti-civilization I dwell in at the moment. See there are choices I had to make. As you once spoke, the individual sometimes have to believe in his or herself. So I went into that hard firestone-like thinking mode and the rest spoke for itself. I know we haven’t ever met but I think one day we will. You’ve shown me a hardcore gentleman way of handling things. We all need a little motivation sometimes so I’m gonna challenge you. With all do respect. Mr. Hamilton, you better not give up or give in to this weak anti-civilization. Remember, I’m your student, so continue being my teacher. I’m a 6′0 235 lb. ex military soldier who wasn’t satisfied with the death sentence my government tried to issue me. With your leadership; maybe I could be one of your right-hand loyal warriors in the near future. I’m hear if you ever need me. I’m mean I’ll put my life on the line for what I believe. You have shown me part of the cosmos in a mental aspect. Now I want to see what the rest of the universe has to offer. The Twelve Visions Party you are about to introduce to us will prosper. I know it will. That’s also my vision. You’re the man. You’ll be surprised of who’s behind you. I believe in you and there ain’t too many people I’d say that too. You’re one of them. Keep the wheels rolling. Like the Miss Annabelle Story; we are your seeds. Help our planet developed into the beautiful flowers you envisioned. Sometimes; to get through the forest. You have to chop down a few trees. Don’t let anyone stop your goal. If I were in your position. I’d keep it MOVIN!

Much love,

Riding the Waves

It’s time to come back down to reality and get some things done! The past few minutes I have felt an Ecstatic Euphoria that just blows me away! I get that feeling whenever I contemplate on what I love about the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton’s mind expanding Multigenerational Manuscripts! Now I’m going to do some Drive Forward on my other work projects: creating wonderful values for myself and others!
Hope you find it too!


My journey which l Traveled on. Which l experienced through the Knowledge of all the books live read. READ TWICE. Live experiences euphoria with the levels and the tools. And technique. It’s been an incredible thrill along the way. When l read book by book. it has been amazingly experiences of your knowledge mark. Which l gained through to taking the first steps on the first letter? L would not have had this amazing and incredible EUPHORIA. And every think. Through your Knowlege.This as change my live forever.

T.V.P and the NEOTHINK AND THE POLITICAL PARTY also plays a BIG role in all of our future.AND the literature with my FAMILY.Is the way forward to become the person I was meant to be. THANKYOU MARK HAMILTON.Ive just PASS my DEAR MOTHER. your last book. BOOK of MISS ANNE BELL for my mother to read.  By the way. My mother is going on 90years old. YES I’m the person I was meant to be NOW THROUGH literature and the TOOLS. Through NEOTHINK. THINKING I got five new PRODUCTS. AND I hope to START my own BUSINESS.

What is this Feeling!?!


When I read that Value Creation unlocked a kind of Euphoria, I wanted to know more. As I read the multigenerational manuscripts by Neothink Society Founder Mark Hamilton, I found myself filling up with this excitement… each page that I read filled me with more, until I reached this amazing point where I could not restrain myself, I HAD to find a piece of paper and Draw out my plans for the project that had just come into my mind.

How did he do it? How did Mark Hamilton find a way of writing that INSPIRES like that!?!

I tap into that excitement on a regular basis now. I use it to turn … what used to be my ‘tv time’ into something INCREDIBLY FUN and EXCITING!

You too can be a Net Value Creator who Earns his or her happiness through Honest Efforts. It is the Best Feeling I have ever Felt!

– Yon

THE organization to boost human life


When my close friend Joshua Seymour first introduced me to Mark Hamilton’s Neothink literature, I was in a grey area of my life. I was only seventeen years old, and I was definitely not accomplishing my dreams. I was partying more than three nights a week, I wasn’t focused on my essence in life; my passions were almost non-existent. The Neothink literature opened my mind to a whole new way of thinking, almost like a new dimension I had just discovered. The Neothink literature assured me that there was more to life than the traditional routine: graduate from school, find a job, get married, have kids, retire, and die… all while being hassled by the government. The Neothink society has granted me the insights to find my passions and engage in them to a point of euphoria EVERY DAY. Besides finding my true passions, I’ve learned how to make those passions profitable, which is ultra rewarding. The goals Mark Hamilton has for the Human Race are phenomenal, yet achievable. We all must work together in harmony. We all must competitively create values for society. The literature is priceless, I give unlimited thanks to the mastermind of this invaluable literature, Mark Hamilton!

If Only You Knew…

If I had known 3 years ago the Secrets that I found in Neothink Founder Mark Hamilton’s Multigenerational Manuscripts, my life would totally different! Looking forward 3 years, I see such wonder and beauty flowing in my life! He did it! It was Mark Hamilton and his amazing literature that unlocked … SOMETHING… inside of me! How did he do it!?! WHERE did this Euphoria come from!?! And look, everyone else that I’ve met in the Neothink Society is able to find it too! GET GOING! GET INVOLVED! Everyday is more amazing than the last!

Riding the Waves

It’s time to come back down to reality and get some things done! The past few minutes I have felt an Ecstatic Euphoria that just blows me away! I get that feeling whenever I contemplate on what I love about the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton’s mind expanding Multigenerational Manuscripts! Now I’m going to do some Drive Forward on my other work projects: creating wonderful values for myself and others!

Hope you find it too!



My journey which l Traveled on. Which l experienced through the Knowledge of all the books live read. READ TWICE. Live experiences euphoria with the levels and the tools. And technique. It’s been an incredible thrill along the way. When l read book by book. it has been amazingly experiences of your knowledge mark. Which l gained through to taking the first steps on the first letter? L would not have had this amazing and incredible EUPHORIA. And every think. Through your Knowlege.This as change my live forever.

T.V.P and the NEOTHINK AND THE POLITICAL PARTY also plays a BIG role in all of our future.AND the literature with my FAMILY.Is the way forward to become the person I was meant to be. THANKYOU MARK HAMILTON.Ive just PASS my DEAR MOTHER. your last book. BOOK of MISS ANNE BELL for my mother to read.  By the way. My mother is going on 90years old. YES I’m the person I was meant to be NOW THROUGH literature and the TOOLS. Through NEOTHINK. THINKING I got five new PRODUCTS. AND I hope to START my own BUSINESS.

March 2025