Posts Tagged ‘eternity’

I have had the pleasure of reading all of Mr. Mark Hamilton’s books

My name is Wilfredo Morales and I have had the pleasure of reading all of Mr. Mark Hamilton’s books. Mr. Hamilton’s writing is life changing.
Today I am a hundred times more of a better person because of Mr. Hamilton’s books. Not everyone is capable of living a real, pure honest and conscience life, and because of this fact many people will attack Mr. Hamilton. But the truth is truth and the truth cannot be hidden for eternity. All you can find in Mr. Hamilton’s books is truth and that was exactly what I needed to know, the truth. Mr. Hamilton’s books had given me nothing but happiness and I will like this opportunity to say, thank you Mr. Mark Hamilton.

More than Thanks to Mark Hamilton

Where do I start? well to keep this short and too the point; Mark Hamilton is indeed the World’s answer to peace,
prosperity, Love, everyone to be rich even the poor; Depolitizeing America and the world, and of course moving
the sciences along(eliminating govt intervention) so cures for all diseases are eliminated and the ageing process
also so one if they wanted to live for eternity. Also to replace our teaching way of youth and younger adults to
take rule and regulations away in order to teach subjects that bring out the future scientists, artists, ect in what
one`s destiny is meant to accomplish.
Just think and visualize a world in harmony, no wars, no corruption, and the Prime Law added to Americas Constitution!! WOW!!!!!!!! Mark Hamilton should receive all Noble Prizes and some. Thank You again Prophet Mark
Hamilton and lets travel the Galaxies and create universes/planets together.
S.W.(Mike) Cramer
12VP Member
Neothink Society
Neothink Warriors

March 2025