Posts Tagged ‘enough money’

Love you Mark Hamilton and all who are involved too…


Florence Sizer  Minnesota
I’m 85 years young. I have been reading  the literature of Mark Hamilton, Eric Savage and Mr. Wallace since the 70’s.I knew it was going to be “BIG” so I bought all the books I could afford and read them. The more I read the more I hoped I would live long enough to see the twelve visions become a reality.
I have always been a homemaker, raising 6 children, so I don’t have the qualifications to join an A Team. I get so excited when I listen to the A-Team and national meetings to hear what is being accomplished.
The local meetings are too far  for me to drive so I have started a mail order business so I can make enough money to move to and live in Minneapolis and attend meetings in St Paul, the sister city. It might take me a couple years but that is my goal.
I really want to be part of this huge movement. I think it is such an honor and privileged to be involved in changing the world. love you Mark Hamilton and all who are involved too.
I have a 3 year old grandson that can use the computer, knows the numbers, alphabet and can read. I wish he could attend the school of geniuses. He made me an Easter card, found pictures on the computer and signed it Love, Thomas.
Love to all, Florence

Without Mark Hamilton and his literature …

Before I received the literature I was falling into hopelessness and was beginning to think about taking my own life. Do to no hope for the future, not enough money to pay the bills, and loneliness. After I received my first package as I began to read hope filled me for the first time in a long time. The more I read the better I felt. The more hope that began to fill me. Not long after my girlfriend returned to me I did not start gaining wealth but I did gain the knowledge on how to start building wealth and how to grow my business. I plan on starting a second business and I have very high hopes of its success. Without Mark Hamilton and his literature I would not have any hope at all and most likely may have died. I can not tell you what the difference of how I feel about life and the future. I owe all of this to him and the secret society.
As far as his political agenda I am all for it. Politicians today suck up a lot of money out of the economy, and I mean a lot. Law makers have been making laws for over 200 years don’t you think every law imaginable should have and could have been written in that amount of time. As far as I am concerned this new party of Marks solves a lot of our problems while enforcing individual rights. Keeping the right amount of politicians to do only what needs to be done. But getting ride of all the ones that suck our tax dollars up. Freeing Americans to build values and create enough jobs for every one.
Tony I

Then, I got the first book, Inside Secrets, from Mark Hamilton.

My name is Marshall B., but my friends call me Randy.   I am a member of Neothink in Virginia and have been a Neothinker for about three years, since I read my first book by Mark Hamilton.  Let me back up and tell you my Neothink story.
During the first working years of my life, I held many jobs, served in the military, washed dishes, drove trucks, but finally decided that my passion was cars and I wanted to work on cars, no matter what.  So I took a job in a small garage in my country town in Virginia.  I loved the work but as my family grew to six of us, with four kids.  I had to work two shifts and sometimes weekends to make enough money to support my family.  
Then at age 38 I had a stroke.   I had no insurance and it was rough for me and my family for months.  Fortunately I made a complete recovery from the stroke, but I was bankrupt and worth less than zero. For one long year, I had to take a less mentally challenging  and very repetitive job, just alignments all day long, every day for a year while I was recovering and not able to focus enough to do the diagnostic work that I had been doing and loved to do.  
Then, I got the first book, Inside Secrets, from Mark Hamilton.  I read about project curiosity, power thinking and mini-days and getting 100 % control of my life with Discipline, Thought and Control or DTC.  It worked for me.  I put these ideas, techniques into my work life and into my personal life.  As my strength returned physically, my enthusiasm for my job increased many fold because I could see how I could work less and make more money by using my brain more.  
To make a long story short, just from reading this literature by Mark Hamilton, within a year from my stroke I was back at work and had doubled my income. Within two years I had bought our first new home.  The banks and advisers told me nobody could go through a stroke and bankruptcy, and get the mortgage money to buy a home in two years, but I did.  Mark Hamilton’s books gave me the tools to do this.  All the information is there for you in Inside Secrets by Mark Hamilton.  Anyone can read this book and do what I did.
About a year ago, I changed employers. Now I work for a large auto dealership.  I have been taking the classes and training courses to get certifications.  In this short time I have become the second most certified technician in the dealership and when the next door opens, I will be standing there ready to walk through it.   Most Sunday afternoons, I spend attending clubhouses of Neothinkers in Virginia, speaking about the literature and teaching others what I have learned.  This is my way of giving back and helping others.  Thank you, Mark Hamilton, for your guidance, information and support.  You have changed my life.  In fact, you have saved my life.Randy.


Tony I


Before I received the literature I was falling into hopelessness and was beginning to think about taking my own life. Do to no hope for the future, not enough money to pay the bills, and loneliness. After I received my first package as I began to read hope filled me for the first time in a long time. The more I read the better I felt. The more hope that began to fill me. Not long after my girlfriend returned to me I did not start gaining wealth but I did gain the knowledge  on how to start building wealth and  how to grow my business. I plan on starting a second business and I have very high hopes of its success. Without Mark and his literature I would not have any hope at all and most likely may have died. I can not tell you what the difference of how I feel about life and the future. I owe all of this to him and the secret society.
     As far as his political agenda I am all for it. Politicians today suck up a lot of money out of the economy, and I mean a lot. Law makers have been making laws for over 200 years don’t you think every law imaginable should have and could have been written in that amount of time. As far as I am concerned  this new party of  Marks  solves a  lot of our problems while enforcing individual rights.  Keeping  the right amount of politicians to do only what needs to be done. But getting ride of all the ones that suck our tax dollars up. Freeing Americans to build values and create enough jobs for every one.

Tony I

March 2025