Posts Tagged ‘enjoying life’

Mark Hamilton, Neothink, The Neothink Society, and the TVP political movement

Some personal thoughts on Mark Hamilton, Neothink, The Neothink Society, and the TVP political movement:

I’m an educated professional, but for almost 30 years I’ve been “searching”. I can still remember where I was when the ‘thought’ first popped into my mind as I drove home from work that day. The ‘thought’ was that there must be something more for me “out there”, that I should be enjoying life more than just on the weekends. This became even more obvious as I got older. But nothing I tried seemed to work.

I made a couple of “wrong turns” in my life and now I was approaching retirement age with next to nothing banked and huge debt. For several years I constantly felt the pressure of this situation – and it wasn’t fun.

One day I received a booklet in the mail describing a book from Mark Hamilton’s company. I was skeptical, but this seemed different from all the other offers I’d received. Something caused me the purchase the book. This turned out to be probably the best thing I’ve ever done. It was the most honest and logical information I’ve ever read. What I learned is doing more for me than my college education! I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders, and I now look forward to my future!

Neothink is not some kind of cult or “brain washing” thing. It’s just a new, more powerful way of using your brain.

I have now read a few thousand pages of Neothink literature, and I’ve participated in hours of on-line video sessions with Mark Hamilton (as I became a member of The Neothink Society). I have always been a very good judge of people, and I can honestly say I am not aware of any living person who I believe is more honest, and who cares more about the individual! I would trust Mark Hamilton with my family’s future because I know what he stands for.

I “was there” when Mark first explained the concept of a new “political” party to Neothink Society members on-line.  – The Twelve Visions Party (TVP).  This was brilliant!!! I’m sure our “founding fathers” would agree!

Thank you Mark Hamilton!

Thank you Mark Hamilton!

          Thank you Mark Hamilton! Your Heirloom books have been of tremendous benefit to me. They have enlightened me in a myriad of beneficial ways. I am now able to recognize those who truly have my best interests at heart. The information in your literature has helped me to be able to “connect the dots” regarding so many of the basic questions I have always had about our purpose of life here on earth. As a result of my exposure to your writings, I am now a more positive person, with a renewed focus on enjoying life while looking forward to a happy, healthy, and prosperous future.

          I really enjoy my association with the like minded people I have discovered as a member of your Neothink Society. I feel the other Neothink Society members I have met are good people. I believe their main purpose is to contribute to making this a better country and world, with happiness for all people their ultimate goal. I always leave our meetings feeling uplifted and better off because of the interchange of thoughts and ideas intended to make our lives better.

          I am looking forward to the growth and expansion of the Twelve Visions political Party. We have gotten away from the ideals of our “Founding Fathers” who created the near perfect United States Constitution. The current state of affairs is evidence that it is time to get back to the “Founding Fathers” wonderful plan and guide. Of the existing political parties, I believe only the Twelve Vision Party has the spirit and substance that will get this nation back on track so “We the People” can live the lives we were meant to live!

Thank you,

~ Bruce A.

March 2025